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July 12, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LE(;AL NI)TICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE PURSU- ANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASH- INGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. TS No: HC-104851-C Loan No: 7470342387 APN: 320205405007 I. NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that First American Title Insur- ance Company, the undersigned Trustee will on 8/10/2007, at 10:00 AM at THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 4th & ALDER, SHELTON, WASHINGTON sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, or cashier's check or certified checks from federally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT 7, BLOCK A, REPLAT OF BAY VIEW HOME TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 4 OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Commonly known as: 1329 ELLINOR AVENUE, SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/30/2006, recorded 10/31/2006, under Auditor's File No. 1881814, in Book, Page records of Mason County, Washing- ton, from JODY A DICK AND KATRINA L DICK, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor(s), to LAND TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of "MERS" MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL, LLC FKA HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC., as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by "MERS" MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL, LLC FKA HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REG- ISTRATION SYSTEM, INC.. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obliga- tion secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. t11. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows:Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: PAYMENT INFORMATION FROM 12/1/2006 THRU 7/30/2007 NO.PMT 8 AMOUNT $882.94 TOTAL $7,063.52 LATE CHARGE INFORMATION FROM 12/1/2006 THRU 7/30/2007 NO. LATE CHARGES 8 TOTAL $301.60 PROMISSORY NOTE IN- FORMATION Note Dated: 10/30/2006 Note Amount: $104,000.00 Interest Paid To: 11/1/2006 Next Due Date: 12/1/2006 I The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $t 04,000.00, together with interest as pro- vided in the Note from the 12/1/2006, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above described real prop- erty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or en- cumbrances on 8/10/2007. The defaults re- ferred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 7/30/2007, (t 1 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before 7/30/2007 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the 7/30/2007 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): JODY A DICK AND KATRINA L DICK, HUSBAND AND WIFE 1329 ELLINOR AVENUE SHELTON, WA 98584 Jody A Dick & Katrina L Dick 1329 ELLINOR AVE SHEL- TON WA 98584-1120 by both first class and certified mail on 3/27/2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Bor- rower and Grantor were personally sewed, if applicable, with said wdtten Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property de- scribed in Paragraph I above, and the Trust- ee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to de- prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their inter- est in the above described property. IX. Any- one having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an op- portunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result In a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale Is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and any- one having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and|e71ants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: May 04, 2007 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY 2101 Fourth Ave., Suite 800 Seattle, WA 98121 Sale Line 714-259- 7850 Karen J. Cooper, Assistant Secretary ASAP# 851277 07/12/2007, 08/02/2007 7/12 It AMENDED NOTICE OF TRUST- EE'S SALE PFC #:06-70017 Title Order No, :3209594 Agency: VA LH-464660603664 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned Trustee, Professional Foreclosure Corporation of Washington will on July 20, 2007, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at at the main entrance to the Mason County Courthouse in the City of Shelton, Mason County, Washing- ton, State of Washington, sell at public auc- tion to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real prop- arty, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: Lot 11, Tahuya River Val- ley Division No. 4, Volume 9 Of Plats, Pages 22 Through 25, Inclusive, Records Of Mason County, Washington Abbrev. Legal: Lot 11, Tahuya River Valley Division no. 4, vol. 9, Pgs. 22-25 Tax Parcel No.: 222065400011 Commonly known as: 730 NORTHEAST SNOWCAP DR, TAHUYA, WA 98588 which is the subject of that certain Deed of Trust dated November 11, 2003, recorded No- vember 14, 2003, under Auditor's File No. 1798044, records of Mason County, Wash- ington, from Adam Antdch and Karen Antrich, Husband and Wife as Grantor, to Profession- al Foreclosure Corporation of Washington as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Union Planters Bank, N.A. as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest now held by Regions Bank DBA Regions Mortgage successor by merger to Union Planters Bank, N.A.. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satis- faction of the obligation in any Court by rea- son of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. II1. The Default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Monthly payments in the amount(s) of $870.49 from June 1, 2006 together with all fees, costs and or disbursements incurred or paid by the beneficiary and or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. The Trustee's fees and costs are estimated at $1,500.00 as of July 20, 2007. