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" " NEWS
o ok i n" Club Mee÷s
was hchi July 6 aL the homo of Society Editor Marj Jacobsen Phone 426-4412
Carol and Sharon Evers. Sharon
gave a committee report on the
club picnic held at l'anhan(lle
Lake June 8.
Mrs. Evers rel)orted on the
annual 4-H Camp to be hehl at
the 4-H camp on Panhandle Lake
July 24-28. The registering days
for the camp are today, 10 a.m.-
2 p.m. and tonmrrow 1-4 p.m.
at. the Extension office. Any 4-H
club member with his or her
record book up to date may al-
l end.
Mrs. Evers also reported on
the plans for IWA Ixmal No.
38's picnic July 15 at the Simp-
son l{ecreation Area, which the
4-H Leaders' Council, aided by
the junior leaders, will taler.
ProfiLs will go into the councils'
scholarship fund.
Carol Evers gave a demonsira-
lion on "Undcrstan(ting Obedi-
ence Trials," using her own show
dog, a springer spanial name(I
The next meeting will Ix, on
August 3, 7:30-9 p.m. af l lw
leader's home.
Garden Clubers
Attend Meetings
• Washinghm State Garden Club
president, Mrs. John Whitely, an-
nounced recently that when all
the states were represented at
the national convention, Wash-
ington state garden clubs won
more awar(ls than any o|her
state. This statement, made at
the four-day State Garden Club
Convention held at Pacific Luth-
eran University June 19-23, was
included in a report made by
1V[rs. Connie Franklin at the
monthly social meeting of the
Shelton Dirt Dobber's Garden
Club June 27. Mrs. Franklin was
relx)rfing on the business part
of her four-day stay at P.L.U.
which included lectures on horti-
cullure and conservation.
At the meeting, Mrs. Paulene
Emsley, treasurer, gave a fi-
nance rel)ort. Mrs. Marge John-
son, past president, received a
gift ,ff thanks for her fine job
these past two years. Mrs. Hazel
Anthony described her four days
at P.L.U.
Mrs. Franklin reported on the
district luncheon she and Mable
Nelson attended in Bremerton.
Marge Johnson gave a rel)ort
on the horticulture of dahlias
and gladi()lis and gave a demon-
slralion on debudding dahlias.
Program chairman, Mrs. Alice
Taylor gave 1 d(x)r pirze of
yelh)w tissue paper roses she
Temperance Club urgedhad made.to ,nakeAll ,'eadymend)e"Sfor entryWere
MAY WINIECKI, who is of Norwegian descent, has sub-
in the flower show for the Mas(m
mitted this,rich pastry dessert for our readers- this week. Holds Meeting County Fail" in August.
The Dirt Dobber's will hohl
She says it s besi when served with (.offee as the Norwe- • Member and friends of the : lheir next meeting July 25 at the
glans (lo. Woman's Christian Temperance 1 PUD.
Union enjoyed a dessert luncheon
al the horne of Mrs. G. R. Ea(Is
M y Wi ki's N 9i ,,,., Friday. A husiness meeting
a niec orwe an was con,,ucted followed by Mr. Seaman Goodwin
Nena Roberts giving the dove- MR. AN MRS. WILLIAM A. JOHNSON, Shelton, an-
Pastry Featured Recipe
local organization's installations.
She admits that she harely finds
time to set everything done thal
she would like to. Among her
hobhies are ceramics, cooking
and sewing, and none of lhese
does she take lightly. Around
her hornx, she has numerous ex-
anlples of her skill al all tll(.s(,
Mlay is understandal)ly a sin-
(;ere b(,liever in discipline. She
feels thal talent ahme is nol
necessarily the key to an artist's
success, t)ul thai dedication anti
self-discipline are more vilally
BASE: Cut 1 ('.up flour inh)
% pound of butler as you tie
for pie crust. Work in 2 tbsp.
of ice wat:er. Form two long
strips in a square or oblong
'TOPPING: Bring I cup watcr
loa hoil with A pound huiter.
Remove from heat anti imnle(li-
ately beat in 1 cup flour. Mix
in 3 eggs, one at a time, and
b(,al well afler each ad(lition.
Cover the strips complelely with
• This week's featured c(x)k is
of Norwegian descent, and ill('
recipe she gave us is a rich
Norwegian delicacy, mosl appro-
1)riate, she tells us, when il is
serve(t with coffee.
