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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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raLee heads to ]klollywood Lee Roznowski, known stage name of Laura Lee, her acting skills to the will compete in the Team Championships of Per- Arts. from Shelton, she a scholarship and gradu- high honors from Shel- School. She was awarded of the year" three out years in high school. She under award-winning act- Dean Tarrach at Shel- and attributes her acting him. acted since she was a and studied drama and at the University Laura Lee Roznowski costs. Mentioning Lee&apos;s name at the door will help support her. The actual competition will take place from Saturday, July 28, though Sunday, August 5, in Hol- lywood, Califbrnia. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of Perfbrming Arts calls itself the "Olympics of Performing Artists." Now in its 11th year, the annual is the granddaughter of Lillian Peste, who were tree farmers, and of Gib and Sharon of Shelton. NOW HOSTS a faith- ational, hour- show on public access which is broadcast on at 9 p.m. on Chan- 'i Northwest Team's talent ts_e will run from 5 to 7 p.m. laday, July 15 The perfor- i will take place at Capital use, located at 612 Fourth East in Olympia. )ets are $18 per person at r. All proceeds go directly b+ contestant to help offset event invites people from 52 coun- tries to the U.S. to compete for bronze, silver and gold medals. More than 100 industry profes- sionals are invited as judges. Nova Model and Talent Scouts is the official scouting agency for this event. Lee auditioned and qualified for all six acting catego- ries. She wrote four out of the six dramas she will perform. She will also compete in four modeling cat- egories. Lee has been a playwright for about 15 years. She belongs to Westwood Baptist Church in Olympia and is involved in the drama ministry there. She and three other women be- long to a ministry called King's Daughters, which presents inspi- rational speaking and performs dramatic productions at retreats for Christian women. SHE IS AN advertising consul- tant for a phone directories com- pany in Olympia, has been mar- ried for almost 30 years and has two daughters. She lives in Olym- pia now, but she and her husband Michael lived in Shelton for sev- eral years. During this time, she owned a decorating store called Final Touch Interiors and Gifts on Cota Street. More information about the competition is available at: www. on- line. Shawna and Josh Labberton Geier, Labberton marry in Lacey Shawna Geier and Josh Lab- berton were married on June 10. Their wedding took place at the Lacey Community Center in Lac- ey. Minister Karen Layman per- formed the wedding ceremony. Megan (Powers) Whiteman at- tendees as matron of honor, along with best man Andy Law. The bride is the daughter of Alan and Alicia Geier of Union. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2001 and fl'om Washing. ton State University in 2003. She works as a paraeducator at 1'io neer School. The groom is the son of Jame;,', and Doris Labbert(m of Richhmd. He graduated in 1998 from Uni- versity High School in Spokane and from Washington State Uni- versity in 2003. He works at The Ram restaurant in Lacey. The newlyweds honeymooned at Ocean Shores. They liw; in Lacey. j00dopt-a-Pet Dt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun- up whose placement services, :_ and spay-neuter assistance  are financed through month- ge sales held on the second y of the month at 210 Grove 'All dogs are vet-checked and |or neutered. A432-3091 to set up a kennel "/o donate items call 426-4269. IJ|ll- y'neuter assistance call 426- WIore information is available ,W.adoptapet.wa org on the € abused or abandoned cats and kittens. The group provides foster care in vol- unteers' homes until the animals can be placed in permanent homes. Adop- tion fee includes spay-neuter service, feline AIDS test and parasite control. To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call 426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations are accepted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton, 98584. HAS been at the Adopt- kennels for more than reo s. Socks is about 6 , m and behaves well, -r:n't like to share