July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 13, 1967 |
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Mrs. Frank Burr Celebrate S0fh Anniversary
California• The five 13urr children
were brought up in differenl
towns in the state find it was
not until after Mr. Burr's retire
ment in 1955 that they moved
to Shelton, 11 years ago. They
presently live on Arcadia Road.
Mrs. Burr conceded that things
have changed an awful lot since
she and her husband were mar-
ried, but she felt that when you
get right down to "rock-bottom "
Burr will Mrs. Burr was born in Dryad,
Wed- near Chehalis, and her husband
an open was born in Doolittle Mills, In-
Memorial diana. They met when his faro-
from ily moved to Washington and he
Present di- went into business for himself.
there is Shortly after she was out of
awe and school, they were married in
announce. Chehalis on July 15, 1917. Mr.
mt sort of Burr owned and ran the Burr
to each Logging Company for well over
30 years, logging in Oregon and
l)eople arc always 'human." She
felt it's especially important for
a person lo "keep up with the
way the world's swingin" (Mrs.
Burr said her grandchildren
helped a good deal, as far as
that goes)•
Possibly the best advice that
she would give girls planning
to marry is one of her own be-
liefs; "Always letting lhe hus-
Imnd be the boss." Perhaps, she
ventured, this is not so much
the (:;is(, anymore.
Mr. and Mrs. Burr's chihh'en
are giving lhe reception in honor
of their parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Tony ( Norma ) Covall, Yak-
ima; Mr. and Mrs. Jim (MarianJ
Buzzard, Mr. Vernon; Mr. and
Mrs. Barney Bur,', Aberdeen; Mr
and Mrs. Donald Burr, Tacoma;
lVr. and Mrs. Raliegh Burr, Kenl
Ipresently working in Alaska).
They are extending a cordial
invitation to all friends and rela-
lives h) atten(l.
:+, ::
e engagement of their
to Duane Allen AI-
(l Mrs. Jerome Altheide
a 1963 graduate
graduated from
Pacific Lutheratl University in May. Her
fiance attended Central Washington State
College and is presently serving in the U. S.
Army stationed at Fort Ord, Calif. No date
has been set for the wedding.
Homema (ers
Plan B o4n
• The next meeting el lhe Hill,
crest Homemaker's Club will be
hehl in the home of Mrs. Clar-
cm.e Cornell. 152,1 Mason Sh'eet.
next Wednesday. Final plans for
a Ixx)th at the Mtlson County
Fair will he m,ade. Meml)ers are
asked to bring a lisl of articles
they wish to place in the booth.
Local Girl Makes
SU Honor Roll
• Mary Cormolly, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Connolly,
Shellon, has been named h) the
winter honor roll at Seatlle Uni-
versity where she was a fresh-
man this past year. She is a
1966 graduate of Shelhm High
.a Pie-
"Fuel for Thought"
'from C. C. COLE & SONS, INC.
Here are 9 ways
to keep your roof
in top
Chevron Aluminum Asphalt Coating. Chevron Asbestos Roof Coating. Chevron
Aluminum Asbestos Coating. Chevron Utility Coating. Chevron Priming Solution.
Chevron Plastic Cement. Chevron Roof Paint. Chevron
Shingle Stains in red, green and brown.
The right combination of these products will re-
store, preserve, and lengthen the life of all prepared-
paper, metal, and shingle roofs.
Give us a call about the right ones for your roof.
You're sure of prompt delivery.
Call 426.4411 in Shelfon
i, tall!; !rdi;0il Oestnbut0ri:00i00 .
The Chevron
means service
TODAY ,'1. t:I)AY, JULY 18
Golden Age Clul) I)tluck pic-
nic, Minerva Slate Park, meet
al Memorial hall at 10:30 a.m.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmaster's Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Tillll.,rs Restaurant.
St. Edward's Wonan's Club,
7 p.m. board meeting; 8 p.m.
regular meeting, at the church.
First Christian Church ladies,
7:30 p.m., home of iVs. Ann
Job's Daughter's rummage sale
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., PUD building.
4-H Camp registration. I0 a,m.-
2 p.m., Extension office.
Job's Daughter's rumnmgc stilt'
9 a.m. - 5 I).m., PUD building•
4-H Camp registration, I-4 I).m.
Extension office.
Driver's license examiner, 10 ....
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house basp-
IWA local No 38 picnic, Simp-
son Recreation Area.
Shelton churches invile you Io
altend the church of your choice.
Shelton BPW potluck nleeting
6:30 p.m. at home of Mrs. t{.
Reck, Pickering Pa.ssage.
PUD Nu. 3 commission meel-
ing, 1 ll.m., PUI) conference
Counly commission meeting, I0
a.m., courl house.
