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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ournal o MASON COUNTY Washington State Depart- DISTRICT COURT ment of Revenue against Town Judgments in Mason County and Country Mortgage and Town District Court Judge Victoria County Real Estate, tax warrant. Meadows' jurisdiction during the The Collection Group, Limited past week include: Liability Company, against Crys- No valid operator's license: tal K. Moore and Steven Moore, Jared D. Behl, 6317 Lacosta, E1 commercial. Paso, Texas, $183, 90 days sus- Thomas Kelly and Rae Ann pended; Douglas James Parker, Kelly against Charles G. Robson 691 Larson Lake Boulevard, Bel- Jr. and Jane Doe Robson, commer- fair, and expired vehicle tabs and cial. no liability insurance, $1,280. Pamela McCauley and Robert No liability insurance: Ste- McCauiey against Washington yen A. Hasch, 151 East Rolling Shorelines Hearings Board, Mason Hills Drive, Shelton, and failure to County and Gall Butler Bechler, stop at stop sign, $650; Ramado L. miscellaneous. Guiterrez, 131 Minerva Terrace, William East and Thelma East Shelton, $538; Norman W. Boyce, against Wal-Mart Stores, Incorpo- 711 North 11th Street, Elma, and rated, Wal-Mart Associates, Incor- driving with wheels off roadway, porated, Kevin Johnston and Jane $701; John Claude Kiesel, 60 NE Doe Johnston, personal injury. Clairview, Tahuya, and no regis- Cach, Limited Liability Com- tration, $630; Jose Zambrano, 121 pany against Leonel Garcia, corn- West F Street, Shelton, and speed- mercial. ing, $650. Ford Motor Credit against Terry Unlawful fishing in the sec. Barnwell and Jane Doe Barnwell, ond degree: Keith Robinson, commercial. 779 Academic Drive, Twin Falls, Snazzy Homes, Incorporated, Idaho, over limit of clams and over against Mary Alefteras and Rocky limit of oysters, $350; Charles Alefteras, unlawful detainer. Robert Chamblin, 71 East Bour- Washington State Employment gault Road, Shelton, no valid Security Department against An- fishing license, $412, 90 days sus- thony Harold Gran, tax warrant. pended; Jung H. Jones, 1314 Mar- COUNTY ket Street, Tacoma, harvesting BUILDING PERMI moon snails in a state park, $378; New construction over $5,000, Debbie Cho, 2226 72nd Avenue shoreline work and other major SE, Mercer Island, over limit of projects receiving permits during oysters, $109; Byung Joo Pak, 932 the past week include: 100th Avenue NE, Bellevue, over limit of oysters, $109. John Larsen, 350 SE Kodiak Obstructing an officer: Bar- Ridge Drive, Shelton, residence, $219,694.40; Nathan Birklid, 170 bara Janelle Baker, 170 East East Jarrett Drive, Shelton, resi- Rainbow Drive, Shelton, $260, 365 days suspended, dence, $146,624.95; Norma Hill, Possession of mariuana: 3380 West Martin Road, Shelton, deck covers, $10,381.80; Robert Anthony A. Ziegler, 181 West Ha- Pemberton, 3684 East Harstine yen Drive, Elma, $250, 90 days, 89 Island Road North, Shelton, studio suspended, and use of drug para- and garage, $47,901.75; Konrad phernalia, $250, $163 costs. Harassment: Patrick S. Es- Houser, 320 SE Alpine Avenue, chete, 9636 Cutter Place NW, Sil- Shelton, residence, $142,016.65; verdale, domestic violence, $300, Randy Augnstine, 1738 East Spen- 365 days, 350 suspended, $1,552 cer Lake Road, Shelton, garage, costs; Jarred F. Downey, 114 SW $49,590.75; Don Bennett, 28622 128th, Burien, $100, 365 days sus- North U.S. Highway 101, Lilli- pended, $383 costs, and criminal waup, garage, $29,880.90 and ad- trespass, second degree, $100, 90 dition, $14,308; William Gilbert- days, 88 suspended, son, 15281 East State Route 106, Belfair, residence, $227,881.90; Violation of protection or- der: Kenneth R. Nichols, 401 William Neal, 1198 East Island East Leeds Drive, Shelton, $400, Lake Drive, Shelton, float, $3,825; 365 days, 350 suspended, $1,678 James Davis, 320 East Wood costs. Lane, Shelton, manufactured Unlawful issuance of bank home, $94,678; Scott Gordon, 260 check: Michael R. Lundemo, East Hillside Drive, Belfair, ga- 1622 NE State Aveue, Olympia, rage, $18,972; Dale Johnson, 261 two counts, $175.77, $154.19 and NE Haven Lake Drive, Tahuya, $198.13 costs, remodel, $6,392; Suzanne Lincoln, 70 NE Dulalip Landing, Belfair, SHELTON repair tree damage, $26,280. MUNICIPAL COURT No value was listed for the fol- Judgments in Shelton Munici- lowing projects: pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's Lawrence Kobel, 101 East