with | v gs. Socks loves jump- Pt catch a ball, playing [playing in the water and |People. Adopt-a-Pet re- lib a secure environment dogs. Call 432.3091 to [7 lehne Friends Fe Friends is a nonprofit vol- Lgr°uP whose mission is rescu- homes for homeless, SPUNKY, AN "adorable red- head," according to volunteers, is packed up and ready for an adoptive home. They add that his beautiful tortie sister Re. gina would like to be adopted with him. Both are imniunized and vet.checked. Call Kitten Rescue of Mason County eve- nings at 426-2455. Kitten Rescue Kitten Rescue of Mason County is a nonprofit volunteer group which res- cues and finds homes for abandoned kittens. Adoption fee includes spay- neuter service, feline leukemia test and immunizations. Quarterly garage sales support the group. For informa- tion on kitties available for adoption or to donate items for the garage sales, call 426-2455 or go to www.kitten- Announcement? The Journal has forms Forms are available in the office at 227 West Cota for weddings, engagements, anniversaries and meeting announcements. They are also available for downloading at our Web site, www.masoncoun- ICLO EOUT! Patio Furniture Complete Sets 40% OFF! Biggest Savings of the Yea, rl [UMSRELLAandBase 30%0FFI /n  ck I},, w/I .r r .:, o! < omAea p,aio s. 00HERITAGE "''* IPlIIIPUCl JHOH. INC. 1 77"" 19410 Viking Av''NW ' p°ulsb° (Acr°ss fr°m p°u'sb° Rv, I!Z' _ gq:ll 40gOW St Hwy. 16. Sremeron (At Gorst on Waterside) www heritageflreplaceshop €am / City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs currently available may be viewed at: on-line. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- day through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Here's one of the dogs available this week: Shar Pei mix, male, 2 years old. WSU Master Gardeners of Mason County Present Featuring gardens in the She#on and Alderbrook areas o TK00'T LO00TIONJ': Sage Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral, Ferguson's Flowers, Lost Lake Nursery, Oakland Bay Garden Center, Sharon's Garden Center, Cameo Boutique (Union), Lourie's Hoodsport Gift & Liquor, The Trading Pest Liquor & Gifts {Alyn), AG 3 Garden Center, Belfoir Valley Nursery, McLendon's Hardware, Harsline Island Farmers' Market, Sheftan Farmer's Market and Oakland Boy Organic Form FROn I0 AM = 4 PM /:XT£NMON For more informati(,l contact Morgie PleD,.;h 426-2827 80 YEARS OF RAYONIER A Photograph Exhibit Mason County Historical Museum Shehon, Washington June 22- September 3, 2007 Program Eve,its WEDNESDAY JULY 18, 7:00 PM Silviculture- From Planting to Harvest Justin Knobel will discuss Rayonier's silvicultural tradition on the Olympic l?.nins,,ta, an,] how we're r,,wl.; 1., next generation of forests. Justin is the Area Forester for Rayonier's Northwest Forest Resources Clala,n operatio,s and is ,sp,,,sil,k, f,,r th,, planning, implementation and supervision of all sih.icultura[ activities wit]fin the ClalIam tree farm, i.J.Jh,€ ,.,.,el h,:'. Sustainable Forestry. Initiative ® standards for the protection of water quality a.d soils, wildhfc and tal,ltat ,:hv.,rsilv. Justin has a Bachelor of Science degree in forest management rom the University of \\;shitgt,,,L WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 7:00 PM Igldlife aMForestry on Industrial Forest/and in Western Washi.gton Dan Varland holds a Ph.D. in Animal Ecology and has worked as a wildhfe biologist fi, Ray,,,,ic 14 y.a,:s. Rayonier is a publicly held timber company with 370,l)00 acres ,,f fi,resl la.,I i. weste,',, \\;'(',,sl,h,t,,,, ;,,,,I ,,,,,,,, than 2.7 milhon in total worldwide. In this presentation, Dan will describe large la,ad,,w,wr apt..,,a,:hs t<, f,,,,sl,y and the Washington forest practice rules that guide these approaches. Dan's resear,:h and ,,,a,,ag*,,,,',,t ,a,ivit k'. are focused on addressing the habitat needs of forest wildlife, especially threatened and e.da.g,:,.cd sl>c,.ies, i, the managed forest enviromuent, tie will describe the ways in which Rayonier provides hahitat for the ,,ortJ,cr,, spotted owl, marbled murMet, bald eagle and odaer wddhfe. Dan will discuss an i,anovative research project, national in scope and ongoing in Washington since 1.996, focused on creating wood decay thr,,ug] the inoc.latio. of trees with fimgi. The goal of this