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Continued from page A-4
the school district admin-
istration for taking steps
to facilitate the granting of
graduation credit for ele-
ments of the Naval Science
program. We look forward
to continued support by the
high school principal and
district superintendent to
avoid the elimination of this
valuable program.
The positive value of par-
ticipation in the NJROTC
program is demonstrated
by the SHS graduation sta-
tistics. While SHS on-time
graduation is only 67 per-
cent, all of the senior ROTC
cadets are graduating on
time. Lt. Comm. Thein and
Sgt. Maj. Hernandez must
be doing something right.
We thank those gentlemen
for their positive influence
upon our kids.
The American Legion,
Veterans of Foreign Wars
and the 40 et 8, represent-
ing the 6,000 Mason County
veterans, will continue to
support the Shelton High
School NJROTC Booster
Club and all the student
cadets as they seek equity
within the high school cur-
Maj. Gen. (ret.)
James C. McElroy
Keep the
Editor, the Journal
Thanks goes to Billie
Howard and Bob Drinkwine
for writing letters in your
July 5 newspaper pertaining
to the fairgrounds.
It is essential that the
citizens of Mason County
give support to the port com-
missioners in helping them
try to keep our present fair-
grounds and historical mu-
seum. Port Commissioners
Jay Hupp and Dick Taylor
are trying to work with the
FAA and show it that this
is a community need. How-
ever, if they are to succeed,
they need to have as many
phone calls, emails or let-
ters in support of this idea
as possible by the end of this
month to demonstrate to the
FAA that this is what the
citizens in our area want.
We are in danger of los-
ing this facility in just a few
months if something isn't
However. we also have
to understand that the
port commissioners are not
responsible for fairs. They
are only trying to do what
the community needs. It is
the duty by RCW that the
county commissioners be
responsible for fairs, and
they are not abiding by the
law. They are passing it off
on someone else. as they do
with so many of their re-
The present fairgrounds
are an important part of
the historical past 50 years
in Mason County and have
been the home of many
events that attract tourist to
our community to help boost
our economy. In fact. it was
and still could be a "Fly-in
Convention Center."
The fairgrounds also have
a rich history of a meeting
place for three generations
in Mason County, along
with untold thousands of
hours of labor and thou-
sands of dollars donated to
building it. It also has been
a place where three genera-
tions of 4-H youth have had
ening to find many who've broken. Both signs were
done their homework and on private property with
know the negative recordpermission of the property
of Mason County Commis- owner. The perpetrator ~s
sioner Lynda Ring Eriekson. guilty of trespass as well as
candidate for 35th Legisla- vandalism.
tire District. Voters in other If one must resort to van-
counties need to be aware, dalism to support your can-
tothe editor. We will print signed, or ginal etters OnFeb. 4.2011, Ring didate, it might be a worthy
Erickson testified before a effort to reexamine your
Washington House Commit- candidate's qualifications for
tee and presented mislead- the office he/she is seeking.
ing information with the Destroying someone else's
should provide contact and address information intent of promoting a bill propertyjustdoesn'tgetit.
that would undermine the It is also doubtful your
public's ability to keep tabs candidate would approve.
on local government. When I'm out and about
Then there was the re- if I see a political sign down
cent no-bid contract exten- and it is safe and convenient
the opportunity to demon-pledge, and whose written conservative, freedom-loving sion for hauling garbage. A for me to do so. I will reset
strate their years of work. name is on our money enti- citizen-defending, coura- seven-year $15 million con- the sign in its original place-
We have already lost a lot tling us to exchange goods geous governors to rise up tract extension was awarded ment and make sure that it
of events that have brought and supplies one to another, against the implementation without going to bid. is securely in the ground.
in tourist money, becauseOur founding fathers of this unconstitutional and Ring Erickson abstained I do this regardless of the
" County Commissioners had it right in the begin- outrageous law. I want to be from voting. Coincidently, party represented on the
Lynda Ring Erickson and ning of our government sys- clear, the fight is on. As the Allied, who received the sign. All too often the sign is
Tim Sheldon failed to take tem. They prayed in God's next governor, I will invoke contract, donated to her in the road right of way and
their responsibility of main- name for protection and in our 10th Amendment rights campaign, will ultimately be removed
taining the fairgrounds, and thankfulness that gave him and fight tooth and nail in As commission chair, she by a road crew.
let it fall into disarray dur- gratitude for his loving ever refusing to implement any did not recommend seeking
ing the past eight years in present protection, part of Obamacare. Period." bids. A lawsuit has been . Bill Hrbacek
office, and then they broke Have we forgotten? Are As a citizen, I ask, arefiled against Mason County Shelton
a contract, that our forefa- we missing something here? you concerned about yourover the award.
