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CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less-- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three ,Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be res
for errors In the first
insertion only.
DINING SET: 47" round oak table/leaf/4
side, 2 captain chairs, $350. 48"x22"
library table/3 drawers, 2 upholstered
chairs, $80. All good condition. (360)
898-3021. $7/5-12
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3ffn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
, accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632) an-
nounces a spectacular sale July 6th-9th
featuring half off all separates including
Chico, Coldwater Creek, St. John, Clai-
borne, etc.! New items include a 71/2
ft. farm table w/chairs, a sculpted bear
coffee table, an oak armoire and china
cabinet and a mahogany china cabinet.
Hundreds of new items are added each
weekl Also, a new vendor, "Lifetime Ar-
bors", has a wonderful sample on dis-
play. Come see what's newl July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake". This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses, garden arbors and highlight rare
and antique books as well as in-store
discounts. Almost all of these artisans
will contract custom work so bring your
ideas and discuss them with the artist in
personl Don't miss this unique opportu-
. nityl The final weekends in July will fea-
' ture "surprise sales"- announced at the
door on opening that Friday. Mark your
calendars for August 3rd-6th, the Lady
of the Lake's Second Anniversary salel
This will be the biggest sale of the year
and include discounts on every house
item in stock. L6/28-7/19
TONNEAU COVER, fiberglass, make
offer. Ceiling fan, $20. Large chest
freezer, $15. Electric stove, $20. Free
washer/dryer. Free cans of paint. (360)
877-5433; (360) 877-6601. J7/12
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. "I"7/12-8/2
5 H.P. YARD machine, 18" stringer.
New gas, oil, spark plug, string. $90
cash. (360) 427-0826. Mc7/12
SOLID WOOD, large desk, $125.
Queen mattress and box spring, $40.
Leather sofa and chair, $125. 5 drawer
chest, $30. Console TV, cable ready,
$50. (360) 426-0824. W7/12
PAINI DO you have major or minor
pain? Before using pharmaceuticals,
check JC's about Natural help. 206 S.
2nd St., (360) 432-1274. J7/12
1965 DREXEL dining table and side-
board. Declaration series modern Dan-
ish style, beautifull Table seats eight
- one leaf. Sideboard has four drawers
". t=, and two end cabinets. Too large for my
house. Each (similar) piece has sold on
Internet for $2,000 each. $3,500 OBO.
(360) 359-6401. E7/12
Upright freezer, Maytag, $75. Washer,
$50. All work. (360) 426-0824. W7/12
= Coins = Currency
= Militaria
13012 Harrison Ave. NW
/ Olympia
352-8848 j
3RD ANNUAL Spencer Lake swap meet.
Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Artists,
craftsmen, garage salers, all welcome.
Parking lot of Spencer Lake Bar & Grill.
For a free space call Kim at (360) 426-
2505. S7/5-12
HUGE YARD sale, 2 days, 2 locations.
All proceeds benefit the Mason County
Shelter. Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. 5th Street and Henry. Saturday
only 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 208 First Street.
Come and find great bargains and sup-
port the shelter. $7/12
HIAWATHA PARK annual community
garage sale. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Something for everyone. Tools, elec-
tronics, sporting/camping gear, lots of
kids' stuff. G7/12
antiques, kitchen cabinets, JennAir
stove, dressers, couches, baby crib.
1998 Ford pickup, BBQ and much more.
Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. No early sales. 361 E. John's
Creek Drive. P7/12
SATURDAY ONLY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mov-
ing/clearance, cheap prices. Lots of
guy stuff. 202 W. Shelton Valley Road.
Grove and 2nd Street from 9 a.m.-
3 p.m., Saturday the 14th. This sale
has some great guy stuff. An 8-drawer
Craftsman roll around tool cabinet, col-
lection of MASH series videos, 2 tele-
scopes to view the stars, Coleman camp
stove. Also a bunch of great new purses
for you ladies, birdhouse shelf unit and
beautiful glassware. A7/12
SATURDAY ONLY 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Me-
ridian Park, corner of 7th and Sunset
Court. Lots of misc. L7/12
FINAL YARD sale, everything must go.