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance 123,181.87, together with interest in the note or other instrument secured from May 1, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above-de- scribed real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obli0atlen secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty express or implied regarding title, possession, or en- cumbrances on July 20, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advanc- es, costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by (11 days before sale), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before (11 days before the sale), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, to- gether with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after (11 days before the sale), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address: Adam Antrich 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen Antdch 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen J Antrich 45 NE Torval Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Karen J Antrich 80382 Carnahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370- 7628 Adam Antrich 80382 Carhahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich P.O Box 786 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 Occu- pant 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 by both first class and certified mail on January 22, 2007 proof of which is in the pos- session of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served on January 23, 2007 with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property de- scribed in paragraph I above, and the Trust- ee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth above, and whose tele- phone number is (800) 511-4229, will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the .sale will be to depdve the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having an objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bdng a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuantto RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANT8 The purchaser at the trustee's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest Junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and ten- ants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. XI. A list of the persons this Notice was sent to is attached hereto as exhibit "A"i EXHIBIT "A" Adam Antrich 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen Antdch 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen J Antrich 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Karan J Antdch 80382 Carnahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102- 0123 Adam Antdch 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Adam Antrloh 80382 Carhahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich P.O Box 786 Can- non Beach, OR 97110 Occupant 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 State of Washington - Div of Child Support PC Box 11520 Tacoma, WA 98411-5520 XII. FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT NO- TICE: Professional Foreclosure Corporation of Washington is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings, this shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding in- debtedness or to hold you personally liable for the debt. DATED this 10th day of Apdl, 2007 PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE COR- PORATION OF WASHINGTON PFC Num- ber 06-70017 By: Amy Connolly Assistant Vice President 3300 N. Central Avenue, Suite 2200 Phoenix, AZ 85012-2582 (800) 511-4229 For Sales Information call (530) 672-3033 ADDRESS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE Professional Foreclosure Corpo- ration of Washington 12500 SE 2nd Circle, Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98684 VA LH- 4646606036640295133935 NPP0121320 PUB: 06/21/07, 07/12/07 7/12 It RESOLUTION NO. 68-07 2007 BUDGET Budget Transfer and Notice of Hearing WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007, it is necessary to make provision for a budget transfer to the budget for the Current Expense Fund as required by RCW 36.40. 100 due to increases in the workload and ex- Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007 penses of the Civil Service Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners: That the 17th ol July 2007 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Commissioners Cham- bers at Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of a budget transfer in the 2007 Budget as follows: From: Ending Fund Balance Current Ex- pense Fund ($19,282) To: Civil Service Commission Current Ex- pense Fund $19,282 The Clerk of the Board is hereby autho- rized, empowered, and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED this 26th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson Commissioner Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Monty Cobb Monty Cobb, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecut- ing Attorney 7/5-12 2t RESOLUTION NO. 65-07 ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 359 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEAR- ING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE REQUEST OF THE SKOKOMtSH TRIBE WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Board of Commis- sioners received a request for the vacation of the following right-of-way: All that portion of Reservation Road, County Road Number 43130, lying southerly of the southerly right of way line of Skokom- ish Indian Flats Road and northerly of State Route 106, a distance of approximately .41 miles. All of Agency Road, County Road Num- ber 42880, lying easterly and northeasterly of the eastedy right of way line of Tribal Center Road, a distance of approximately .88 miles. All of Tribal Center Road, County Road Number 42610, lying southeasterly of the southerly right of way of Reservation Road and northwesterly of State Route 106, a dis- tance of approximately .71 miles, WHEREAS, the Board