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Special celebration to honor
first Native American saint
St. Edward's Parish in occurring but is not an of- The parish is welcoming
Shelton is inviting indi- ficial part of the event. It individuals from Squax-
viduals to a special out- will be at noon on July 31 in Island and the Pacific
door mass in honor of the at St. Edward's CatholicNorthwest as they arrive
upcOming October canon- Church. for the Canoe Journey.
ization of Blessed Kateri The mass will include a The church is located
Takakwitha. sage/cedar blessing along at 601 W. C St. For more
The mass will take with Native drumming. A information, contact Don
place while the annual meal and family activities Smith at 791-9304 or the
Canoe Journey protocol is will follow, parish office at 426-6134.
Life in the colonies subject of
Pioneer Kiwanis Clubmeeting
Michael Vaupel will be giving a presenta- Vaupel appeared as an extra in the movie
tion to the Pioneer Kiwanis Club on July 18 "Gettysburg," played John Hancock in "The
on life in the colonies in the 1700s. Making of the Declaration of Independence"
Vaupel is a retired elementary and mid- on The History Channel and developed sev-
dle school American history teacher and eral programs where he brings colonial
administrator who moved to Olympia four characters to life for various schools, civic
years ago from California. While teaching organizations and clubs.
in California, he joined several reenactment Vaupel received the "Valley Forge Teach-
groups to learn more about daily life as a er's Medal" in 1994 for his classroom pro-
soldier and civilian in the 1700 and 1800s gram "Building Young Americans."
in an effort to bring history to life for his The Pioneer Kiwanis Club meets at 7 a.m.
students. Wednesdays at Spencer's Bar and Grill.
Free Social Security 101 workshop scheduled
The Alpine Way Retirement Apart- The program will address the effect of
ments, located at 900 W. Alpine Way in early retirement on benefits, how survivor
Shelton, is hosting a program called, "Ev- benefits can help families, information re-
erything You Wanted To Know: Retire-garding Medicare, disability and spousal
ment Benefits and Eligibility Require- benefits, SSA online services, what the fu-
ments" from 2:30-4 p.m. on July 18. The ture holds for the agency and how to get
event is free and open to the public. The the most from the Social Security benefit.
program is intended for working adults Questions can be answered by calling
and anyone with questions about Social Kathy at 426-2600 or Merridee at 427-
Security. 2225.
Continued from page BH-1
Megan Jacobsen addressed
her fellow graduates in a
formal speech. This was fol-
The following students Joe and Rachel Iko Memo-
received scholarships from rial Scholarship. James T.
Ken Latimer on behalf ofClark presented the Mt.
the Pioneer Kiwanis: Me-Moriah Masonic Scholar-
gan Jacobsen, Kyra Raezer, ship to Caroline Ray. Trevor
Julia Morris, Guy Beau- Handyside was awarded the
doin, Amanda Rhoads and Pioneer Merit Scholarship
lowed by a dissertation of Daynah Anderson. The Pio- and Alexea Seil received the
special memories of their neer Education Association Peg Stock Principal's Award
school days at Pioneer by awarded theNancyEdwards and the Achievement Schol-
class speaker Caroline Ray. Memorial Scholarship to two arship.
Brooke Tinsley was rec- students, Jacob Lamont and Michael O'Day represent-
ognized as the Salutatorian Dylan Rogers. Two scholar- ed the Pioneer Schools Faun-
of the class and received a ships were awarded in the dation Scholarships to Grace
special Math Award. Denis memory of special :parents Phelan and Lillian Tratnick
Leverich from Skookum Ro- as Jymie Garrison received for their community service
tary presented pictures and the Jeffrey Kent Memo- work.
plaques to the top 10 percent rial Scholarship and Lil- A reception followed the
of the class, lian Tratnick received the ceremony.
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tC°ntemp.... y-11:00J • Bible Study
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7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Lutheran Church ............... ............... ,, ......
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue www.sheltonfbc.or9 3~0426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.lTl, Sunday School for a[I ages
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... U:O0 a.m. • Oomlngo Ln Iglesla Bautista 6 pm
ServJci0 en Espafiol
Office 426-6353
• Wednesdays 6 pm
Daycare 427-3165 "to.t, Church, AWANA K4, Adult Classes
www.mtoliveshelton.org • Jueves6pm ElgrupodeloskatJnosJdvenes
1113 E. Shdton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
ReJ?eshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
w ww.riversofgrace.org
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenccu.org
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 12,2012
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