Saturday, Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1717
Washington Street. C7/12
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Furni-
ture, toys, homemade slippers, and mis-
cellaneous items. 20 E. Rainbow Lake
PI. G7/12
HOT SALE this weekend at 1714 Lau-
rel Street, Mt. View. Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-4 p.m. There will be lots of house-
hold items, Native American dolls, fur-
niture, costume jewelry, surplus mili-
tary, glassware, Marilyn Monroe post-
ers, artwork, knickknacks, new pillows,
puzzles, nice women's clothes, oriental
items, books, kitchenware, VCRs, Avon
and there is too much to list. Priced to
sell and no junk. H7/12
WE ARE movingl Huge garage sale Fri-
day-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Small boat
with oars, tools, clothing, dishes, pots/
pans, lots of household items. Arcadia
Road to Morgan Road to 40 SE Wolden
Road. W7/12
LARGE CLEANING house sale. Lots
of stuff. Some household, kid and adult
clothes, toys, and furniture. Friday-Sat-
urday, open 8 a.m. 318 W. Kelly Road,
off Delight Park Road. E7/12
BACKYARD SALE, 500 Ellinor Avenue,
Hillcrest. Friday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Chord organ, hideabed, bathroom van-
ity, miscellaneous kitchen items, kids'
and adults' clothes, Duncan Phyfe cof-
fee table, scooter, lots more. J7/12
EVERYTHING GOES! Kids' clothes,
kitchen, women's clothes, garage stuff.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 360 Mill
Creek Road. $7/12
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 7 a.m.-noon, 351 S.
12th St., Angleside. Tools, fishing gear,
freezer, lots of miscellaneous. L7/12
STAR LAKE community-wide yard
sales. July 20 and 21, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Off Cloquallum Road, follow the signs.
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Clothes,
weight machine, tools, books, miscella-
neous. 510 Enchantment Heights off of
Webb Hill. F7/12
FRIDAY-SATURDAY 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1221
Timberlake Drive E., Shelton. L7/12
from Agate Store. Something for every-
one. Clothes, toys, books, tools, fishing/
hunting stuff. 1000 W. Honda generator,
large gun safe, 12"-3 point hitch post
hole digger, treadmill, 36" TV, Singer
sewing machine in cabinet, desk, barbe-
cue and lots morel Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-4 p.m. No early sales, no checks.
LARGE SALE Friday-Saturday 8:30
a.m.-2:30 p.m. Antiques, furniture, col-
lectibles, books. Something for every-
one! Too much to list. Through back al-
ley, 518 Ellinor Ave. D7/12
2 PARTY moving sale. 272 Deer Creek
Road. Friday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Furniture, table/4 chairs, antique side
board and end table. Rockers, couch,
Ioveseat, teapots, patio swings, sleep-
ing bags, barbecue grills, jeans, square
dance clothes and much more. L7/12
YARD SALE. A little bit of everything.
Hidden Haven Mobile Park #21. Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. W7/12
BIG 'ARD sale. Cleaning out the clos-
ets, garage and storage unit, Saturday
and Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 211 B. Wood-
land Drive (off of Springs Rd.). G7/12
COTTAGE SALE: Farm-style dining
table, sewing machine, etc. Nice sum-
mer clothes small-large, western boots
size 10. Saturday-Monday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
1519 So. Olympic Hwy. S7/12
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
1313 W. Cota St., Space 9. Multi-fami-
lies. H7/12
WANTED - BMWs - dead or dying. Call
Dan (360) 495-0006, McCleary. C6/21-
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because
I don't listen to bands with names like
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe
fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm look-
ing for a group that's happy just to be
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton.
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
NEED MALE boxer for stud service for
female boxer. Choice of litter or cash
payment. (360) 490-1982 or (360) 427-
4174. O7/12
BUYING SCRAP gold, costume jewelry,
DVDs, old stuff. Kiss Me Clothing & An-
tiques, 129 W. Railroad. K7/5-26
BUYING LITTLE wild blackberries.
