July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 13, 1967 |
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Hood Canal Waters Get High Rating
submerged zrmtter, not attribut-
able to natural causes, so as to
affect water usage or taint the
flesh of edible species."
The regulation contains an en-
forcement plan which says:
"In carrying out this plan, it
shall be the unalterable guide-
line that existing discharges
which conflict with criteria and
classifications established by
this regulation shall be modified
so as to be consistent therewith
as expeditiously as is reasonably
But in all but the most excep-
tional cases, modifications must
be attained within five years of
the effective date of the regula-
Domestic discharges will be
(Continued from Page One) controlled through directives and orations will be c o n t r t) 1 I e d
orders. Existing waste discharge through waste disposal permits.
facilities will be given reasonable A continuing surveilhmce and
time to make necessary mud,- enforcement program is provided
fications, for. The commission's orders may
Commercial and industrial up- be reviewed in a superior court.
Funds For
Park Work
Are Planned
A new state marine park on
Stretch Island has been approved
by the Washington State Park
Commission for acquisition and
construction of temporary Iacili-
ties during the current biennium,
Chairman John Bariekman of the
Mason County Comtrdssion was
informed on July 3.
In a letter to Bariekman, Chair-
man Charles H. Odegaard of the
Parks Commission al) reported
that $94,500 has been allocated
for improvements to four state
parks in the county from a $2,
500,000 development fund appro-
priated by the 1967 legislature.
These are :
Belfair: remake the entire
swinming pool area, $15,000.
Jarrells Cove on Hartstene Is-
land: rest room, camp sites, and
water supply, $32,000.
Many Worked Hare To Keep
Canal Wa÷er Quan;*y High
) Editor's Note: The following
article by The Journal's IAlli-
waup correspondent gives the
background of the vigorots cam-
paign over a long period of time
made by Mason County residents
in an effort to keep its waters
. lson county citizens, most
of whom were originally at-
tracted to this part of America's
"Lost Wilderness" by its unique
offering of beauty in mountains t
forests, clear streams and inaind
salt water (said to be the purest
in the world) have proved to be
eager volunteer workers when
alerted to potential pollution dan-
ger to these treasures.
A thousand Hood Canal resi-
dents and many N£ason County
organizations joined in convey-
ing their views through repre-
sentatives, when a hearing was
held February 28 in Seattle by
the Washington State Pollution
Commission on the proposed
water standards.
Petitions and letters from indi-
viduals and groups are credited
with influencing changes in orig-
.3hal water-usage proposals that
,resulted in a Class AA zoning
: and highest quality standards be-
ing advised for this area.
Thurston-Mason Health Depart-
ment representatives in the sani-
tation division have expressed
their gratitude for the coopera-
tion of county groups in helping
to establish these high quality
and also in her Aycok Beach
Sewage and water poUution
problems posed by the rapid up-
surge in development of new
residential and recreation areas
were brought to the attention
of residents March 7 at a meeting
sponsored by the Hood Canal
Improvement Club. Other groups
sent delegates. With Mrs. Cook
as chairman, more than 100
listened to and questioned mem-
bers of a panel who discussed
feasibility of various plans for
sewage disposal for the lower
Canal region.
Members of the panel were
James Pluntze of the state en-
gineer's office; Wayde D(rimple
district engineer for the State
Pollution Control Commission;
Wayne Brisbane, Gary P]ews
and James BIaylock, sanitation
division of the Thurston-Mason
County Health District..
County-level planning to
achieve comprehensive plans for
sewage disposal, water supolies,
building codes, and zoning was
explained at the meeting by the
county commissioners present.
Harry Elmlund and Martin Au-
seth. They told of the work be-
ing done by consultants whose
31-page report has since been
submitted to the commissioners.
The report covers the physical
features of the county, it re-
sources, economics, land use,
population, roads, community fa-
cilities and zoning. It suggests
long-run plans and shorter pe-
rio(Is of achievement.
IT'S LOGANBERRY PICKING time in the county's only
remaining commercial patch, that of Mrs. Helen Johnson
on Harstine Island.
Loganberry Harvest Starts
In Harstine Island Field
• Sometime around the 'Fourth
of July usually signals the start
of the loganberry harvest on the
seven-acre patch owned by Mrs.
