July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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L " Go tt Elimina ted In Early Round
eglon Team
! Of Olympia Softball Tourn
>00!00Another: Squeaker ament
a 6-5 nerve-knocking Olympic • Shelton's Gott Oil simply they pulled off a 21 inning mara- duce any runs. Early in the 3. Edna & Mike Clary 11574
llll' rf ra Connie Mack League victory at
,[ : W611 28 22 Sih
,4 2 18 x0 s
3 3 16 14 not an
Silverdale Tuesday night.
Slender Jon Armstrong shoud ....
not have had anxious mr-
2 4 18 24 ment during his 5-hit reign on
..I 17 26 Shelton slab, but fielding :i + ....
• map 5 ..... ii
,tsep 1 failures behind him accounted ....
for all the runs which made it .:
• -ap 2 a touch-and-go finish.
, ,North End 0 Jon himsel whacked a 2-run
Kltaap 0 single during Shelton's 5-run sec-
:Ii !
kee_ all €lose,,
t thA n early: 5-0
; .,st ,of :the
al: map
elPtlng for
in the
a pitch,
to deep
the two
ti", Wihnlng
. . , 3 4
..I v ..i ,ell. and
end round outburst, but the most
pleasing piece of power was
Billy Landram's triple over the
centerfielder's head after Jerry
Sparks had singled and Ed Adams
beat out a beautiful bunt. Dave
Steinberg singled Landram home,
then Don Donaldson laid down
the irming's second successful
bunt to be aboard for Arm-
strong's scoring rap.
Central took advantage of two
Shelton miscues in thc third
for its first gift run, but Shelton
offset it with a two-out tally in
the fourth on Armstrong's single
and steal ahead of Sparks' solid
one-sack smash to left. Sparks
was the only Sheltonian with
two hits.
Central nibbled at this 6-1 defi-
cit with a solo marker in the
fourth, scored on a wild pitch
and positioned by two bad-hop
singles. Then a dropped fly in
the outfield opened the gates to
three gift-wrapped runs in the
sixth and made Shelton's sweat
glands come to life, A single,
Armstrong's only walk, and a
triple did the damage thereafter.
But in the final frame Central
went down in order without get-
ting the ball out of the infield
and Shelton wrapped up its sixth
league conquest and hoisted its
over-all season record into the
black for the first time at 7-6.
Shelton goes to Poulsbo this
evening for a crucial game with
North End. A victory would set
up the Mason County Jay-ells in
beautiful shape for the final
round of the league schedule, in
which three of the four games
are sited on Loop Field, start-
ing next Tuesday when the
Bremerton Darigolds visit. A non-
league game at Hoquiam Mon-
day night intervenes.
Tuesday's box score:
SHELTO'N ab r h
Mills 3b 2 0 0
Wilson cf 4 0 0
Armstrong p 3 1 1
Sparks ss 4 0 2
Campbell lb 4 1 0
Adams If 1 1 1
J. Donaldson If 3 O 1
Landram 21) :l 1 1
Steinberg c 2 1 1
D. Donaldson rf 3 1 1
Totals 29 6 8
CENTKAL ab r h
Damschen 2b 2 0 1
McKibbon 2b 2 0 0
Lampe lb 3 1 0
Wright cf 3 1 2
C. Thorsen rf 2 1 1
D. Thorsen ss 3 1 0
Stuart c-3b 3 0 1
Oknnlewski If 2 0 0
Hamblett If 1 (} 0
Goakey , 3b 1 0 0
Segerman e 2 0 0
Larson p 0 II 0
Rathbun p 3 1 0
Totals 27 5 5
8tore by Innings
Shelton 050 I00 0- 6
hits 060 110 0- 8
Central 001 103 0- 5
hits 001 202 0- 5
SUMMARY: 3b--- Landram,
Iwt " Stuart. RBI--Landram 2, Arm-
It TM lkt°tal of strong 2, Sparks, Steinberg,
:llk ' ; era got Stuart 2, Damschen, Wright. SB ....
::.'g.., Arrqstrong, J. Donaldson, C,
,"l came Thorsen. E--D. Thorsen, Sparks,
l.th e initial J. Donaldson, Steinberg. IP--
ld , .a fly 1/3. RRF--Larson 5,
j:eh Was Rathbun 1, Armstrong 0. SO--
Armstrong 5, Rathbun 5, L,ar-
' t .ry and son 2. BB--Armstrong 1, Rathbun
wos the 2, I.arson 2. WP--Rathbun 2, Arm-
I'. 10 . strong 2. l.ser--Larson. LOB--
",¢ fra'm2 a in Shelton 6, CK 2.
i:!li, , - ,.e, on
. ek Smith
)' a2ce Profile of
/o ,-urnplete, what will
n Fears from now?