(360) 427-7316. C7/5-26
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big onef For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
CASHIER/WAITRESS. Apply in person
at Happy Teriyaki, 3101 Olympic Hwy.
N., Shelton. H7/12
needed at growing company in Shel-
ton. Previous experience desired. Work
may involve use of microscope. Pay
depends on skill level. Pleasant atmo-
sphere, steady work, benefits. (360)
426-57'19. 820 East Hiawatha Blvd.,
Shelton. $7/12
available. Must be self motivated, self
starting and enjoy working with the pub-
lic. A valid drivers license, reliable trans-
portation and a proven track record in
sales is a must. Please mail resume to:
Sales Rap., 2213 Olympic Hwy. North,
Shelton, WA 98584. Q7/12-8/2
DRIVERS: HOME every weekend. Av-
erage $55,000+ per year. Free medical/
dental/vision. Flatbed, CDL-A. 1-866-
394-1944. A7/12-19
START-UP TOW company seeking ex-
perienced driver. Pickup application in
person at Brehmer's Collision Center,
1345 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton.
FT DEVELOPMENT Associate. Experi-
enced, detail oriented person with excel-
lent interpersonal, communication and
customer service skills. Manage annual
fund, assist with major gift campaign.
Manage donor database and logistics
of cultivation/recognition events. Must
be organized, flexible, team player. Re-
sume and cover letter to: I-Jarmony Hill,
7362 East SR 106, Union, WA 98592,
Attn: Jill or jill@harmonyhill.org. No
calls. Non smoking facility. EOE. 7/12-
openings for the fall. Teacher and
teacher assistant, Belfair Center, Shel-
ton/PESTE Center. Teams of 3 staff in
each half day classroom. Hours per
week vary by position. Bilingual encour-
aged to apply. Open until filled. Person-
nel Cooperative, online application and
complete job description, www.teach-
inginwashington.com or (360) 464-
6855. E7/12
Shelton is seeking a top quality journey
level Repair Technician. Pick up appli-
cation in person at 1345 E. Johns Prai-
rie Road, Shelton. B7/12-8/2
DUMP TRUCK Driver. Experience pre-
ferred, CDL required. Apply in person
with 5 year driver's abstract at Arris
Kollman Trucking, 2421 W. 1st Street,
Aberdeen or Little Creek Rock Quar-
ry, 951 SE Kamilche Lane, Shelton.
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook, full time,
year round. Spencer Lake Bar & Grill,
Larry, (360) 426-2505. $7/12-19
High quality sandy loam
Top cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
LAND203B-4 j
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007
a certified
Nursing "
Evergreen Healthcare is offering
day, evening and night shifts
Competitive wages ranging from $9.50-$11 DOE
Do not pass up this opportunity to start a career in which you
will make a difference in the fives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
and Fridays, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
ecutive home. Self-motivated
attention to detail essential. Leavel
sage, (360) 426-2887 or fax
1227. J7/12
clerk, fast-paced. Drug and
check. Matlock. (360) 426-6806,
REAL ESTATE Loan Processor.
insula Credit Union is recruiting
time Real Estate Loan Proce,.
Shelton Administration Bldg.
requires knowledge and ex
RE loan processing and
vices. Previous experience in
and analyzing credit reports,
als, flood certificates, and title
required. Must be able to
prioritize, and produce
high volume of files. Excellent
service skills and the ability to
a team atmosphere required.
resume to: PCU, PC Box 2150,
ton, WA 98584. Attention: HR
e-mail to jobs@pcfcu.org. For more
visit www.pcfcu.org. P7/12
clan. Must be dependable, must
all current licenses. (360)
JOB COACH position open.
provides pre-employment and
job training support for clients
abilities. Experience with
rice programs preferred. Work
flexible schedule as required.
