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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City Record docket in Court be- July Haw- opera- ; Law- . Callow, to the $25 for- Willow Posses- Robert minor to forfeit; Shel- cated, SUS- 30 days. 30 docket Glenn First, trans- Wol- fail- forfeit; 3, Box NE speeding, [' Challen. S. helton, in- L; Bel- Robert driving $]2 for- Cush- speed- Lspe- fail- Rich- Shel- Rich- 559, using • Mike ended fine, on the WePe: " James granted S VS. that canal hot PUnp Cars driven by Mild Dickgie- ser, Hadlock and EvaB. Han- sen collided at Lilliwaup when Mrs. Hansen swerved to miss a pedestrian and the two vehicles sideswiped. A car driven by James Sheedy, Shelton, left the road on the Pickering Road when it failed to negotiate a left turn. The car was a: total' loss. Susan • Balsito reported a purse lost. Jeff Conklin reported a boat taken at Island Lake. Charlie Young reported a Dal- marion dog came to his place. ..... / Ted Daniels reported, an out- board motor taken. . Mrs. Lee Fairclugh reported a: Someone attempted to :break into Mrs. Purcell's home on Pine St., a neighbor reported, Mxs. A1 Petzold report.ed that a Dachshund dog came to her place. SHELTON POLICE COURT Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judg e Rolla Halbert Monday night were Morris Kinnan, 303 E. Harvard Ave., Shelton, no arterial stop, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Louise Stevens, Box 413, Shelton, defec- tive equipment, $27 forfeit; Rus- sell Rodgers, Shelton, drunk in public, 30 days in jail; Russell Baskin, Box 903, Hoodsport, mi- nor consuming intoxicants, $47.50 wedding band and a beach "fine and $2.50 costs; Betty J. taken. ::. Lofgren, 1347 Railroad Ave., Shel- M. E. Thorsen reported gravel ton, no valid operator's license, from a truck broke the wind- $15 forfeit; Michael F. Malloy, shield of his car. George Mattson reported a tire and wheel taken. The State Highway Department reported a fence cut and gravel taken. Ernest Van Houten reported a cabin broken into at Maggie Lake. L. L. Chandler reported a ca- bin broken into at Maggie Lake. Russell Johnson reported a ca- bin broken into at Haven Lake. Don Samlls reported a rock thrown through a windshield:'. Mrs. James A. Gorman report-: ed a cabin burglary. Washington State Patrol Richard B. Reed, YMCA 12, Tacoma, over center line, $13 forfeit; Jean M. Winchester, 8091 W. Ninth Ave., Denver, speed= ing, $13 forfeit; Clarence E. Har- ris, P. O. Box 54, Elma, speed- ing, $18 forfeit; Eugene F. Smith, 1836 Laurel, Shelton, speeding, $16 forfeit. Louis Barnaby, Rt. 2, Box 526, Shelton, driving on shoulder of roadway, $13 forfeit; J e rr y Thornell, 7937 9th SW, Seattle, speeding, $13 forfeit; Randy L. King, 920 N. Montgomery, Brem- erton, Speed too fast for condi- tions, no valid operator's license on person, $13 fine; Dennis Eggen, Mr. Seymour Park, N. Vancouver, B. C., over center line, $11.40 forfeit; Robert Houg- ardy, 26749 108th St., Kent, de- fective tail lights, $13 fine; Frank Stewart, 6228 Erlands Pt. Road, Bremerton, failure to yield right of way, $13 forfeit; John B. Ed- inger, 1570 Evergrgen Dr., Che- halls, spedig, $1:'forfelt; John Spencer, St. Rt. 2, Box 144, Shel- ton, speeding, $13 forfeit; Louis Helm, 1542 Rainier, Bremerton, na valid operator's license on person, $13 forfeit; Gene Geist, 411 (:;rove,' Shelton, speeding, $18 forfeit; Ted Woodward, 18605 Beverly Rd. SW, Seattle, no pro- tective headgear, $13 fine; Thom- as L. Hamilton, 1332 Broadway, Bremerton, improper parking, $5 forfeit; Ronald Cey, 6315 Park Ave., Tacoma, speeding, $13 for- feit; Michael Broderson, 8206 Bag- ley N., Seattle, throwing debris on roadway, $31 forfeit; Billy Coopride, Rt. 1, BOx 130, Shelton, speeding, $13 forfeit; David Swiet- zer, 624 Oak St., Shelton, speed- ing reckless driving, $87 fine, license revoked 30 days. ' Game Department Carl D. Shanks, 152 Highland Dr., Hoquiam, fishing without a license, $25 tine; Everett H. Arnold, 9841 SW, Seattle, fishing without a license, $25 forfeit; James B. Prince, 6404 235th PI., Mountlake Terrace, fishing with- out license, $25 