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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ana Andres ,res is d Lions ba Andres of CHOICE High was named Student of the for February by the Shel- Club. 20-year-old student is the of Ana Mateo and step- of Jose Elgrero. Her is a homemaker, her step- a shellfish harvester for Shellfish. served as treasurer of the Student Body and has Academic Achievement out of her six terms. )ates in the CAT Club organize and train ators for the CHOICE Win- also volunteers with Mason Literacy and helped with club mobile eye clinic. plans to attend Olympic and hopes to become an for the Shelton School Mason County court Aaa was selected as Student of by the staff and faculty CHOICE. The Student of the program is sponsored by to recognize students Perform exceptional commu- service and attain high aca- achievements. and gore! Illaine & Undo Fladagcr Shelton Floor Covering IDEA THAT FLOATS a traditional wood floor over poses a problem. As the con- or dries out, the moisture levels can cause the to swell or buckle or, alternately, enough to create gaps between The solution to this problem ,Tsmm can be laid directly over concrete it "floats." That is to say that f being fastened directly to the . manner that a traditional floor is, a laminated wood floor direly over a moisture bar- is pieced and glued together it floats over the concrete floor it. To allow for expansion, a floor incorporates a l/2-inch around its entire perimeter, And, solid wood, laminated flooring stable materials that re- swelling, and warping, it easy on yourself when to surrounding yourself an environment that meets needs and fits your lifestyle. up to dace with the latest our field, and you can feel our suggestions will take into account your bud- considerations. When you are between laminate floor- and traditional wood, or you questions about other floor we invite you and your challenges to SHELTON , COVERING, 1306 Olympic PH: 360-427-2822. IINT:. Laminated wood floors are easier to install than other types floors and can be laid over flooring (vinyl tile, ceramic or sheet vinyq. 100 Years Ago From the July 12, 1907, Mason County Journal: County Commissioner Hunter went to Seattle Saturday with Mrs. Hogan, who was sent to CaliIbrnia on the steamer. Owing to her illness, many difficulties were encountered in getting her to Seattle, and on board the steamer, troubles and inspectors besetting the Commissioner at every turn. Willis Shelton came over from Ho- quiam to spend the Fourth with old friends and the "scenes of his child- hood." Willis now has charge of one of the large logging camps of the Folson Logging Company, and is making good as a "boss logger." 35 Years Ago From the July 13, 1972, Sheton- Mason County Journal: The Shelton School Board dis- cussed changes which will be .made in the organization of the school dis- trict when the new high school goes into operation. The new high school will house four grades, ninth through twelfth, where the present high school has only three grades. Eighty fires, apparently all man- caused, kept Department of Natural Resources fire crews busy oww the July 4 weekend. The hot weather and low humidity have lef the. forests and adjacent lands quite dry and suscep- tible to fire; a carelessly discarded cigarette or troy spark could turn the woods into a raging inferno of death and destruction. 10 Years Ago From the July 10, 1997, Shelton- Mason County Journal: C, ommissioners took no action on a request by Save Our County's Kids for $5,000 to pay fbr costs related to operating SOCK's youth center at the Shelton Armory. Unemployment figures announced last week tbr the month'of May are the lowest tbr the state in 31 years. So says Washington's Employment Security Department, which presents figures reflecting a 4.5 percent unem- ployment rate in May of this year as compared to almost 6.5 in '95. 97,84 172.2.1 22-16 151,42 I1[L7 178.35 05zIi0VR-17X1L174 , 55 0.78 27. 21 ,0VII 7X]. 19l], 14 1$.5 138.5 225/50ZR-17 201.3 i3424 13g,, -17 201,76 139.59 158,5 13.9 I3,75 -17 2fiT,G0 43.25 187.6fi 2416RYlil-18 253.91 143.17 i9}, 235/45m-17 16.57 143.95 1.90 21Hi/4Hitl-17 205,60 . 