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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FARMERS RESIDENTIAL Appren- '' 2 Years experience minimum. (360) 8-7/19 I[E E PASON--ATE about everything ; dol Loceci in Shelton we're a grow- lg agency that offers a dynamic CSA Ple to stretch your talents, reward your ln do" spirit and relationsMp skills. Li- sed P&C Personal Lines agent with  Years experience of multi-line car- r.s. Excellent benefits package, ne- Itiable salary and flexible hours. Call 53i 473-3010 F6/28-7/12 RING PEOPLE needed! You can ke a difference in the lives of seniors.  i:0;.,0,_me join our team. Home Instead Se- 0049. H6/28-7/19 )CALCAL COMPANY I--ooki-n--for e-----x e-ri- ) g P ;l'"uurrs, 48 states. Must ve CUrrent CDL clean driving record. 427-7652. C6/28-7/19 "JFICE ASSISTANT must be proficient ".h Excel Power Point and Internet 60) 426-4024. R6/28tfn t E'IN CAREGIVER needed ior my her on weekends Salary negotiable. P_ERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. 00sd; E6/28-7/19 ERICORPS VISTA 1 year Internship, mpia. Assist in coordinating disaster P.. activit es for Homeland Security ion 3 (Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Pa- t’, Grays Harbor) Monthly allowance 045833, and includes education award Cash stipend. See • Us/era or call Shelley South at (360) :9 p.m., 7/18 T712- ,LP WANTED: Workers for small shell- I",.COmPany, daytimes Send resume ,.Blind E}ox658, c/o The Journal, P.O. !on', Wk 98584.7/5-26 qANCIAL SERVICES firm seeks PonSible entry-leve person w th a IIlurrl of 2 years genera office expe- Ice, This individual must be able to !,die administrative, client service and eting support responsibility. Excel- t COmmunication skills are required. se Send a resume to: PO Box 1908, ton, WA 98584-5021. Equal Oppor- er. E7/5-12 VEFIs: A steady lifestyle. Top miles lop pay. Call Werner Enterprises ional openings today. 1-800-346- , ext. 126. A7/5-12 PETS PERSONALS MUSIC REAPING €OI1PS Make a Difference in Your Community! Ie are hiring full-time (40 hrs/wk) tutors to local elementary schools. Positions start tember 4th. To apply, you must be Le#_s 17 s Old and have HS diploma/GED. AmeriCorps te Comes with a $830-900 monthly stipend, education award and other benefits. Find out more on our website IA.communitwouthservices.g . (follow the "Programs" link to . AmeriCorps-Washington Reading Corps") ur call Beth at 888-698-1816 ext. 126. 7/5-12 P INSTRUCTION J0urnal's t Super 00rossword IAnswers E1 Mexicano Landscaping TZF S L E S EG I1| GEN ACE SH I POL ||| HAR I O I N EV E k E SET ||| CAN AD A MOD OR I SNA HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED, experience preferred but will train. Apply in person, Super 8 Motel, 2943 Northview Circle. $7/5-12 CASHIER WANTED. Some hardware experience preferred. Able to work weekends. Benefits available. Apply in person. 110 Mill Street. T7/5-12 START YOUR Professional Nursing ca- reer with Fir Lane ... "Certified Nursing Assistants." Free training classes now forming. Application deadline is July 18. Classes start promptly Monday, July 23, 2007. Fir Lane Health & Rehab is qualified under Washington State and federal regulation to select and train the most loving and caring individuals to be- come a "Certified Nursing Assistant." If you are thinking about a future in the re- warding career of healthcare, then start with Fir Lane Health & Rehab., 2430 N. 13th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Dub Ad- ams and Donna Rawlings, (360) 426- 1651. F7/5-12 PART-TIME COOK needed. Experience preferred, but willing to train. Pick up ap- plication at: Fir Lane Health & Rehab, 2430 N. 13th. Ask for Gloria Bowman. EOE. F7/5-12 SAIL ON In Espresso expanding, expe- rienced barista. Send resume: P.O. Box 4, Allyn, WA 98524 or call (360) 710- 6940. $6/21-7/12 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, days, evenings, and weekends, good 2nd income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowl- edge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M6/21-7/12 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. Must have valid driver's license. Ap- plications can be obtained at 1650 E. Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- 7057. M5/24tfn VISITATION SUPERVISOR, $10/hour. For details see www.healingtherapy. net/visits. H7/5-26 CASHIER - MUST be over 21. Expe- rienced only. Apply at Taylor Towne Store, 70 SE Lynch Road. T6/21tfn SHELTON HEALTH and Rehabilitation is accepting applications for an experi- enced Medical Records person. Atten- tion to detail and a positive attitude are required. Please send resumes to: Jay- son at 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA 98584. $6/21-7/12 STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. P11/23tfn , "6- M:A:R O'L G A M,A .,H ICtL,OlUIDISIAIC I,[.IEIclHIu, c o , N E oIL E A M uT A IN!OIIWIO OEIL(StEll [E ! C E "t,C SiL A C K S F 0 R M._AA 'X- mt 1;rE/iF L R E EIA 8 ElL R O M A N R RIcloIFIOIRIoII 6T - : i tL TCEINluls/IEIL * N "NSTRUCTION El. KRISTYN & SON C ONSTRUCTION. INC. COLLEGE College START YOUR own landscape curbing business. High demand. Low overhead. High profit. Training available. Priced from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www. A7/5-26 KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in Totten Shores has openings, ages 2-5. (360) 426-8610. K7/5-26 NEW STATE licensed daycare oper- ated by a college graduate now accept- ing applications. Opening in Oak Park neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085. $6/28-7/19 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings, age 2 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly group. Lauri, (360) 426-7669. N6/28-7/19 SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting ap- plications for 1 child full time or part time. Preference will be given to a child 31/2-5. Country setting, Mt. View School District. Easy, close Hwy. 101 access. (360) 427- 7828. B6/21-7/12 THE GIGGLING Goose Daycare has 1 full-time and 1 part-time (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), ages 3-5. Call Sara Jenkins for more information, (360) 426-3649. G7/12-8/2 CONGRATULATIONS TO Sajjadi Farms Kyra of LorNor for earning her UKC Champion title. Also to her han- dler/trainer/momma. A7/12 MY NEW to town, 25 year old son, height-weight proportionate, needs Lady Luck to accompany him, my wife, and I to Little Creek Casino 7-17-07, 4 p.m. for dinner and gaming. (360) 463-1847. W7/12 DEPRESSED OVER the high cost of counseling? Looking for another sup- port group?, or call (360) 593-6468. Together we will over- come. W7/12 TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric bass, with amp and stand (new), $150. (360) 427-3131. H7/5-26 WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out- door. More than 8 hours of repertoire for your service and reception, "Bach to the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea- sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel- E-mail cellodad@ juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4695 for advance bookings. P6/14tfn DO YOU, or children, struggle with math, science, or English? Private tutor now available. E-mail JCreignsforever@ Mc7/12 PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We come to you. Over 30 years experience. Leave message. (360) 352-8426. N7/12 TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod- ing real estate market. Get your real estate license/sales training while you keep your job. Unlimited income, 100% freedom in your new career in real es- tate sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re- alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ juno.corn for available times. P5/25tfn BREMERTON CAMPUS 155 Washington Ave. Suite 200 Bremerton, WA 98337 Accredited member, ACICS FOUND KEYS, Island Lake boat launch. (360) 426-2080. F7/12-19 LOST WOMEN'S brown billfold, Satur- day 7/7. Tourist needs license/cards to get home. Please leave at Fred Meyer, Shelton. P7/12 HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701- 5695. R6/28-7/19 GELDED QUARTER horse, all tack and ewe companion, $2,000. Gelded Arab, all tack, $2,000. Two turkeys, $40. ............................................. Professional barn cat, $50. One novice LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden din- mouse free. Young, green, mare Mor- mond bracelet. If found, contact (360) 490-0957. $6/14-7/5 FREE TO good home, preferably with acreage, purebred yellow Lab, 11/2. Call Sara (360) 426-3649. J7/12-19 BOXER PUPS, all natural. Tails, dews, ears intact. Born Mother's Day. Papered $850. No papers $350. Morn and dad on-site. (360) 229-0217. N7/12 AKC Lab pups. Wonderful family dogs, great hunters. Excellent pedigree. Health, hips, and eyes guaranteed. $400-$500. Sell or trade. (360) 275- 5068, Belfair. R7/12-8/2 MALE YORKIE, good for breeding, AKC registered, $750. (360) 432-9253. W7/12 REGISTERED BORDER collie, blue fe- male, 6 months. ABCA champion blood- lines. Great work instinct, obedience trained. Great with children and other pets, $400. Call Chris (360) 229-0735. M6/21-7/12 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Reasonable adoption fee includes alter- ing, immunization, testing, and parasite control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455, or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit- K4/26tfn CALLING ALL dogs! Companion or competition lessons. Puppy and manners starting every month. Ral- ly, agility, conformation, and more. Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) 432-1478. K7/12-8/2 PET SITTER for your worry-free va- cation. Now accepting reservations for in-home pet care. Sarah's At Home Pet Care Services. (360) 239- 1076. Licensed and bonded. M6/21- 7/12 DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility. Gentle, positive methods only. Group or private lessons and in-home behav- ior consults with September Morn (30+ years professional). (360) 432-3633. M4/12tfn gan/quarter, $1,500. (360) 432-1774. W7/12 • HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse straight load, older but good brakes, $1,100. (360) 352-8426. N7/12 3 HORSES - must sell 9 year old mare, 10 year old mare, 18 year old gelding. Mares $1,000 each, gelding $600 OBO. (206) 786-3483 (cell). M7/12 TURNING LEAVES Lawn Care. Mainte- nance, mowing and more. rm motivated so call Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789-5570 (cell). L5/3tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and operated fence company. Specializing in residential fencing. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Call for a free estimate. (360) 427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15ffn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G1/29tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting#wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn • 25+ years experience • References • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 36O-490-4985 I JIM'S MOBILE i AUTO REPAIR Friendly, personalized service STARTING, CHARGING BRAKING, COOLING SYSTEMS TUNE-UPS REPAIR • OIL & LUBE ASE certified All work neat and guaranteed Call for q:tes (360) 432 3609 nhau General cleanup Mowing Edging Weeding Trimming Pressure washing Free estimates, lowest prices 360-229-9199 Leave message for David I=lora'$ Cleaning Se.rvIce • Bacmmy moval r • aoo oem • re=ure • men • pmlln m(I me Homes • 0mce.._.==. I • Prun T': 060) 43Z"64,[ I A Full.Service General Contractor 5erring Mason and Thurston counties *All types of projects welcome • New homes • Remodels • French drains • Siding • Decks • Excavating • Additions • Foundations • Finish Free estimates • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Llc #EIKPdKS950QD Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33 FARMERS RESIDENTIAL Appren- '' 2 Years experience minimum. (360) 8-7/19 I[E E PASON--ATE about everything ; dol Loceci in Shelton we're a grow- lg agency that offers a dynamic CSA Ple to stretch your talents, reward your ln do" spirit and relationsMp skills. Li- sed P&C Personal Lines agent with  Years experience of multi-line car- r.s. Excellent benefits package, ne- Itiable salary and flexible hours. Call 53i 473-3010 F6/28-7/12 RING PEOPLE needed! You can ke a difference in the lives of seniors.  