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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(One cut, stem foliage attached, cotor c|ass.) Lot a. Trumpet (Regal) b. Upward facing c. Nodding flowers d. Reflexed petals (Tiger, e. Outward facing f. Any other Rubrum) CLASS 6 -- GLADIOLAS (One spike with self foliage) (one or more spikes may be by one exhibitor, provided varieties.) entered in each color class they are different named USE COLOR KEY FROM LAST YEAR Lot a. Miniature -- 21/z'' or less b. Small -- 2Vz" to 3VF' c. Medium -- 31/z'' to 41/z'' d. Large -- 4Vz" to 5Vz" e. Giant -- 51/z'' or over The size measurements are across the width of the open florets. CLASS 7 --TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Use plastic doilie under bloom) Lot a. One male bloom with female attached, no leaves. b. 3 types displayed on a pie tin c. 1 plant in a pot. DIVISION II PERENNIALS CLASS 8 -- CHRYSANTHEMUMS Lot a. Early disbudded, 1 stem b. Spoon, 1 stem c. Early Garden, 1 stem d. Pompon, I spray e. Cushion, one spray f. Button g. Any other, one stem or spray CLASS 9 -- HYDRANGEA Use color key. Lot a. One Round Head (sterile flowers) b. One Flat Head (sterile flowers encircling a cluster of fertile flowers.) CLASS 10 -- DAISIES (Three blooms, same color) Lot a. Shasta, including Esther Reed b. Gloriosa c. Chiffon d. Rudbeckia e. Michaelmas -- Spray f. Other :~ !i! (Color classes as needed. Must be at least well formed center.) Lot a. One bloom Hybrid Tea (disbudded) b. One spray Floribunda c. One spray Grandiflora d. One spray, or one single bloom of Climbing or Pillar rose. DIVISION III -- ANNUALS CLASS 12 -- ZINNIAS Lot a. One bloom, large double b. One bloom, large single c. One bloom, Fantasy d. Three blooms, small flowered e. Three blooms, Dwarf (lilliput) f. Other CLASS 13 -- MARIGOLDS Lot a. One disbudded bloom, tall growing b. Three tall growing c. Spray French etc., low growing d. Spray Cupid, etc., dwarf growing e. Calendula, spray f. Other CLASS 14 -- OTHER ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS (Three specimens types or colors.) Lot a. Carnation b. Pinks c. Asters d. Snap dragon 2/3 open with LOT a. One plant to a pot b. More than one plant c. Any other to a pot DIVISION V -- COLLECTIONS (Foliage attached) CLASS 18 -- FLORAL COLLECTIONS (each plant or flower of a different color the same family) Lot a. Dahlias b. Gladiolus c. Marigolds d. 5 potted plants -- Begonias, Geraniums Lilies, Fuchsias, etc. or type 2. Exact age of exhibitor to be placed on every tag. DIVISION Vl --JUNIOR HORTICULTURE DIVISION RULES 1. Exhibit must be grown by exhibitor. 2. Exact age of exhibitor to be placed on entry tag. 3. Entries will be judged on its own merits. but in entry Page S-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973 of same variety, same e. f. g. h. or different Pansy Sweetpea Nasturtium Other DIVISION IV --POTTED PLANTS CLASS 15 -- FLOWERING POTTED PLANTS (Must be in bloom, one plant to container.) Lot a. Geranium (Zonale, Martha Washington) b. Begonia 1. Wax 2. Angel Wing 3. Rex 4. Other c. African Violet - single bloom, single crown. d. African Violet - double bloom, single crown e. Any other CLASS 1 6 -- FOLIAGE POTTED PLANTS (Grown primarily for foliage) Lot a. Sansevieria b. Jade c. Fancy Leaf, or Fragrant d. Wandering Jew e. Philodendron f. Ferns g. Dish Garden - 3 or more h. Any other Geranium plants DIVISION VII --DECORATIVE DESIGNS DIVISION RULES 1. Exhibitors will be entered in 3 areas in each class. NOVICE (N) one who has never won a blue ribbon. AMATEUR (A) having won 5 blue ribbons ADVANCED AMATEUR (AA) having won 5 or more blue ribbons 2. All lots must contain fresh cut, plant material. 3. No artificial flowers or foliage allowed 4. Only one entry per lot. S. The exhibitor must furnish container. 6. Decision of the judges will be final. CLASS 19 -- SENIORS Lot a. Black and white arrangement, including container. b. Featuring an Attractive or Unusual Bottle. c. Gleanings from the Roadside; Rushes, weeds, seeds, grasses. d. Featuring Roses e. -Coffee Time for a Man f. TREASURES FROM YESTER YEARS g. An arrangement featuring a MADONNA with native greens h. Candle Glow i. Symphony in Yellow and Green j. Old Fashioned Garden -- Mass of blooms in old fashioned container. DIVISION VIII --JUNIOR DECORATIVE Blue Red White Premium points allowed .......... 4 2 1 CLASS 20 -- AGE 5 TO 8 (lr3J,~Od3~ NsrIv (]NVA H 's HOODSPORT TEXACO JHRXS SRO~3DNVG The usual service station stuff. Harry Coles, Prop. WALLPAPER Fabrics - Woven Wood - Bedspreads - Shades - Rods REMNANTS AT KAY'S STRINGS AND THINGS - Carpeting & INTERIORS 113 S. 2nd. Shelton, Wa. Kay Gott Phone 426-6207 409 Railroad Avenue Phone 426-6432 Ear Piercing LADY ARROW BLOUSES -- PENDLETON -- GARLAND MEN'S PENDLETON -- NUNN BUSH SHOES -- ARROW DOUBLE KNIT SLACKS -- SPORT COATS & SUITS Have a good time at the Mason County Fair 19731 Offering the best values/ 417 Home furnishings • TV • washers • Gifts Tires * Freezers * Clothing * Dryers Appliances • Sports equipment • etc. Office ornery Catalog Sales W. Railroad PHONE Shelton 426-2691 Fair Weekend - Come and Mason County grandstands- concession Fairgrounds Hamburgers * Hot dogs * Shakes * Soft Drinks Soft Ice Cream * All to go or eat here! Ceramics of all kinds 6 miles from Shelton on the Bayshore Rd. SHOP BY PHONE 24 HRS. A DAY SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 426-8201 129 Railroad Phone A Complete Line of Potted Plants, Artificial Flowers, Ceramic Gifts & Flowering Trees of all Kindsl 16 10 Olyml)ic Hwy. N. Shelton YOU'RE IN A GOOD STATE Shelton Rockhound Supplies Macrame Sat. only Aug. 18,1973 starts 7:30 pm. ELECTRICALLY .ii :/:)i! ..... A cleaner outdoors.., a healthier and more comfortable indoors -- electricity creates a superior environment. Electricity keeps Washington clean and improves the quality ~f life. You benefit.., so do your children and your community. MASON COUNTY P.U.D. No. 3 Edwin Taylor, President Harold W. Parkw, Vice President Jack Cole, Secretary Jerry Samples, Manager Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-g