at least 21, have a valid
pre-employment drug screen
nal background check. $1
Part time or full time. Full time (
for company paid medical,
and vision after 3, months. (Part
benefits may be available next
Pick up application packet at
Railroad Avenue, Shelton. (360)
0077. E7/12
for a unique person. Qualifications:
store experience, people person,
multi-task, energetic, able to lift
computer literate with Word, Excel,
and more. Clean driving and
cords, UA is required. This is
with benefits if qualified. Salary
Stop by Treasures at 305 West
between 10 a.m.-5 p.m. to pick upa
cation. Closes 7/27/07. T7/12-26
housekeeping. Diabetic meals
derly lady. Private room. No
pets. References, background
No agency. (360) 427-9763; (360)'
6434. J7/12-8/2
Assistant, North Mason Medical
Belfair. Part time position, for busy,
ily practice clinic. Must be famil
certified. Competitive wage and
efit package, including generous
and retirement plan. Send
apply at H.R. Department, Mason
eral Hospital, P.O. Box 1668,
WA 98584, (360) 427-3575,
masongeneral.com. M7/12
Medical Clinic. PRN,
day shift. Must have graduated
accredited Medical Assistant
Two years experience preferred,
edge of medical terminology,
experience, and excellent
tion and phone skills are required.
ish speaking and certification
Send resume or apply at H.R.
ment, Mason General Hospital,
Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584.
rienced, fun loving, and
ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar &
W. Cot'a, Shelton. E6/28-7/19
CLASSIFIED" 15 words or less-- $6.50 .Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 .Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three ,Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be res
for errors In the first
insertion only.
DINING SET: 47" round oak table/leaf/4
side, 2 captain chairs, $350. 48"x22"
library table/3 drawers, 2 upholstered
chairs, $80. All good condition. (360)
898-3021. $7/5-12
PEELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
ameter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
remaining logs (about 1,200) and burls
for $2,400. (360) 877-0602. H5/3ffn
DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in cus-
tom units and have stock sizes too. Wood-
smith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
, accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632) an-
nounces a spectacular sale July 6th-9th
featuring half off all separates including
Chico, Coldwater Creek, St. John, Clai-
borne, etc.! New items include a 71/2
ft. farm table w/chairs, a sculpted bear
coffee table, an oak armoire and china
cabinet and a mahogany china cabinet.
Hundreds of new items are added each
weekl Also, a new vendor, "Lifetime Ar-
bors", has a wonderful sample on dis-
play. Come see what's newl July 14th
and 15th, the Lady will host the first an-
nual "Art Fair at the Lake". This outdoor
festival will feature numerous artisans
including stained glass, jewelry, bath
and body products, stationery, candles,
hats and handbags, custom built bird-
houses, garden arbors and highlight rare
and antique books as well as in-store
discounts. Almost all of these artisans
will contract custom work so bring your
ideas and discuss them with the artist in
personl Don't miss this unique opportu-
. nityl The final weekends in July will fea-
' ture "surprise sales"- announced at the
door on opening that Friday. Mark your
calendars for August 3rd-6th, the Lady
of the Lake's Second Anniversary salel
This will be the biggest sale of the year
and include discounts on every house
item in stock. L6/28-7/19
TONNEAU COVER, fiberglass, make
offer. Ceiling fan, $20. Large chest
freezer, $15. Electric stove, $20. Free
washer/dryer. Free cans of paint. (360)
877-5433; (360) 877-6601. J7/12
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. "I"7/12-8/2
5 H.P. YARD machine, 18" stringer.
New gas, oil, spark plug, string. $90
cash. (360) 427-0826. Mc7/12
SOLID WOOD, large desk, $125.
Queen mattress and box spring, $40.
Leather sofa and chair, $125. 5 drawer
chest, $30. Console TV, cable ready,
$50. (360) 426-0824. W7/12
PAINI DO you have major or minor
pain? Before using pharmaceuticals,
check JC's about Natural help. 206 S.
2nd St., (360) 432-1274. J7/12
1965 DREXEL dining table and side-
board. Declaration series modern Dan-
ish style, beautifull Table seats eight
- one leaf. Sideboard has four drawers
". t=, and two end cabinets. Too large for my
house. Each (similar) piece has sold on
Internet for $2,000 each. $3,500 OBO.
