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Benefit Golf Tournament
r the Wild Felid Advocacy
Center of Washington
501(c)3 nonprofit organization
• 2012
(Scramble Format- No handicaps)
Bayshore Golf Course - Sheiton
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Individual and team entries welcome
To reserve your cart call: 426-1271
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Register by: July 13, 2012
Information/registration: (360) 427-4466
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s8,000 in team, contest & door prizes,
/ in One Competition Prizes
Grrrreat Silent Auction
Su-purr BBQ Lunch
Door Prizes
"FUN" Tournament
Appearances on Course
by our costumed "Lion"
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"The season started
off s ow but by the
The Olympia Reign's 2012 season ended d
at the IBL Playoffs with a win and a loss --o,, we were
last week.
On Friday, the Reign defeated the Ed- doing rea y wel~o"
monton Energy 101-89. Then, on Saturday,
the team lost 118-113 to the Portland Chi- support."
nooks at Whatcom Pavilion in Bellingham. With their season now over, Olympia
"We finished off the season winning four Reign players are already working on their
of our last five games," Reign owner Mark next moves.
Felton said. "The season started off slow but Felton said Gjio Bain and Mike Ward
by the end of the year, we were doing really made the All-Stars team while Giovonne
well." Woods is at a camp in Las Vegas to get back
He said the team plans to return to the over seas.
Skookum Creek Events Center at Little "The guys are working on trying out for
Creek Casino as its home court next year the MBA Developmental League and over-
if the Squaxin Island Tribe will have them. seas for the fall," Felton said.
"As long as we have their support, we'll He said the team may do some youth has-
keep playing there," Felton said. "I want to ketball camps during the offseason, but that
thank Island Enterprises, Kamilche Trad- depends on floor availability at this point.
ing Post, Skookum Creek and Little Creek The Olympia Reign hit the court March
Casino and all the people involved for their 1 for tryouts.
Courtesy of Alyssa Beck
David Drinkard slides into home plate for the Colt-Palominos on July
7 at Mason County Recreation Area during the team's game against the
Maple Valley Coyotes.
Team's last game at 6 p.m. tonight at 11 after eight innings.
"This was one of the
Mason 'County Recreation Area best games we've played
all year," Solano said: "We
By EMILY HANSON minos played OK during had men on base with two
erni~y@masoncounty,com the tournament but thatouts and one baserunner
they've been making men- got r" picked off. That's how
tal errors all season, we lost, which was unfortu-
With their season draw- "In the beginning of a nate."
ing to a close, the Colt-Pal- game, we play pretty strong He said the team hit
ominos are struggling with and then we just fall apart," hard and were able to go
errors, he said. "We try to get back deeper into the game.
The team, an" 18U team into the game but it's too Josh Drinkard pitched
with the Mason County late by then." for six innings with three
Youth Baseball Associa- On Saturday, the team strike outs. David Drinkard
tion, is scheduled to play lost 7-4 to the Maple Valley pitched the remaining in-
its last game of the season Coyotes in the first game. ning and a half with one
at 6 p.m. tonight at Mason "We played this team instrikeout and gave up two
County Recreation Area. the tournament and heldearned runs.
"We hope to finish them to a close game," So- David Drinkard hit a
strong," head coach Jorge lano said. double for the Colt-Palomi-
Solano said. "We haven't Ben Solano pitched for nos while Mike Domingnez
won a game but ][ think the two innings with one strike- had two hits and scored two
kids learned a lot." out and two earned runs. runs.
On June 30 and July Jack McQuarrie came in as "As a team, everybody
1, the team played at the relief for the remaining five just hit, top to bottom of the
Maltby Tournament, where innings and notched three lineup," Solano said.
it lost four games, strikeouts. He said that during the
"Two of those games "We're getting ham- last weekend, the team
were pretty close," Solano mered with errors on showed they were learning
said. "We were playing ground outs," Solano said. to play together.
older teams again. They hit "We had a lot of grounders "I think we'll finish
the ball well and to spots and strike outs." where we belong," Solano
where we weren't. It wasn'tThe Colt-PaIominossaid. "I'm proud of the kids.
good." played the Coyotes close in I wish we had another 20
He said the Colt-Palo- the second game, losing 12- games to play."
Forest Products
A variety of building materials
at affordable ces!
. Discontinued Items
July 13th
- 5pro
E Johns Prairie Rd
WA 98584
Stock is limited to product on hand
More sales to follow, dates to be posted at the
sale on the 13th or call for more information
Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 2012