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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASTE 8GARD E N ER ime ason rea ir The Mason Area Fair is happening at the fair- grounds July 27, 28 and 29. This year's theme is "Sew it, Grow it, and Show it." Its time to look at the exhibitor's guide to decide what you want to enter into the fair this year. You can find a copy of the premium guide on line at www. or you can pick up a copy at the WSU Extension office, the Shelton-Mason County Journal office and the li- brary. Never entered at the fair? It is fun to show off your talents whatever they may be. From agriculture to wine making there is a department for just about any interest you may have. Everyone thinks of 4-H as the only exhibitors at the fair but open classes take entries from the public. You don't have to be a resident of Mason County to enter, the fair organizers encour- age folks from all over the Puget Sound area to come and enter and enjoy the fair. How do I enter some- thing in the fair? It's sire- ple! Look N at the ex- hibitor's guide to deter- mine the class(es) you are going to By JEANNE enter. Each de- REItWALDT partment has a spe- cific date and time to enter your exhibit. Follow the guidelines in the exhibitor's guide to determine what is required of your exhibit. If you have questions, you can contact the superintendent listed in the guide or ask when you bring your ex- hibits for entry. There are many friendly volunteers who will help take your entry and answer all your questions. Some depart- ments have special prizes for awards. All departments recognize exhibitors with ribbons. How fun to have bragging rights for a whole year about your blue rib- bon beans, pickles, photo- graphs, art, etc. What else is there to do at the fair? Besides look- ing at all the exhibits, you can enjoy the NPRA Rodeo, Mexican Rodeo, many ven- dors selling food and crafts, and entertainment includ- ing music. What a wonder- ful way to spend a day with the family and support our local youth in their 4-H and FFA projects. Many people have heard that the fairgrounds will be torn down after 2013. The Port of Shelton is soliciting input from the community about the future of the fair- grounds site. Now is the time to write a letter to the Port of Shelton Commis- sinners reminding them how important this event center is to our community. The deadline for comments is July 31, 2012. Please stop by building 22 and visit the Master Gardeners who supervise the agriculture and floral/ horticulture departments. Superintendent Nancy Dil- lon has lots of specialists lined up to answer ques- tions about rhododendrons, plant diseases, insects, pruning, vermiculture, composting and more. There will be daily dem- onstrations involving food samples. I hope to see you there! To contact the Master Gardeners, call 427-9670 ext. 687 between noon and 3 p.m.on Mondays or send an email to gardener. Rotary installs officers Courtesy photo The Shelton Rotary Club installed its 2012/13 Officers and Board of Directors at an evening event June 28 at Smokin' Moes in the Alderbrook Golf Club in Union. Elected to lead the club in the upcoming year are Gary Bauder, Amber Finlay (President), Drew MacEwen, Carrie Lemmon, Allison Wagner (Secretary), Gerry Ring-Erickson (Treasurer), Kevin Earls (Past President0, Jesse Schuffenhauer, Angela Barnes, Caroline Rich (President-Elect) and Dean Rich. Eric Thompson and Kristy Buck are not pictured. MacDonald Rotarian of the Year Shelton Rotary Club served multiple years as our member and City of Shelton Sergeant at Arms. In addi- Regional Project Manager, tion, this last spring he com- Dennis MacDonald, was se- petently directed our suc- lected as the 2012 Rotarian cessful fundraiser of selling of the Year and presented roses in our community." with the award at the club's MacDonald was surprised annual installation and when he was announced as awards dinner on June 28. this year's recipient. His fa- MacDonald has served as tiler, who was a