thers and leading citizens at Where has our country 10th Amendment rights? This March. Ring Erick-
that time made between the gone with these attributes Are you concerned about son attempted, unsuccess-
county and port commission, handed down generations Washington state sover- fully, to get a $10,000 per
They still had four years through history books, eignty? year raise for a particular Ne the li
left on the contract andteacher, parents, friend? Are Choose this day. who do county employee. Neither a r n
wouldn't even sub-lease it we so much melted in the you want protecting your of her fellow commissioners
to John and Rachel Hansen. American system that we rights and freedom? would vote with her. SheEditor, the Journal
who wanted to try to save have lost who we are? became visibly upset when The opportunity to exam-
the events that were taking Why can't I say Merry Nancy Williamsanother employee suggested ine and choose a commis-
place at that time. We are Christmas and I love you Belfairthe money be divided among sioner is here. We can no
now in danger of losing Oys- St. Nicholas? why can I say several lower level workers longer afford to squander
terFest, a wonderful tourist Jesus Christ in vain without whose pay had been frozen our voting in these trying
attraction event and a most- getting into some kind ofBuy a for some time.
times. I'd like to give my
needed fundraiser for our trouble? Is this not disre- Recently, the sheriff ex- personal view. description
community, spectful for our American Discover pressed concerns about ade- and experience with Randy
I wonder what the previ- way that we are proud to quate funding and safety for Neatherlin.
ous leaders and fairgrounds stand for? the jail and Ring Erickson First, I must say that
supporters of our commu- where have we gone? suggested the jail should positions at the local office
nity who gave so much of Please. someone tell me come under direct control of level are vital now more
their time and money to what happened, the county commission, by- than ever. The successful
leave a legacy for others to As we approached this Editor, the Journal passing the sheriff, few that have been in the
enjoy and build on would Fourth of July, as fireworks The Friends of Schafer Please consider all can- position have an important
think about what has hap- blasted in the air. I person- and Lake Sylvia (FOSLS) didates before voting in the quality - community in-
pened. I am thinking about ally planned to appreciate Organization has been Aug. 7 primary. We cannot volvement and connection
names like C.W. Strecken- every one of those beautiful working hard to increaseafford to send Lynda Ring and a selfless giving of their
bach, Roy Mitchel, Jim Pau- colors I see and thank God I public awareness of the Erickson and her record of time and interest in solu-
ley, George Nichols, Harry live in a country that stands budget crisis that continues missteps to the Legislature. tions.
Elmlund. John Bariekman. for freedom, justice and lib- to impact the future of our Randy Neatherlin is the
the Auseths, the MacRaes. erty. state parks. To that end, we Diana HarmonIndependent candidate and
the Bedells, Betty Wolf. How about you this are encouraging the pub- Sheltonrightly so. The skills and
Van Arsdale. Art Walton, year? what did you do this lic to continue to use their experience he has to offer
Bill Dickey, Herb Angle, the Fourth? parks this summer and to are meant for all (not being
Brewers. Roy and Jack Kim- Did you retake, likeme,purchase their annual Dis- A sign issue a"party"line).
bel, Dr. Larson, Art Mell, the pride in our fallen? Did cover Pass. The Discover In past years, I've been
Ji McComb, Dave James you retake, like me, a new Pass is now one year old and heavily involved with Randy
Werberger and many more pride or possibly renewed most of you who have pur- Editor, the Journal on dore community efforts. As
that have passed on. Oh yes, pride and refresh in your chased a pass will need to I applaud the efforts of we all know. it's never pos-
these people went through memory, like me. what our renew it soon. Passes can be those persons supporting sible to get 100 percent sup-
tough times and economy founding father represented purchased from your parktheir favorite candidate for port on these sort of problem-
slow-downs too. in the days of old? ranger at specified times or their community supportsolving efforts. Randy never
Hats offto the Hun- I think God in Heaven through FOSLS members and interest in the election hestitates to be out front in
sens, who have leased the would be very impressed($30~. and from local ven- process these difficult matters. Most
fairgrounds from the port. with us if we did. What do dors. or online $35). Day For those that are placing folks won't put themselves in
working to improve them. you think? Happy Fourth of use passes for $10 may also signs for your favorite candi- that position. He is the only
and are continuing the July Hoodsport and Shelton. be purchased for a one-day date it would be wise to fol- person in my region of Mason
county fair and rodeo, along I love you: thanks for loving visit, low some free advice. Signs County famous for bringing
with trying to bring back me! A great way to use your should be placed outside the opposing views and groups
tourist attraction events. Discover Pass is to attend right of way for roads and together, finding agreements
But. they only have the rest Deborah Grace Vernon the special historic camp- utilities when on public or and moving forward when no
of this year and next year to Hoodsport fire presentation by Gerald private property, one can.
