July 12, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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6. Turkey 1.5. Tuna ,.IELLIES:
CLASS 1 -- BAKED GOODS 7. Sausage 16. Smelt First Place: 2 units of Ball "Quilted Crystal" 7-oz. jelly
We would suggest that as many exhibits as possible be 8. Meat soup 17. Smoked sea food jars, 1 Ball canning book.
brought in plastic food bags. 9. Mince meat 18. Other sea food Second Place: 1 unit of Ball "Quilted Crystal" 7-oz. jelly
Indicate on entry sheet, whether a commercial mix d. Jellies e. Jams f. Preserves g. Marmalades h. Butters jars, 1 Ball canning book.
has been used. (Standard half-pints which will be opened for judging)
Lot Duplicate jars may be entered and one will be opened
for judging.
a. Yeast bread and rolls No wax seals on self-sealed jars on jams and jellies. G -- FLORAL DEPARTMENT
Blue Red White Blue Red White Superintendent: Mrs. Helen Yoshihara, Route 10, Box
Points ........................ 7 3 2 Points 5 3 1 650, Shelton, 426-2677.
1. White bread-loaf 8. Cinnamon rolls (4) ........................
2. Whole wheat bread-loaf 9. Butterhorns (3) (The following sub-lots relate to Lots d, e, f, g, h) Sponsored by the Garden Clubs of Mason County
3. Rye bread-loaf 10. Doughnuts (4)
4. Plain rolls (4) (white) 11. Coffee cake 1. Blackberry 17. Grape Official Committee:
5. Plain rolls (4) (dark) 12. Danish pastry 2. Blueberry = 18. Mint Mrs. Mattie Backlund ................ 426-1253
6. Fancy rolls (4) (cloverleaf, 13. Maple bars (4) 3. Boysenberry 19. Orange Mrs. Pauline Emsley ................. 426-4150
fantail, etc.) 14. Other Mrs. Jean Eliot 426-1472
7. Swedish tea ring 4. Cascade Berry 20. Peach .....................
b. Quick breads 5. Elderberry 21. Pear Mrs. Josephine Moss ................ 426-4618
6. Gooseberry 22. Plum
Blue Red White 7. Loganberry 23. Prune FLORAL DEPARTMENT RULES
Points ........................5 3 1 8. Raspberry 24. Quince 1. The show will be conducted in accordance with the
].Baking powder biscuits (4) 6. Banana bread, loaf 9. Strawberry 25. Rhubarb rules for standard practice. Judges will be accredited by
2. Muffins (4) 7. Orange bread, loaf 10. Youngberry 26. Orange-Rhubarb the National Council of State Garden Clubs.
3. Doughnuts, cake (4) 8. Vegetable bread, loaf 11. Apple 27. Pineapple-Apricot Judging will begin promptly at t:00 p.m. on August
4. Date bread, loaf 9. Other 12. Apricot 28. Pineapple-Peach 16, and all persons will be excluded, except clerks and
5. Nut bread, loaf
,. c. Cakes 13. Cherry (sour) 29. Pineapple-Rhubarb necessary committee personnel.
14. Cherry (sweet) 30. Pineapple-Strawberry 2. Floral Department entries are open to all residents
Blue Red White 15. Crabapple 31. Strawberry-Rhubarb of Mason County. Only one entry per lot will be
Points 10 7 3 16. Currant 32. Other accepted.
(Three-fourths cake will be exhibited -- if decorated it 3. Entries will be received by the Floral Department
must be whole)
Committee on August 16, 8:30 a.m. to t2:00 and must
1. White cake (loaf 10. Angel food cake (white or
or layer) chocolate, no icing) i. Pickles remain in place until 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 19.
2. Yellow cake (loaf or 11. Sponge cake, no icing Blue Red White 4. The decision of the judges will be final.
layer) 12. Chiffon cake Points ........................ 5 3 1 5. All horticultural entries must be grown by the
3. Chocolate cake (loaf or 13. Jelly roll 1. Sweet cucumber 10. Pickled Pears exhibitor and preference will be given to the named
layer) i4. Cup or tea cakes (4) 2. Sour cucumber 11. Watermelon horticulture exhibit.