Ta- jurisdiction during the past week huya Drive, Shelton, manufac- include: tured home; Sam Baderdeen, 360 Driving under the influence: West Deckerville Heights Drive, Tucker John Inman, 422 Hemlock Elma, manufactured home; Ma- Street, Shelton, $1,589, 365 days, drona CroweU, 70 West Freedom 230 suspended; Meliton Israel Lane, Space 5, Shelton, manufac- Morales, 1907 Olympic Highway tured home. North, Shelton, $1,546, 365 days, CITY 230 suspended, $250 costs and BUILDING PERMITS negligent driving, first degree, $242, 90 days, 89 suspended, and New construction and other failure to yield right-of-way, no projects receiving permits during liability insurance, no seatbelt, the past week include: no valid operator's license and no Steve and Roxie Duchsherer, vehicle registration display, $530; 820 South 16th Street, new covered Jorge Manolo Carrillo Calmo, 1907 deck and storage shed, $8,432; City Olympic Highway North, Shelton, of Shelton, 1000 West Pine Street, $866, 365 days, 364 suspended, alteration, $10,614.61; Nest Egg one day converted to 15 days on Venture, Limited Liability Corn- electronic hozhe monitoring, and pany, 233 South First Street, re- no seatbelt, no liability insurance, model, $350,000; Simpson Timber failure to dim headlights and open Company, 204 East Railroad Av- alcohol container, $310. enue, repair, $5,000; Maxwell and Negligent driving: Sebastian Donna McGuire, 1404 Wingwood Tercero-Bautista, 434 East Wal- Place, addition, $28,416; Louis nut Street, Shelton, first degree, Zoren, 113 Delaware Street, addi- $793. tion, $18,972; Port of Shelton, 611 Pine Street, install railing for pub- MASON COUNTY lic pedestrian access to Oakland SUPERIOR COURT Bay, $25,000. Divorces Granted SHELTON FIRE Alan Lee Bell and Corinne L. DEPARTMENT Bell. Erin L. Jones and Lawrence G. Jones Jr. Dale L. Pedersen and Linda L. Pedersen. New Cases Housing Authority of Mason County against Amber York, un- lawful detainer. Household Finance Corporation against Steven R. Kennedy and Jane Doe Kennedy, commercial. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries tax war- rants against Trudiann Case- Baca; Get Er Done Construction, Limited Liability Company; Jill Marie Davis and John Doe Davis; Northwest Well Drilling, Incorpo- rated; Richard Timothy Willis, Amanda Smith against Johnnie Ballard and Jane Doe Ballard, tort motor vehicle. July 2: 16:12, vehicle fire, Pio- neer Way. July 3:11:12 a.m., smoke inves- tigation, 805 Grant Avenue; 4:32 p.m., smoke investigation, 120 West Kneeland Street. July 4:1:06 p.m., brush fire, Brockdale Road; 1:35 p.m., fires, 226 South Ninth Street; 5:40 p.m., brush fire, 521 West Railroad; 7:31 p.m., brush fire, West Railroad. July 5:12:40 p.m., illegal burn, 2020 South Second Street; 5:21 p.m., smoke investigation, North Fifth and West Franklin streets. July 7:1:17 p.m., lawn mower fire, 212 West Euclid Avenue. SHELTON POLICE Monday, July 2 A vehicle prowl in the 1800 block of Hay Street was reported, At 4:20 a.m. a caller reported in- Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007 terrupting a burglary in progress at a residence in the 1900 block of Laurel Street. Trespassing in the 2000 block of Washington Street was reported. A white 1995 Dodge pickup truck was reported stolen from the 100 block of East Kneeland Street. Callers complained about fire- works in the 1200 block of West Railroad Avenue, the 400 block of North 12 Street, the 600 block of North Fourth Street. Tuesday, July 3 At 1:31 a.m. a caller said a man and a woman were having sex in a car parked in the 400 block of East Fir Street. At 8:10 a.m. a caller complained about firecrackers and "a cannon thing" in the 1200 block of Dickin- son Avenue. Vehicle vandalism in the 800 block of West Euclid Avenue was reported. A caller complained about three transients living in an alleyway near South First and West Cota streets. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Wednesday, July 4 Police responding at 9:36 a.