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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The root of the problem e f 0nd  il "artlng )rw feet crew from the Shelton Department of Public Works out a stump at the corner of Seventh Street Railroad Avenue. Trees were cut down and their removed because their root systems were to cause problems for a water line running a feet beneath the street. :il he ¸ eeper hold pro is lharged in assault n one-armed man  trained professional fighter sed of assaulting a Little e Casino patron and break- his prosthetic arm appeared a late for arraignment in Ma- County Superior Court. I aaes Michael Marohl, 24, of Old Highway 410, Olympia, ed $5,000 bail and failed to Wear in cou, n Thursda Jul t'llr .. o y, y ,' arraignment in an assault aStlgation and Judge Toni sldon issued a $10,000 warrant s Isis. arrest. When he appeared OUly 6, his court-appointed e.sel Jeanette Boothe asked t!Udge to quash the $10,000 Iant and reinstate the $5,000 ,y lu. eldon reinstated the lower i',l but did not grant a defense est to allow contact between hl and Sean McFadden, his and a potential witness in Case. Iarohl pied not guilty to a rge of assault in the third de- pretrial hearing on September 10 and trial during the jury term be- ginning September 25. He was arrested June 27 by Deputy Ruben Castillo of the Mason County Sheriffs Office re- sponding to a report from Little Creek Casino of an alleged assault on Joseph R. Peterson. Marohl, who said he had been training as a fighter for four years, reportedly put "a sleeper hold" on Peterson, causing him to lose consciousness. Peterson had been involved in an incident with Sean P. McFadden in the lobby of the hotel. Against medical advice, he declined to be transported to the hospital. The incident is recorded on surveillance video. Peterson has a prosthetic right arm which was broken in the incident. The al- leged victim reportedly said a new arm costs about $6,000. Marohl is a trained fighter and has upcoming fights scheduled in the area, according to McFadden,  and is scheduled for an om- who said he teaches "his guys to ts hearing on August 20, a restrain and not hit." v JtCharges filed in Mason were r[ y Superior Court against a lebay man arrested when of- Iss with the West Sound Nar- Js Enforcement Team served a rrch warrant at a Belfair resi- bert Doug Pierce, 45, Iiisccheduled for arraignment .vOnday in an investigation danufacture of methamphet- te and possession of meth. He t released from all conditions l°Sed by the court l °ur other people scheduled for #gnnent on July 5 were told ,uarges had been filed, includ- 4 a Couple arrested in a poten- drug case.  .T'.acy Dawn Williams, 34, ri[nichael Troy Williams, 44, of 521 Rivendell, Grapeview, were released from the Mason County Jail after no charges were filed within 72 hours of their ar- rest in an investigation of posses- sion of methamphetamine, Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy reported. • Daniel Rodney Snyder, 19, of 20 SE Sol La Tah Loop, Shelten, appeared after his arrest in an in- vestigation of possession of a pre- scription drug without a prescrip- tion. Judge Toni Sheldon exoner- ated the $5,000 bail he posted. • Joseph Lynn Longshore, 30 of 91 North Salish Court, Shel- ton, appeared for arraignment after being arrested in an investi- gation of theft in the third degree and unlawful possession of a pre- scription drug, Methadone. Judge Sheldon exonerated $2,500 bail he posted. UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS *Motor Oils and Hydraulic Oils * , Industrial Lubricants AUtomotive Oils : Metal Working Flu I sGreases and Gear u" * Solvents Antifreeze k . ' Cutting Oils Superior court roundup: Couple i:s; arrested in theft of in-law's vintage vehicle A man and woman arrested in a vehicle which had been reported stolen by the sister of the ma.n's brother-in-law but which the cou- ple claimed belonged to them be- cause the man's sister gave it to them appeared in Mason County Superior Court. William Peter Tietjen, 42, and Dusti Rose Conway, 30, both of 410 East Agate Beach Road, Shel- ten, were identified on Tuesday in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the second degree involving a 1986 Mercury Cougar owned by Joann Clinton. She is the sister of Tietjen's broth- er-in-law, Kirk Thompson. According to a probable-cause statement prepared by Deputy Kel- ly LaFrance