do it. Schaefer on "Mountain Men Failing to do so may He's owned several suc-
It is up to us who are liv- of the Wild West" at Schafer cause your mgu to be re-cessful businesses here.
ing here today, as to wheth-Candidates Park, 1365 W. Schafer Park moved by a state or county headed more community
er we will continue to have Road. Elma) at 7 p.m. this road worker. It is also ben- organizations than can be
a fairgrounds or not. Let's p p osite coming Saturday[coffee and eficial to get permission chronicled in this letter.
support the Hansens by O cookies at 6 p.m. J AnOther from the property owner In my view, Randy Neath-
writing, emailing or phoning great event to enjoy is the before you place a sign. In erlin is so far past his compe-
the port commission that "Discover Lake Sylvia Fall most cases being outsidetition, he has no competition.
you are in favor of keeping Editor, the Journal Festival" at Lake Sylviathe right-of-way for a road As I said at the start, we
the fairgrounds where it is. Two Republican candi- 1813 Lake Sylvia Road, puts the sign on privatecan't afford to squander our
dates for the office of Gover- Montesano) on Sept 15, property, votes. Randy is famous tbr
Annette S. McGeenor are polar opposites,which features a triathlon. Assuming that you have tackling the tough jobs that
Shelton Seattle Times writer Jimvendors and other activities, done the above, ensure that feel-good types run from.
Brunner wrote: "Break- We don't want to lose our your sign does not blockThey talk a good game
ing with Mitt Romney andstate parks so please help out the sign of someone but don't have what it takes.
rxnressinn other prominent Republi-ensure their future by using else, then be sure the sigu Or those that are full of tall
cans. Washington Attorney them this summer! Thank is sufficiently staked to the talk and hot air, we've had
g atit d General Rob McKenna said you. ground to keep the sign enough of that.
r u e (recently) he does not think from blowing over when Neatherlin is the real
Congress should repeal the Trina Young the wind blows. This might deal, so don't waste your
Editor, the Journal entire healthcare law -- or Elma also prevent some ill feel- vote this time. This guy will
As the Fourth of July even undo the controversial ues ,o^ --*:-n lags. listen to you -- what an
approached our American individual insurance man- It appears that some amazing quality!
country, I am reminded to date in the short term." folks do not realize or care Bobby Kennedy said
Shahram Hadian's blog: a bo ut that vandalizing or remov- there's two ways to pursue
be thankful of our war and "It's
peace heroes who secure our time to remind our ~ng a sign is a crime not to office, go to the establish-
country's borders in these federal government and candidate mention an unethical act. ment or go to the people.
days of peace and war. this out of control president Several such acts have Randy is going to the people
I am thankful that I canthat we indeed have 10th come to my attention re-and he lives it!
express gratitude to live Amendment rights and areEditor, the Journal cently where a sign has
in a country under God. In a sovereign state. As gover- As I doorbell voters in either been physically Craig Mann
whose very name is m ournor. I will join other fiscally Mason County, it's heart- removed or deliberately Belfair
nata[ie((,)rnas )nco~znty.com
The Washington State De-
partment of Transportation
(DOT) plans to begin work to fix
a road washout on State Route
3 just outside of Shelton on July
Project Engineer Scotty Ire-
land said crews will begin the
project with a temporary wid-
ening of the road's southbound
lane, to give workers and drivers Work on the project should
more room during the project, wilm come in and need to be completed by October. DOT
The contractor's road crews officials said drivers can ex-
will begin by filling in the ditch iNh~ pect some nighttime closers
on the west side of the highway, dO ~ome n,~.,_ work." for the first few weeks of con-
"Crews will come in and need struction.
to do some night work," Ireland stall a soldier wall to reinforce to correct the slide. "We appreciate their patience
said. the ground under the roadway."What happened last spring while we have gone thru the pro-
Crews will then install a tem- Twenty years ago, Ireland is the remaining portion of the cess of finding the contractor,"
porary barrier between the lane said, a similar washout occurred wall failed," he said. said Claudia Bingham Baker,
reserved for traffic and the work in the same location on StateWork on the road will be doneOlympic region HOV communi-
area to protect both workers and Route 3, which resulted in the by contractor Rognlins Inc., who cations manager. "We want to
drivers; he said. construction of a soldier wall bid $1.3 million to complete the get the work done as quickly as
Then, the contractor will in-across part of the retaining wall project, possible."
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12,2012 - Page A-5