+-,, + /
ttle Value if it isn't enough to replace
8it down with us and let us plan a
t fits YOUr special needs and require-
r:family is safe, sav,4y
ItitOFF sA00eeo
BOB TURNER, 14, (left) and Dave Jackson, 17, will com-
pete at Wenatehee this weekend for a berth in the Na-
tional Jaycee Golf Tournament, following their victories
last week in the Shelton Jaycees' annual tourney at Bay-
shore Golf Club.
Johnson Wins Golf Tourney
With 77 Round At Boyshore
: %.:
RANDY COOTS, 12, won
the beginners' division of
the Shelton .layeees' recent
golf tourney.
• Dave Johnson walked off with
lop honors in htst Friday's sec-
ond annual Shelhm Jaycecs' Golf
Tournamenl al Bayshore Golf
The youthful champ toured the
eighteen holes in 77 strokes. Sec-
ond-placc finisher, Bob Turner,
car(led an 82.
The two winners will receive
an expense-paid trip to Wenat-
chce on July 15 for imrticipation
in the state tom'nament. Winners
of the state competition will earn
a spol in the national meet•
The local tournament was di-
vided into three divisions. The
following are the resulls of the
July 7th comt)etition:
Winner: Dave Jackson 77
Runner-up Mike McDowell 90
Putting contest winner: Steve
Longesl Drive: Dave Jackson
Closest to pin on 3rd hole:
Steve Bostrom 9' 4"
Winner: Bob Turner
Runner-up: Rich Walker
Pulting Contest Winner: Boh
Longest Drivc: Rich Walker
Closest to pin on 3rd holc:
Jerry M|mn 9' 3"
Winner: Randy Coots
Runner-up: Milch Yosl
Putting Conlesl Winner: Milch
Longesl Drive: Dave Borek
Ninleen bt)ys particil)ated in
the competition which was con-
c.luded by refreshments served
by the Shelion Jayeltes. Offic.ia-
ting at the tourney was Gary
Nich)y and Ray Walker.
Golf Pro Dave Arnold, the
tournament direclor, distributed
lhe prizes which were gift certifi-
cates f<)r golf shocs from Verle's
Sporling G(x)ds for lbc Senior
and Internediate winners. A rod
and reel combination for the i)e-
ginner division and fishing reels
for each of the runners-up. The
winners of the SCl)arate contesls
received golf balls.
The Jaycees will hold the tour-
nay every ycar.
America the Beautiful,.,
Is Everybody's Job
It's the job of e\\;'cry family that sprea(l a picnic on a
roadside tad)If.
II.'s the job ()f every 1)o:dman who cruisvs the
]likes ;tll(i \\;Vliterwlt\'S.
Every driver, e'vm'y w:dkcr, every ltier.
q'hai"s why our Association lhrows its whole-
hearted sul)p()rL each ycnr into the 1,t,(,1) -'ilh'r/('a
]e, uti/'td co.ntl)aign.
; Lovely country we have here. Let's keep it that way. @
couldn't maintain the winning
spirit which has kept them on
top of their league this year
with six straight wins; and as
a result failed to make much
of a showing -- as was expected .....
in the Olympia "It's the Water"
Invitational Softball Tournament
held last weekend.
The Oilers were onc of the
first squads to be elim.inated
from the tournament when they
dropped a pair of decisions ---
one on Friday to open the tourna-
ment and again Saturday morn-
Friday evening's contest was
a real thriller as it took 15 inn-
ings before Gott finally bowed
to Western Gear of Everett 1-0.
Western Gear is noted for their
extra inning encounters; last
year at the Olympia Tournament
I hen.
In this year's duel, Bernie Kel-
ler of Gott Oil and Herb Mathis
of Western Gear had batters and
fans wondering if they were ever
going to give up a run. Keller,
allhough he was the loser, turned
in lhe better performance from
the mound; he gave up only
three hits during th entire 15
innings while lhe Oilers nicked
Mathis for six safeties.
Western Gear's cenlerfiehter.
Jim Coates look care of the
scoring all by himself. Coates
ral)ped a triple to right center
in the hollonl of tho 15th and
streaked homo for the game's
only tally as thc Oilcrs had
trouble getling the ball back af-
ter a wide t:hrow to lhir(l.