did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Board of Mason County Commissioners and directed the Clerk to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said hearing has been set for Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Build- ing I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Wash- ington at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and to be heard either for or against the granting of the petition. • DATED this 26th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson Commissioner Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gailagher, Commissioner A'I-rEST: Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 7/5-12 21 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Cham- bsrs, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98564 on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the franchise applications between Mason County and the Timber Lakes Community Club, Clifton Beach Tracts Co-op, Paradise Service Associates, Lakaiand Village Water Company, Inc., and Triton Head Community Water System for their water systems located in the County right of way If questions contact Rick Hirschberg, 360- 427-9670, Ext. 748 or if special accommoda- tions are needed, contact the Commission- ers' office at 360-427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 3rd day of July 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 7/5-12 21 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 NOD07 4 00117 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH- INGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In re the Estate of: RONALD K. AL- NESS, Deceased. The Personal Representative named be- low has been appointed as Personal Repre- sentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claims would be barred by any oth- erwlse applicable statute of limitations, pres- ent the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representa- tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (3); or (2) four months after the date of the first publica- tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effec- tive as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first Publication: July 5, 2007 Personal Representative: RICHARD A. ALNESS Attorney for Personal Representative: Gregory P. Norbut Address for Mailing or Service: 18890 Eighth Avenue, Pouisbo, Washington 98370 DATED this 5th day of June, 2007. /s/Richard A. Alness RICHARD A. ALNESS Attorney for Estate: THE NORBUT LAW FIRM By: Gregory R Norbut GREGORY P. NORBUT, WSBA #11917 7/5-12-19 3t PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 074 001094 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES E. FOGLE, Deceased. THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE named below has been appointed as person- al representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limi- tations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's attorney at the ad- dress stated below a copy of the claim and fil- ing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representa- tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the dece- dent's probate and nonprobete assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 7-5-07 KATHLEEN M. FOGLE, Personal Repre- sentative TOLMAN KIRK & FRANZ By: Is/Jeffrey L. Tolman JEFFREY L TOLMAN WSBA #8001 Attorneys for Personal Representative ADDRESS FOR MAILING AND SER- VICE: 18925 Front Street NE PC Box 851 Poulsbo, WA 98370 7/5-12-19 3t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No.: 07-2-00417-7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON JEFF METZGER and MARGARET A. METZGER, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS of DANIEL McGUIRE and UNKNOWN HEIRS of EVA PRIESTLEY, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. The State of Washington to the unknown heirs of Daniel McGuire and Eva Priestley and all other Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Estate, Uen or In- terest In or to the real property described in the Complaint herein, Defendants: Each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, which date was the 14th day of June 2007 and defend this action in the above entitled court. You are to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, at his off k.;a below stated. In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to the reat property described in the Complaint herein. DATED: 6-6-07 SETTLE & JOHNSON, PLLC /s/Robert W. Johnson ROBERT W. JOHNSON, WSBA 15486 Attorneys for the Plaintiff P. O. Box 1400 " Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584 6/14-21-28-7/5-12-19 6t NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Dependency *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED NOS. 07-7-00136-2 07-7-00138-9 07-7-00137-1 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Dependency of: ANDRES GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 12/23/01 EFRAIN GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 04/29/03 SEBASTIAN GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 04/24/4 Minor Children. TO: ADOLOFO HERNANDEZ-GASPAR aka VINCENTE GASPAR ZACARIAS, Ac- knowledged Father of Andres and Efrain, Al- leged Father of Sebastian; Whom it may con- cern, unknown biological father, or anyone expressing a paternal interest in the above- named children: I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been filed in this court by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Ser- vices, on June 28, 2007, in which it is alleged that dependency should be established on behalf of the above-named child. A FACT-FINDING HEARING WILL BE HELD on this matter on: DATE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,2007 TIME: 1:00 P.M. PLACE: Mason County Juvenile Court- house 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may enter an order In your abeenoe which: establishes dependency, placing the above- named child in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the hearing on the date, time and place indicated. The purpose of the hear- ing is to hear and consider evidence on the petition. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- sented by an attorney at any headngs on the petition regarding the above-named child, to introduce evidence, to be heard on your own behalf, to examine witnesses, to receive a decision based solely on the evidence ad- duced at the hearing, and to an unbiased fact-finder. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- gent and cannot afford an attorney, to have an attorney appointed for you by the court. In order to apply for a court-appointed attor- ney, contact Mason County Juvenile Court by telephone at 360-427'-9670 or in person at 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98564. An attorney can look at the social and legal files in this case, talk to the social worker, It you about the law, help you understand rights, and help you at trial. YOU MAY BE responsible for the cial support of the above-named child child is placed in out-of-home care. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT 1" HEARING. If you do not come, the judge not hear what you have to say. If you dill additional information about your child, | should contact the Department of Social! Health Services at 360-432-2050. NOTICE: A DEPENDENCY PEl1111 BEGINS A PROCESS WHICH, IF lJ CHILD IS FOUND DEPENDENT, MAY i SULT IN PERMANENT TERMINAl1 OF THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF A FINDING OFI PENDENCY. DATED: 6-28-07 PAT SWARTOS, County Clerk Ic Is/, Deputy Clerk NOTIFICACION Y ORDEN DE COMPARECER POR PUBLICACI6N Dependencia SE REQUIERE LA ACClON DEL ACTUARIO No. 07-7-00136-2 07-7-00138-9 I)1 07-7-00137-1 t SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTC 4. COUNTY OF MASON r l JUVENILE COURT CORTE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTO CONDADO DE MASON CORTE JUVENIL KI En referencia ala Dependencia de: t ANDRES GASPAR-BASILIO FDN: 12/23/01 al EFRAIN GASPAR-BASILIO In FDN: 04/29/03 )r SEBASTIAN GASPAR-BASILIO FDN: 04/24/4 Niflos Menores de edad. PARA:ADOLFOHERNANDEZ-GASI i( ttc VICENTE GASPAR ZACARIAS, P reconocido de Andres y Efrain, Padre gado de Sebastian; A quien corresponda, al padre biol0 It desconocido, o a cuaiquier persona qua! prese el interns paterno en los nitros m¢ res arriba nombrados: I. NOTIFICAClON DE AUDIENClA, POR FAVOR TOME NOTA de que el! partamento de Servicios Sociales, del Estado de Washington ha registrad¢ solicltud en esta code en fecha 28 de de, 2007, donde se alega que se blecer dependencia en favor deVde mencionado/a arriba. SE REALIZARA UNA AUDIENCIA DETERMINACION DE HECHOS sobre I caso el: FECHA: JUEVES, 23 DE AGOST0 2007 HORA: a la 1:00 p.m. LUGAR: Mason County house, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA SI USTED NO COMPARECE, le podra regletrer una orden en su la cuah establece dependencia, al (a los) nio(s) mencionado(s) arribs custodia de DSHS. II. CITACION SE LE CITA Y EXIGE QUE COMPA CA en la audiencia, en la fecha, hora y I indicados. El propbslto de le audiencis escuchar y considerar le evldencia sob,re solicitud. USTED TIENE DERECHO a ser sentado por un abogado en todas las encias sobre la a mencionado/a antedormente, a evidencia, a ser escuchado a su propio bre, a examiner a los tastigos, a recibir I decisi6n basada nicamente en la aducida en la audiencia, y a una naci6n imparcial de hechos. '1 USTED TIENE DERECHO sise encL.l tra en situacibn de indigencia y no p pager los serviclos de un abogedo, tl,l] derecho a qua la corte le asigne un abog¢lllill Pare solicitar a un abogado designado R! ' 1 la code, puede ponerse en contacto cot Corte Juvenil del Condado de Mason pot 111 telefbnica a1360 427-9670, o personaims en 419 N 4th Street, Shelton, Washing (I 96584. Un abogado puede ver los regis I sociales y legales de este caso, hablar el/la trebaj'ador/a social, informarle s¢ : asuntos legaies, ayudarle a entender l derechos y ayudarle en un juicio. Ii1 USTED PODRIA ser responsable d i manutencibn financiera del/de la nio/a r cionado/a antedormente, si sta es coloCJ l en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBE ESTAR PRESENTE I1 ESTA AUDIENCIA. Si no se presenta, elj no escuchar& Io que usted tenga que d Si dasea informacibn adicionai sobre s!,41 nir3o(s), debe ponerse en contacto con el pertamento de Servicios Sociales y de S al (360) 432-2050. . NOTIFICACION: UNA SOLICITUD .ti DEPENDENCIA INICIA UN PROGII, QUE, Sl SE DETERMINA QUE EL/LA N A SS DEPENDIENTE, PODRIA RESULI"It EN UNA FINALIZACION PERMANENTE! i LA RELACION PADRES-NIIIO/A DEN11 DE UN PLAZO DE 6 MESES DESPUI8 ( UNA DETERMINACION DE DEPENDImr, CIA. FECHADO Actuaria del Condado Actuado suplente t 7/5-12-19 Departm I is seel ! PUBLIC NOTICE Mason County Public Works PC Box 1850, Shelton, WA 98564 coverage under Washington State Del" ment of Ecology's Construction StormW'l General Permit. _J The proposed project, McLane J Bridge Replacement, is located at milel 2.41 of Grapevlew Loop road near G.r , view, Washington. This project involves way and bridge construction activity: i project involves 4.8 acres of soil disturl=' for construction activities, clearing and. g,.., bing, excavation, concrete pouring, construction and asphalt placement. StOOl :'K McLane Cove. i water discharge will be to .J Any person desiring to present their to the Department of Ecology conce this application may notify Ecology in wrtll within 30 days of the, last date of publl; of this notice. Comments shall be subm to the Department of Ecology. Any pe'i  Interested in the Department's action on application may notify the Department of !i interest within 30 days of the last date ofl lication of this notice. Comments may be submitted to: ment of Ecology-Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 7/ LE(;AL NI)TICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE PURSU- ANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASH- INGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. TS