July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 13, 1967 |
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• ---= Superior Court Vacates Canal Access Street In Union:
• A controversy over vacating County Engineer J. C. Bridger sy em and it is not parcticable from 1889 to 1909.
a portio of Sprague Avenue in in a letter to the commission on to connect it with the adjacent In his finding of facts and
Union ended in Mason County October 10, when the harings road. conclusions of law upon which
Superior Court Thursday when began, pointed out that: '. 3. The street is part of a plat judgement was based, Judge
Judge Charles T. Wright decided 1. The street is not a part of filed March 16, 1889, as such was Wright stated that the facts set
a suit against Mason County, et the Mason County Road System. never opened, and it appears it forth in Bridger s letter are
in any way, stop in at MERV'S al, in favor of the plaintiffs, five 2. There is no foreseeable need would have been automatically true.
Gene Stroyzk, formerly of Kent
was recently named produce
manager of 20th Century Thrift-
way. tie has been in the grocery
business the past six years.
Stroyzk arid his wife, Dion, a',
present are renting a home in
Simpson Timber Company's
second step into the fast-increas-
ing plastics business was an-
nounce(i this week by President
C. H: Bacon, Jr., with the pur-
chase of Evergreen Plastics Com-
pany ;it Tacoma.
The Tacoma plant specializes
in a broad field of moldct plas-
tics, differing from Simpson Ex-
truded Plastics division at Eu-
gene, Oregon, which concentrates
on pipe manufacturing.
Bacon said the Tacoma opera-
tion will be known as the Simp-
son Molded Plastics Division.
loth divisions are under the di-
rection of John Syme, general
manager-engineered products. Al
Wilson is manager of the Eu-
gene plant.
Bacon said Simpson's studies
of plastic and particularly of
cordbinging plastics and wood
products, show excellent oppor-
tunities for growth. The National
Industrial Conference Board re-
cently issued a prediction that
20 years from now, more things
will be made of plastics than
all other materials combined.
I)L's ()RNER
Coming up this Saturday is St.
Merv Settle, owner, has many,
many items for your car includ-
ing recaps which he does in his
own shop. So run in, take a
gander at all the goodies and
save money doing it . . .
Congratulations to Mr. Robin-
son of the capital city, the win,
ner of the color TV during the
recent promotion at CAPITAL
For your active family, stop
Valley, owner, has just the
washer and dryer for you. And
at low prices just right for your
budget . . .
Jim Wilkins, manager ot THE
MONEY SAVER, always has top
merchandise at low, low prices.
The next time you want to save
money stop in and see Jim.
He's always ready to serve
yOU . . .
Ted Stroyzk, manager of
MILLER'S SllOE DEPT., is hold-
ing his ladies summer shoe sale
in order to let you ladies take
part. in the fantabulous bargains
he is holding. And fantabulous
they are! So much so, you'll
just have to go by and see . . .
That's --30-- for this week, but
remember to shop Shelton and
save. You'll be glad you did.
Pioneer Teacher
Hearing Set
Trial of Aetna June Buhl's
suit: against Pioneer School Dis-
trict 402 in which she seeks to
reverse a decision of the school
directors not to renew her teach-
ing contract for the 1967-68 school
year will be set for the last
week in July, Mason County Su-
perior Judge Charles T. Wright
indicated at Thursday's session.
The judge also gave his opin-
ion in response to a question
from County Prosecutor John C.
Ragan, who will defend the dis-
trict that the trial should be on
the record of the school board's
proceedings rather than a trial
"de novo" which would permit
new evidence to be admitted.
Judge Wright said he believed
it was the intention of the legis-
lature that such cases be tried
on the record.
Svyithin's Day and according to The 27th annual report of the
lend .tn me England, guardkarmYAp L O Si H ,
...... f it rams ,ay there*s ly-., World , War I Veteran, was' $
39 more to go with rain dotting ;,. ,._ r- .... -
..... ,,..,,=u uy .,lenn . orrea WhO
the horizon 'rod the street ' asked for contin ° ""
" '. " ...... *." ' uance oi ms ap-
Th:d's a nice cherry thought .i.tm.. ........ n ......
....... ".. ..' ...... , .... ao t4uo.uall, WD.lCfl zne
to start this (.o]unm However, _- - .
....... court grantea.
the w(atherman says more of ......
• " • *her that is m me estate of Esther Reins
the same--no! w(au ...... " ".
::: " " "he same dorff, the final report of the
wt also say more ol i . .....
.... e e executor, Allan layior, was
when it comes to top ouys n r ...........
..... , .L ...... ..._, neara aflo ms petltlOn toP dis
In neJton, cause tile IIIUYGIILIJII: .
...... tribuUon of the estate inventoried
nereaoouts are spriflgmg lOW, ...... . .