Gunnar Johnson. The patch, the
only one of its size in this county
and one of the largest in the
state, is located a the North end
of Harstine near JarreU's Cove.
Since the passing of her hus-
band last winter, Helen now has
full care of the large berry patch.
Except when some of her kind
friends anti neighbors 'drop in'
to give a hand tying thd canes
early in the spring she, for the
most part., does everything from
cutting the old canes and staking
the new ones to cultivating her-
This year Helen has about 18
pickers hired to harvest the
berries which will total between
eight and ten tons. In previous
years most of the pickers have
been Island youngsters. However.
there aren't too many in the
right age bracket this year and
her pickers drive out from Shel-
ing about 400 pounds of berries,
with plastic liners and lids.
Shipping the berries in this
manner will rrlean gelling a great
deal more of the precious juice,
which is an imporlant pro1 nf
wine making. ;
Youth Killed When Tractor Tips On
• Funeral services were held right real- wheel, the State Patrol a member of the
Mbnday for Virgil George Wat-
terN, 14, of Shelton, who was
killed in a tractor acci(tent
ThorN(lay, July 6, near Forks.
Roy. E. Gene Knautz and Art
Biehl officiated at ceremonies at
Batstone Funeral Home, followed
by burial in Shelton Memorial
Virgil was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd D. Watters of She]-
t(m. He was an eighth grade
student this year at Shelton Ju-
nior High gchool where he was
one of the stars of the football
and track teams.
At the time of the accident
he was helping his uncle, Dewey
Watt:ors, of Rt. 1, Box 368, Forks,
make hay on his farm northwest
of Forks.
According to the Port Angeles
office of the Washington State
Patrol, the boy was driving a
farm tractor with a hay rake
attached westbound on the La-
Push county road, 2.8 miles out
of Forks.
He pulled over to allow traf-
fic to pass, the right wheel of
the t]-actor went into the ditch,
1,he boy was throw h'om the
tractor, and run over by the
Schafer: Trailer septic tank .., Advisory citizen committees The season runs about five Because we ii| 'ar
,-I,,m,, t9 vl Worrmn have been espemany have been appointed by the corn- weeks starting in July and run.
t'lnol"'bank stabilization active in the anti-pollution battle.
erosion control $45 000 ' It is recalled that it was the missioners to aid in working out ning into August. This year the
..... plans and financing. : berries are being sold to the selection this time of
The construction schedule plan- members of, the .former Belfair Appointed by Commissioner Werherger Winery on PickeTing
ned provides for doing the work women s uuo woo, unoer me Auseth, District 1, are Lawrence Passage just south of the ferry.
:it Jarrells Cove in August and leadership of Mrs, .Carmelita Gasser, Don Hurlbert and Bern- landing. A different method is it's ]tout best time of
September and that: at Schafer Shackleford, maoe it their proj- hard Winiecke, Commissioner being tried this year than has
in November of this year Bel. ect to cooperate with thethenealth Elmlund, District 2, has appoint- been used previously.
fair anti 'I%vanoh project are department in securing first ouy, Save Use o
L _.
e . county sewage and garbage dis ed HareM Parker, Emil Lauber Instead of picking in flats set
sch doled for April and Nay, ' " "hi '2 and Dr" IA°yd Allen C°°k" Dis" in carrying stands' the pickers lby
1968, so that they will be ready pt),sal ordinance in 1950. T s.pr trict 3 commissioner, John will be using plastic water buck- am=
, , mblted the dttmpmg of trash or
for next year s camping season. . "" Bariekman, has appointed Mrs. ets. As the pickers fill the buckets : "
The Stretch Island park will sewage into the waters of the Andrew R. Stodden, Frank Hol- they will be weighed and emptied
be h)cated on a seven-acre site c°unty" . latz and Edwin Taylor. into large wooden barrels hold. / ) ii
Women members comprise the
on the northwest corner of the • ' " - " .