forfeit. SUPERIOR COURT New Cases Motors Insurance Co. against Richard Walker, debt. Washington Service Co. against Robert W,. Graham, debt. SIlELTON POI.,I(YE Mrs. Blanche Bel reported a window shot out with a bb gun. Ron Burrows reported a Pek- eapoo dog missing. A detour sign at Seventh and Railroad was hit by a car and damaged. Mrs. Esther Fowble reported a young duck and a gamecock in her yard. The duck was claimed by someone, but, the gamecock was still there. An attempted break-in was re- ported at the Northern Pacific Railroad Depot. Trlmvlew Siiding C/ose Out 21!! Adams, Shelton, speeding, $17 fine, $2.50 costs; Albert P. Rietze, 1211 Turner Ave., Shel- ton, 'no operator's license, $15 forfeit; William B. Penn, Rt. 1, Box 258, Shelton, no valid opera- tor's :license, $15 forfeit; Peter Masteller, 1119 Cota St., Shelton, drunk in public, $10 forfeit;, Leonard Benner, Rt. 1, Box 356, Shelton, disorderly conduct, $25 forfeit; Angus Lester, Shelton, driving while intoxicated, $97.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Henry W. Hines, Cameron Hotel, Shelton, drunk in public, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Commission at its meeting Monday were to B. Ainsworth, wood cabin, $1,200; John Niami, add to residence, $1,500; Delbert Grenz, wood resi- dence, $12,500; Edward Muelle, add to residence, $2,000; Don Gano, remodel cabin, $500; Ing- mar Endahl, wood cabin, $1,000 R. E. Peterson, wood residence, $5,000; Martin Auseth, wood resi- dence, $10,000; William R. Land, cabin, $600; George L,ieppuld, cabin, $2,500; Jack Eisaman, wood cabin, no cost given Shorebrook Inc., Post Office • Building, $6,000; Irene Middle- . ton, cabin, $400; R. J. Fren- andez, cabin, $2,200; Roy D. Harting, add to residence, $8,000; J. H. Coleman, remodel resi- dence, $4,500; John R. Main, . res/tcd,:$6,500; ald;Healy,  sufhr. ,'.hbttage ..$3,800 ;. ,E. Getr;'  °emdence $20;000;' M.' C. Dw.burt, remodelresidence, $3,000; Robert K. Brown, resi- dence, $8,000; C. R. Allen, cabin, $3,200; Dan Teberg, add to resi- dence, $1,300; Gray Construction Co., bulkhead and dock, $300 Merl York, residence, $1,500; and H. H. Calkins, garage, $1,000. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending July 8 were $484.95, the Mason County Engineer's office reported. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the city of Shelton during the past week were to Fred W. Orr, add to residence, $3,500; L. A. Bigley, mobile home park, $3,400; W. H. Cascada, add to residence, $00. • ABOUT 400,000 men and wo- men throughout the 50 states vol- unteer as 4-H leaders and serve as project leaders. A-1 USED CARS '65 THUNDERBIRD 'fi5 FORD CLUB WAGON '65 CUSTOM 4-DR. '65 FAIRLANE WAGON '64 FALCON 4-DR. '64 VOLKSWAGEN BUS '64 JEEP STA. WGN. '64 RAMBLER HT. '63 THUNDERBIRD HT. '63 FALCON, WAGON '62 VALIANT WAGON '62 BEL-AIR '60 THUNDERBIRD HT. '59 CHEV BEL-AIR TRUCKS '65 DODGE CAB-OVER :PICKUP '65 SCOUT 4x4 WAGON '66 FORD F-2S0 '62 FORD F-100 '61 DODGE ½-TON '§9 GMC ½-TON Jim Pauley's ,Bob- Bus- Bill. Diok • 6th A.Railr0ad 42S,U$1 Wilbur Ether÷on Weather Passes Away Here . The Shelton Sch,00l Board g hired an assistant to the Super-  Wilbur N. Etherton, a resident intendent and a director of guid- High Low Precip. of Grapeview for the past 34 ance and dean of students for July 6 77 52  years, died Saturday in the Shel- Shelton high school along with July 7 74 .50 -- ton General Hospital at the age several other new teachers at its July 8 77 58 -- of 57. He was born Dec. 12, meeting Tuesday night. July 9 70 55 -- 1909 and was employed as a Named as assistant to the sup- July 10 73 46 -- forest worker. He was vice-presi- erintendent was Richard Stimp- July 11 81 51 _ dent of the Fire Commission As- son, presently superintendent of July 12 89 53 -- sociatiom the George Seitz School on Readings are for a 24-hour Memorial services were held Kwajalein, in the Marshall Is- period ending at 8 a.m. reported at the Batstone Funeral Home lands. by Ray0nie r inc. Weather sta- last Tuesday, with Rev. Horace Named to the high school po- tion. Mounts officiating, The family sition was Glenn