of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, Clinton gave the vehicle to Thompson who in turn gave it to Tietjen. Tietjen's sister, Anita Thompson, reportedly said she and her brother worked on the Cougar and got it running so she gave it to him when his personal vehicle broke down. Anita Thompson asked for the car back in early June and Con- way reportedly refused to return it so Clinton reported the vehicle sto- len on June 12. Both Conway and Tietjen reportedly said they were told by Kirk Thompson that the stolen vehicle report was canceled. Judge James Sawyer told Tietjen he did not qualify financially for court-appointed counsel and would have to hire an attorney. He ap- pointed James Gazori to represent Conway. He ordered the couple to have no contact with Clinton. He released the two on their promises to appear for arraign- ment on July 23. Also on Tuesday, July 10: • Franklin Howard Hayes IV, 33, of 50 West Olde Bell Road, Shelten, was identified in an inves- tigation of possession of metham- phetamine. He was arrested July 9 by Offi- cer Ken Driver of the Shelton Police Department who reported stepping the vehicle Hayes was driving for having an improper side mirror and a defective brake light and learned there were warrants for his arrest. The officer said he searched the ve- hicle and found a sock between the driver's and passenger's seats that contained a smoking device with a residue which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sawyer appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraign- ment for July 16. On Monday, July 9: * Cheryl Lynn Kincaid, 37, of 1201 Shetland Road, Shelten, was identified in an investigation of possession of methamphetamine. She has also been known by the last name Rugee. She was arrested July 7 by a deputy who reportedly stopped the vehicle in which she was a pas- senger and learned she had out- standing warrants for her arrest. The deputy reported searching the vehicle and finding a white purse belonging to Kincaid which con- tained two smoking devices and a jar containing a white crystal sub- stance which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Toni Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraign- ment for July 16. • Anthony Michael Sam Mar- tin, 23, of 401 NE Bear Creek-De- watte Road, Belfair, was identified in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the first degree. He was arrested July 8 by Dep- uty Kelly LaFrance who said she was acting on information that a man known as "Tony" who lives on Bear Creek-Dewatto Road was driving a stolen Honda Prelude. Martin, who had a warrant for his I I TRbEK rac|nfl gamoline ,,, *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns * Heating Oil Delivered * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene Located at Sanderson , ORS W Industrial Park u.Or.AZ.@ "00"She,ton 42 7-8084 arrest, reportedly was found with two black Honda Preludes. One of them, which had the vehicle identi- fication number scratched off, had been reported by Donald Phillips to the Shelton Police Department. Martin allegedly claimed he bought the stolen vehicle from a man in Bremerton for $250 and put the plates from his Honda on the one he bought. Martin, who works at Burien Honda in the Se- attle area, reportedly said he can have keys made for a Honda if the VIN is provided. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 16. She ordered Martin to have no contact with Phillips, Ken- dra York or Erin Gale. On Friday, July 6: • Kyle Daniel Lane, 22, of 9748 West Cloquallum Road, Shel- ton, was identified in an investiga- tion of possession of an explosive device without a license. He was arrested July 5 on State Route 3 just south of Arcadia Av- enue by Officer Chris Kostad of the Shelton Police Department who said he stopped the vehicle Lane was driving for having no front li- cense plate and learned the man had five outstanding warrants for his arrest. Kostad said he searched the ve: hicle and found a black plastic con- tainer which was wrapped in black electrical tape and had a fuse pro- truding from one side. He said that after identifying it as an impro- vised explosive device he notified the bomb squad of the Washington State Patrol. Lane claimed he got the device from his girlfriend but he did not know what the explosive component of the device was. Judge Sheldon appointed Jea- nette Boothe as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500, and scheduled arraignment for July 13. • Michael Allen Glenn, 22, of 1759 Holman Street, Shelten, was identified in an investigation of possession of methamphetamine. He was arrested around 2:35 a.m. on July 6 by a deputy who reported stopping a vehicle driven by Christian L. Neilsen who had a suspended license. Glenn was one of three passengers. The deputy said none of the passengers was wearing a seatbelt and when he searched Glenn he found a small bag containing a white crystalline powder tucked into Glenn's wal- let. The powder field-tested positive for meth, according to the deputy. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraignment for July 13. • Bobble JoLynn Myrick, 30, of 711 West Pine Street, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the first degree. Deputies reportedly were no- tiffed by an informant on July 5 that an Acura reported stolen from Thurston County on June 29 was enroute to Shelton from the Buck's Prairie Store with a woman driv- ing and Thomas Castellane was passed out in the passenger's seat. The deputies drove to 321 West Delight Park Road in Shelton, re- covered the stolen vehicle and ar- rested Myrick. Castellane was not located. Judge Sheldon appointed Serkd as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 13. She order Myrick to have no contact with Castellane, a potential codefendant, who faces charges in tbur superior court cas- es and is on warrant status. On Thursday, July 5: • Tylan Karl Cuzick, 25, 110 North Varden Way, Hoodsport, was identified in an investigation of unlawful use of drug parapbr- nalia. Judge Sheldon said she would not find probable cause for possession of methamphetmine because the substance found in a glass smoking pipe was not tield tested. He was arrested July 3 on a Washington Department of Cor- rections warrant. Officers searched Cuzick and reportedly found a glass smoking pipe in one of his pants pockets which contained a white crystal substance. Judge Sheldon appointed Boothe as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 12. She ordered Cuzick to have no contact with potential witnesses Natalie R. Valencia and Randy E. Deiber, t, and said if Cuz- ick posts bail he must provide an address other than the one on Var- den Way. • James Matthew Zoldak, 38, of 133 Vista View Court, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of felony harassment and assault in the fourth degree. He is suspect- ed of domestic violence against his wife. Zoldak said he would hire a:n attorney and reside at 840 Moun- tain View in Hoodsport with his parents. He was arrested on July 4 at 128 East Alder Street by Officer Kostad who said he was investigating a re- port made at 8:14 p.m. of a domes- tic disturbance at 133 Vista View Court. Kelly A. Zoldak reportedly said her husband of five years ar- rived at the residence drunk and they argued. The suspect allegedly squeezed his wife's arm and wrist and raised his fist to her when she told him to leave. Zoldak repoi- edly told his wiib, "I'm going to put you in the grave." Judge Sheldon set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment tbr July 12. She ordered him to have no contact with Mrs. Zoldak, her place of employment or the resi- dence on Vista View Court. • Malcolm Douglas Cam- pau, 45, of 281 SE Nordquist Road, Shelton, was identified m an investigation of manufacture of marijuana. He appeared in court with an attorney who said Jeffrey Steinborn of Seattle would repre- sent Campau. He was arrested July 2 by Ser- geant Martin Borcherding of the sheriff's office who served a search warrant at Campau's residence. Campau voluntarily told officers he had a marijuana grow op- eration in the barn, according to Borcherding, and admitted he had an ongoing operation for three or four years. Keys from Campau's pocket re- portedly fit a padlock on the barn and officers said they seized 102 marijuana plants. Judge Sheldon said the $2,500 bail which Campau posted would remain in effect and scheduled ar- raignment for July 16. DSHS Children's Administration is looking to contract professional providers for counseling, parenting, drug and alcohol, domestic violence, psychosexual/sexual deviancy and/ or evaluative services to adults and children in Mason, Thurston, Lewis and/or Cowlitz counties. Must meet degree, certification and insurance requirements. $20-$70 hour based on service type. For more information contact Keli Drake at (360) 725-6759. DSHS/DCFS Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 