research is to address the needs of cavity-,let, c,.le,,t wildlife, tl,ercl,y c.],a,.:i. biodiversity in an intensively managed environment. raLee heads to ]klollywood Lee Roznowski, known stage name of Laura Lee, her acting skills to the will compete in the Team Championships of Per- Arts. from Shelton, she a scholarship and gradu- high honors from Shel- School. She was awarded of the year" three out years in high school. She under award-winning act- Dean Tarrach at Shel- and attributes her acting him. acted since she was a and studied drama and at the University Laura Lee Roznowski costs. Mentioning Lee's name at the door will help support her. The actual competition will take place from Saturday, July 28, though Sunday, August 5, in Hol- lywood, Califbrnia. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of Perfbrming Arts calls itself the "Olympics of Performing Artists." Now in its 11th year, the annual is the granddaughter of Lillian Peste, who were tree farmers, and of Gib and Sharon of Shelton. NOW HOSTS a faith- ational, hour- show on public access which is broadcast on at 9 p.m. on Chan- 'i Northwest Team's talent ts_e will run from 5 to 7 p.m. laday, July 15 The perfor- i will take place at Capital use, located at 612 Fourth East in Olympia. )ets are $18 per person at r. All proceeds go directly b+ contestant to help offset event invites people from 52 coun- tries to the U.S. to compete for bronze, silver and gold medals. More than 100 industry profes- sionals are invited as judges. Nova Model and Talent Scouts is the official scouting agency for this event. Lee auditioned and qualified for all six acting catego- ries. She wrote four out of the six dramas she will perform. She will also compete in four modeling cat- egories. Lee has been a playwright for about 15 years. She belongs to Westwood Baptist Church in Olympia and is involved in the drama ministry there. She and three other women be- long to a ministry called King's Daughters, which presents inspi- rational speaking and performs dramatic productions at retreats for Christian women. SHE IS AN advertising consul- tant for a phone directories com- pany in Olympia, has been mar- ried for almost 30 years and has two daughters. She lives in Olym- pia now, but she and her husband Michael lived in Shelton for sev- eral years. During this time, she owned a decorating store called Final Touch Interiors and Gifts on Cota Street. More information about the competition is available at: www. on- line. Shawna and Josh Labberton Geier, Labberton marry in Lacey Shawna Geier and Josh Lab- berton were married on June 10. Their wedding took place at the Lacey Community Center in Lac- ey. Minister Karen Layman per- formed the wedding ceremony. Megan (Powers) Whiteman at- tendees as matron of honor, along with best man Andy Law. The bride is the daughter of Alan and Alicia Geier of Union. She graduated from Shelton High School in 2001 and fl'om Washing. ton State University in 2003. She works as a paraeducator at 1'io neer School. The groom is the son of Jame;,', and Doris Labbert(m of Richhmd. He graduated in 1998 from Uni- versity High School in Spokane and from Washington State Uni- versity in 2003. He works at The Ram restaurant in Lacey. The newlyweds honeymooned at Ocean Shores. They liw; in Lacey. j00dopt-a-Pet Dt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun- up whose placement services, :_ and spay-neuter assistance  are financed through month- ge sales held on the second y of the month at 210 Grove 'All dogs are vet-checked and |or neutered. A432-3091 to set up a kennel "/o donate items call 426-4269. IJ|ll- y'neuter assistance call 426- WIore information is available ,W.adoptapet.wa org on the € abused or abandoned cats and kittens. The group provides foster care in vol- unteers' homes until the animals can be placed in permanent homes. Adop- tion fee includes spay-neuter service, feline AIDS test and parasite control. To adopt a kitten or adult cat, call 426-2588 or 360-866-0599. Donations are accepted at P.O. Box 27, Shelton, 98584. HAS been at the Adopt- kennels for more than reo s. Socks is about 6 , m and behaves well, -r:n't like to share with | v gs. Socks loves jump- Pt catch a ball, playing [playing in the water and |People. Adopt-a-Pet re- lib a secure