Butler, pres- FIVE DAY FORECAST, desires that memorials in Mr. ently High School Principal at Etherton's name be presented to Brookings, Ore. Tem:peratures Thursday thru the American Cancer Society. Stimpson received his bachelor Monday to average a few de- He is survived by his wife, and mastel degrees from East- grees above normal. Average Evelyn, Grapeview; one son, ern Washington State College. high is 80; average low 48. Larry, Seattle; one daughter, He was a teacher-coach at Marys- Chance of a few showers late Mrs. Barbara Smith, Marysville: ville, Rearden and Central Val- Thursday or Friday and then three grandchildren; his mother, ley of Spokane. He was later again On Sunday. Mrs. Grace Etherton, Mercer Is- prinicpal at Endicott and East land; two brothers, Ernest, Car- Valley High in Yakima before mall Valley, Calif., and Bryce, going to the Marshall Islands. Kent; three stepbrothers, Robert, He has been at Kwajalein the New Bruce and Kenneth Christy, Se- past four years, two as high School Board Hires Assistant Supt. Regisignations were received from four teachers, Mary Lea Rakowitz, David McElliott, Vern Morgus and A. Stewart Southon. Supt. Louis Grinnell said that all of the positions have been filled except an elementary prin- cipal and director of curriculum and an industrial arts teacher for the junior high. The board, on the recommen- dation of Grinnell, refused a re- quest from High School Band Director Bruce Moorehead to be released from his contract so he could accept a position at Oak Harbor. Grirmell said that he was recommending that the request be denied since it would be dif- ficult to get an adequate re- placement this late in the year. The board held over until a special meeting July 25 a de- cision on the purchase of a new bus for the district. The board agreed with the recommendation of Law Taylor, attle; and one step-sister, Mrs. school principal and two as sup- supervisor of transportation, that rrn -A"ii°v'i Jean Lafromboise. erintendent, a 79-passenger diesel powered He will begin his duties here bus be purchased. Aug. 1. The board received two bids Will; G Id His wife and four chihtren will on this type of bus, one from am O U locate in Shelton shortly, the Crow Coach and Truck Shelton Gene, rai Hospital Butler received his BA degree Sales, ledmond, for a total price Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Mot- Dies in Cle Elum from Carroll College, Helena, of $25,058.17 and one from Frank ton, P. O. Box 43, a girl, July Mont., and his masler's degree Buchanan Sales Co., Tacoma, on a Gillig bus for $23,277.36. The board accepted the bid of Buchanan to rebuild a 1953 Kenworth bus at a cost of $8, 460.63. ,The board also held over to the special meeting final appro- val of a resolution to put a $312,000 special levy on the ballot Sept. 19. The money would be used to replace the old Bordeaux building and to purchase a site for the construction of athletic facilities and a proposed new see- ondary school. • AN ESTIMATED 2½ million youth are now engaged in some phase of 4-H work. 1 , LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 426-4302 11. • Therl William Gould, 22, died from the University of Idaho. He was a teacher and principal I = -- --  -- -- ',,- Mr. and Irs. Eugene Fetten, June 27 in a logging accident at spirit Lake, Idaho, and prin- 2020 Adams, a boy July 9. in the Big Creek Basin area near Cle Elum, where he had been cipal at Lakehmd High School,  I employed two weeks. He was Rathdrum, Idaho and has been born Nov. 26, 1944, in Port An- at Brookings the past four years. i Marriage geles and attended one year at His wife and two sons will be i [: a Shelton grade school. He lived moving to Shelton soon. with his famMy in Bremerton un- He will take over his duties Licenses til they moved to Cle Elum in here July 17. I Fresh or Frozen 1958. He had worked at Camp Other new teachers hired in- Grisdale. eluded Steven Jay, Terry Greg, GRAIN FED BEEF AND PORK Survivors include his wife, Ron Ellis, James Floyd, Susanne  ! Fh)yd, Carol Plews, Jennifer Special Cut While You Wait Applying for marriage licenses Hcaton, Linda McClelhmd, Mieh- at the Mason County Auditor's eal Rear, Ralph Ervin and Lois  i office during the past week were R. W. Ma(ies, legal, Seattle, and Mary E. Peterson, legal, Seattle. Tides FRIDAY, JULY 14 Low ................ 