The root of the problem e f 0nd  il "artlng )rw feet crew from the Shelton Department of Public Works out a stump at the corner of Seventh Street Railroad Avenue. Trees were cut down and their removed because their root systems were to cause problems for a water line running a feet beneath the street. :il he ¸ eeper hold pro is lharged in assault n one-armed man  trained professional fighter sed of assaulting a Little e Casino patron and break- his prosthetic arm appeared a late for arraignment in Ma- County Superior Court. I aaes Michael Marohl, 24, of Old Highway 410, Olympia, ed $5,000 bail and failed to Wear in cou, n Thursda Jul t'llr .. o y, y ,' arraignment in an assault aStlgation and Judge Toni sldon issued a $10,000 warrant s Isis. arrest. When he appeared OUly 6, his court-appointed e.sel Jeanette Boothe asked t!Udge to quash the $10,000 Iant and reinstate the $5,000 ,y lu. eldon reinstated the lower i',l but did not grant a defense est to allow contact between hl and Sean McFadden, his and a potential witness in Case. Iarohl pied not guilty to a rge of assault in the third de- pretrial hearing on September 10 and trial during the jury term be- ginning September 25. He was arrested June 27 by Deputy Ruben Castillo of the Mason County Sheriffs Office re- sponding to a report from Little Creek Casino of an alleged assault on Joseph R. Peterson. Marohl, who said he had been training as a fighter for four years, reportedly put "a sleeper hold" on Peterson, causing him to lose consciousness. Peterson had been involved in an incident with Sean P. McFadden in the lobby of the hotel. Against medical advice, he declined to be transported to the hospital. The incident is recorded on surveillance video. Peterson has a prosthetic right arm which was broken in the incident. The al- leged victim reportedly said a new arm costs about $6,000. Marohl is a trained fighter and has upcoming fights scheduled in the area, according to McFadden,  and is scheduled for an om- who said he teaches "his guys to ts hearing on August 20, a restrain and not hit." v JtCharges filed in Mason were r[ y Superior Court against a lebay man arrested when of- Iss with the West Sound Nar- Js Enforcement Team served a rrch warrant at a Belfair resi- bert Doug Pierce, 45, Iiisccheduled for arraignment .vOnday in an investigation danufacture of methamphet- te and possession of meth. He t released from all conditions l°Sed by the court l °ur other people scheduled for #gnnent on July 5 were told ,uarges had been filed, includ- 4 a Couple arrested in a poten- drug case.  .T'.acy Dawn Williams, 34, ri[nichael Troy Williams, 44, of 521 Rivendell, Grapeview, were released from the Mason County Jail after no charges were filed within 72 hours of their ar- rest in an investigation of posses- sion of methamphetamine, Deputy Prosecutor Mike Dorcy reported. • Daniel Rodney Snyder, 19, of 20 SE Sol La Tah Loop, Shelten, appeared after his arrest in an in- vestigation of possession of a pre- scription drug without a prescrip- tion. Judge Toni Sheldon exoner- ated the $5,000 bail he posted. • Joseph Lynn Longshore, 30 of 91 North Salish Court, Shel- ton, appeared for arraignment after being arrested in an investi- gation of theft in the third degree and unlawful possession of a pre- scription drug, Methadone. Judge Sheldon exonerated $2,500 bail he posted. UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS *Motor Oils and Hydraulic Oils * , Industrial Lubricants AUtomotive Oils : Metal Working Flu I sGreases and Gear u" * Solvents Antifreeze k . ' Cutting Oils Superior court roundup: Couple i:s; arrested in theft of in-law's vintage vehicle A man and woman arrested in a vehicle which had been reported stolen by the sister of the ma.n's brother-in-law but which the cou- ple claimed belonged to them be- cause the man's sister gave it to them appeared in Mason County Superior Court. William Peter Tietjen, 42, and Dusti Rose Conway, 30, both of 410 East Agate Beach Road, Shel- ten, were identified on Tuesday in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the second degree involving a 1986 Mercury Cougar owned by Joann Clinton. She is the sister of Tietjen's broth- er-in-law, Kirk Thompson. According to a probable-cause statement prepared by Deputy Kel- ly LaFrance of the Mason County Sheriffs Office, Clinton gave the vehicle to Thompson who in turn gave it to Tietjen. Tietjen's sister, Anita