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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2012
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Building Continued from page A-1 until Oct. 31, 2012. This March the PUD moved into its new operations center on Johns Prairie, leaving its downtown buildings vacant. In June. the MCSAA learned that it had not been awarded the CDBG grant. Shaw said she thought the center had a better chance of getting such a grant if the MCSAA was already leas- ing the building. "Allowing us to do this will achieve several benefits for the community," she said. "It also will be an important economic catalyst to downtown Shel- ton." The MCSAA hopes to leave its cur- rent location because demand for ser- vices at the center is fast outpacing the available space, Shaw said. "The need is great the population of seniors in Mason County has grown by 77 percent in the last 10 years," she said. "Our center with its 6,000 square feet, saw 20.463 visits last year during our regular hours." The center's current location has 20 parking spots. The vacant PUD 3 build- ings have a parking lot with more than 100 spaces. Kathy Haigh, 35th Legislative Dis- trict representative, also gave comment at the hearing about the importance of the senior center to the community. "When my mother in law moved here many, many years ago now, if it hadn't been for the senior center I don't know Fairgrounds Continued from page A-1 becomes imperative." Should aviation develop- ment on the property be- come inevitable the plan states that the port will re- quire any entity that takes over the land to pay for the relocation of the fair- grounds. The Fairground Future Use Plan is available at the Port of Shelton's website and the port is accepting public comment on it until July 31. The FAA does not want the fairgrounds in its cur- rent location for several reasons, including its prox- imity to an active runway and the land's designation as aviation reserve in the 1997 Airport Master Plan. Hupp contends that the proximity of the fairgrounds to the runway should not be an issue. "There is no safety is- sue," he said. "There can't be buildings that exceed certain heights. There are no fairgrounds buildings that exceed those FAA safe- ty restrictions." While Hupp drafted the future use plan, port Ex- ecutive Director John Dob- son was working on another way to satisfy the FAA and continue the fair -- move the fairgrounds to another location. Dobson and port staff have proposed moving the airport to two possible loca- tions -- one near the port's disused north/south run- way, and another at the in- tersection of U.S. Highway 101 and Dayton Airport Road. The first location port staff suggested has an ac- elf m# m#m// m# w# m# mt/ gll !, i: i !in Starts July 16 B...EST D.SCOWTS TerriShaw, executive director of the Mason CounOtUyal~ne~C~o~;he ]oh ..... ~ OF THE YEAK! Activities Association (MCSAA), addressed the Mason County PUD 3 Commission Tuesday and asked it to consider a lease of ' the downtown PUD buildings to the MCSAA rather than sell it. how she would have survived, mental- show their support for the senior cen- i ly, emotionally," she said. "Terri (Shaw) ter. , has a vision.., to have that space down- PUD 3 commissioner Bruce Jorgen- town become a vital center downtown son voiced his support for the MCSAA, ~ ~ is a vision. I really do believe we can however the commission did not voice make it a great place." an opinion or take any action on the Members of the senior center, as future of the buildings, or Shaw's re- well as representatives of agencies that quest. ~ partner with the center, such as the "My heart's with you.~ I support you Lewis Mason Thurston Agency on Ag- so much," Jorgenson said. "We want to ing, the AARP Safe Driving Program, find a way to make something work." L and local officials such as Shelton PUD 3 Commission Chair Linda D! !1 Mayor Gary Cronce and Mason County Gott said the commission would discuss Commissioners Steve Bloomfield and that matter further and a future meet- Lynda Ring Erickson commented to lag. ~ MULTI-FAMILY garageand tive taxiway leading into it. support itself," she said. "If plant sale. Friday, Saturday, "That area in my mind ... should remain as long-time aviation reserve," Hupp said. The current fairgrounds land is adjacent to the ac- tive runway, but is not con- nected to it by an existing taxi, he said. Dobson suggested the port could acquire the sec- ond suggested piece of land at Dayton Airport Road through a land swap with Mason County. To keep the fairgrounds where it is, he said it would cost the port $1.8 million to bring the existing buildings up to code and would cost $700,000 to fix problems with utilities at the prop- erty. Hbwever, Dobson said that to construct new infra- structure for utilities at a different location, the cost might only be $146,000. If the port chose to re- locate the fairgrounds, he suggested that many of the buildings could be saved. "We could move, with our own force labor, the arena," he said. "We can move some of the barns." Dobson said a large expo building would be the only large investment by the community. "The real issue starts to become, does this communi- ty have the heart to put up a nice expo hall?" he asked. Whatever the solution, Dobson said port staff is "100 percent" behind the success of the fairgrounds. Rachel Hansen, of North- west Event Organizers, which has a lease for the fairgrounds until 2013, said she is skeptical about a plan to move the fairgrounds. "The fairgrounds we have can prove itself ... it can we build a new fairgrounds we would price people out of it." Dobson and Hupp dis- agree on the issue partly because of a disagreement about the amount of au- thority the FAA has over the airport. "It is so locked in stone. (It is) concrete, solid," Dob- son said. Hupp feels differently on the matter. "I have not seen justifi- cation from the FAA that would warrant the impact on the community that would result (from losing the fairgrounds)," he said. "What we're faced with at this point is a verbal in- sistence on the part of the FAA that t~e fairgrounds need to be rfibved." IfHupp is wrong, Dobson said there could be serious consequences for the port. "To suggest somehow that they don't have that authority ... we don't want to go down that road," Dob- son said. "They could bank- rupt this port." There is an opportunity for compromise between the two plans. According to Dobson, if the port has a concrete plan in place for the future of the fairground, it might persuade the FAA to extend the 2013 dead- line, but not indefinitely. "The federal government has been very kind to us and understanding -- they don't want to be the ogre who comes and shuts down the fairgrounds," he said. "We could probably do up to three years." Members of port staff and the port commission hope to meet with FAA rep- resentatives later this sum- mer. 10am-4pm. Mountain View, 401 N. 12th Street. D7/12 MOVING SALE Friday 7/13, Saturday 7/14, 9am-5pm. 121 N. Kimta Drive Hoodsport. From Hwy 101 follow red s gns/ green arrows. Canoe, 42" plas- ma TV, queen bedroom set, dining tables, sofa-recliner, hot tub, old electronics test instru- ments, tools, Honda FRC 800 rototiller, Stihl 031 chain saw, books and CDs, misc. $7/12 423 E. G STREET Friday, Sat- urday, 8am-5pm. Something for everyone. R7/12 YARD SALE, 8666 W. Shelton- Matlock Road. Saturday, Sun- day 8am-6pm. Furniture, ap- pliances, office supplies, auto, toys, sporting..Miscellaneous ,items, all must go. 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It has been my privilege to serve the customer-owners of the utility for two terms and it is that experience that I have to offer. I have worked hard to ensure that our customers have access to safe drinking water and reliable electric service at reasonable rates. It is my hope that you will allow Ime to continue serving in this capacity for another term. I Paid for bythe Committee to Relelect Jack Janda, I i P.o. Box 449, Hoodsport~ WA 98548-0449 J Locker Packs Available, Locally Owned, Family-Run Meat Shop Now,Accepting EBT Bone-In Rib Steaks Bone-in Rib Roast : ,Jum iao Drli6flJcks : .............................. Bay$Callps i .ii® Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 12,2012 - Page A-7