i:0;.,0,_me join our team. Home Instead Se- 0049. H6/28-7/19 )CALCAL COMPANY I--ooki-n--for e-----x e-ri- ) g P ;l'"uurrs, 48 states. Must ve CUrrent CDL clean driving record. 427-7652. C6/28-7/19 "JFICE ASSISTANT must be proficient ".h Excel Power Point and Internet 60) 426-4024. R6/28tfn t E'IN CAREGIVER needed ior my her on weekends Salary negotiable. P_ERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. 00sd; E6/28-7/19 ERICORPS VISTA 1 year Internship, mpia. Assist in coordinating disaster P.. activit es for Homeland Security ion 3 (Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Pa- t’, Grays Harbor) Monthly allowance 045833, and includes education award Cash stipend. See • Us/era or call Shelley South at (360) :9 p.m., 7/18 T712- ,LP WANTED: Workers for small shell- I",.COmPany, daytimes Send resume ,.Blind E}ox658, c/o The Journal, P.O. !on', Wk 98584.7/5-26 qANCIAL SERVICES firm seeks PonSible entry-leve person w th a IIlurrl of 2 years genera office expe- Ice, This individual must be able to !,die administrative, client service and eting support responsibility. Excel- t COmmunication skills are required. se Send a resume to: PO Box 1908, ton, WA 98584-5021. Equal Oppor- er. E7/5-12 VEFIs: A steady lifestyle. Top miles lop pay. Call Werner Enterprises ional openings today. 1-800-346- , ext. 126. A7/5-12 PETS PERSONALS MUSIC REAPING €OI1PS Make a Difference in Your Community! Ie are hiring full-time (40 hrs/wk) tutors to local elementary schools. Positions start tember 4th. To apply, you must be Le#_s 17 s Old and have HS diploma/GED. AmeriCorps te Comes with a $830-900 monthly stipend, education award and other benefits. Find out more on our website IA.communitwouthservices.g . (follow the "Programs" link to . AmeriCorps-Washington Reading Corps") ur call Beth at 888-698-1816 ext. 126. 7/5-12 P INSTRUCTION J0urnal's t Super 00rossword IAnswers E1 Mexicano Landscaping TZF S L E S EG I1| GEN ACE SH I POL ||| HAR I O I N EV E k E SET ||| CAN AD A MOD OR I SNA HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED, experience preferred but will train. Apply in person, Super 8 Motel, 2943 Northview Circle. $7/5-12 CASHIER WANTED. Some hardware experience preferred. Able to work weekends. Benefits available. Apply in person. 110 Mill Street. T7/5-12 START YOUR Professional Nursing ca- reer with Fir Lane ... "Certified Nursing Assistants." Free training classes now forming. Application deadline is July 18. Classes start promptly Monday, July 23, 2007. Fir Lane Health & Rehab is qualified under Washington State and federal regulation to select and train the most loving and caring individuals to be- come a "Certified Nursing Assistant." If you are thinking about a future in the re- warding career of healthcare, then start with Fir Lane Health & Rehab., 2430 N. 13th St., Shelton, WA 98584. Dub Ad- ams and Donna Rawlings, (360) 426- 1651. F7/5-12 PART-TIME COOK needed. Experience preferred, but willing to train. Pick up ap- plication at: Fir Lane Health & Rehab, 2430 N. 13th. Ask for Gloria Bowman. EOE. F7/5-12 SAIL ON In Espresso expanding, expe- rienced barista. Send resume: P.O. Box 4, Allyn, WA 98524 or call (360) 710- 6940. $6/21-7/12 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time, days, evenings, and weekends, good 2nd income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial experience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowl- edge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 426-8294. M6/21-7/12 EXPERIENCED ROOFERS wanted. Must have valid driver's license. Ap- plications can be obtained at 1650 E. Shelton Springs Road between 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday (360) 426- 7057. M5/24tfn VISITATION SUPERVISOR, $10/hour. For details