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 800 block of South First Street requested the assistance of depu- ties. A hit-and-run collision in the 600 block of Franklin Street was reported. A caller reported finding a pipe bomb in the 900 block of South Sixth Street. Thursday, July 5 A caller from the 800 block of Turner Avenue reported finding items which may have come from a burglary. A vehicle prowl in the 900 block of Ellinor Avenue was reported. At 6:55 p.m. a caller complained about noise in the 300 block of South Fifth Street. At 10:23 p.m. a disturbance in- volving 10 people was reported in a parking lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Friday, July 6 At 12:57 p.m. police responded to a report of a disturbance near East Railroad Avenue and North Front Street. Officers responding at 1:16 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard requested the assistance of depu- ties. A caller from the 600 block of Ellinor Avenue reported receiving threats. A vehicle prowl in the 1100 block of West Railroad Avenue was reported. A caller from the 1500 block of Monroe Street said a group of juve- niles set up a skateboard ramp in the middle of the street and were lighting off fireworks around it. A caller complained about fire- works between the 300 and 700 blocks of Grant Avenue. Police responded at 10:44 p.m. to a report of a disturbance at Ma- son General Hospital. At 11:53 p.m. a prowler was reported in the 200 block of East Roosevelt Street. Saturday, July 7 A disturbance was reported in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue at 2:30 a.m. A 1993 blue Chevrolet Cavalier station wagon was reported stolen from a parking lot in the 100 block of Railroad Avenue. A caller from the 600 block of North Fourth Street reported re- ceiving an obscene telephone call. Vandalism to the windows of a trailer in the 600 block of Arcadia Avenue was reported and a call- er from the 200 block of West H Street said someone threw a golf ball through a window of the resi- dence. A caller complained about fire- works in the 1700 block of Bound- ary Street. Sunday, July 8 Vandalism at a residence in the 700 block of West Euclid Avenue and to the window of a business in the 1700 block of Olympic High- way North was reported. Graffiti was found on a wall of a business in the 300 block of Wal- lace Kneeland Boulevard. Monday, July 9 Just after 3 a.m. a caller from the 1400 block of Mason Street said a man was sleeping on the caller's porch with a beer next to him. A silver Mazda was reported stolen from the 1900 block of Hay Street. At 1:11 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 400 block of Railroad Avenue. A caller reported the theft of cash and prescription medication from a vehicle in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Tuesday 116, Wednesday 113, Thursday 113, Friday 116, Satur- day 116, Sunday 117, Monday 114, Tuesday 118. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Monday, July 2 Fire District 2 responded at 8:13 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn on NE Barbara Boulevard, Belfair, and at 12:57 p.m. to a re- quest for a burn investigation on NE Rainbow Lane, Belfair. Vandalism to mailboxes along East Road of Tralee at Lake Lim- erick was reported. A caller from East Ballantrae Drive at Lake Limerick reported finding a cockatiel. A caller from North Staircase Drive, Hoodsport, reported the at- tempted theft of a boat, saying the dash was dismantled, and a 20- foot 2006 Bayliner was reported stolen from a dock in Division 1 at Lake Cushman. Squaxin Island tribal officers received a report of a vehicle prowl and the theft of an outboard mo- tor from the parking lot at the Ar- cadia boat ramp. An assault was reported by a caller from SE Klah Che Min Drive. Officers respond- ing at 10:23 p.m. to a report of a disturbance at a residence on SE Sa Heh Wamish Court requested the assistance of deputies. A caller from East Evergreen Drive near Shelton requested in- formation regarding a noise ordi- nance. Callers complained about fire- works on East Grapeview Loop Road about a mile from the stop sign, on East Trails End Drive, Belfair, on East Hammond Place near Shelton and on East Picker- ing Road near Queens Way. A caller reported the theft of three guns from a residence about 2.6 miles out East Brockdale Road near Shelton. An assault was reported be- tween two female inmates at the jail. Items were reportecstolen from a residence under construction on East Lansky Drive near Shelton. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a complaint about fireworks on North State Route 106. Tuesday, July 3 Fire District 2 responded at 8:46 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn at 200 NE Straub Hill, Bel- fair, and at 5:51 p.m. to the report* of a brush fire on North Tiger Lake Road West, Belfair. A caller from a place just over a mile out East Agate Loop Road re- ported the theft of tires and rims. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of the theft of $9,000 in fireworks from a stand and referred,the case to the sher- iffs office. A fisheries violation was reported on the beach at Potlatch. At 11:30 p.m. officers responded to a report of a fight in progress on lorth Salish Court. A caller from East Skylark Court in Allyn reported identity theft. A burglary at a residence on East Delanty Road near Shelton was reported. Wednesday, July 4 Fire District 2 responded to re- ports of illegal burns at 5:17 p.m. on NE Dogwood Road, Belfair, and at 8:46 p.m. at 90 NE Allison Lane, Belfair. Trespassing on West Lost Lake Road was reported. A caller reported the theft of more than $3,000 in building ma- terials from a construction site on West Valley Heights Drive near Shelton. A caller from a place more than six and a half miles out West Clo- quallum Road said someone at- tempted to steal a cast-iron tub from the caller's pasture. Squaxin Island officers received a report of a possible brush fire on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Skokomish officers and deputies responded at 9:31 p.m. to a report of a vehicle fire near North High- way i01 and Sunnyside Road. A burglary at a residence on East Leeds Drive near ]: was reported. Llay, oon Thursday, July 5 .t°, Fire District 2 respondS:" the following fire-related c, 12:41 a.m., smoke investi_" 90 NE Harpoon Drive, Be_lon  5:56 a.m., illegal burn, 221 N. lins Lake Drive, Tahuya; atL_ a.m., smoke investigation[a_ } Dogwood Road, Belfair; a.m., smoke investigation, i NE Tahuya River Drive, TI/ at 2:09 p.m., brush fire, 2 State Route 300, Belfair;  9:24 p.m., illegal burn, NE 1:4 ner Loop, Belfair. Squaxin Island officer, sponded at 12:41 a.m. to a 1:: of a disturbance in the parkiC' at Kamilche Trading Post,/ glary at a residence on SE t_ pin Lane was reported. b Skokomish officers resp0ial at 2:21 a.m. to a report of)a. turbance on North Salish  tt requested the assistance of k 1 ties. A fisheries violation alo ) 8 Skokomish River was report_ green Ford Taurus was rep,,  stolen from North Cedar 5a 'L ts. caller from North Potlatch , reported a theft, lml Vandalism at a cons t,t| site on NE Rasor Road, I3q was reported. ! A red 1985 pickup truck w ported stolen from a place _0 State Route 3 just outside SI city limits. | A caller from SE Noble Drive near Shelton said so shot two of the caller's pigs. A burglary at a residence 2.5 miles out West State 1 108 was reported. Items were reported stoles| a vehicle on East Alta Drive,l fair. l Deputies responding at p.m. to a report of a disturb| j on SE Shadowood Bouleva tl quested the assistance police officers. Friday, July 6 A caller complained at !] a.m. about all-terrain vehicle? ' East Trails End Drive, BelfaiW Burglaries at places osl Craig Road just outside the  ton city limits and near Mil 23 of NE State Route 3, Be were reported. A caller from a business o Roy Boad Road, Belfair, rep a theft. | A black 1979 Ford pickup f was reported stolen from pro on NE Belfair-Tahuya Road.| t Trespassing on Green Diar'y_ Resource Company propertl t East Timberlake West Drive|[ reported. 11 A caller said a boat was o11 ing in a reckless manner o,! bella Lake. lL. Burglaries at Belfair resid. on NE Jolly Roger Lane anU I Gladwin Road were reported. ]  An alleged sex offense w! ported. | Skokomish officers receivd L report of an assault on the rlo vation. | D Squaxin Island officers resl ed at 11:49 p.m. to a report of 0| turbance in one of the motel r at Little,Creek Casino. L A dozen fireworks compl came in from callers in County. Squaxin Island received a complaint from callers about fireworks on T'Peeksin Lane. Saturday, July 7 Fire District 2 1:01 p.m. to the burn on East Rasor Road. Reports of campsites at Lake Cushman, in at. 12:43 a.m., 3:04 a.m. 11:18 p.m. Skokomish officers complaint at 4:40 a.m. about on North Twana Court. officers responded to a an out-of-control alto employee Lucky Dog Casino. Tresp was reported on property onflm Tribal Center Road. A caller reported an on problem with boaters and on personal watercraft op in an unsafe mmer on Tee Tahuya. Squaxin Island officers a report at 5:02 p.m. of a brush fire near a on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Ten callers complained fireworks at locations in the ty. Sunday, July 8 At 1:46 a.m. a volving four men at a at Aldrich Lake, Tahuya, ported. 