Shellon Duplicate Bridge Club,
7:;40 p.m., PUD au(titoriunL
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Driver's license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house hase-
Mason County Republican Wo-
men's Club picnic, noon, home
of Mrs. Lawrence Munson.
Hillcrest Homemaker's Club, 11
a.m., home of 1Vs. Clarence Cor-
Rotary Club luncheon, ntm,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmaster's Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.nl,, eourl h()use.
Navy Mother's Club, 7:30 p.m..
PUD conference r<xnn.
• One of the fastest growing
4-H activities in the U. S. today
is the horse program. Nearly
170,00<} young equestrians fire en-
* High School Spotlight *
• Probably the firsl thing lice -
pie notice about Dave Bayley is
his height-$ feel 4 inches h) be
exact, which, along with his 195
lx>unds, qualilied him for the
starting center position on the
SHS basketball team last year.
Dave, a senior last year, is a
2-year basketball letterman, and
he also lettered three years on
the tennis team. He plays goll
and water skis, mostly at his
family's sum,n_,,, cabin on Hood
Canal• In high school, he was a
member of Key Club, "S" Club,
Demolay, and Latin Club.
Born in Taeoma, Sept. 29. 1949,
Dave moved' wilh his filmily h}
Shelton shortly lhercafter, lie has
lived here ever since wilh his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Bayley ;)nil his sister Joan. ;l
1962 gl'adu;ile of StIS and since
last Augusl, a I)t'[l('C (.'orpsllllln
in Morocco.
I)ave's classes this year in-
cluded malh analysis, lypin.R,
honors English, world affairs and
civics. He l)lans to cnler lhe
University of Oregon in the fall,
h) majo,' in husiness adminislra-
lion. afler which he thinks he
n1l.V beconle a lawyer ()1' a C.P.A.
WWl Auxiliary
Elec÷s Officers
• Mrs. M. C. Melcum, Shelton,
has been appoinled Department
publicity chairman of the Ladies
Auxiliary of Veterans of World
War I USA, Mrs. Melcum, a
member of Lewis County Auxil-
iary No. 184 will serve along
with the newly elected officers
of the Department, headed by
Mrs. Wendell Brickert, Tenino,
the new president, who is a cha,'-
ter member of the Lewis County
Elected to serve with her l'()r
the coming year were: Mrs. Ber-
nice Smith, Spokane, senior vice-
president ; Mrs. Lester Plaits,
Clarkston, ,junior vice-l)resident;
Mrs. Leon Cecil, Puyallup, treas-
urer; Mrs. Cara Ixwin, Bothell,
secretary; Mrs. B. Neville, Rich-
hind, chaplin; Mrs. Ann Shirey,
Bremerton, conductress; and Mrs.
C. Cummins, Dryden, guard•
Mrs. Brickert, whose son is
Bill Brickert of Shelton, is well
known in this area as a lmSl
presidem of District No. 4, of
lhe American Legion AtLxiliary
and a past chapeua of Mason
County Salon No. 508 Eight ct
The next l)el)artmenl co;wen-
tion will I)t, in Port Angeles,
Washington. duly 19 through 22.
Seaman Barnhard
Aboard Destroyer
• Seaman Erren K. Barnhard,
USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle E. Barnhard, Shelton, is
alx)ard the radar picket des-
h'oyer, USS Ernesl G. Small, en-
route It) the Western Pacific for
duty with the Seventh Fleet.
As a member ,)f the Seventh
Fleet, the Small will be called
Ul)On h) fulfill a va,-iely of mis-
sions ranging fronl shore lx)n'l-
hardment to resruillg downed
pilols in lhe Gulf of Tonkin.
tier routine mission will I)e to
a('l as a pick('l ship h)r the
carriers which launch ilir ;.it-
lat'ks against Norlh Vietnam.
Rummage Af
PUD Today
• Bethel No. 37 ,J,fl)'s I)aughh,rs
,,,,'ill hold a rumnulg), salt" at
the PLII) I)uihling h)day an(I h>-
ll'H)rrotv o]R'n from 9 ;}.ln. 5
i).nl, eacll day.
designed for the active family's laundry
Maytag dependable automatics are designed for families with a lot of liv-
ingto do. Now the automatic timing devices do all the work for you and
leave you free to enjoy more leisure time. But that is just one of the
many deluxe featuresl
2rid &Cota Streets
, +'; i
Just loaded with features! • Two-
speed wash and spin • 3 water
temp. selector • water level con-
trol • safety switch.
Check these great points! • Por-
celain drum for durable press •
disc lint filter • halo of heat •
automatic timing.
Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 7