island pollution coramittee of the Hood i i I- -j
Fllnu has been aDoroved by Canal Improvement Club, with ........ ++ ............ +' i n • m 1,-
the.. nteragency ComtTdttee fo ,.Mxs.-Lloyd Allen Cook as chair- k' .,, Vj,
:ii *.. ....... .A on,go .o<ony , ,,
• ' - " "-le: a R bnst+:ui-ei-n ................
available monies+ The acquist- Mrs. Randall Updike and Mrs. .- "monH++y" this 18
lion |s expected to be completed Max Dean, Mrs. Carl Hanson M n
in August according to a park has served the last year as
comTsi()n skesman chairman of the Hood Canal
f'X._'____ ^Xt_____
WeS, iS CORlpiete with
The site has 1100 feet of water- Women's Club active committee unce-a-Yea[
# I I '+t high altair, cup, bowl
front. While the new park will I1 I A IJt- .... :":: end botHe.
++--oa, ..... '--- ]) 00.yz00at,e00r00eau "- "
use by picnickers is also in pros- TOUi JOllld On 4 -t ,-.-
++'+"" + + + ............... +2-ii $0077
by bridge from the mainland at mi = .111 .l i: !
G,.apev!ew. ' onwIDUTlnq
Park commIission planning per- -- On e To Buy... v
sonnell holx to provide temper- • Nathan L. Hicks, 22, Shelton, F'
ary facilities including picnic is being held in Shelton City A Free Beauty Gift To Try!
tables, camp stoves, pit toilets, Jail in lieu of $1,000 Ix)nd on a
rentand bouy lines during the cur-charge of contributing to the de-biennium. Work planned for linquency of a minor after being // (' .: } ta v
the period after this biennium arrested earl,, Tuesday morning. N' :ii!+ii::::::::;::::*::< !i:ii::':: i
incydes a dock and other l--rm- .e was arrested in the corn- :!7i
Iment installations, pany of a 17-yeareld Seattle girl
Appropriated funds were not who had been reported as it run- ?',: +,,: :i ""
sufficient to allow development away. :["
of addithmal camp sites at Lake The g.,iri wits referred to K'mg i: ::::.:; eyes ,hot soy "1o e
Cushman State Park, Odegaard's +runty Juvenile authorities and // / .-, \\; , ,
letter laid. held temporarily in the Thurston ]'i. z'/ '/t., ] uoulolilm,+0 ,,e .., ++-\\; ::;i':::!:::!it']",: ,)roles, ed witha
County juvenile home. '" +,'/,,/7 i Z'M:''::'"''! 1 .+-- k.._.%._+ I°'u'( ;4 <':- "'.d" "+=: ,ark L
Police arrested the lmir in 1(.71 ,.,.,+...+, I a. ?=" j "c.t'j+ -r,<'lUl
bout 4 a.m. Tuesday l ' , .i: i:}: y oOw.
We wish to express our deep .... ' ' I .,, mmm+++m -?l "'r:,
Police Chief Frank Rains said
appreciation .to an_ unknown Hicks would be transferr "ed to lJ, !;,,;.:'::tV,ii!: , , , ,
young man wno savea our tour .... .,, ., .. f+.,+, t/ ::.;" :
,in ..... ' :'<' 1 .:i' :
yr,,:,., nu,.ni,,j-tl,,lt ........ l =+ format charges against him are HAVE THE LONGEST LASHES ALIVE+ LOOK BEAUTIFULLY NATURAL ALL DAY' : ........... ................................. + ::.:+::+e' ,.- ,ll'
MaaOMr ................ and Mrs. Merland ,llen" ..... ny r'ro.eetulngs ' Attorney " ' +i !::i::+:ii::+!!i::i+i}+i!+.iii+ii.liii;+!i)i::i+:!!::.! ii + --!
Goodburn and family John C. Ragan. Buy:.L0ng-Lash250 Mascara Buy: Silk Fashi0n.] 75Liquid Make-up m-. .................................................... V .............
Free:SkinOewMoisturizingEmulsionFree:SilkfashionFace,awder ,++-" Bh,a ill,00l
y .. ,. utter- l!! +!