(360) 359-6401. E7/12
Upright freezer, Maytag, $75. Washer,
$50. All work. (360) 426-0824. W7/12
= Coins = Currency
= Militaria
13012 Harrison Ave. NW
/ Olympia
352-8848 j
3RD ANNUAL Spencer Lake swap meet.
Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Artists,
craftsmen, garage salers, all welcome.
Parking lot of Spencer Lake Bar & Grill.
For a free space call Kim at (360) 426-
2505. S7/5-12
HUGE YARD sale, 2 days, 2 locations.
All proceeds benefit the Mason County
Shelter. Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. 5th Street and Henry. Saturday
only 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 208 First Street.
Come and find great bargains and sup-
port the shelter. $7/12
HIAWATHA PARK annual community
garage sale. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Something for everyone. Tools, elec-
tronics, sporting/camping gear, lots of
kids' stuff. G7/12
antiques, kitchen cabinets, JennAir
stove, dressers, couches, baby crib.
1998 Ford pickup, BBQ and much more.
Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m.-
3 p.m. No early sales. 361 E. John's
Creek Drive. P7/12
SATURDAY ONLY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Mov-
ing/clearance, cheap prices. Lots of
guy stuff. 202 W. Shelton Valley Road.
Grove and 2nd Street from 9 a.m.-
3 p.m., Saturday the 14th. This sale
has some great guy stuff. An 8-drawer
Craftsman roll around tool cabinet, col-
lection of MASH series videos, 2 tele-
scopes to view the stars, Coleman camp
stove. Also a bunch of great new purses
for you ladies, birdhouse shelf unit and
beautiful glassware. A7/12
SATURDAY ONLY 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Me-
ridian Park, corner of 7th and Sunset
Court. Lots of misc. L7/12
FINAL YARD sale, everything must go.
Saturday, Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1717
Washington Street. C7/12
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Furni-
ture, toys, homemade slippers, and mis-
cellaneous items. 20 E. Rainbow Lake
PI. G7/12
HOT SALE this weekend at 1714 Lau-
rel Street, Mt. View. Friday, Saturday, 9
a.m.-4 p.m. There will be lots of house-
hold items, Native American dolls, fur-
niture, costume jewelry, surplus mili-
tary, glassware, Marilyn Monroe post-
ers, artwork, knickknacks, new pillows,
puzzles, nice women's clothes, oriental
items, books, kitchenware, VCRs, Avon
and there is too much to list. Priced to
sell and no junk. H7/12
WE ARE movingl Huge garage sale Fri-
day-Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Small boat
with oars, tools, clothing, dishes, pots/
pans, lots of household items. Arcadia
Road to Morgan Road to 40 SE Wolden
Road. W7/12
LARGE CLEANING house sale. Lots
of stuff. Some household, kid and adult
clothes, toys, and furniture. Friday-Sat-
urday, open 8 a.m. 318 W. Kelly Road,
off Delight Park Road. E7/12
BACKYARD SALE, 500 Ellinor Avenue,
Hillcrest. Friday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Chord organ, hideabed, bathroom van-
ity, miscellaneous kitchen items, kids'
and adults' clothes, Duncan Phyfe cof-
fee table, scooter, lots more. J7/12
EVERYTHING GOES! Kids' clothes,
kitchen, women's clothes, garage stuff.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., 360 Mill
Creek Road. $7/12
FRIDAY-SUNDAY 7 a.m.-noon, 351 S.
12th St., Angleside. Tools, fishing gear,
freezer, lots of miscellaneous. L7/12
STAR LAKE community-wide yard
sales. July 20 and 21, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Off Cloquallum Road, follow the signs.