No: HC-104851-C Loan No: 7470342387 APN: 320205405007 I. NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that First American Title Insur- ance Company, the undersigned Trustee will on 8/10/2007, at 10:00 AM at THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE MASON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 4th & ALDER, SHELTON, WASHINGTON sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, or cashier's check or certified checks from federally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT 7, BLOCK A, REPLAT OF BAY VIEW HOME TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 4 OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Commonly known as: 1329 ELLINOR AVENUE, SHELTON, WA 98584 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/30/2006, recorded 10/31/2006, under Auditor's File No. 1881814, in Book, Page records of Mason County, Washing- ton, from JODY A DICK AND KATRINA L DICK, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor(s), to LAND TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of "MERS" MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL, LLC FKA HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC., as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by "MERS" MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL, LLC FKA HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REG- ISTRATION SYSTEM, INC.. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obliga- tion secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. t11. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows:Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: PAYMENT INFORMATION FROM 12/1/2006 THRU 7/30/2007 NO.PMT 8 AMOUNT $882.94 TOTAL $7,063.52 LATE CHARGE INFORMATION FROM 12/1/2006 THRU 7/30/2007 NO. LATE CHARGES 8 TOTAL $301.60 PROMISSORY NOTE IN- FORMATION Note Dated: 10/30/2006 Note Amount: $104,000.00 Interest Paid To: 11/1/2006 Next Due Date: 12/1/2006 I The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $t 04,000.00, together with interest as pro- vided in the Note from the 12/1/2006, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above described real prop- erty will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or en- cumbrances on 8/10/2007. The defaults re- ferred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 7/30/2007, (t 1 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before 7/30/2007 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the 7/30/2007 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): JODY A DICK AND KATRINA L DICK, HUSBAND AND WIFE 1329 ELLINOR AVENUE SHELTON, WA 98584 Jody A Dick & Katrina L Dick 1329 ELLINOR AVE SHEL- TON WA 98584-1120 by both first class and certified mail on 3/27/2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Bor- rower and Grantor were personally sewed, if applicable, with said wdtten Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property de- scribed in Paragraph I above, and the Trust- ee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to de- prive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their inter- est in the above described property. IX. Any- one having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an op- portunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursu- ant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result In a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale Is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and any- one having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and|e71ants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: May 04, 2007 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY 2101 Fourth Ave., Suite 800 Seattle, WA 98121 Sale Line 714-259- 7850 Karen J. Cooper, Assistant Secretary ASAP# 851277 07/12/2007, 08/02/2007 7/12 It AMENDED NOTICE OF TRUST- EE'S SALE PFC #:06-70017 Title Order No, :3209594 Agency: VA LH-464660603664 I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned Trustee, Professional Foreclosure Corporation of Washington will on July 20, 2007, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at at the main entrance to the Mason County Courthouse in the City of Shelton, Mason County, Washing- ton, State of Washington, sell at public auc- tion to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real prop- arty, situated in the County of Mason, State of Washington, to-wit: Lot 11, Tahuya River Val- ley Division No. 4, Volume 9 Of Plats, Pages 22 Through 25, Inclusive, Records Of Mason County, Washington Abbrev. Legal: Lot 11, Tahuya River Valley Division no. 4, vol. 9, Pgs. 22-25 Tax Parcel No.: 222065400011 Commonly known as: 730 NORTHEAST SNOWCAP DR, TAHUYA, WA 98588 which is the subject of that certain Deed of Trust dated November 11, 2003, recorded No- vember 14, 2003, under Auditor's File No. 1798044, records of Mason County, Wash- ington, from Adam Antdch and Karen Antrich, Husband and Wife as Grantor, to Profession- al Foreclosure Corporation of Washington as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Union Planters Bank, N.A. as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest now held by Regions Bank DBA Regions Mortgage successor by merger to Union Planters Bank, N.A.. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satis- faction of the obligation in any Court by rea- son of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. II1. The Default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Monthly payments in the amount(s) of $870.49 from June 1, 2006 together with all fees, costs and or disbursements incurred or paid by the beneficiary and or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. The Trustee's fees and costs are estimated at $1,500.00 as of July 20, 2007. IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance 123,181.87, together with interest in the note or other instrument secured from May 1, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above-de- scribed real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obli0atlen secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty express or implied regarding title, possession, or en- cumbrances on July 20, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advanc- es, costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by (11 days before sale), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before (11 days before the sale), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, to- gether with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after (11 days before the sale), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address: Adam Antrich 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen Antdch 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen J Antrich 45 NE Torval Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Karen J Antrich 80382 Carnahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370- 7628 Adam Antrich 80382 Carhahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich P.O Box 786 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 Occu- pant 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 by both first class and certified mail on January 22, 2007 proof of which is in the pos- session of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served on January 23, 2007 with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property de- scribed in paragraph I above, and the Trust- ee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth above, and whose tele- phone number is (800) 511-4229, will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the .sale will be to depdve the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having an objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bdng a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuantto RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TEN- ANT8 The purchaser at the trustee's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest Junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and ten- ants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. XI. A list of the persons this Notice was sent to is attached hereto as exhibit "A"i EXHIBIT "A" Adam Antrich 730 Northeast Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen Antdch 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 Karen J Antrich 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Karan J Antdch 80382 Carnahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102- 0123 Adam Antdch 45 NE Torvai Canyon Rd. Apt 1 Poulsbo, WA 98370-7628 Adam Antrloh 80382 Carhahan Rd Arch Cape, OR 97102-0123 Adam Antrich P.O Box 786 Can- non Beach, OR 97110 Occupant 730 North- east Snowcap Dr Tahuya, WA 98588 State of Washington - Div of Child Support PC Box 11520 Tacoma, WA 98411-5520 XII. FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT NO- TICE: Professional Foreclosure Corporation of Washington is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings, this shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding in- debtedness or to hold you personally liable for the debt. DATED this 10th day of Apdl, 2007 PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE COR- PORATION OF WASHINGTON PFC Num- ber 06-70017 By: Amy Connolly Assistant Vice President 3300 N. Central Avenue, Suite 2200 Phoenix, AZ 85012-2582 (800) 511-4229 For Sales Information call (530) 672-3033 ADDRESS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE Professional Foreclosure Corpo- ration of Washington 12500 SE 2nd Circle, Suite 120 Vancouver, WA 98684 VA LH- 4646606036640295133935 NPP0121320 PUB: 06/21/07, 07/12/07 7/12 It RESOLUTION NO. 68-07 2007 BUDGET Budget Transfer and Notice of Hearing WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably foreseen at the time of making the budget for the year 2007, it is necessary to make provision for a budget transfer to the budget for the Current Expense Fund as required by RCW 36.40. 100 due to increases in the workload and ex- Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2007 penses of the Civil Service Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners: That the 17th ol July 2007 at the hour of 9:30 AM in the Mason County Commissioners Cham- bers at Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hearing upon the matter of a budget transfer in the 2007 Budget as follows: From: Ending Fund Balance Current Ex- pense Fund ($19,282) To: Civil Service Commission Current Ex- pense Fund $19,282 The Clerk of the Board is hereby autho- rized, empowered, and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published as provided by law. DATED this 26th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson Commissioner Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/Monty Cobb Monty Cobb, Chief Civil Deputy Prosecut- ing Attorney 7/5-12 2t RESOLUTION NO. 65-07 ROAD VACATION FILE NO. 359 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEAR- ING ON SAID VACATION RCW 36.87 IN THE MATTER OF THE REQUEST OF THE SKOKOMtSH TRIBE WHEREAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Board of Commis- sioners received a request for the vacation of the following right-of-way: All that portion of Reservation Road, County Road Number 43130, lying southerly of the southerly right of way line of Skokom- ish Indian Flats Road and northerly of State Route 106, a distance of approximately .41 miles. All of Agency Road, County Road Num- ber 42880, lying easterly and northeasterly of the eastedy right of way line of Tribal Center Road, a distance of approximately .88 miles. All of Tribal Center Road, County Road Number 42610, lying southeasterly of the southerly right of way of Reservation Road and northwesterly of State Route 106, a dis- tance of approximately .71 miles, WHEREAS, the Board did set a date for public hearing on the matter before the Board of Mason