4. Spice cake (loaf or15. Other 3. Dill 12. Cherry dills 6. Containers will be furnished to horticulture
layer) 16. Decorated cake -- 4. Mustard 13. Spiced Prunes exhibits.
5. Vegetable cake (loaf not to be cut 5. Mixed pickles 14. Apricot SPECIAL AWARD Ribbons will be given for the
or layer) 6. Relishes 15. Bread and butter following categories (Judges' decisions are final and an
6. Banana cake (loaf or 7. Crab Apple 16. Dillie Beans award may be withheld if a worthy exhibit is not
layer) 8. Beet 17. Catsup determined:)
7. Fruit cake-unfrosted 9. Pickled Peaches 18. Other 5 Awards of Merit: a. Gladioli; b. Dahlia; c. Annual; d.
8. Applesauce-unfrosted Lily; e. Rose.
9. Pound cake-unfrosted 1 Best of Show -- Horticulture
U & I SUGAR FAIR AWARDS 1 Best of Show -- Decorative
Points ........................10 7 3 To the exhibitor earning the most total points for all1 Best Design using all fresh plant material -- no
d. Cookies (six cookies will be exhibited) entries made with U & I Sugar and bearing the official U accessories.
Blue Red White & I Sugar labels. 1 Best Novice Design
Points ........................4 2 1 Winners will receive a merchandise certificate of U & I 1 Sweepstakes in Horticulture and t in Decorative
1. Drop cookies 9. Pressed cookies Sugar, redeemable at her own grocery store. Design will be awarded to exhibitor having the most blue
ribbons. In case of a tie red ribbons also will be counted.
a. Light (cooky pressed) ° Canned Fruit, Jams, Jellies,
b. Dark 10. Fancy cookies Preserves and Sweet Pickles Premium points for Horticulture and Decorative
2. Rolled cookies 11. Special holiday 1 First Place Prize 30 pounds of U & I Sugar Design for adults. Blue Red White
3. Refrigerator cookies cookies 1 Second Place Prize 15 pounds of U & I Sugar 5 4 0
4. Pressed cookies 12. Display of foreign 3 Third Place Prizes 5 pounds of U & I Sugar
5. Bar-type cookies cookies (3 kinds, HORTICULTURE
6. Filled cookies 12 cookies) Baked Goods inlcuding Sweet Breads,
7. Brownies 13. Unbaked cookies Cakes, Cookies, Pies and Candy Color Key
8. Pinwheel cookies 14. Snickerdoodles 1 First Place Prize 20 pounds of U & I Sugar
15. Other 1 Second Place Prize 10 pounds of U & I Sugar W - White R - Red L - Lavendar
e. Pies (size: 4" - 6" pans, exhibit a whole pie) 3 Third Place Prizes 5 pounds of U & I Sugar P - Pink O - Orange Y - Yellow
BIC - Bicolor BI - Blend V - Variegated
Points ........................ 5 3 1 To further stimulate interest in home canning, KERR
1. Apple pie, double 4. Cherry pie is offering nine dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, DIVISION 1 -- TUBERS -- CORMS
crust 5. Assorted two-crust piethree dozen Mason half pint jars and eight Kerr home
2. Berry pie, double 6. One-crust pie canning books. (All dahlias must have one pair of leaves attached and
crust 7. Tarts (4) From each class, as indicated below, shall be selected must be a single bloom.)
3. Mincemeat pie 8. Other the two best exhibits canned in Kerr jars and sealed with Exhibitors may not enter the same variety in more
f. Candy (six pieces per plate) Kerr caps and lids to receive the following: than one class.
Blue Red White FRUITS:
Points ........................ 5 3 1 First Place: 2 dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, I CLASS I-- DAHLIAS
1. Fudge 4. Fondant Kerr home canning book. (8" or over)
2. Divinity 5. Caramels Second Place: 1 dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, 1 Lot
3. Peanut Brittle 6. Other Kerr home canning book. a. Straight cactus
b. Semi-Cactus
First Place: 2 dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, 1 d. Formal Decorative
Lot Kerr home canning book. e. Informal Decorative
a. Canned fruit (standard pints or quarts -- Please Second Place: I dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, 1
remove jar rings). Kerr home canning book. h. Orchid Flowering
Blue Red White i Collarette
Points ........................ 5 3 1 PICKLES & RELISHES: j. Anemone (Bishop series, crested top)