,, at o,a was grantee
low prices for July. That clear- " . .:" " •
ance" month, So go get: 'em Attorney Correa asked for a
. a es like 3ury trml for hm client Bay
tigers, t plac ,, . . " .... -
MILLERS, where the big "hap- shore Incorporated, against EI-
pening" is the July Clearance. dred P. Boe et ux. This will
• esmrmer has be set for Jul 11 or 12
Manager Jim P " " . : - ' " Y •
prices so low that you'll have An Alaska divorce decree of
ve So take a arm T Albright a amst Ed
Io see to belie . * " • ' g ' -
look • win T. Hurd was entered of rec-
SPR(iliSE-RIETZ where Bob ord.
Bottomiller has dolls galore for An order of default was signed
that little girl of your-'s for in Mell Chevrolet Co. vs. Walter
ts r he birthda or no Slmonsen etux ,an e elm of r 92
Christrm' o r y " • Y '' $
occasion at all. There's lots to claim for $291.96 and costs.
ch(x)se from and" at" low• prmes" Judge Wrl'ght sad" he would
ioo . . . try to set Donald Fiscus vs.
Bill Clifton owner of CLIF. Western Patent Company for
TON'S OF SllELTON, has to get Sept. 6, 7, 8, if he could pro-
rid of all the freezers and re- cure an outside judge from Kit-
fridgerators now in stock, "cause sap County to preside.
the '68's are about to roll in. FA
And because his chief clerk, OVERWEIGHT
Greg told him to. So stop in ^vanabie to you without a doe-
- r () e tor's prescription, our product
an(l save m n y . . . ealh!d Odrinex. You must lose
Ken Chapman owner of ugly fat or your money back.
ITT r'¢,, -T Odrinex is a tiny tablet and ea-
cV,v.JJrq.l, Lat,r lzxa, ily swallowed. Get rid of excess
is really swinging with low prices fat and.)lve Iqnger:_ Odrtnex
, . costa $5,U 831(1 IS SOlO Oil tills
Ires weeK on cameras ano many, guarantee: If not satisfied for
many other items. So swing in any .reason, Just retu.m thepaek:
,, A + I, .,1 - o .. age tO your orugglst aflo ge!
,m ,aae a.vamage oI lne spe- your full money hack. No quea.
rials being offered this week tiona asked, Odrtnex is old with
• 4 "- I. this guarantee by:
am, every wee. . . Evergree Drug Center 306
Nex e Railroad Ave Mall Orders
. t time you car n eds help Fllu '
THE ELECTRIC POWER will be interrupted
early Sunday morning on July 23 at 2 a.m. The
outage will be for 3½ hours while the Bonneville
Power Administration crews move the transform-
ers at the Belfair Station to make room for a
new and larger transformer. The areas which
will be affected by the outage are: All the North
Shore Road, Old Belfair Highway to the Kitsap
County line nd all the area lying between them.
The town of Belfair and the South Shore Road
that is served fromP.U.D. No. 3, the area on both
sides of the Allyn Highway between Belfair and
the Lakewood area.
a.m. The new transformer will have four (4)
time= the capacity of the old one. It ha= bean
planned to serve this area's growing electric loads
for the next decade. With this new addition, the
• ervloe, to thi area will be greatly improved,
......... 1 Ill III C
Pap 8 - 8briton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 13;1967
members of the Schafer family.
The case was taken to court
after the Mason County Commis-
sion on October 31, 1966, denied
a petition to vacate the street
presented by County Engineer
J. C. Bridger and signed/by
Mrs. T. D. Gleeson and Mrs.
John Schafer.
This action followed a public
hearing which was continued
twice, during which a petition
signed by about 100 Union citi-
zens and a letter from the Hood
Canal Improvement Club, both
opposing closure of the street,
were considered as well as other
communications for and against
the proposal.
The portion of Sprague Avenue
involved leads from State High-
way 106 to the shore of Hood
Canal. Opponents argued that
,there are few enough accesses
to the Canal and that none should
be given up unless absolutely
Bear Festival
This Weekend
• The annual McCleary Second
Growth and Bear Festival will
be held in lcCleary Friday, Sat-
urday and Sunday.
.The Friday activities will in-
clude the coronation of the Queen
at the McCleary elementary
school; a slo-pitch baseball game
at the city park, the coronation
dance at the VFW hall with mu-
sic by the Untouchables, a bongo
party at the elementary school
and a carnival.
Highlights of the activities Sat-
urday will be the grand parade
at noon and the bear feed at
1:30 p.m. There will be entertain-
ment at the park by Steve's
Gay 90's Dixieland Band from
1:30 to 3 p.m. and an adult
dance at the VFW Hall with
music by the Cliff Dwellers.
Sunday will see the Old Timers
Reunion at the city park from
2-4 p.m. with entertainment by
Steve's Gay 90's band and danc-
ers plus a variety act.
The carnival wil be in opera-
tion both Saturday and Sunday
for this street as part of the vacated by a statute on the books
County Has Hearing On Plat
'• The Mason County Commis-
sion approved the plat of Lake
Arrowhead, division 3, with the
condition that a statement ap-
pear on the face of the plat
that no lot in the division is
acceptable to the health depart-
ment until certain conditions are
They include the installation
of 1,000 gallon two compartment
septic tanks, a minimum of 150
lineal feat of drain field and a
Youth Found
minimum of four feet of per-
meable material in an area
suitable for a drain field.