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Clothes,
weight machine, tools, books, miscella-
neous. 510 Enchantment Heights off of
Webb Hill. F7/12
FRIDAY-SATURDAY 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 1221
Timberlake Drive E., Shelton. L7/12
from Agate Store. Something for every-
one. Clothes, toys, books, tools, fishing/
hunting stuff. 1000 W. Honda generator,
large gun safe, 12"-3 point hitch post
hole digger, treadmill, 36" TV, Singer
sewing machine in cabinet, desk, barbe-
cue and lots morel Saturday-Sunday, 10
a.m.-4 p.m. No early sales, no checks.
LARGE SALE Friday-Saturday 8:30
a.m.-2:30 p.m. Antiques, furniture, col-
lectibles, books. Something for every-
one! Too much to list. Through back al-
ley, 518 Ellinor Ave. D7/12
2 PARTY moving sale. 272 Deer Creek
Road. Friday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Furniture, table/4 chairs, antique side
board and end table. Rockers, couch,
Ioveseat, teapots, patio swings, sleep-
ing bags, barbecue grills, jeans, square
dance clothes and much more. L7/12
YARD SALE. A little bit of everything.
Hidden Haven Mobile Park #21. Friday-
Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. W7/12
BIG 'ARD sale. Cleaning out the clos-
ets, garage and storage unit, Saturday
and Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. 211 B. Wood-
land Drive (off of Springs Rd.). G7/12
COTTAGE SALE: Farm-style dining
table, sewing machine, etc. Nice sum-
mer clothes small-large, western boots
size 10. Saturday-Monday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
1519 So. Olympic Hwy. S7/12
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
1313 W. Cota St., Space 9. Multi-fami-
lies. H7/12
WANTED - BMWs - dead or dying. Call
Dan (360) 495-0006, McCleary. C6/21-
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit country
and a little bit '80's metal/powerballad. I
like music that delivers a positive mes-
sage and emphasizes the value of mor-
als. Some would call me lame because
I don't listen to bands with names like
Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the shoe
fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm look-
ing for a group that's happy just to be
heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/19tfn
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shelton.
(360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
NEED MALE boxer for stud service for
female boxer. Choice of litter or cash
payment. (360) 490-1982 or (360) 427-
4174. O7/12
BUYING SCRAP gold, costume jewelry,
DVDs, old stuff. Kiss Me Clothing & An-
tiques, 129 W. Railroad. K7/5-26
BUYING LITTLE wild blackberries.
(360) 427-7316. C7/5-26
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
holding our next garage sale on July
21, Saturday. There is still time to make
those tax deductible donations of house-
hold items, kids items, and guy stuff. We
are altering and feeding 115 kitties, let's
make this sale a big onef For informa-
tion call (360) 426-2455 or (360) 584-
0594. K6/14-7/5
CASHIER/WAITRESS. Apply in person
at Happy Teriyaki, 3101 Olympic Hwy.
N., Shelton. H7/12
needed at growing company in Shel-
ton. Previous experience desired. Work
may involve use of microscope. Pay
depends on skill level. Pleasant atmo-
sphere, steady work, benefits. (360)
426-57'19. 820 East Hiawatha Blvd.,
Shelton. $7/12
available. Must be self motivated, self
starting and enjoy working with the pub-
lic. A valid drivers license, reliable trans-
portation and a proven track record in
sales is a must. Please mail resume to:
Sales Rap., 2213 Olympic Hwy. North,
Shelton, WA 98584. Q7/12-8/2
DRIVERS: HOME every weekend. Av-
erage $55,000+ per year. Free medical/
dental/vision. Flatbed, CDL-A. 1-866-
394-1944. A7/12-19
START-UP TOW company seeking ex-
perienced driver. Pickup application in
person at Brehmer's Collision Center,
1345 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton.
FT DEVELOPMENT Associate. Experi-
enced, detail oriented person with excel-
lent interpersonal, communication and
customer service skills. Manage annual
fund, assist with major gift campaign.