May Winiccki and her hus-
band Bernhard live in a spacious
home overhx)king Shelhm from
Sylvan Heights. The Winieckis
have live(I in Shelhm for over
20 years, and Bernhar(I was (,rn-
ployed by Rayonier for 38 years
pri()r lo his reliremenl.
Our cook this week leIl no
doubl as to whal her greatest
Iow) is 4rlusic. A resi(t'.'nl of lhis
an,a since her childh(xJd, she
attrihutes her earliesl musical
inspiration to piano slu(lies under
Mrs. Elizabeth Kenne(ly. May
studied for many years with the
renowned pianisl Paul Pierre Mc-
Neely, of Seattle, and she fre-
) vlll him for, . .....
• r Imrh)ds of study.
#. She has given I)iano less(ms
io StLld('fltS froIll our ;lr(,;i for
fll;iny ye;irs, an(t Stl( s;lys thai
her gr(';itest satisfa('ti(m ('oln(,s
when she finds that her stu(h,nls
continue their studies even af.-
ler they have left her. She takes
lions and Mrs. David Turner and
Mrs. Manilla Galloway the In'O-
gram. Mrs. Evelyn Farrel ac-
companied the grnul) on her ae-
cordian as they sang favorite
s )ngs.
The August meeting will I)9 a
pi('n;(: at Kneeland Park.
Rebekahs To
Picnic Sunday
ILuby Rei)ekah Lcdge No. 75
will hohl its regular meeting
Friday evening al the Odd Fel-
low's Hall at 8 p.m. The mem-
bers will bc entertaining mem-
bers tram four other Rebekah
Lodges whn will contrihule en-
noun(,.e the marriage (,f their daughter, Miss Brooke Ann Receives Medal
Johnson to Edward Allen Kneeland in the Mt. ()live Luther-
an Chur(,h June 23...Ile is the son of John Kneeland, Shel-
ton, and Mrs. Ivan I)umovi(.h, also of Shelton. The bride,
given in marriage by her father and attended by her sister
Nan(,y .h)hnson, was married in a (iouble ring (:eremony
eondu(.ted hy Pastor Edwin Zschoehe. Brooke is a 1966
graduate of Shelton High School and is presently atten(l-
ins l)eauty school in Olympia. ller hushand, who gra(luated
from SIIS in 1961, is self emph)yed. Following a honey-
moon in Canada, the ('OUlfle are living at 412 N. 12th Street
in She]ton.
PFC Bruce Goodwin, Shelton.
was recently awarded the Air
Medal in Vietnam.
The citation, which was issued
to him, stated that he had com-
pleted 25 aerial missions over
hostile territory in support of
counlcr insurgency operations.
In all of the missions, the ci-
tation said, he nlaintaine(t the
highest or(ter of air discipline
and acted in ac(.ordame wilh
the best traditions of the mili-
tary service.
great pride in Ihe accomplish-
ments .f her sludents, and righ|-
this mixture. Bake in 400 degree
oven for 29 minutes. Reduce Ill('
James McEIroy Receives Federal Grant
For History Audio-Visual Aids Project
tertainment, t(x. • ,lames C. McElroy, Jr'., a
Odd Fellows laxlge Nor 62 and 1951 graduate of S eltoo High
Rebekahs will hold a jolrf pu- SchobT, has received a federal
nic at Kneeland Park nexl Sun- grant from the National Office
of Education for the large scale
use of audio-visual aids in teach-
ing U. S. History.
McElroy conceived the idea el
using audio-visual aids in his-
tory classes while doing research
at Rutgers University.
County Media Center will manu-
facture the slides and films need-
ed for the year long course.
Classes will be taught by Mc-
Elroy and three other teachers,
whom he wiU train during the
McEh'oy and his teaching team
will introduce audio-visual into
the U. S. Hislory curriculum at
day al 1 p.m. All members and
their families ;ire invited to at-
lend, and ;Ire asked to bring
lheir own table services and food.
Coffee, Ixp and ice cream will
I)e furnished.