5:24 a.m. 3.1 ft. High ............ 11:06 a.m. 8.3 ft. Low ................ 4:36 p.m. 3.8 ft. High ............ 11:12 p.m. 12.5 ft. SATURDAY, JULY 15 Low ................ 6:18 a.m. 1.7 ft. High ............ 12:48 p.m. 8.5 ft. Low ................ 5:42 p.m. 5.6 ft. High ............ 11:54 p.m. 12.2 f.t SUNDAY, JULY 16 Low ................ 7:18 a.m. 0.4 ft. High .............. 2:30 p.m. 9.3 ft. Lo' .:.'.::..':....... 6:54 p,m:, • ,7.0 ft... :..MONDAY, JULY. 17, , , High .............. 0:36 a.m. 12.0 ft. Low .... ' ............ 8:18 a.m. -1.6 ft. High .............. 3:54 p.m. 10.3 ft. Low ................ 8:12 p.m. 7.8 ft. TUESDAY, JULY 18 High .............. 1:24 a.m. 11.7 ft. LOw ................ 9:06 a.m. -2.4 ft. High .............. 5:00 p.m. 11.3 ft. Low ................ 9:30 p.m. 8.3 ft. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 High .............. 2:18 a.m. 11.4 ft. Low .............. 10:00 a.m. -3.0 ft. High .............. 5:48 p.m. 12.0 ft. Low .............. 10:38 p.m. 8.3 ft. THURSDAY, JULY 20 High .............. 3:12 a.m. 11.2 ft. Low .............. 10:48 a.m. -3.2 ft. High .............. 6:30 p.m. 12.4 ft. LOw .............. 11:30 p.m. 7.9 ft. Carol; two sons, Therl Jr., 3, and Robert Allen, 16 months, Cle Elum; his i)arents, Charles W. Gould, Cle Elum, and Mrs. Betty Avery Culver, Bremerton; pa- ternal grandmother, Mrs. John Ewing, Belfair; maternal grand- mother, Mrs. Lesler Huntington, formerly of Shelton, now residing in Bremerton; two sisters, Mrs. Pat lreland and Mrs. Carol Frost, both of Bremerton; two brothers, Joe, Cle Elum, and Robert, Evansville, Indiana; a half sis- ter, Teresa and a half brother Richard, Cle Elum. Burial was at Laurel Hill Park in Cle Elum, June 30. Fishermen's Club Slates Brougham • Royal Brougham, sports editor , of the Seattle P. I., will be the featured speaker at next Sun- day's Fishermen's Club program, which will be held in the recel)- tion room at the Washington Corrections Center. Accompanying Brougham here for the program will be Harold Sternberg, father of one-time world champion tx)le vaulter Brian Sternberg who was para- lyzed in a trampoline accident several years ago. The public is invited to attend the Fishermen's Club session, which starts at 9 a.m. and (:loses shortly after 10 a.m. Those interested in attending are asked to be at the Correc- tions Center at 9 a.m. sharp to be conducted inside the gates. KODAK INSTAMATIC "300" CAMERA $6Jn95 Regular $44.95 ........................................... NOW L7 POLAROID "SWINGER" CAMERA '15 Regular $19.95 ................................................... NOW Battery Operated, Regular $5g.95 .............. NOW Regular $1.00 : ........................................... NOW, ea. ARTIFICIAL PLASTIC FLOWERS I€ Values to 19€ ................................................ NOW, ea. PICNIC HAMPERS $249 Regular $3.75 ............................................................ NOW CANVAS BEACH BAGS =J4€ Regular $1.00 .................................................... NOW, ea. /7 GIRLS' STRETCH KNEE SOX A||oPted Colors. Reg. $1.00 el. NOW 59 "'o, 2/$1 V00rgremm Ervin. Most ,,f the new teachers hired $ Sunrise Ranch Meat Market Tuesday night will have assign-  ments in the junior and senior 325 S. First 426-2828 1 high schools. ,-  B,-u- m   ,m  B,. B,.  .  i. Thanks to IIL L llll I Pick Up My New (ur Tomorrow o Isn't it about time for a new car? Financing it is easier than you might think, thanks to our low bank rates on Auto Loans. Come in and talk with one of our loan experts. We'll work out an easy-on-the-budget auto financing plan for you. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Savings Accounts • Checking Accounts • Mortgage Loans Vacation Loans • Safety Deposit Boxes • Banking by Mail Low-Cost Personal Loans • Travelers Checks • Trust Service Home Owned 3rd & Cota 426-8234 Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5