see www.healingtherapy. net/visits. H7/5-26 CASHIER - MUST be over 21. Expe- rienced only. Apply at Taylor Towne Store, 70 SE Lynch Road. T6/21tfn SHELTON HEALTH and Rehabilitation is accepting applications for an experi- enced Medical Records person. Atten- tion to detail and a positive attitude are required. Please send resumes to: Jay- son at 153 Johns Court, Shelton, WA 98584. $6/21-7/12 STARVING COLLEGE student looking for work till Americorps job assignment begins. Strong as an ox and frequently as smart, I will do most any home- and yard-type work with a smile. Shane, (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- es inside and out. Also garages, gutters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. P11/23tfn , "6- M:A:R O'L G A M,A .,H ICtL,OlUIDISIAIC I,[.IEIclHIu, c o , N E oIL E A M uT A IN!OIIWIO OEIL(StEll [E ! C E "t,C SiL A C K S F 0 R M._AA 'X- mt 1;rE/iF L R E EIA 8 ElL R O M A N R RIcloIFIOIRIoII 6T - : i tL TCEINluls/IEIL * N "NSTRUCTION El. KRISTYN & SON C ONSTRUCTION. INC. COLLEGE College START YOUR own landscape curbing business. High demand. Low overhead. High profit. Training available. Priced from $12,000. 1-800-667-5372. www. A7/5-26 KAREN'S COUNTRY Loving Daycare in Totten Shores has openings, ages 2-5. (360) 426-8610. K7/5-26 NEW STATE licensed daycare oper- ated by a college graduate now accept- ing applications. Opening in Oak Park neighborhood in July. Call Happy Home Daycare to apply today, (360) 868-2085. $6/28-7/19 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has openings, age 2 and up. Great learning environment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocks from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R6/28tfn JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids, licensed childcare, Monday-Friday, small friendly group. Lauri, (360) 426-7669. N6/28-7/19 SMALL IN-HOME daycare is accepting ap- plications for 1 child full time or part time. Preference will be given to a child 31/2-5. Country setting, Mt. View School District. Easy, close Hwy. 101 access. (360) 427- 7828. B6/21-7/12 THE GIGGLING Goose Daycare has 1 full-time and 1 part-time (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), ages 3-5. Call Sara Jenkins for more information, (360) 426-3649. G7/12-8/2 CONGRATULATIONS TO Sajjadi Farms Kyra of LorNor for earning her UKC Champion title. Also to her han- dler/trainer/momma. A7/12 MY NEW to town, 25 year old son, height-weight proportionate, needs Lady Luck to accompany him, my wife, and I to Little Creek Casino 7-17-07, 4 p.m. for dinner and gaming. (360) 463-1847. W7/12 DEPRESSED OVER the high cost of counseling? Looking for another sup- port group?, or call (360) 593-6468. Together we will over- come. W7/12 TENOR SAX, Yamaha, $250. Electric bass, with amp and stand (new), $150. (360) 427-3131. H7/5-26 WEDDING MUSIC by cello soloist Dave Pierik. Any size wedding, indoor or out- door. More than 8 hours of repertoire for your service and reception, "Bach to the Beatles." Requests welcome. Rea- sonable rates, Paypal okay at www.cel- E-mail cellodad@ juno.corn or call cell (360) 490-4695 for advance bookings. P6/14tfn DO YOU, or children, struggle with math, science, or English? Private tutor now available. E-mail JCreignsforever@ Mc7/12 PIANO/GUITAR/voice lessons. We come to you. Over 30 years experience. Leave message. (360) 352-8426. N7/12 TAKE ADVANTAGE of today's explod- ing real estate market. Get your real estate license/sales training while you keep your job. Unlimited income, 100% freedom in your new career in real es- tate sales. Contact Vicki at Exit NW Re- alty (360) 791-3117. E7/5-26 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ juno.corn for available times. P5/25tfn BREMERTON CAMPUS 155 Washington Ave. Suite 200 Bremerton, WA 98337 Accredited member, ACICS FOUND KEYS, Island Lake boat launch. (360) 426-2080. F7/12-19 LOST WOMEN'S brown billfold, Satur- day 7/7. Tourist needs license/cards to get home. Please leave at Fred Meyer, Shelton. P7/12 HAYLAGE IN dry round bales. 