Gait had a couple of fine op-
l)ortunitics but failed to pro-
Shelton Fasfball Squad
Now Back On Winning Track
• There's nothing like a good
solid win to hell) alleviate the
memory of a previous poor show-
ing; and Shelton's Gott Oil got
"back" in the winning gTOVO
with a 7-3 victory over the Olym-
t)ia Camnmranos at Stevens Field
1V£onday evening.
'The Oilcr's thus helped wipe
out the memory of their quick
elimination in hist weekend's
"It's The Water" tourney and
in st) doing have taken a con)-
manding lead in the league stand-
:Gott is unbeaten in league com-
petition with seven straight wins
while the Caroms are in second
place with two defeats---both ad-
ministered by tbe Oilers.
The Oilers showcd their win-
ning form in getting to Carom
hurler Bill Nutt for 11 hits while
Bernie Keller gave the Olyml)ia
squad seven safeties.
Wayne Clary paced Gotl Oil
with a triple and three singles
in four at-bats. Keller and tiarry
Loons each a(lded two hils.
After each team scored single
runs in the first frame, the
Caroms look the lead with anoth-
er solo tally in the botlom on
the second. The lead held unlil
Golt Oil came up with throe runs
in the fourlh.
teller scored the first run on
a single thai was misplayed in
the oulfieht allowing him to come
all the way and score. A triple
by Leans drove in the second
run and Leons laler scored him-
sell for the lhird hilly.
Clary's lriple led Golf h) lwtl
nat>re rLlns ill the fifth. Solo runs
by the Caroms in the sixth and
(;oll in the seventh closed out
lhe scoring.
The linescorc on Mon(lay's ac-
tion :
r h e
Gotl Oil 100 32(I 1-7 11 2
Caroms 110 001 0-3 7 3
Keller and Lcons; Null and
contest, Oiler Terry lVeyer drove
a double over third base but
was later picked off after a fine
catch by Western .Gear's Ron
Fuller. Fuller had an outstanding
day in the field for the Ever-
ett squad, coming up with many
spcctacular grabs.
The Oiler's threatened again
in the eleventh inning when, with
two down, Bob "robin smashed
a triple to center but the threat
quickly dwindled when Fuller
again came up with a tremen-
dous back-handed grab of a
foul ball down the left field line.
The linescore on Friday's ac-
tion :
Gott Oil
000000000000000-0 6 3
Western Gear
000000000000000.I 3 2
Keller and Leons; Mathis and
Saturday's contest was a bit
less sl)ectacular. The Oiler's
dropped a 6-4 decision to Lucky
Lager and were thus eliminated
from the h)urnamenl.
I" I1 e
t,ucky Lalger 12 030 0-6 8 0
Franklin and Nelson; MeG 3
Gotl Oil 100 120 0-4 5 3
Franklin and Nelson; McGrath
and Leons
Certified Nabs
Slow Pitch Win
• Certified Manufacturing ,)f
Shellon defeated the Little Rock
Merchants last Tuesday evening,
5-2, in the Olympia Slowl)ih'h
league al Stevens Field.
Certfied led at the end t)f the
second inning 4-0. adding one
run in the eighth inning. Tit(,
defeated team scored one rtm
in the fifth and one in the
cc 5 I6 4
Little Rock '2 8 3
CM, C Longacre & Davis; Lillh'
Rock Tibbels & Barllell
Bob Eocrett Is Oak Harbor Grid Coach
• Appointment of Bob Eacrelt,
former Highclimber athlele and
coach, to the position of head
fonlball coach at Oak l{ar'l)or
high school was announced Mm-
(lay highl in an unanimous de-
cision by the Oak Hart)or sch()l
Eacrett is the oldest s(m of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eacrctl
of Shelton. He gradualed from
Shellon high school with lhe
Class of 1951 afler an illustrious
prep athletic career in which
he earned wrsity letters in fool-
ball, t)askell)all and baseball.
After one semesh'r at the Uni-
versity of Puget Sound, It('
served two years aclive (luty in
the Navy, then finished his col-
leh, o e(lucalion at Wcstern Wash-
inglon Slatc College al Belling-
ham, whet'(+ he limited his var-
sily alhlctic parlicil)ati<)n to hase-
I)all while he worke(l his way
through school anti raised Iris
After his WWSC graduation he
joined lbe Shelton facully and
coached juni()r high B team bas-
ketball, senior high B team bast,-
hall, and assisted on a volun-
teer basis with lhc wwsity fool-
|);ill leanx under Red Smith for
lwo years before following Smith
h) Oak ttarbor.