7r, P10rs['/0SR-14BW .,64 P2O/TI)q-14BW $8.O!'J P215/705R-14 71,1 0SR-15 7,2 P215/70R-15 ?9.37 P'5/70SR- 15 2,3"[ P17Tll-14BW 8.' ,,, P185/65TR-14BW ! d P185/65TR-1W 5] P195/185TR-14OW , P11YNltSTR-15BW t 'e P'/65TR-1GOW , ,'i P215165TR.15BW G7.I P20/STR- IlHW 1(J3,21 73.t6 P21 r}/1Hl"R-1611W 1{}6,35 8L31 P18/BOT-14BW 74.77 5,1 P195/60TR-14DW ',8,  1[ P186AIOTR-1MW 80,47 9LL8 P195/00TR.1HW 82,911 '' S P205/6OTR.15BW 83.49 SS P20r.legW 10.15 ,5 1 P216/60TR.16BW 97,37 6.57 P215/60TR.1HW 10,S.ll0 ,O ntiTItH 61W 0e,sl 97, P205RdITR-168W 105,81 MMmNG AT 166/IH-13 37,51 P"4/Tm-15 51,1, P1/S/HR-13 3797 P236r/SR.15 5222 Pl115/-13 40,14 1611/0HR.13BW 31,11 P195/11.14 41.12 175f/0IR-13BW SQ, P1NTil-14 42,3d P20TM-14 43,97 185/'/0HR.13SW ,12 P215r/siil.14 47,75 lU/70R-141W Slt.07 P/7lbl§ 45.57 0//0a-141W 4,31 P111/'tH-16 4,21 P'2iDIgTOR-148W 49.31 P235/TBSR.15 B 71 28 llR-16 B 81,02 L1"215/'/5R-15 C 73,'4 LT235/75R-15 C 76,50 LM-168W D 32, L'f245/7ll.16 E 91,68 Li"2170116 C 86,67 LT235/185R-16BW E 91,34 30/9.50R-15 C 85.20 31/10,50R-15 C 88,?6 pLtm i=k-r 17Minim.14 40,27 IN/W'R-I§ 6.45 5/,410.1§ 79.5, 1M/66HR-14 42.87 53.41 0/40VR-17 7.55 1N/IHIIm.14 47.55 7zj,61 IV40WI.17 0,gQ tIS/BR-14 50,66 71,57 235/40VR-17 1.03 48,56 57,32 ?,46/40VI1-17 97,79 48.51 61,33 256/,40VR.17 114.G4 Z,00 64,1S 1/40.18 116.4] 56.79 iN/VR.16 70,65 5/40ZR-1B 118,86 17MImll13 39.15 [-1| 73.95 23,/40ZR-16 127.75 113 44,03 205/S0m-17 99,14 24194iR-10 140o24 4Z,12 IHIP0V117 12l,Et 2'11i-11 1tg,98 4,76 tilS/45VR-16 84.59 225/35ZR.1a 13%7 50.59 20/45VR-17 67.66 6/3Sm-18 174,1Q 48,95 1/,IRMl-17 81,76 266/-1B 193,92 53,43 97.57 HllR.19 191.78 54,30 101A9 lll/311R-19X[.2'07.3 61,40 107,21 | IO.lS 61,78 14,%51 : 157.75 60.71 N/40V116 7,54 IZR-. 159.4 llmm Herin Clad( Iy MI0hael ,ord Manoger Truck Service Alignment MOIll THAN A l'Illl I'lrOIII • AUGHMEH'lrl • BI:UkKES - SHOCKS * BATTERIES • SlPINQ • WHEELS SHAUBIEUJSON €O. CREDIT Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton "'="-'-" Mon,Fri 8 a.m.-6 p,m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m. H00zw00uouau.00 Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29 r Ana Andres ,res is d Lions ba Andres of CHOICE High was named Student of the for February by the Shel- Club. 20-year-old student is the of Ana Mateo and step- of Jose Elgrero. Her is a homemaker, her step- a shellfish harvester for Shellfish. served as treasurer of the Student Body and has Academic Achievement out of her six terms. )ates in the CAT Club organize and train ators for the CHOICE Win- also volunteers with Mason Literacy and helped with club mobile eye clinic. plans to attend Olympic and hopes to become an for the Shelton School Mason County court Aaa was selected as Student of by the staff and faculty CHOICE. The Student of the program is sponsored by to recognize students Perform exceptional commu- service and attain high aca- achievements. and gore! Illaine & Undo Fladagcr Shelton Floor Covering IDEA THAT FLOATS a traditional wood floor over poses a problem. As the con- or dries out, the moisture levels can cause the to swell or buckle or, alternately, enough to create gaps between The solution to this problem ,Tsmm can be laid directly over concrete it "floats." That is to say that f being fastened directly to the . manner that a traditional floor is, a laminated wood floor direly over a moisture bar- is pieced and glued together it floats over the concrete floor it. To allow for expansion, a floor incorporates a l/2-inch around its entire perimeter, And, solid wood, laminated flooring stable materials that re- swelling, and warping, it easy on yourself when to surrounding yourself an environment that meets needs and fits your lifestyle. up to dace with the latest our field, and you can feel our suggestions will take into account your bud- considerations. When you are between laminate floor- and traditional wood, or you questions about other floor we invite you and your challenges to SHELTON , COVERING, 1306 Olympic PH: 360-427-2822. IINT:. Laminated wood floors are easier to install than other types floors and can be laid over flooring (vinyl tile, ceramic or sheet vinyq. 