Rotarian for Sergeant at Arms for the or- ganization for several years and has been Chairperson of the Rose Sale Committee, one of their largest fund- raising projects, for several years, as well. more than 35 years and rou- tinely took his son to meet- ings until another Rotar- Jan in Tumwater sponsored' him into the organization in 1998, introduced MacDon- ald to Rotary. I Stt[[10N CIND4AS Ice Age 4 °ai'qi;2i! ° iiF° Sat-Sun l:lOpm The Amazing I ~ Spiderman Sat-Sun 1 :OOpm ,, [ 5 niles south of Shelton * Sates open at 8:00pm, SHOW AT DUSK[ ~novie infe 426.4707] [ FRI 7/13 - THUR ~ [ Madagas- Quilt Show 30t" Anniversary Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild N August 3 4th & 5t" Hood Canal School Located at intersection of Hwy 106 and 101 Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 10am-4pm Admission s5 Kiwanis Shelton, Washington PANCAKE iN t~ %~ . . ~ ~' JULY 27-29, 2092 We're d0i.g if BI0 at the 2012 Mas0. Area Fair f, E0de0i Join Pauland Babe to celebrate a century of Fair in our community! E.ter the Fair! Everything from pies to , primroses! Ribbons and Cash prices! Entry guides available online at or @" stopping by these fine locatinns: • WSU Extension Office • Shelton/Mason County Journal • Timberland Library • Fairgrounds Office • Mason County Admin Office 2012 Fair Highlights: • Two NPRA Rodeos - Friday at 7 and Saturday at 6 • Mexican Rodeo - Sunday @ 2 Live Music & Dancing • Barns filled with animals/ • Draft horse cart rides/ • Rides & kids' zone • Goat carriage Rides • Two Stages of live Music/ Great bands and soloists ! • Daily/Nightly Fire Shows • Kidsprograms daily including Character appearances/ • 150+ Vendors • Delicious Variety on Food/ • 4-H & FFA Demonstrations • Non profits, Arts and Crafts • Aquaculture Display • KMAS Song Writer's Stage • Agriculture Machinery Display • 4-H Petting Zoo • Classic Car Show & Shine SAT Support YOUR Fair! Admissio.: $5.00 adults I Kids FREE FRI is Seniors Day $3.00 FRIDAY-First 100 kids get a Goody Bag! Parking FREE Fair Hours: Friday: 10 am- 10 pm Saturday 10 am7 10 am Sunday 10 am- 6 pm Call for informatinn: 60-427- 99 www.MasonCoun~yFair, nrg "He has a 'can do' attitude and always a bright smile. He is incredibly welcoming to all members and genuine- ly cares about the welfare of others," said President- Elect Caroline Rich. "He exemplifies 'Service above Self,'" Rich added, referring to Rotary International's motto. "His serving attitude "The 'Rotarian of the Year' award sits on my kitch- en counter, first as a pinch that my serve is Worthy, and mostly as a reminder that the little things I do, do add up to help the club reach our goals," said MacDonald. "I am honored and humbled by this acknowledgment. I ap- preciate the comradery and will continue to participate TIIE ARK KET; $8 KNEEL D BBQ Chicken Breast 1//2 Breast w/one side brought him the recognition the best that I can." of Shelton Rotary's Rotarian The Shelton Rotary Club ~ AN -- I PM ~ "Ribs" PulSdBQrk- Brisket of the Year," said Shelton wasfirst established in May cou~te~yp~oto J~ ~ I ;Fi;J ; li'~Jpur'ly Rotary ClubPast-President 1951 and meets at noon Shelton Rotary Club recently named Dennis ~ ~ =~ Kevin Earls. "Dennis has Thursdays. MacDonald its 2012 Rotarian of the Year. ~ C ~r~tek9 Espress° [ " ~ ~ 6-6 Mon-Fr,. 7-7 Sat-Sun --p-A. ai OI [~ g~3n .. Hwy. 101, jlJ$, N of .... .... Annual 426-0157 i 1;ALE I ..... 11 I WHATWOULDYOU I I Patio-Bake Sale | on Saturday, July 21't from 8am - 3pro I LIKE TO BE SELLING I I at28OE. Wheelwright, Allyn Marvelous.. Merchandise! 9:00mzz-o:oup,,,n'nn '" I I MORE OF THIS WEEK? ] | HnmemadelceEream, Bakery, Housewares, I °'uu-c...''°''JulJ. .. I I Collectibles, Jewelry, Books, Garden Items, I: : lw':::;. ' i,;:~i~, I11 '| I Tools and much more • a, rn • r,,. a4 I (360) 426"4412 to advertise I I • Exerdse • Tools ~ I I . Sh~.,.,.-M~a~,,Cou~y . I I , as°° l l I ShuttloservRetoAllynDaysfestivities J I I a Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, July 12, 2012 - Page B-3 I I