Thompson, reportedly said she and her brother worked on the Cougar and got it running so she gave it to him when his personal vehicle broke down. Anita Thompson asked for the car back in early June and Con- way reportedly refused to return it so Clinton reported the vehicle sto- len on June 12. Both Conway and Tietjen reportedly said they were told by Kirk Thompson that the stolen vehicle report was canceled. Judge James Sawyer told Tietjen he did not qualify financially for court-appointed counsel and would have to hire an attorney. He ap- pointed James Gazori to represent Conway. He ordered the couple to have no contact with Clinton. He released the two on their promises to appear for arraign- ment on July 23. Also on Tuesday, July 10: • Franklin Howard Hayes IV, 33, of 50 West Olde Bell Road, Shelten, was identified in an inves- tigation of possession of metham- phetamine. He was arrested July 9 by Offi- cer Ken Driver of the Shelton Police Department who reported stepping the vehicle Hayes was driving for having an improper side mirror and a defective brake light and learned there were warrants for his arrest. The officer said he searched the ve- hicle and found a sock between the driver's and passenger's seats that contained a smoking device with a residue which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Sawyer appointed Ronald Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraign- ment for July 16. On Monday, July 9: * Cheryl Lynn Kincaid, 37, of 1201 Shetland Road, Shelten, was identified in an investigation of possession of methamphetamine. She has also been known by the last name Rugee. She was arrested July 7 by a deputy who reportedly stopped the vehicle in which she was a pas- senger and learned she had out- standing warrants for her arrest. The deputy reported searching the vehicle and finding a white purse belonging to Kincaid which con- tained two smoking devices and a jar containing a white crystal sub- stance which field-tested positive for meth. Judge Toni Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraign- ment for July 16. • Anthony Michael Sam Mar- tin, 23, of 401 NE Bear Creek-De- watte Road, Belfair, was identified in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the first degree. He was arrested July 8 by Dep- uty Kelly LaFrance who said she was acting on information that a man known as "Tony" who lives on Bear Creek-Dewatto Road was driving a stolen Honda Prelude. Martin, who had a warrant for his I I TRbEK rac|nfl gamoline ,,, *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns * Heating Oil Delivered * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene Located at Sanderson , ORS W Industrial Park u.Or.AZ.@ "00"She,ton 42 7-8084 arrest, reportedly was found with two black Honda Preludes. One of them, which had the vehicle identi- fication number scratched off, had been reported by Donald Phillips to the Shelton Police Department. Martin allegedly claimed he bought the stolen vehicle from a man in Bremerton for $250 and put the plates from his Honda on the one he bought. Martin, who works at Burien Honda in the Se- attle area, reportedly said he can have keys made for a Honda if the VIN is provided. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 16. She ordered Martin to have no contact with Phillips, Ken- dra York or Erin Gale. On Friday, July 6: • Kyle Daniel Lane, 22, of 9748 West Cloquallum Road, Shel- ton, was identified in an investiga- tion of possession of an explosive device without a license. He was arrested July 5 on State Route 3 just south of Arcadia Av- enue by Officer Chris Kostad of the Shelton Police Department who said he stopped the vehicle Lane was driving for having no front li- cense plate and learned the man had five outstanding warrants for his arrest. Kostad said he searched the ve: hicle and found a black plastic con- tainer which was wrapped in black electrical tape and had a fuse pro- truding from one side. He said that after identifying it as an impro- vised explosive device he notified the bomb squad of the Washington State Patrol. Lane claimed he got the device from his girlfriend but he did not know what the explosive component of the device was. Judge Sheldon appointed Jea- nette Boothe as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500, and scheduled arraignment for July 13. • Michael Allen Glenn, 22, of 1759 Holman Street, Shelten, was identified in an investigation of