40N (Please turn to page 00ournal o MASON COUNTY Washington State Depart- DISTRICT COURT ment of Revenue against Town Judgments in Mason County and Country Mortgage and Town District Court Judge Victoria County Real Estate, tax warrant. Meadows' jurisdiction during the The Collection Group, Limited past week include: Liability Company, against Crys- No valid operator's license: tal K. Moore and Steven Moore, Jared D. Behl, 6317 Lacosta, E1 commercial. Paso, Texas, $183, 90 days sus- Thomas Kelly and Rae Ann pended; Douglas James Parker, Kelly against Charles G. Robson 691 Larson Lake Boulevard, Bel- Jr. and Jane Doe Robson, commer- fair, and expired vehicle tabs and cial. no liability insurance, $1,280. Pamela McCauley and Robert No liability insurance: Ste- McCauiey against Washington yen A. Hasch, 151 East Rolling Shorelines Hearings Board, Mason Hills Drive, Shelton, and failure to County and Gall Butler Bechler, stop at stop sign, $650; Ramado L. miscellaneous. Guiterrez, 131 Minerva Terrace, William East and Thelma East Shelton, $538; Norman W. Boyce, against Wal-Mart Stores, Incorpo- 711 North 11th Street, Elma, and rated, Wal-Mart Associates, Incor- driving with wheels off roadway, porated, Kevin Johnston and Jane $701; John Claude Kiesel, 60 NE Doe Johnston, personal injury. Clairview, Tahuya, and no regis- Cach, Limited Liability Com- tration, $630; Jose Zambrano, 121 pany against Leonel Garcia, corn- West F Street, Shelton, and speed- mercial. ing, $650. Ford Motor Credit against Terry Unlawful fishing in the sec. Barnwell and Jane Doe Barnwell, ond degree: Keith Robinson, commercial. 779 Academic Drive, Twin Falls, Snazzy Homes, Incorporated, Idaho, over limit of clams and over against Mary Alefteras and Rocky limit of oysters, $350; Charles Alefteras, unlawful detainer. Robert Chamblin, 71 East Bour- Washington State Employment gault Road, Shelton, no valid Security Department against An- fishing license, $412, 90 days sus- thony Harold Gran, tax warrant. pended; Jung H. Jones, 1314 Mar- COUNTY ket Street, Tacoma, harvesting BUILDING PERMI moon snails in a state park, $378; New construction over $5,000, Debbie Cho, 2226 72nd Avenue shoreline work and other major SE, Mercer Island, over limit of projects receiving permits during oysters, $109; Byung Joo Pak, 932 the past week include: 100th Avenue NE, Bellevue, over limit of oysters, $109. John Larsen, 350 SE Kodiak Obstructing an officer: Bar- Ridge Drive, Shelton, residence, $219,694.40; Nathan Birklid, 170 bara Janelle Baker, 170 East East Jarrett Drive, Shelton, resi- Rainbow Drive, Shelton, $260, 365 days suspended, dence, $146,624.95; Norma Hill, Possession of mariuana: 3380 West Martin Road, Shelton, deck covers, $10,381.80; Robert Anthony A. Ziegler, 181 West Ha- Pemberton, 3684 East Harstine yen Drive, Elma, $250, 90 days, 89 Island Road North, Shelton, studio suspended, and use of drug para- and garage, $47,901.75; Konrad phernalia, $250, $163 costs. Harassment: Patrick S. Es- Houser, 320 SE Alpine Avenue, chete, 9636 Cutter Place NW, Sil- Shelton, residence, $142,016.65; verdale, domestic violence, $300, Randy Augnstine, 1738 East Spen- 365 days, 350 suspended, $1,552 cer Lake Road, Shelton, garage, costs; Jarred F. Downey, 114 SW $49,590.75; Don Bennett, 28622 128th, Burien, $100, 365 days sus- North U.S. Highway 101, Lilli- pended, $383 costs, and criminal waup, garage, $29,880.90 and ad- trespass, second degree, $100, 90 dition, $14,308; William Gilbert- days, 88 suspended, son, 15281 East State Route 106, Belfair, residence, $227,881.90; Violation of protection or- der: Kenneth R. Nichols, 401 William Neal, 1198 East Island East Leeds Drive, Shelton, $400, Lake Drive, Shelton, float, $3,825; 365 days, 350 suspended, $1,678 James Davis, 320 East Wood costs. Lane, Shelton, manufactured Unlawful issuance of bank home, $94,678; Scott Gordon, 260 check: Michael R. Lundemo, East Hillside Drive, Belfair, ga- 1622 NE State Aveue, Olympia, rage, $18,972; Dale Johnson, 261 two counts, $175.77, $154.19 and NE Haven Lake Drive, Tahuya, $198.13 costs, remodel, $6,392; Suzanne Lincoln, 70 NE Dulalip Landing, Belfair, SHELTON repair tree damage, $26,280. MUNICIPAL COURT No value was listed for the fol- Judgments in Shelton Munici- lowing projects: pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's Lawrence Kobel, 101 East Ta- jurisdiction during the past week huya Drive, Shelton, manufac- include: tured home; Sam Baderdeen, 360 Driving under the influence: West Deckerville Heights Drive, Tucker John Inman, 422 Hemlock Elma, manufactured home; Ma- Street, Shelton, $1,589, 365 days, drona CroweU, 70 West Freedom 230 suspended; Meliton Israel Lane, Space 5, Shelton, manufac- Morales, 1907 Olympic Highway tured home. North, Shelton, $1,546, 365 days, CITY 230 suspended, $250 costs and BUILDING PERMITS negligent driving, first degree, $242, 90 days, 89 suspended, and New construction and other failure to yield right-of-way, no projects receiving permits during liability insurance, no seatbelt, the past week include: no valid operator's license and no Steve and Roxie Duchsherer, vehicle registration display, $530; 820 South 16th Street, new covered Jorge Manolo Carrillo Calmo, 1907 deck and storage shed, $8,432; City Olympic Highway North, Shelton, of Shelton, 1000 West Pine Street, $866, 365 days, 364 suspended, alteration, $10,614.61; Nest Egg one day converted to 15 days on Venture, Limited Liability Corn- electronic hozhe monitoring, and pany, 233 South First Street, re- no seatbelt, no liability insurance, model, $350,000; Simpson Timber failure to dim headlights and open Company, 204 East Railroad Av- alcohol container, $310. enue, repair, $5,000; Maxwell and Negligent driving: Sebastian Donna McGuire, 1404 Wingwood Tercero-Bautista, 434 East Wal- Place, addition, $28,416; Louis nut Street, Shelton, first degree, Zoren, 113 Delaware Street, addi- $793. tion, $18,972; Port of Shelton, 611 Pine Street, install railing for pub- MASON COUNTY lic pedestrian access to Oakland SUPERIOR COURT Bay, $25,000. Divorces Granted SHELTON FIRE Alan Lee Bell and Corinne L. DEPARTMENT Bell. Erin L. Jones and Lawrence G. Jones Jr. Dale L. Pedersen and Linda L. Pedersen. New Cases Housing Authority of Mason County against Amber York, un- lawful detainer. Household Finance Corporation against Steven R. Kennedy and Jane Doe Kennedy, commercial. Washington State Department of Labor and Industries tax war- rants against Trudiann Case- Baca; Get Er Done Construction, Limited Liability Company; Jill Marie Davis and John Doe Davis; Northwest Well Drilling, Incorpo- rated; Richard Timothy Willis, Amanda Smith against Johnnie Ballard and Jane Doe Ballard, tort motor vehicle. July 2: 16:12, vehicle fire, Pio- neer Way. July 3:11:12 a.m., smoke inves- tigation, 805 Grant Avenue; 4:32 p.m., smoke investigation, 120 West Kneeland Street. July 4:1:06 p.m., brush fire, Brockdale Road; 1:35 p.m., fires, 226 South Ninth Street; 5:40 p.m., brush fire, 521 West Railroad; 7:31 p.m., brush fire, West Railroad. July 5:12:40 p.m., illegal burn, 2020 South Second Street; 5:21 p.m., smoke investigation, North Fifth and West Franklin streets. July 7:1:17 p.m., lawn mower fire, 212 West Euclid Avenue. SHELTON POLICE Monday, July 2 A vehicle prowl in the 1800 block of Hay Street was reported, At 4:20 a.m. a caller reported in- Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007 terrupting a burglary in progress at a residence in the 1900 block of Laurel Street. Trespassing in the 2000 block of Washington Street was reported. A white 1995 Dodge pickup truck was reported stolen from the 100 block of East Kneeland Street. Callers complained about fire- works in the 1200 block of West Railroad Avenue, the 400 block of North 12 Street, the 600 block of North Fourth Street. Tuesday, July 3 At 1:31 a.m. a caller said a man and a woman were having sex in a car parked in the 400 block of East Fir Street. At 8:10 a.m. a caller complained about firecrackers and "a cannon thing" in the 1200 block of Dickin- son Avenue. Vehicle vandalism in the 800 block of West Euclid Avenue was reported. A caller complained about three transients living in an alleyway near South First and West Cota streets. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Wednesday, July 4 Police responding at 9:36 a.