County Commissioners and directed the Clerk to prepare notice thereof for posting and publication; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said hearing has been set for Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. in the Commission Chambers, Mason County Courthouse Build- ing I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Wash- ington at which time and place any taxpayer may appear to hear the County Engineer's report, and to be heard either for or against the granting of the petition. • DATED this 26th day of June, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson Commissioner Absent Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gailagher, Commissioner A'I-rEST: Is/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 7/5-12 21 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Cham- bsrs, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98564 on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the franchise applications between Mason County and the Timber Lakes Community Club, Clifton Beach Tracts Co-op, Paradise Service Associates, Lakaiand Village Water Company, Inc., and Triton Head Community Water System for their water systems located in the County right of way If questions contact Rick Hirschberg, 360- 427-9670, Ext. 748 or if special accommoda- tions are needed, contact the Commission- ers' office at 360-427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 3rd day of July 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 7/5-12 21 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 NOD07 4 00117 5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASH- INGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In re the Estate of: RONALD K. AL- NESS, Deceased. The Personal Representative named be- low has been appointed as Personal Repre- sentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claims would be barred by any oth- erwlse applicable statute of limitations, pres- ent the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representa- tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (3); or (2) four months after the date of the first publica- tion of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effec- tive as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first Publication: July 5, 2007 Personal Representative: RICHARD A. ALNESS Attorney for Personal Representative: Gregory P. Norbut Address for Mailing or Service: 18890 Eighth Avenue, Pouisbo, Washington 98370 DATED this 5th day of June, 2007. /s/Richard A. Alness RICHARD A. ALNESS Attorney for Estate: THE NORBUT LAW FIRM By: Gregory R Norbut GREGORY P. NORBUT, WSBA #11917 7/5-12-19 3t PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 074 001094 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES E. FOGLE, Deceased. THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE named below has been appointed as person- al representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limi- tations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's attorney at the ad- dress stated below a copy of the claim and fil- ing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representa- tive served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the dece- dent's probate and nonprobete assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 7-5-07 KATHLEEN M. FOGLE, Personal Repre- sentative TOLMAN KIRK & FRANZ By: Is/Jeffrey L. Tolman JEFFREY L TOLMAN WSBA #8001 Attorneys for Personal Representative ADDRESS FOR MAILING AND SER- VICE: 18925 Front Street NE PC Box 851 Poulsbo, WA 98370 7/5-12-19 3t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Case No.: 07-2-00417-7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON JEFF METZGER and MARGARET A. METZGER, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, VS. UNKNOWN HEIRS of DANIEL McGUIRE and UNKNOWN HEIRS of EVA PRIESTLEY, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. The State of Washington to the unknown heirs of Daniel McGuire and Eva Priestley and all other Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Estate, Uen or In- terest In or to the real property described in the Complaint herein, Defendants: Each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, which date was the 14th day of June 2007 and defend this action in the above entitled court. You are to answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiffs, at his off k.;a below stated. In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The object of this action is to quiet title to the reat property described in the Complaint herein. DATED: 6-6-07 SETTLE & JOHNSON, PLLC /s/Robert W. Johnson ROBERT W. JOHNSON, WSBA 15486 Attorneys for the Plaintiff P. O. Box 1400 " Shelton, Mason County, Washington 98584 6/14-21-28-7/5-12-19 6t NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Dependency *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED NOS. 07-7-00136-2 07-7-00138-9 07-7-00137-1 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Dependency of: ANDRES GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 12/23/01 EFRAIN GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 04/29/03 SEBASTIAN GASPAR-BASILIO DOB: 04/24/4 Minor Children. TO: ADOLOFO HERNANDEZ-GASPAR aka VINCENTE GASPAR ZACARIAS, Ac- knowledged Father of Andres and Efrain, Al- leged Father of Sebastian; Whom it may con- cern, unknown biological father, or anyone expressing a paternal interest in the above- named children: I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been filed in this court by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Ser- vices, on June 28, 2007, in which it is alleged that dependency should be established on behalf of the above-named child. A FACT-FINDING HEARING WILL BE HELD on this matter on: DATE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,2007 TIME: 1:00 P.M. PLACE: Mason County Juvenile Court- house 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may enter an order In your abeenoe which: establishes dependency, placing the above- named child in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the hearing on the date, time and place indicated. The purpose of the hear- ing is to hear and consider evidence on the petition. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- sented by an attorney at any headngs on the petition regarding the above-named child, to introduce evidence, to be heard on your own behalf, to examine witnesses, to receive a decision based solely on the evidence ad- duced at the hearing, and to an unbiased fact-finder. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- gent and cannot afford an attorney, to have an attorney appointed for you by the court. In order to apply for a court-appointed attor- ney, contact Mason County Juvenile Court by telephone at 360-427'-9670 or in person at 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98564. An attorney can look at the social and legal files in this case, talk to the social worker, It you about the law, help you understand rights, and help you at trial. YOU MAY BE responsible for the cial support of the above-named child child is placed in out-of-home care. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT 1" HEARING. If you do not come, the judge not hear what you have to say. If you dill additional information about your child, | should contact the Department of Social! Health Services at 360-432-2050. NOTICE: A DEPENDENCY PEl1111 BEGINS A PROCESS WHICH, IF lJ CHILD IS FOUND DEPENDENT, MAY i SULT IN PERMANENT TERMINAl1 OF THE PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF A FINDING OFI PENDENCY. DATED: 6-28-07 PAT SWARTOS, County Clerk Ic Is/, Deputy Clerk NOTIFICACION Y ORDEN DE COMPARECER POR PUBLICACI6N Dependencia SE REQUIERE LA ACClON DEL ACTUARIO No. 07-7-00136-2 07-7-00138-9 I)1 07-7-00137-1 t SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTC 4. COUNTY OF MASON r l JUVENILE COURT CORTE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTO CONDADO DE MASON CORTE JUVENIL KI En referencia ala Dependencia de: t ANDRES GASPAR-BASILIO FDN: 12/23/01 al EFRAIN GASPAR-BASILIO In FDN: 04/29/03 )r SEBASTIAN GASPAR-BASILIO FDN: 04/24/4 Niflos Menores de edad. PARA:ADOLFOHERNANDEZ-GASI i( ttc VICENTE GASPAR ZACARIAS, P reconocido de Andres y Efrain, Padre gado de Sebastian; A quien corresponda, al padre biol0 It desconocido, o a cuaiquier persona qua! prese el interns paterno en los nitros m¢ res arriba nombrados: I. NOTIFICAClON DE AUDIENClA, POR FAVOR TOME NOTA de que el! partamento de Servicios Sociales, del Estado de Washington ha registrad¢ solicltud en esta code en fecha 28 de de, 2007, donde se alega que se blecer dependencia en favor deVde mencionado/a arriba. SE REALIZARA UNA AUDIENCIA DETERMINACION DE HECHOS sobre I caso el: FECHA: JUEVES, 23 DE AGOST0 2007 HORA: a la 1:00 p.m. LUGAR: Mason County house, 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA SI USTED NO COMPARECE, le podra regletrer una orden en su la cuah establece dependencia, al (a los) nio(s) mencionado(s) arribs custodia de DSHS. II. CITACION SE LE CITA Y EXIGE QUE COMPA CA en la audiencia, en la fecha, hora y I indicados. El propbslto de le audiencis escuchar y considerar le evldencia sob,re solicitud. USTED TIENE DERECHO a ser sentado por un abogado en todas las encias sobre la a mencionado/a antedormente, a evidencia, a ser escuchado a su propio bre, a examiner a los tastigos, a recibir I decisi6n basada nicamente en la aducida en la audiencia, y a una naci6n imparcial de hechos. '1 USTED TIENE DERECHO si se encL.l tra en situacibn de indigencia y no p pager los serviclos de un abogedo, tl,l] derecho a qua la corte le asigne un abog¢lllill Pare solicitar a un abogado designado R! ' 1 la code, puede ponerse en contacto cot Corte Juvenil del Condado de Mason pot 111 telefbnica a1360 427-9670, o personaims en 419 N 4th Street, Shelton, Washing (I 96584. Un abogado puede ver los regis I sociales y legales de este caso, hablar el/la trebaj'ador/a social, informarle s¢ : asuntos legaies, ayudarle a entender l derechos y ayudarle en un juicio. Ii1 USTED PODRIA ser responsable d i manutencibn financiera del/de la nio/a r cionado/a antedormente, si sta es coloCJ l en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBE ESTAR PRESENTE I1 ESTA AUDIENCIA. Si no se presenta, elj no escuchar& Io que usted tenga que d Si dasea informacibn adicionai sobre s!,41 nir3o(s), debe ponerse en contacto con el pertamento de Servicios Sociales y de S al (360) 432-2050. . NOTIFICACION: UNA SOLICITUD .ti DEPENDENCIA INICIA UN PROGII, QUE, Sl SE DETERMINA QUE EL/LA N A SS DEPENDIENTE, PODRIA RESULI"It EN UNA FINALIZACION PERMANENTE! i LA RELACION PADRES-NIIIO/A DEN11 DE UN PLAZO DE 6 MESES DESPUI8 ( UNA DETERMINACION DE DEPENDImr, CIA. FECHADO Actuaria del Condado Actuado suplente t 7/5-12-19 Departm I is seel ! PUBLIC NOTICE Mason County Public Works PC Box 1850, Shelton, WA 98564 coverage under Washington State Del" ment of Ecology's Construction StormW'l General Permit. _J The proposed project, McLane J Bridge Replacement, is located at milel 2.41 of Grapevlew Loop road near G.r , view, Washington. This project involves way and bridge construction activity: i project involves 4.8 acres of soil disturl=' for construction activities, clearing and. g,.., bing, excavation, concrete pouring, construction and asphalt placement. StOOl :'K McLane Cove. i water discharge will be to .J Any person desiring to present their to the Department of Ecology conce this application may notify Ecology in wrtll within 30 days of the, last date of publl; of this notice. Comments shall be subm to the Department of Ecology. Any pe'i  Interested in the Department's action on application may notify the Department of !i interest within 30 days of the last date ofl lication of this notice. Comments may be submitted to: ment of Ecology-Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 7/