July 12, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 2012 |
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• Retirement Benefits and Eligibility Requirements
• What Early Retirement Does To Your Benefits
• How Survivor Benefits Can Help Your Family
• Information Regarding Medicare, Disability,
and Spouse Benefits
. SSA Online Services - WWW.SocialSecurity.GOV
. What the Future Holds for the Agency
• Understand How To Get The Most From Your Benefit
Wednesday July 18th, 2012
2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Speaker: Kirk Larson, Western Washington Public Affairs Specialist for
the Social Security Administration, has worked with the agency for over
19 years in both technical and managerial roles. Kirk has presented Social
Security information in Washington and California. He has had numerous
articles published, and has appeared on TV and radio shows to discuss
various Social Security issues. The Social Security Administration and other
Federal Government organizations have recognized him for his outstanding
public service. Kirk has a degree in Business Administration from California
Polytechnic University at Pomona.
Merridee Anderson, Assistance Specialist at LMT Area Agency on Aging, will
talk about extra help paying for Medicare Part B and prescription drug plans.
Question? Call Merridee 360-427-2225 Sponsored by
or Kathy at 360-426-2600 ,%
Call Kathy Burbidge at
(360) 426-2600
~'oo Agency on Aging
for a free lunch and tour
900 West Alpine Way
Shelton, WA 98584
Stop. Go. Peml~oil:
2911 E. Brockdale Road
Velma ~Wilson) Hollatz celebrates her p.m.
90th birthday on Aug. 11 at the Shelton The celebration is hosted by Wayne Hol-
Civic Center. 525 W. Cota St.. Shelton in latz, Ginger (Virginia Hollatz~ & Tom Bran-
the main banquet room. nian. Jim & Donna ~ •wen) Hollatz. Bob &
Friends, family and classmates are invit- Jeanne ~ Calkins) Hollatz.
ed to join us for sharing time and memories The family asks that attendees do not
from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. with cake at 1:30 bring gifts.
Gwytha Evolet Equihua- She was 10 pounds, 2 ounc- Her grandmother is
Tortes was born to Paulaes and was 21 1/2 inches long. Darlene Redman. Ron Fer-
Equihua-Torres and Juan Other children in the ram- ris and Gwy~ha Ferris are
Equihua-TorresonofShelton ily include Adreanna. 15. her great-grandfather and
on Nov. 10. 2011. at Capital Juan Julian, 12. Isabel. 7. greath-grandmother, respec-
Medical Center in Olympia. and Joaquin. 6. tively.
car show
The "Heat on the
Street" Custom Car &
Motorcycle Show host-
ed by the Elma Cham-
ber of Commerce will
take place July 31. New
this year is a Cruise-In
on July 30.
The car show runs
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
and takes place on Main
Street in Elma. Live
music'-by the Freckles
Brown Band begins at
11 a.m. Local vendors
and restaurants will
offer special car show
sales. For a $10 regis-
tration the first 200 ve-
hicles recmve T-shirts.
dash plaques, race
ticket, raffle tickets and
other goodies. Public
admission to the car
show is free.
For more infor-
ruction visit www.
elmachamber.org or
call 482-3055.
7 p.m. - Music in the Park at Post Office Park in
downtown Shelton. This is the first installment of the
yearly summer concert series and will feature Anna':;
Bay Chorale performing "Gleek Fest." a collection of
songs from the television show Glee.
9 a.m-2 p.m. St. David's Annual Rummage c~
Bake Sale fundraiser to support community outreach
programs will be held in the Parish Hall. 218 N. Third
St.. Shelton.
8 a.m.-1 p.m. -- the American Legion/VFW Auxil-
iary will hold a breakfast fundraiser at Memorial Hall
206 W. Franklin St. Family and friends are invited.
9 a.m.-2 p.m. -- St. David's Annual Rummage &
Bake Sale fundr'aiser to support community outreach
programs. Items at $1 a bag and half-off will be avail-
able at noon in the Parish Hall. 218 N. Third St.. Shel-
6 p.m. Historian and author Gerald Schaefer
will hold a presentation on mountain men of the earl y
1800s at Schaefer State Park. Cookies and coffee will
be served at 6 p.m. and the presentation will begin at
7 p.m. at the group shelter. Contact Trina Young at
482-2551 or Ranger Arnold Hampton at 482-3852 tbr
more information.
4 p.m. -- the Mason County Transportation Au-
thority Board will meet at the Mason Transit Business
Office, located at 790 E. Johns Prairie Road.
County burn ban starts Sunday
STAFF REPORT and the Mason County Fire be prohibited until further
pr@ma,s'oncountyocOm Chiefs Association, has notice.
............................................... enacted a burn ban on all Recreational fires ~camp
outdoor burning that will fires~ are still allowed
Mason County Fire Mar- begin at 8 a.m. Sunday and Camp fires shall be in a
shall's Office, a cooperative last until Sept. 30. weather metal or concrete fire pit.
effort between the Masonpermitting, such as those typically
County Department of All residential burning found in designated camp-
Community Development and land-clearing fires will grounds. Recreational fires
are not to be used tbr de-.
• Showroom full of Crystal and Mineral Specimens
• Everything you need to start your own business
• New and used equipment: Saws, Tumblers, Hand
Tools, Display Cases, Table Lighting, Lapidary Supplies
• Parts. Jewelry findings, Blades, Belts, Sanding &
Polishing Laps, Buffing Wheels, Rough Lapidary
Materials Slices, All kinds of Agate (Plumetoo)
Alabaster, Obsidian Petrified Wood, Thunder Eggs
bris disposal. Maximum
fire raze is three-feet in di-
ameter. Keep camp fires at
least 25 feet away from any
structure and allow 20-feet
vertical clearance from
overhanging branches. A
person and eqmpmem ca-
pable of extinguishing the
fire shall be in constant at-
tendance at the site while
This is a proactive ap-
proach to prevent predict-
able wildland fires. Each
IbSheltol Hw and much much more! year. hundreds of acres
| - " ' '~-~" Itwy3 • Dealers Welcome with Resellers Permit are iost due to unattend-
~]~*J~,1"/: e d fires. With the recent
SPlake ..... ToAllyn • By the piece...by the box.., by the bucket...m l rainfall amounts, this will
, ,,b~,., "¥+ prove to be a very busy fire
July 14th & 15th' 10 am,Spm each da,, 'w
The burn ban will also
s No Sales Prior to Sale!! season.
/ E go into effect in Thurston,
King, Pierce, Snohomish
and Kitsap counties.
['X • Directions more information,
,I ~ ~ Take Hwy 3 north from Shelton to Picketing Road and follow the map gionalC°ntact Cleanthe OlympiCAir Re2
.~a.~-.~/'~'" 120 E Jade Drive- Shelton, WA 9858/4
at 1-800-422-5623 or go to
,~%~ ~, ,, the Department of Natural
(360)/-/.26-2327 • (800) 820-3612 ~ Resources at waburnbans.
' ' ' gmail: russOrnbrockshop.com
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12,2012