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 800 block of South First Street requested the assistance of depu- ties. A hit-and-run collision in the 600 block of Franklin Street was reported. A caller reported finding a pipe bomb in the 900 block of South Sixth Street. Thursday, July 5 A caller from the 800 block of Turner Avenue reported finding items which may have come from a burglary. A vehicle prowl in the 900 block of Ellinor Avenue was reported. At 6:55 p.m. a caller complained about noise in the 300 block of South Fifth Street. At 10:23 p.m. a disturbance in- volving 10 people was reported in a parking lot in the 300 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Friday, July 6 At 12:57 p.m. police responded to a report of a disturbance near East Railroad Avenue and North Front Street. Officers responding at 1:16 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard requested the assistance of depu- ties. A caller from the 600 block of Ellinor Avenue reported receiving threats. A vehicle prowl in the 1100 block of West Railroad Avenue was reported. A caller from the 1500 block of Monroe Street said a group of juve- niles set up a skateboard ramp in the middle of the street and were lighting off fireworks around it. A caller complained about fire- works between the 300 and 700 blocks of Grant Avenue. Police responded at 10:44 p.m. to a report of a disturbance at Ma- son General Hospital. At 11:53 p.m. a prowler was reported in the 200 block of East Roosevelt Street. Saturday, July 7 A disturbance was reported in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue at 2:30 a.m. A 1993 blue Chevrolet Cavalier station wagon was reported stolen from a parking lot in the 100 block of Railroad Avenue. A caller from the 600 block of North Fourth Street reported re- ceiving an obscene telephone call. Vandalism to the windows of a trailer in the 600 block of Arcadia Avenue was reported and a call- er from the 200 block of West H Street said someone threw a golf ball through a window of the resi- dence. A caller complained about fire- works in the 1700 block of Bound- ary Street. Sunday, July 8 Vandalism at a residence in the 700 block of West Euclid Avenue and to the window of a business in the 1700 block of Olympic High- way North was reported. Graffiti was found on a wall of a business in the 300 block of Wal- lace Kneeland Boulevard. Monday, July 9 Just after 3 a.m. a caller from the 1400 block of Mason Street said a man was sleeping on the caller's porch with a beer next to him. A silver Mazda was reported stolen from the 1900 block of Hay Street. At 1:11 p.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 400 block of Railroad Avenue. A caller reported the theft of cash and prescription medication from a vehicle in the 300 block of Railroad Avenue. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Tuesday 116, Wednesday 113, Thursday 113, Friday 116, Satur- day 116, Sunday 117, Monday 114, Tuesday 118. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Monday, July 2 Fire District 2 responded at 8:13 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn on NE Barbara Boulevard, Belfair, and at 12:57 p.m. to a re- quest for a burn investigation on NE Rainbow Lane, Belfair. Vandalism to mailboxes along East Road of Tralee at Lake Lim- erick was reported. A caller from East Ballantrae Drive at Lake Limerick reported finding a cockatiel. A caller from North Staircase Drive, Hoodsport, reported the at- tempted theft of a boat, saying the dash was dismantled, and a 20- foot 2006 Bayliner was reported stolen from a dock in Division 1 at Lake Cushman. Squaxin Island tribal officers received a report of a vehicle prowl and the theft of an outboard mo- tor from the parking lot at the Ar- cadia boat ramp. An assault was reported by a caller from SE Klah Che Min Drive. Officers respond- ing at 10:23 p.m. to a report of a disturbance at a residence on SE Sa Heh Wamish Court requested the assistance of deputies. A caller from East Evergreen Drive near Shelton requested in- formation regarding a noise ordi- nance. Callers complained about fire- works on East Grapeview Loop Road about a mile from the stop sign, on East Trails End Drive, Belfair, on East Hammond Place near Shelton and on East Picker- ing Road near Queens Way. A caller reported the theft of three guns from a residence about 2.6 miles out East Brockdale Road near Shelton. An assault was reported be- tween two female inmates at the jail. Items were reportecstolen from a residence under construction on East Lansky Drive near Shelton. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a complaint about fireworks on North State Route 106. Tuesday, July 3 Fire District 2 responded at 8:46 a.m. to the report of an illegal burn at 200 NE Straub Hill, Bel- fair, and at 5:51 p.m. to the report* of a brush fire on North Tiger Lake Road West, Belfair. A caller from a place just over a mile out East Agate Loop Road re- ported the theft of tires and rims. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of the theft of $9,000 in fireworks from a stand and referred,the case to the sher- iffs office. A fisheries violation was reported on the beach at Potlatch. At 11:30 p.m. officers responded to a report of a fight in progress on lorth Salish Court. A caller from East Skylark Court in Allyn reported identity theft. A burglary at a residence on East Delanty Road near Shelton was reported. Wednesday, July 4 Fire District 2 responded to re- ports of illegal burns at 5:17 p.m. on NE Dogwood Road, Belfair, and at 8:46 p.m. at 90 NE Allison Lane, Belfair. Trespassing on West Lost Lake Road was reported. A caller reported the theft of more than $3,000 in building ma- terials from a construction site on West Valley Heights Drive near Shelton. A caller from a place more than six and a half miles out West Clo- quallum Road said someone at- tempted to steal a cast-iron tub from the caller's pasture. Squaxin Island officers received a report of a possible brush fire on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Skokomish officers and deputies responded at 9:31 p.m. to a report of a vehicle fire near North High- way i01 and Sunnyside Road. A burglary at a residence on East Leeds Drive near ]: was reported. Llay, oon Thursday, July 5 .t°, Fire District 2 respondS:" the following fire-related c, 12:41 a.m., smoke investi_" 90 NE Harpoon Drive, Be_lon  5:56 a.m., illegal burn, 221 N. lins Lake Drive, Tahuya; atL_ a.m., smoke investigation[a_ } Dogwood Road, Belfair; a.m., smoke investigation, i NE Tahuya River Drive, TI/ at 2:09 p.m., brush fire, 2 State Route 300, Belfair;  9:24 p.m., illegal burn, NE 1:4 ner Loop, Belfair. Squaxin Island officer, sponded at 12:41 a.m. to a 1:: of a disturbance in the parkiC' at Kamilche Trading Post,/ glary at a residence on SE t_ pin Lane was reported. b Skokomish officers resp0ial at 2:21 a.m. to a report of)a. turbance on North Salish  tt requested the assistance of k 1 ties. A fisheries violation alo ) 8 Skokomish River was report_ green Ford Taurus was rep,,  stolen from North Cedar 5a 'L ts. caller from North Potlatch , reported a theft, lml Vandalism at a cons t,t| site on NE Rasor Road, I3q was reported. ! A red 1985 pickup truck w ported stolen from a place _0 State Route 3 just outside SI city limits. | A caller from SE Noble Drive near Shelton said so shot two of the caller's pigs. A burglary at a residence 2.5 miles out West State 1 108 was reported. Items were reported stoles| a vehicle on East Alta Drive,l fair. l Deputies responding at p.m. to a report of a disturb| j on SE Shadowood Bouleva tl quested the assistance police officers. Friday, July 6 A caller complained at !] a.m. about all-terrain vehicle? ' East Trails End Drive, BelfaiW Burglaries at places osl Craig Road just outside the  ton city limits and near Mil 23 of NE State Route 3, Be were reported. A caller from a business o Roy Boad Road, Belfair, rep a theft. | A black 1979 Ford pickup f was reported stolen from pro on NE Belfair-Tahuya Road.| t Trespassing on Green Diar'y_ Resource Company propertl t East Timberlake West Drive|[ reported. 11 A caller said a boat was o11 ing in a reckless manner o,! bella Lake. lL. Burglaries at Belfair resid. on NE Jolly Roger Lane anU I Gladwin Road were reported. ]  An alleged sex offense w! ported. | Skokomish officers receivd L report of an assault on the rlo vation. | D Squaxin Island officers resl ed at 11:49 p.m. to a report of 0| turbance in one of the motel r at Little,Creek Casino. L A dozen fireworks compl came in from callers in County. Squaxin Island received a complaint from callers about fireworks on T'Peeksin Lane. Saturday, July 7 Fire District 2 1:01 p.m. to the burn on East Rasor Road. Reports of campsites at Lake Cushman, in at. 12:43 a.m., 3:04 a.m. 11:18 p.m. Skokomish officers complaint at 4:40 a.m. about on North Twana Court. officers responded to a an out-of-control alto employee Lucky Dog Casino. Tresp was reported on property onflm Tribal Center Road. A caller reported an on problem with boaters and on personal watercraft op in an unsafe mmer on Tee Tahuya. Squaxin Island officers a report at 5:02 p.m. of a brush fire near a on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Ten callers complained fireworks at locations in the ty. Sunday, July 8 At 1:46 a.m. a volving four men at a at Aldrich Lake, Tahuya, ported. 40N (Please turn to page