Manage donor database and logistics
of cultivation/recognition events. Must
be organized, flexible, team player. Re-
sume and cover letter to: I-Jarmony Hill,
7362 East SR 106, Union, WA 98592,
Attn: Jill or jill@harmonyhill.org. No
calls. Non smoking facility. EOE. 7/12-
openings for the fall. Teacher and
teacher assistant, Belfair Center, Shel-
ton/PESTE Center. Teams of 3 staff in
each half day classroom. Hours per
week vary by position. Bilingual encour-
aged to apply. Open until filled. Person-
nel Cooperative, online application and
complete job description, www.teach-
inginwashington.com or (360) 464-
6855. E7/12
Shelton is seeking a top quality journey
level Repair Technician. Pick up appli-
cation in person at 1345 E. Johns Prai-
rie Road, Shelton. B7/12-8/2
DUMP TRUCK Driver. Experience pre-
ferred, CDL required. Apply in person
with 5 year driver's abstract at Arris
Kollman Trucking, 2421 W. 1st Street,
Aberdeen or Little Creek Rock Quar-
ry, 951 SE Kamilche Lane, Shelton.
EXPERIENCED LINE Cook, full time,
year round. Spencer Lake Bar & Grill,
Larry, (360) 426-2505. $7/12-19
High quality sandy loam
Top cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe Dozer
Bulkheads Ripraps
Deliveries Anywhere
LAND203B-4 j
Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007
a certified
Nursing "
Evergreen Healthcare is offering
day, evening and night shifts
Competitive wages ranging from $9.50-$11 DOE
Do not pass up this opportunity to start a career in which you
will make a difference in the fives of those you care for
With employment we offer:
Vacation and sick pay
Flexible scheduling
Unlimited job growth
and Fridays, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
ecutive home. Self-motivated
attention to detail essential. Leavel
sage, (360) 426-2887 or fax
1227. J7/12
clerk, fast-paced. Drug and
check. Matlock. (360) 426-6806,
REAL ESTATE Loan Processor.
insula Credit Union is recruiting
time Real Estate Loan Proce,.
Shelton Administration Bldg.
requires knowledge and ex
RE loan processing and
vices. Previous experience in
and analyzing credit reports,
als, flood certificates, and title
required. Must be able to
prioritize, and produce
high volume of files. Excellent
service skills and the ability to
a team atmosphere required.
resume to: PCU, PC Box 2150,
ton, WA 98584. Attention: HR
e-mail to jobs@pcfcu.org. For more
visit www.pcfcu.org. P7/12
clan. Must be dependable, must
all current licenses. (360)
JOB COACH position open.
provides pre-employment and
job training support for clients
abilities. Experience with
rice programs preferred. Work
flexible schedule as required.
at least 21, have a valid
pre-employment drug screen
nal background check. $1
Part time or full time. Full time (
for company paid medical,
and vision after 3, months. (Part
benefits may be available next
Pick up application packet at
Railroad Avenue, Shelton. (360)
0077. E7/12
for a unique person. Qualifications:
store experience, people person,
multi-task, energetic, able to lift
computer literate with Word, Excel,
and more. Clean driving and
cords, UA is required. This is
with benefits if qualified. Salary
Stop by Treasures at 305 West
between 10 a.m.-5 p.m. to pick upa
cation. Closes 7/27/07. T7/12-26
housekeeping. Diabetic meals
derly lady. Private room. No
pets. References, background
No agency. (360) 427-9763; (360)'
6434. J7/12-8/2
Assistant, North Mason Medical
Belfair. Part time position, for busy,
ily practice clinic. Must be famil
certified. Competitive wage and
efit package, including generous
and retirement plan. Send
apply at H.R. Department, Mason
eral Hospital, P.O. Box 1668,
WA 98584, (360) 427-3575,
masongeneral.com. M7/12
Medical Clinic. PRN,
day shift. Must have graduated
accredited Medical Assistant
Two years experience preferred,
edge of medical terminology,
experience, and excellent
tion and phone skills are required.
ish speaking and certification
Send resume or apply at H.R.
ment, Mason General Hospital,
Box 1668, Shelton, WA 98584.
rienced, fun loving, and
ply at Ernie's Fir Cone Bar &
W. Cot'a, Shelton. E6/28-7/19