The commission action came
after the platter, Bob McGowan,
appeared for the hearing and
letter was received from the
Health Department stating their
disapproval of any part of the
The commission voted to call
for bids for four used bridge
girders to be used in a bridge
rebuilding project. The bid open-
ing was set for 11:30 a.m. July 24.
County Treasurer John Cole
appeared to discuss the suit
against the county by Botts Nurs-
ing Home for a tax refund in
which a judgemgnt was signed
last April. Cole said demand had
been made for payment on the
judgment, but, that he had dis-
cussed the question with Judge
Hewitt Henry, who had signed
the judgment, and that he had
agreed to set it aside.
In Court
• George A. Wagner, 20, of 1304
N. Marion Street, Olympia, was
found guilty by Judge Glenn E.
Correa after a trial in Mason
County Justice court June 30
on a charge of reckless driving
during a flight to avoid arrest.
Wagner was arrested by the
Mason County Sheriff's Depart-
ment on Railroad Avenue, Shel-
ton, on April 2, 1967.
He was also charged with de-
fective equipment on his vehicle
and found guilty on that count.
The defendent was fined $59
on the first count and $13 on
the second. Of this $50 was sus-
pended, making his total fine
paid $22.
Wagner's license was suspend-
ed for 60 days and he was sen-
tenced to 30 days in jail, which
was suspended on condition that
he remain out of Mason County
for six months.
Wagner pleaded not guilty to
both charges. He was represented
by Attorney Byron E. McClana-
Frank Owens, Olympia, spe-
cial assistant to Prosecutor John
C. Ragan, represented the state
in the case.
The finding said that none of
the street mentioned has ever
been opened to public use from
the date of dedication and for
five years thereafter and that
by operation of law the same
has been vacated and authority
for holding the same for public
streets is barred by lapse of
County Prosecutor John C. Ra-
gan told the court that the coun-
ty had no defense. He approved
and signed the findings and con-
The judgement vacated the por-
tion of Sprague Avenue and the
easterly half of Olympia Avenue
adjacent to Lots 108 and 109 in
the plat of Hood Canal Land and
Improvement Co. Addition to
Union. These lie easterly of Pri-
mary State Highway 21 (now
Title to the said streets was
quieted in the plaintiffs in fee
simple against, any claim of the
defendant, Mason County.
The plaintiffs were Neta F.
Schafer, Bernice Schafer Marcy,
Margaret Schafer Hoyle, Anna
Schafer Gleeson, and Marie Scha-
fer Reid.
235 lb.
Available in one color only!
Eacreff Lumber Co.
On Hillcrest 426-4522
:I l:
,k :
:1 I:
: ! Cash ond Securities ...... $ 2,60,,000438 i Savings of Members ...... $24,695,907.72 !
Real. Estate Loons . .......... 24,333,554 29 Advances from Federal "-.
I Loans on Savings I Home Loan Bank .... None
I Accounts ................ 58,419.50 1 Mortgage Loans in ' 1 .*
• I Other Loans ................. 13,038,62 1 Process .................. 660,477.61 1
I Real Egtate Owned I Specific Reserves .......... 48,678.10 l .
' Throu h Jud ment 60,380 77 Advance Payments for
-K g g "
I Federal Home Loan ! Taxes&Insurance 72,864.66 /.
I Bank Stock ............ 249,400.00 1 Discounts and l
[ Office Buildings & , Deferred Income .... 62,798.42 / ;.
... I Equipment (Less 1 Accounts Payable ........... 33,284 04 / .X-
l Depreciation) ........ 579,652.24 Reserves--Set aside for ' 1
I Deferred Charges and E Your Safety .......... 2,532,900.31 1 -
. l Other Assets .......... 210,961.06 1 l "
: I TOTAL ASSETS .... $28,106,9|0.86 | AND RESERVES .... $28,106,910.86 /
• = I HARRY R LINDLEY DON MILES ROBT. McALLISTER, Vice President, Treasurer / "
I ' w. BRANDT, Asst.. Vice President, /
• 1 v.B. OTIS H.T. WOLFE Loan Manager 1 .
1 .............. BEA MANIER, Assistant Secretory 1 .
• T, I ,, U. F,t'IN/, IJirector €.mernus PEARL NAMES, Assistant Treasurer / *
<[ X-
Home --Office --- OLYMPIA
Branch Office MONTESANO
• Year End Sale
Year End "
'68"s will be
-- 29 "67"s
This luxury car is equipped with 28 opti
Stereo FM Radio and Tape, all power
conditioning. Save on 1st year's depreolatl°S'
Radio -- Heater -- 4 Speed Buckets =
ONLY ....................................................................
Buckets -- Console -- One Local 'owner..,
., ) ........
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'65 CHEV 3/4 TON 4X4
V8 -- 4 Speed -- R/H -- warn Hubs
'62's - '66s -- Most Models --- Insta
Regular $73.5 t sAVE $;a'
New pr#ce $49.95
Door Edge Guards -- Bumper Guards'
Tom ....
Quick Parts --- ServiCe
Monday -