There he has been junior high
football, I)askelbalt and basel)all
coach the l)aS! eight years. His
football team, tm'nih,d a pbe-
nomonal record, have never had
a losing season, frequenlly were
He succeeds Russ McGilvra,
wlo is moving Ul) lo Everell
Junior College. McGih, ra had an
undefeated season lasl year with
a predominanlly senior squad.
so Eacrett is stepping into n
tough siluation from an exper-
ience standi)int with his firs!
wu'sity material.
He will also move from the
junior to the senior high sch,d
faculty bul his leaching assign-
menl for this fall hasn't been
announced yel. He laugh! physi-
:al educatim in 1he iuni,)r hitzh.
All year we've been saying'.
21Oldsmobiles bdow $2920.
But check our prices now00!
There nccr wa a bcltcr time to buy a bcautil'ull) engineered Rocket-Action Olds than now--
during )our ()lds l)calcr's antaual Year I,:nd Sale! Selection's great. Savings are even greater.
Toronado, Nincly-Eight, SS, Cutlass, Vista-Cruiser, 4-4-2, t--5--at'c all priced for big savings, So
scc >our Oldsmobile Dealer quick and take 3our pick. Hc's saying Y.E.S. to every reasonable offer.
(;, ()hlnmbilc at )our neare,,t O tran'.lmrtation center
........................ :
,. ,.f'" +...,,%:,::.+.::.,.,:, ,,::, ,::?. :..¢., ...,,.
tlJIK el |g¢[Lt|N¢..[
4. Lloyd & Dave Clark 11546
Men's Hi Game: Chuck Thomp-
son Sr. 245
Men's Hi Series: Lec Schuffen-
hauer 616
Women's Hi Game: Verna Jo-
hanson 216
Women's Hi Series: Margaret
Bibbee 518
Junior Hi Game: Dave Clark
Junior Hi Series: Gary I)binson
Most Improved Woman : Edna
]V[ost Imt)roved Man: Chuck
Thompson, Sr.
Mosl Improved Girl Linda
Most hpr,)ved l)y: Dave
Legal Publications
Pursuant to Law, notice is
hereby given that at the regular
July meeting of the Commission-
Prs of Public Hospital District No.
1 of Mason County, to be held
on Wedncsday, 26 July, at 10:00
a.m. in tbc Commissioners' Room
at the Mason County Courthouse,
Shelton, "Washington, the Hos-
pital District's Preliminary Budg-
et for 1968 will be reviewed.
Public Hcqltti District No, 1
of Mason County, Wash.
NO. 27G3
In the Superior Court of the
State of 'ashington for Mason
Lhat thc exorutor of the above
cntitled estate has filcd his final
account and petition for distribu-
tion in the nbove estate, and the
t'ourt is asl¢od to scttle said ac-
count, distribute the property to
the heirs, disrhar/ae the exectttor
!lnd close said estate.
Said aceotmt and petition \\;\,ill
be heard 1) 3 , the :tbovc court, in
Lhe Probate I)ept. thereof, at the
t:ourthousc in Shelton, Wasbing-
ton, on the 17th dny of August,
1967, at 9:30 am., and any pcr-
sons having objections must prc-
senL thenl on or I)ofore said Lime.
Dated this l:Hh day of July,
Deputy Ckrk of ab(}x'e Cotlrl
Attorneys for (,stale.
310 First lq'ederal Iuilding,
B rcnlel:'ton, "Wash.
7 '13-20-27 3t
every day, every night in the
famous Mapes Casinos, ground
level or high above in the SKY-
ROOM. Fabulous entertain-
ment, always•
Downtown Reno location,
ideal for business or pleasure
... 300 beautifully appointed
rooms, 25 luxurious apart-
ment-suites, with Kitchenettes.
Fine food and beverage in the
Coach Room.
HoteJ and Suite Rates
Guest Bedrooms
Single ........ $10 to 16
Double ....... $13 to 19
Twins ........ $14 to 19
Studio Room ., ,$20
Suitas--parlor, large b.
room, bath,
Kltchennetle ,$35 to 50
Mditieml Ia hi mwa If
tui $11 Imnm..
Saa your Travel Agent or call
SE Ar'r LF- MU 2-19@1
LOS ANGEL IS 626- 711
DALL AS 741.5814
Rcne, (;'02) 323. L$11
Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County J,ournal - Page 11