THE WEDDING of Miss ,lean Marie Rast}lu
W. Wagner in SI)okane August 31 has beeH
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (leorge
is the son of Mr. an(1 Mrs. Eugene
The i)ride-elecl and her fiance 1)olh
College, where he gra(htated. This fall, lie
gra(hlate work towar(l a master's degree
State University's st'heel of lmsiness
Xmas Town TOPS Glenn
Select Oueen Has
• Chosen as queen for the month
<)f June by felh)w memhers ()f • Mr.
The Shell.on Christnms T()wn hn(I very
TOPS was Nina Challender. who week; the
received a pink rose. Mir. and
Mickey McMoris and Alice Jr., Piltsb
Rickards went to the national sl)ent a
TOPS convention at Porthmd hlst Io arriving
weekend and rel)orted on lhc vacation
experience at the We(tnesday Harold
nighI meeting, story from
Bri(Igewater-Raritan High School
fully so, since she has train('d heal h)325 anti h;ike 20 minutes He pn)posed his idea to the . . .
son,e excellenl ,,ianists. m,,re, pli Office of Education administra- .s ," , ... ....
M;W, ' me nl)(,r (ff St. David's Fr,s, w,h our ,,wn s,,ocia, Ou care Br e lion, which accepted the phm nn To evaluate the merit of the
Episeol)al Church, has always frosling or us(/lflain or i)owdered
I)een very active in the Shelhm sugar, melted huller, wmilht and • Winners in last Monday night's condition that financial assistance new program slandardized tesls
could be obtained from. the gov- were given t.n this year's gen- :
church musical activities. She is enough cream to hring to a dul)licate bridge game were, for ernment. The project merited a eral and academic U. S. History ':
a frt,quent musician for many sl)realling consistency, north-south, Tom Cole and Ewl five-year renewable federal grant, t:lasses. They will he compared
Aamodt, Mr. and Mxs. Wayne There are no commercially I)ro- with semester tests taken by stu-
dy Ni h I M i d T Soper, and Mr. and M'rs. El1 (luted film series or other aids dents particil)ating in next year's ..,JI['
Ju c o son arr e o Trainick; for easl-wesl, Bill now availal)le. The Somerset au(lio-visuM curriculum. I lk
13atchel()r an(t Elsa Schlosser,
Vic King and Normon Hulburl I ..... ON t;real/
G g H i g J 17 and a tie for third between ' NOW GOING !
e or e un s n e r une ,,,o..o. ,,o.
Bob Fliot, Rex Umphenour. Ibnneus II!
• Miss Judy Susan Nicholson, Oml)h)yed at Wohl's Departmenl The Shelton Bridge C]uh meets
I I sl I I ( Store In Belhnghan
Iormer Shel o 1 res*( ent, ; n I - " ' ' • every Monday night at 7:30 p.m.
• .,(olg°, .,., ,,). ,,,,,,,-,,-- ..... , ; ......, ,,,,.n'm""- tter husband is a graduate of in the PUD building. All bridge ALWAYS FIRST QUALrrY iI
the University of Washington and players are welcome
ham, were marrie(t in the Shel- attended the U of W graduate
double-ringt°nFirstMeth(x|istChurchJune sch°°l °f husiness He °wns hiSperf()rmed N -' ¥,,, ,>
17. She is the daughter of Mrs. own business in Bellingham, •I'RIVTE enterprise annually
Evelyn Nicholson, Hoodsport. where the newly'eds plan to contributes several million dol- :
The couple were wed in a make their home. lars to the 4-H program, for ell- :
ceremony ucational trips, training aids, • "
by Rev. Horace Mounts before lwards and redognition.
immediate family and ch)se I/ A #-I / ;
friends. The bride'wore a short, 00o,aen 00cJe k.,luD cos.0000,cs YOU'LL FIND OUTSTANDING VALUES IN
lace dress, white veil hat: and • • __ -.
• .,,. . ... Pmcn00cs Todav
pink sh(x,s purse and flowers EVERY DEPARTMENT.: DRASTIC PRICE CUTS !
Her s,ster-m-law, Mrs. Patr,c,a m .2&-[ YOU BROKEN SIZES. LIMITED QUANTITIES
Nicholson, the matron of hnnor, • The members of the C)lden-
wore a ye!low and white suit. age Club would like to thank (Thl= question and answer
The groom s uncle, Mr. Henry the Olympia Kitchen Band and series on cosmetics Is brought
Korzeniowski was his best. man. "Tune Tot)pers' for the enter- to you aIacourte=y by Neil'i COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION !
A luncheon was held in the tainment they provided at the Pharmacy to help you in your
bride's honte following the cere- club's June 22 potluck dinner, choice in the proper cosmetics
mony. The next business meeting will for you.) ' ............... :..
Mrs. Hunsinger is a 1963 grad- follow a I)icnic at Minewa State
uate of Shelton High School and Park today. Members are re- GIRLS' DEPARTMENT BOYS DEPARTMENT
attended Western Washington quested to bring IX)tluck and NAIL POLISH
State College four years. She is anything else they wish to eat:. THAT STAINS ' g3 pr. Elastic Leg Brlefl, 10-14 .... 3 pr. $1 85 pr. Double Knee Jeans,
Q. When I remove my nail 13 Assorted Skirts .............................. $1.88 . 6-12, blue .................. $1.22
,I- _ _ __ = = = = = = =... polish, a yellow tint is left be-
188 74 Wh te T Sh rts, 4 14 2/77¢
hind. How can I avoid this yel- 28 Assorted Blouses ....................... $ . " " • ...................
I BELFAIR BARN I 108 pr BrefI, 1014 ./7"I€
lowing? ' 5 2 pc. Slack and Jacket Set, ' ' " .........................
A. One in every 3,000 per- 7, 8, 10, & 14 ............... $4.88 160 pr. Striped Top Crew Sex ...... 4 pr. $1
sons has a component in her
nails which reacts with the 8 2 pc. Slack & Blouse Set, 93 Assorted Sport Shirts, Knit
I • pigment In nail polish to form 7, 10, 12 & 14 ................ $2.88 Flannel & Plaid ........... $1.00
stance.a yellOWwhenOr thebr°wnishpolish iasUb're- 13 Summer Plaid Jackets, 3.8 ............ $2.88 23 Knit Shirts, 2-5 .i ..................... 88¢
DANCING EVERY SAT, NIGHT moved, the plgment le,ves a 58 Sleevele|i Dres,el .......... $2.88 & $3.88 8 Sweat Shirt,, S & M .......... 88¢
slight stain behind. 11 2 pc. Blouse & Short Set, 10.14 $2.50
I 10:00 'til 2:00 There ts no known way to
I TheBEST $ avoid this yellowing, but it is
not a matter for concern. In MEN'S DEPARTMENT
fact, the more oil the nails HOME FURNISHINGS DEPT. 33 pr. Penn-Prest Jeans, 10 oz., sand $2.50
contain ..... and, therefore, the
I I hea.lthier they are __ the more 86 Jacquard Bath Towell ............... $1.00 79 pr. 133 oz. Denim Jeans, blue $2.50 ....
' in COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC pigment they will absorb. 110 Jacquard Hand Towel, ............ 2/$1.00 31 pr. Plum Color Wlde-Wale There's no such
70 Jacquard Wash Clothi ...... 4/$1.00 Cords, 30-36 .................... $3.50 dessert-when
HOW TO CUT TOE NAILS 5 Decorator Pillow= .... $1.50 16 Shirts -- Odda & End, .............. $1.50 Whipping cream adds
Q. What ahould I use to cut 2 Clock Radlol ......................... $17.88 4 Sweat Shirts, S & L, white ...... $1.00
Featuring: "TEX MhC ELL' and HIS BAND my toe nails? tO cakes, pies, parfaits an
I ADMISSION $1.50 A A. There are sciBsora on the 4 Bridge Table Covers ................. 50¢ . the few minutes
market that are specifically 320 Bias Tape, Seam Binding and WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT
• Phone CR 5-2248 or CR 5-2922 I designed for use on toe nail. Top your desserts
Always remember to eut you Twill Tape ............... 10€
Located on the Old Belfair HiKhway toe nails straight across. Zf 1 14 pc. Teflon Cookware Set ...... $17,9g 15 Short ................... 81eeve Sweaters $2.88 . cream. It's
the hall is rounded, the cor- 10 Transistor Radios ................ :.. $10.00 30 Dresses, assorted .,ii .......... :... $3 $5
• ,91,gm,4m-'m ,''D',m'm'4m'm'mmml'm' J nets may become ingrown, 4 Padded Challe Loungel $14.99 15 Raln¢oati ......
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 13, 1967