" -'+ .<. il
Sbn DeW s w '
t I ": 8 ! I I IIII ,
' ", .... I lUU,., I I
A transistor does not .ear (>tit, if it fails. It '..,,i# ' i .... li /.SaDN Drinks, wets, turns her :+::,
nlay be due to several causes. The nlaterial of ",:..., , ......... l',i.t,,i,i,, ill head. Coo voice. "
whl(h It is c.onatru(,ted may have been hnl)ure or " I t..+,;.. I
the ch'(,ult in which It is used lnav be overworking IH.,+ jj
It. You may be at. fault if you do llOt illlderstaild ub, nste,Hee" + , ,, Hdena. I
• , "' .\\; z ::, _.' 1>2/.
how to properly use these UeW transistor lti li
sound systems. Adttlng speakers will affect the ii!!!4ili!il I
load that the output transistor works into. The i
lmpedenee of niaiiy syatelns is eight !14) ohms per GIVE DRY SKIN ITS DEW! CREAM AWAY FACIAL HAIR!
channel. Thi, ioadwilllleredu(.edto2.670hnlsby Buy: Skin Oew Moisturizing Emulsion Buy: Nudit fo,' the Face S ft
addtng a four (4) ohm I".V. or radh) speaker to 30 (! ,75 O ee
this ('h'cuit. ['he reduced load will result in the Free: Skini]ew Freshener and Toner Free: Skin Dew Moisturizing Emulsion
output transistor el)crating outside the safe linlits
and very ltkely, short a transistor,s life. Ad(litional Buy: Silk Fashion Face Powder Buy: Deep Cleanser Baby
speakers may be added safely but only if matt hod 175 | 75
to the system. If In doubt ("all 426-:17 ') , f
Free: Silk Fashion Liquid Make.up Free: Skin Dew Freshener and Toner So c.!c Cuc ¢ y. Pixie
Buy: Beauty Washing Grains Buy: Heaven Sent Eau'de Parfum Mist
15o 25o
Free: "Water Lily" Pore Lotion Free: Heaven Sent Bath Powder,
( ' . .,
Buy: Roll Dry, Perfume Spray or Perfume Cream Deodorant 150
Free: Heaven Sent Eau de Parfum
• limited time only
,qrrankAi Square .!'
Suspension Type Enctolures for $95
Your Component ystl,m -- from,, , I1,
LEROY'S Television & Fireplace
2335 Olympic Highway North 426-3172
.,....., ,,... ,., .,...; ..., z. :..,., .:, .. :.:.:. :. :,:;: . :..q" :::::: :-::.'::i'.{Si:} .r.. "! .q !:!i:i:i: !:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i
Bob hciircto. Tilt her n¢l
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 13, 1967
rel)orted. Ho was pronounced
dead on arrival at the Forks
At the parents' request an au-
topsy was authorized by Corner
Nathan Richardson ot" Clallam
County. Richardson said he or-
dered no inquest becausc there
was no doubt as to the cause
of death and no criminal negli-
gence involved.
The hey was driving the trac-
tor from one farm field to an-
other and for this no license is
required nor is there a minimum
age set by law for farm tract:or
drivers, according to the State
Virgil was born in Shelton
June 26, 1953 and had lived in
this area all his life. He was
Besides his
rived by two
I)ebbie ; one
of Shelton,
iVr. and M.rs.
Shclton; and
mother, Mrs.
drilling rig
loader. See
For Private TV Listening or
family. Telex'
of-hearing to ad ust volume up to
disturbing others. Put into use wit
radio or TV set. ]5 foot listener cord
user to select almost any conffortable
on easily. May be worn for hotJrs on e
TELEX'3054 Excelsior Blvd., Minneap01
m!iiiiT!! ii! :!/ii:i!:il i!:ii:!i : ":: : !!i !i !ii: .....
year to ,
ur layaway. ,;::
Thirstee C: +
Walker ,,,,.i ,
WAL+, ; b+ ' ....... ' y ;
.,, boh+.Woo, jr i
,eal size 1 " l'
do,he. •R
;: i ! ':;: i;;<;;" I . .Ju
........ :,: JUUT
pore'. The Im!e
i people% ctoice.
: Drinks ond welS. II l
o--nn !
Todcll erll
, up in her porty.dreSsWlth
se199 l
Baby p011 |
+,o+++ +.,o I
....... !+: :: % : ::<::
.. WAY!