possession of methamphetamine. He was arrested around 2:35 a.m. on July 6 by a deputy who reported stopping a vehicle driven by Christian L. Neilsen who had a suspended license. Glenn was one of three passengers. The deputy said none of the passengers was wearing a seatbelt and when he searched Glenn he found a small bag containing a white crystalline powder tucked into Glenn's wal- let. The powder field-tested positive for meth, according to the deputy. Judge Sheldon appointed Sergi as defense attorney, set bail at $5,000 and scheduled arraignment for July 13. • Bobble JoLynn Myrick, 30, of 711 West Pine Street, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of possession of stolen property in the first degree. Deputies reportedly were no- tiffed by an informant on July 5 that an Acura reported stolen from Thurston County on June 29 was enroute to Shelton from the Buck's Prairie Store with a woman driv- ing and Thomas Castellane was passed out in the passenger's seat. The deputies drove to 321 West Delight Park Road in Shelton, re- covered the stolen vehicle and ar- rested Myrick. Castellane was not located. Judge Sheldon appointed Serkd as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 13. She order Myrick to have no contact with Castellane, a potential codefendant, who faces charges in tbur superior court cas- es and is on warrant status. On Thursday, July 5: • Tylan Karl Cuzick, 25, 110 North Varden Way, Hoodsport, was identified in an investigation of unlawful use of drug parapbr- nalia. Judge Sheldon said she would not find probable cause for possession of methamphetmine because the substance found in a glass smoking pipe was not tield tested. He was arrested July 3 on a Washington Department of Cor- rections warrant. Officers searched Cuzick and reportedly found a glass smoking pipe in one of his pants pockets which contained a white crystal substance. Judge Sheldon appointed Boothe as defense attorney, set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment for July 12. She ordered Cuzick to have no contact with potential witnesses Natalie R. Valencia and Randy E. Deiber, t, and said if Cuz- ick posts bail he must provide an address other than the one on Var- den Way. • James Matthew Zoldak, 38, of 133 Vista View Court, Shelton, was identified in an investigation of felony harassment and assault in the fourth degree. He is suspect- ed of domestic violence against his wife. Zoldak said he would hire a:n attorney and reside at 840 Moun- tain View in Hoodsport with his parents. He was arrested on July 4 at 128 East Alder Street by Officer Kostad who said he was investigating a re- port made at 8:14 p.m. of a domes- tic disturbance at 133 Vista View Court. Kelly A. Zoldak reportedly said her husband of five years ar- rived at the residence drunk and they argued. The suspect allegedly squeezed his wife's arm and wrist and raised his fist to her when she told him to leave. Zoldak repoi- edly told his wiib, "I'm going to put you in the grave." Judge Sheldon set bail at $2,500 and scheduled arraignment tbr July 12. She ordered him to have no contact with Mrs. Zoldak, her place of employment or the resi- dence on Vista View Court. • Malcolm Douglas Cam- pau, 45, of 281 SE Nordquist Road, Shelton, was identified m an investigation of manufacture of marijuana. He appeared in court with an attorney who said Jeffrey Steinborn of Seattle would repre- sent Campau. He was arrested July 2 by Ser- geant Martin Borcherding of the sheriff's office who served a search warrant at Campau's residence. Campau voluntarily told officers he had a marijuana grow op- eration in the barn, according to Borcherding, and admitted he had an ongoing operation for three or four years. Keys from Campau's pocket re- portedly fit a padlock on the barn and officers said they seized 102 marijuana plants. Judge Sheldon said the $2,500 bail which Campau posted would remain in effect and scheduled ar- raignment for July 16. DSHS Children's Administration is looking to contract professional providers for counseling, parenting, drug and alcohol, domestic violence, psychosexual/sexual deviancy and/ or evaluative services to adults and children in Mason, Thurston, Lewis and/or Cowlitz counties. Must meet degree, certification and insurance requirements. $20-$70 hour based on service type. For more information contact Keli Drake at (360) 725-6759. DSHS/DCFS Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27