3 miles from Little Creek Casino. (360) 701- 5695. R6/28-7/19 GELDED QUARTER horse, all tack and ewe companion, $2,000. Gelded Arab, all tack, $2,000. Two turkeys, $40. ............................................. Professional barn cat, $50. One novice LOST. FAMILY heirloom golden din- mouse free. Young, green, mare Mor- mond bracelet. If found, contact (360) 490-0957. $6/14-7/5 FREE TO good home, preferably with acreage, purebred yellow Lab, 11/2. Call Sara (360) 426-3649. J7/12-19 BOXER PUPS, all natural. Tails, dews, ears intact. Born Mother's Day. Papered $850. No papers $350. Morn and dad on-site. (360) 229-0217. N7/12 AKC Lab pups. Wonderful family dogs, great hunters. Excellent pedigree. Health, hips, and eyes guaranteed. $400-$500. Sell or trade. (360) 275- 5068, Belfair. R7/12-8/2 MALE YORKIE, good for breeding, AKC registered, $750. (360) 432-9253. W7/12 REGISTERED BORDER collie, blue fe- male, 6 months. ABCA champion blood- lines. Great work instinct, obedience trained. Great with children and other pets, $400. Call Chris (360) 229-0735. M6/21-7/12 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Reasonable adoption fee includes alter- ing, immunization, testing, and parasite control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455, or cell (360) 584-0594, website www.kit- K4/26tfn CALLING ALL dogs! Companion or competition lessons. Puppy and manners starting every month. Ral- ly, agility, conformation, and more. Family friendly. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) 432-1478. K7/12-8/2 PET SITTER for your worry-free va- cation. Now accepting reservations for in-home pet care. Sarah's At Home Pet Care Services. (360) 239- 1076. Licensed and bonded. M6/21- 7/12 DOG MANNERS, obedience, agility. Gentle, positive methods only. Group or private lessons and in-home behav- ior consults with September Morn (30+ years professional). (360) 432-3633. M4/12tfn gan/quarter, $1,500. (360) 432-1774. W7/12 • HORSE TRAILER, 2 horse straight load, older but good brakes, $1,100. (360) 352-8426. N7/12 3 HORSES - must sell 9 year old mare, 10 year old mare, 18 year old gelding. Mares $1,000 each, gelding $600 OBO. (206) 786-3483 (cell). M7/12 TURNING LEAVES Lawn Care. Mainte- nance, mowing and more. rm motivated so call Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432-7935; (360) 789-5570 (cell). L5/3tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. (360) 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned and operated fence company. Specializing in residential fencing. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Call for a free estimate. (360) 427-2914. SHUFF*940K5 $4/19-8/2 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15ffn SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, tree removal, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Construction, ROANCC*941PB (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G1/29tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting#wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- C981 RE. C11/9tfn • 25+ years experience • References • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 36O-490-4985 I JIM'S MOBILE i AUTO REPAIR Friendly, personalized service STARTING, CHARGING BRAKING, COOLING SYSTEMS TUNE-UPS REPAIR • OIL & LUBE ASE certified All work neat and guaranteed Call for q:tes (360) 432 3609 nhau General cleanup Mowing Edging Weeding Trimming Pressure washing Free estimates, lowest prices 360-229-9199 Leave message for David I=lora'$ Cleaning Se.rvIce • Bacmmy moval r • aoo oem • re=ure • men • pmlln m(I me Homes • 0mce.._.==. I • Prun T': 060) 43Z"64,[ I A Full.Service General Contractor 5erring Mason and Thurston counties *All types of projects welcome • New homes • Remodels • French drains • Siding • Decks • Excavating • Additions • Foundations • Finish Free estimates • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Llc #EIKPdKS950QD Thursday, July 12, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33