100 Years Ago From the July 12, 1907, Mason County Journal: County Commissioner Hunter went to Seattle Saturday with Mrs. Hogan, who was sent to CaliIbrnia on the steamer. Owing to her illness, many difficulties were encountered in getting her to Seattle, and on board the steamer, troubles and inspectors besetting the Commissioner at every turn. Willis Shelton came over from Ho- quiam to spend the Fourth with old friends and the "scenes of his child- hood." Willis now has charge of one of the large logging camps of the Folson Logging Company, and is making good as a "boss logger." 35 Years Ago From the July 13, 1972, Sheton- Mason County Journal: The Shelton School Board dis- cussed changes which will be .made in the organization of the school dis- trict when the new high school goes into operation. The new high school will house four grades, ninth through twelfth, where the present high school has only three grades. Eighty fires, apparently all man- caused, kept Department of Natural Resources fire crews busy oww the July 4 weekend. The hot weather and low humidity have lef the, forests and adjacent lands quite dry and suscep- tible to fire; a carelessly discarded cigarette or troy spark could turn the woods into a raging inferno of death and destruction. 10 Years Ago From the July 10, 1997, Shelton- Mason County Journal: C, ommissioners took no action on a request by Save Our County's Kids for $5,000 to pay fbr costs related to operating SOCK's youth center at the Shelton Armory. Unemployment figures announced last week tbr the month'of May are the lowest tbr the state in 31 years. So says Washington's Employment Security Department, which presents figures reflecting a 4.5 percent unem- ployment rate in May of this year as compared to almost 6.5 in '95. 97,84 172.2.1 22-16 151,42 I1[L7 178.35 05zIi0VR-17X1L174 , 55 0.78 27. 21 ,0VII 7X]. 19l], 14 1$.5 138.5 225/50ZR-17 201.3 i3424 13g,, -17 201,76 139.59 158,5 13.9 I3,75 -17 2fiT,G0 43.25 187.6fi 2416RYlil-18 253.91 143.17 i9}, 235/45m-17 16.57 143.95 1.90 21Hi/4Hitl-17 205,60 . 7r, P10rs['/0SR-14BW ,,64 P2O/TI)q-14BW $8,O!'J P215/705R-14 71,1 0SR-15 7,2 P215/70R-15 ?9.37 P'5/70SR- 15 2,3"[ P17Tll-14BW 8.' ,,, P185/65TR-14BW ! d P185/65TR-1W 5] P195/185TR-14OW , P11YNltSTR-15BW t 'e P'/65TR-1GOW , ,'i P215165TR.15BW G7.I P20/STR- IlHW 1(J3,21 73.t6 P21 r}/1Hl"R-1611W 1{}6,35 8L31 P18/BOT-14BW 74.77 5,1 P195/60TR-14DW ',8,  1[ P186AIOTR-1MW 80,47 9LL8 P195/00TR.1HW 82,911 '' S P205/6OTR.15BW 83.49 SS P20r.legW 10.15 ,5 1 P216/60TR.16BW 97,37 6.57 P215/60TR.1HW 10,S.ll0 ,O ntiTItH 61W 0e,sl 97, P205RdITR-168W 105,81 MMmNG AT 166/IH-13 37,51 P"4/Tm-15 51,1, P1/S/HR-13 3797 P236r/SR.15 5222 Pl115/-13 40,14 1611/0HR.13BW 31,11 P195/11.14 41.12 175f/0IR-13BW SQ, P1NTil-14 42,3d P20TM-14 43,97 185/'/0HR.13SW ,12 P215r/siil.14 47,75 lU/70R-141W Slt.07 P/7lbl§ 45.57 0//0a-141W 4,31 P111/'tH-16 4,21 P'2iDIgTOR-148W 49.31 P235/TBSR.15 B 71 28 llR-16 B 81,02 L1"215/'/5R-15 C 73,'4 LT235/75R-15 C 76,50 LM-168W D 32, L'f245/7ll.16 E 91,68 Li"2170116 C 86,67 LT235/185R-16BW E 91,34 30/9.50R-15 C 85.20 31/10,50R-15 C 88,?6 pLtm i=k-r 17Minim.14 40,27 IN/W'R-I§ 6.45 5/,410.1§ 79.5, 1M/66HR-14 42.87 53.41 0/40VR-17 7.55 1N/IHIIm.14 47.55 7zj,61 IV40WI.17 0,gQ tIS/BR-14 50,66 71,57 235/40VR-17 1.03 48,56 57,32 ?,46/40VI1-17 97,79 48.51 61,33 256/,40VR.17 114.G4 Z,00 64,1S 1/40.18 116.4] 56.79 iN/VR.16 70,65 5/40ZR-1B 118,86 17MImll13 39.15 [-1| 73.95 23,/40ZR-16 127.75 113 44,03 205/S0m-17 99,14 24194iR-10 140o24 4Z,12 IHIP0V117 12l,Et 2'11i-11 1tg,98 4,76 tilS/45VR-16 84.59 225/35ZR.1a 13%7 50.59 20/45VR-17 67.66 6/3Sm-18 174,1Q 48.95 1/,IRMl-17 81,76 266/-1B 193,92 53,43 97.57 HllR.19 191.78 54,30 101A9 lll/311R-19X[.2'07.3 61,40 107,21 | IO.lS 61,78 14,%51 : 157.75 60.71 N/40V116 7,54 IZR-. 159.4 llmm Herin Clad( Iy MI0hael ,ord Manoger Truck Service Alignment MOIll THAN A l'Illl I'lrOIII • AUGHMEH'lrl • BI:UkKES - SHOCKS * BATTERIES • SlPINQ • WHEELS SHAUBIEUJSON €O. CREDIT Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton "'="-'-" Mon,Fri 8 a.m.-6 p,m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m. H00zw00uouau.00 Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29 r