environment dogs. Call 432.3091 to [7 lehne Friends Fe Friends is a nonprofit vol- Lgr°uP whose mission is rescu- homes for homeless, SPUNKY, AN "adorable red- head," according to volunteers, is packed up and ready for an adoptive home. They add that his beautiful tortie sister Re. gina would like to be adopted with him. Both are imniunized and vet.checked. Call Kitten Rescue of Mason County eve- nings at 426-2455. Kitten Rescue Kitten Rescue of Mason County is a nonprofit volunteer group which res- cues and finds homes for abandoned kittens. Adoption fee includes spay- neuter service, feline leukemia test and immunizations. Quarterly garage sales support the group. For informa- tion on kitties available for adoption or to donate items for the garage sales, call 426-2455 or go to www.kitten- Announcement? The Journal has forms Forms are available in the office at 227 West Cota for weddings, engagements, anniversaries and meeting announcements. They are also available for downloading at our Web site, www.masoncoun- ICLO EOUT! Patio Furniture Complete Sets 40% OFF! Biggest Savings of the Yea, rl [UMSRELLAandBase 30%0FFI /n  ck I},, w/I .r r .:, o! < omAea p,aio s. 00HERITAGE "''* IPlIIIPUCl JHOH. INC. 1 77"" 19410 Viking Av''NW ' p°ulsb° (Acr°ss fr°m p°u'sb° Rv, I!Z' _ gq:ll 40gOW St Hwy. 16. Sremeron (At Gorst on Waterside) www heritageflreplaceshop €am / City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs currently available may be viewed at: on-line. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- day through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Here's one of the dogs available this week: Shar Pei mix, male, 2 years old. WSU Master Gardeners of Mason County Present Featuring gardens in the She#on and Alderbrook areas o TK00'T LO00TIONJ': Sage Book Store, Lynch Creek Floral, Ferguson's Flowers, Lost Lake Nursery, Oakland Bay Garden Center, Sharon's Garden Center, Cameo Boutique (Union), Lourie's Hoodsport Gift & Liquor, The Trading Pest Liquor & Gifts {Alyn), AG 3 Garden Center, Belfoir Valley Nursery, McLendon's Hardware, Harsline Island Farmers' Market, Sheftan Farmer's Market and Oakland Boy Organic Form FROn I0 AM = 4 PM /:XT£NMON For more informati(,l contact Morgie PleD,.;h 426-2827 80 YEARS OF RAYONIER A Photograph Exhibit Mason County Historical Museum Shehon, Washington June 22- September 3, 2007 Program Eve,its WEDNESDAY JULY 18, 7:00 PM Silviculture- From Planting to Harvest Justin Knobel will discuss Rayonier's silvicultural tradition on the Olympic l?.nins,,ta, an,] how we're r,,wl.; 1., next generation of forests. Justin is the Area Forester for Rayonier's Northwest Forest Resources Clala,n operatio,s and is ,sp,,,sil,k, f,,r th,, planning, implementation and supervision of all sih.icultura[ activities wit]fin the ClalIam tree farm, i.J.Jh,€ ,.,.,el h,:'. Sustainable Forestry. Initiative ® standards for the protection of water quality a.d soils, wildhfc and tal,ltat ,:hv.,rsilv. Justin has a Bachelor of Science degree in forest management rom the University of \\;shitgt,,,L WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 7:00 PM Igldlife aMForestry on Industrial Forest/and in Western Washi.gton Dan Varland holds a Ph.D. in Animal Ecology and has worked as a wildhfe biologist fi, Ray,,,,ic 14 y.a,:s. Rayonier is a publicly held timber company with 370,l)00 acres ,,f fi,resl la.,I i. weste,',, \\;'(',,sl,h,t,,,, ;,,,,I ,,,,,,,, than 2.7 milhon in total worldwide. In this presentation, Dan will describe large la,ad,,w,wr apt..,,a,:hs t<, f,,,,sl,y and the Washington forest practice rules that guide these approaches. Dan's resear,:h and ,,,a,,ag*,,,,',,t ,a,ivit k'. are focused on addressing the habitat needs of forest wildlife, especially threatened and e.da.g,:,.cd sl>c,.ies, i, the managed forest enviromuent, tie will describe the ways in which Rayonier provides hahitat for the ,,ortJ,cr,, spotted owl, marbled murMet, bald eagle and odaer wddhfe. Dan will discuss an i,anovative research project, national in scope and ongoing in Washington since 1.996, focused on creating wood decay thr,,ug] the inoc.latio. of trees with fimgi. The goal of this research is to address the needs of cavity-,let, c,.le,,t wildlife, tl,ercl,y c.],a,.:i. biodiversity in an intensively managed environment.