1. Apples 13. Pears First Place: 2 dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, 1 k. Water Lily
2. Apricots 14. Plums Kerr home canning book.
3. Blackberries 15. Raspberries Second place: 1 dozen wide mouth Mason quart jars, 1 f.1 bloom on a plate
4. Cherries (sour) 16. Prunes Kerr home canning book.
5. Cherries (sweet, dark) 17. Blackcaps CLASS 2 --DAHLIAS
6. Cherries (light) IU. R-hubarb JAMS & JELLIES: 4 to 8 inches
7. Gooseberries 19. Strawberries First Place: 2 dozen Mason half-pint jars, 1 Kerr home Lot
8. Huckleberries 20. Fruit Salad Mix canning book. a. Straight Cactus
9. Loganberries 21. Applesauce Second Place: 1 dozen Mason half-pint jars, 1 Kerr home b. Incurved Cactus
10. Boysenberries 22. Blueberries canning book. c. Semi-Cactus
11. Youngberries 23. Other d. Informal decorative
12. Peaches SPECIAL AWARDS e. Formal decorative
To further stimulate and reward the interest in home f. Ball
b. Canned vegetables (standard pints or quarts) canning, Ball Brothers Company, West Coast Division, g. Single
Please remove jar rings, offers a total of nine dozen Ball "Sculptured Glass" h. Orchid flowering (Water Lily type)
Blue Red White canning jars, eight units of Ball "Quilted Crystal" jelly i. Collarette
Points ........................ 5 3 1 jars and ten Ball canning books, j. Anemone (Bishop series, crested tops)
1. Asparagus 12. Corn, creamed From each class as indicated below shall be slected the
2. Beans, snap, whole 13. Tomatoes, whole ten best exhibits canned in Ball jars and sealed with Ball
3. Beans, snap, green 14. Tomatoes, stewed caps and lids to receive the following: CLASS 3 -- MINIATURE DAHLIAS
or yellow 15. Tomato juice Under 4 inches
4. Shell beans 16. Vegetable salad mix FRUITS: Lot
5. Beets, baby, whole 17. Sauerkraut First Place: 1 dz. Ball "Sculptured Glass" 1 pt. widea. Straight Cactus
6. Beets, sliced or 18. Cauliflower mouth jars, 1 dz, Ball "Sculptured Glass" 1½-pt. wideb. Incurved Cactus
cubed 19. Mushrooms mouth jars, 1-Ball canning book. c. Semi-Cactus
7. Carrots, whole 20. Green Tomato Second Place: 1 dz. Ball "Sculptured Glass" 1V2-pt. wide d. Formal decorative
8. Carrots, sliced Mince Meat mouth jars, 1 Ball canning book. e. informal decorative
or diced 21. Other f. Ball
g. Baby
t0. Peas First Place: I dz. Ball "Scuptured Glass" 1-pt. wide h. Pompon (under 2 inches) side
t]. Corn, whole mouth jars, I dz. Ball "Sculptured Glass" t~z-pt, wide buds removed at show.
mouth jars, 1 Ball canning book.
c. Canned meat or fish (standard half-pint pint or Second Place: 1 dz. Ball "Sculptured Glass" lVz-pt, wide
quart) Please remove jar rings, mouth jars, I Ball canning book.
Blue Red White CLASS 4 -- SEED DAHLIAS
Points ........................ 8 4 1 JAMS: Lot
t. Beef tO. Other meat First Place: 2 units of Ball "Quilted Crystal" 7-oz. jelly a. Single
2. Pork 11. Clams jars, 1 Ball canning book. b. Double
3. Veal 12. Oysters Second Place: 1 unit of Ball "Quilted Crystal" 7-oz. A special award of merit will be awarded to the most
4. Rabbit 13. Salmon jelly jars, 1 Ball canning book. perfect Dahlia.
Page S-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973
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Martin Auseth, County Commissioner
John Bariekman, County Commissioner
William Hunter, County Commissioner
Ruth Boysen, County Auditor
John Cole, CountyTreasurer
Willis Burnett, County
McNair, County Sheriff
Elaine Province, County Clerk
:lanahan, County
(sponsored by the elected officials in Mason County)
Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-11