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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i By NATALIE JOHNSON natalie@masoncounty,cotn Since February, resi- dents of the Timberlakes development may have no- ticed an increased police presence in their commu- nity. Timberlake Commu- nity Club President Jerry Nelson and Mason County Sheriff Casey Salisbury signed an agreement on Feb. 14, 2012, to provide the enhanced patrols. Ac- cording to that agreement, the service is set to termi- nate on Feb. 13, 2014. "Being a community of our size ... we had numer- ous break-ins throughout the community," Nelson said. The agreement is for en- hanced services on an hour- ly basis amounting to up to $40,000. Cost for services will be reimbursed to the county monthly. On July 3, the Mason County Commission voted to allow the sheriffs office to use that $40,000 to reim- burse its officers. That $40,000 covers the deputy's hourly wage, ex- cluding overtime. Accord- ing to the sheriffs office, the total cost for a traffic policing officer, including salary, benefits, vehicle, op- erational and tactical sup- plies is $121,636. "This Enhanced Deputy will supplement, but not the deputy will log all inci- dents, patrolled areas and hours spent in the Timber- lake neighborhood. Before the agreement between the two entities, Timberlakes was quickly becoming one of the coun- ty's "hot spots" for criminal activity, Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of the Mason County Sheriffs Office said. "They wanted to feel saf- er," he said. Nelson said the commu- nity cub discussed hiring a security guard, but thought working with the sheriffs office was the better option. For years previous to this agreement, the com- munity club payed $20,000 a year for a deputy to patrol the neighborhood for four hours a week during over- time hours. However, crime contin- ued, and residents wanted more protection. "Residents didn't feel they were getting a bang for their buck," Nelson said. After five months of ex- tra patrolsl Byrd said crim- inal activity has decreased in the neighborhood. "This additional service within Timberlakes has had a calming effect on some of the traffic," he said. Nelson agreed, saying that suspicious activity during the night "seems to be going away." While the agreements have helped the Lake Cushman and Timberlakes neighborhoods, Nelson said some communities would like the added service but can't afford it. "Fortunately, our com- munity is able to afford this," he said. "We are blessed that we are able to." The Shorecrest and Harstine Island communb ties expressed interest in partnering with Timber- lakes for the added support, but Nelson said the Tim- berlakes Community Club declined the partnership. "Maybe some of the com- munities who can't afford it can get together,', he said. Byrd said the depart- ment has about half as many officers as it should have to fully cover the en- tire population of Mason County. "The problem is that we don't have the amount of personnel necessary to cover the entire county as much as it needs to be cov- ered all of the time," he said. "When" you have not enough officers to go out and handle the crimes then the crime goes up. To make up for those issues we've got these certain areas in a private/public partnership getting the extra coverage." Byrd said he sees the pri- vately funded patrols as a "We've noticed traffic has positive step. slowed down tremendous- "The good part of it is ly," he said. law enforcement and com- Kids are gone. So now is the time to take care of yourself. Whether you do it by walking your first 3-mile event, doing yoga, or spending time catching up on life with your girlfriends - now is the time to focus on you. And we can help. 40+ can bring new challenges to your body. So let us help you when menopause arrives - or the other age-related conditions . - such as incontinence and hot flashes. Backed by board- certified providers, you will find we really care about you. Mason @nero/Hospita/ • Mountail View Wome 's Health (360) 426-0955 2300 Kati Court, Suite A, Shelton, WA 98584 m |mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm| substituefor, current man- Without the extra fund- !unities coming together ! '~ I~ ~~ ~ ~ CI/' ° m ning levels of the Sheriffs ing from Timberlakes, the to solve a problem," he said. m ~,~1~ ~ ~ ~/l~j~ i~ ~[~ mm Office with an emphasis on sheriffs office would not Byrd said partnerships I providing additional lawhave been able to increase between public and private m enforcement services to the patrols to the neighbor-entities, such as this one, l ~ wenn~-- ! Timberlake Community," hood, Byrd said. have become more common itmm the agreement reads. One particular deputy since the beginning of the m l- The agreement also stip-is assigned to the Timber- recession in 2008. il 3~(}'427~1~ ulates that the deputy shall lakes neighborhood. If that "Our entire K9 program 117 N. 8th Street, 5helton WA 98584, ! :be reimbursed at an hourly deputy is sick or on leave, is funded through dona- ~ " ..... : ~ ~ ' ii rate:for up ,~0 40 hours per another takes over. tions, he saj, d Addition- Welcomes Hair Stylists ...... ! week. Overtime costs will The Lake Cushman corn-ally our search and rescue m Halley...... & Susan ' ........ ..... m be incurred~y the sheriffs munity has a similar agree- program and our chaplain m offi.ce, m ment with the sheriffs of- program, those are funded , - with an - ' ' An,, Foml / Color HaileyHolmes SusanCombs ' • m jr .~,~i~:~ -- Stylist -- -- Stylist --m OC students, staff report cre&t card fraud ' ........................................ ......... .... - NA m ' Bonus Specmal! , By TALIE JOHNSON couraging individuals who used their credit ! $40 Relaxation Massage Special ..... m or debit card at the school to review their Call 427-3189 now for these excellent specials! m. ~-~ statements. ~ coupon. Specials expire August 15, 2012. MAOOO14205,,j¢~' ". , de officials started an internal investi- ' ............ ~.A;~~ ..... m This weekt Olympic College (OC) has few gation of the issue on June 27 when it first m "Lgustz u answers for s~udentsandstaffmemberswho began receiving reports from students and m Balance Day Spa'is moving 1, 2012. ~ have reported fraudulent activity on their staff members. The college's technical staff I credit and debit cards after using them at checked transaction systems for "fraudulent II Address will be 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140 ~"(}~ Jennifer Ha~ partment at is the probler Between J ceived about the school. '%Ve're im estigating the problem," said es of the Communications De- )C. "We're not quite sure what 1 but we're investigating." une 27 and 28, the school re- 20 reports of credit card fraud s and staff members who all 'ds at OC. from student used their ca: Since then the college has continued to re- ceive "steady reports" of fraud, Hayes said. College officials aren't sure at this point how many pebple have been affected. Students and staff whose credit and debit card information was stolen have reported their card n~mbers being used as far away as Texas at Stores such as Target. The incident may not be isolated to the Bremerton cqmpus, Hayes said. "I've hear~l from other folks that there have been reports from Shelton," she said. The colleg6 issued a release on July 3 on- devices," according to a release from OC, but found nothing. OC has hired a private forensic investi- gator to assist in the investigation and de- termine the root of the problem and is also working with local law enforcement. Since the fraud was first reported, the school has stopped using its credit card trans- action system and is now using a single dial- up connection for credit card transactions. as well as manual credit card machines. The school has also encouraged those who need to make a payment to consider using cash or checks for the time being. The school has advised those who have noticed fraudulent activity on their card ~o contact the colMge's campus security office at 475-7800 to report the incident, and to file a police report and report the fraud to their financial institution. For more information, go to fraudalert. m Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center. mm m, m m m m m m m m mm m llmm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m mmm m m m .mm Hoodsport man guilty of 7 charges By N2T~E JOHNSON natalie@ma~concoun~3 .corn Hoodsport tin Stanley i guilty on Th tal of seven ing from a Fc which he as~ Mason Counl uties before him. Ivie was f¢ total of five o resident Mar- :vie was found irsday on a to- zharges result- b. 9 incident in ~aulted several y Sheriffs dep- another shot und guilty on a rants of assault stemming from the incident, one count of attempting to elude a police officer and theft in the second degree. "I think it's obviously the right verdict." Mason Coun- ty Prosecutor Mike Dorcy said on Friday. Ivie's mother Virginia Ivie said her son may soon file an appeal on the convic- tion. "My son is not totally innocent here." she said. "They could have done many thing ~o stop him. he was not armed, he did not rob a bank, he did not hurt anyone." On Feb. 9, a Mason ....................... conducting surveillance on the North Dow Ridge Road above Lake Cushman in connection with a forest products theft investiga- tion. The deputy observed Ivie stealing wood, and called for backup. When that backup arrived, the deputies at- tempted to take Ivie into custody. According to the sheriffs office, Ivie did not comply with the deputies' orders and attempted to flee the scene in his pickup truck. At that point, authorities say Ivie attempted to run Do they watch you struggle chewing meat? Do even sandwiches yank your teeth around? We Have the Answer! William J. Busacca, DDS, PS ,: Voted one of America's Top Dentists/ ~~::~ NowaPREFERREOPROVIDERfor ~ 4ii $49 Exam ~: Washington Dental Service/Delta clental plans ii~!~ & X_Ray 1525 Olympic Highway North, in Shelton ~ Special i patients t. "~:' z.o ~ " ,:2U ,[ See Guilty on page A-8 Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 12, 2012 - Page A-3