July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 13, 1967 |
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Wedding Gowns, Jobs
Multi-Service ProjedS00,00
Girls from underprivileged and magazir, "
Iamilies who can't be married sons may zo
in a wedding gown will have downtown. ,d,lL"
their chance to say "I do" in and Bruce. f;eS
a white lace veil thanks to a
program started in Shelton this employed for ent,
week by the ]Vhson County Multi- find emploY
Service Center. recreation. eld
_,,eti,s ," 1
Center members are busy gath- every Tuesa= ., •
ering wedding gowns and also chairman of _.11
formals for other social occa- board whtCh
sions which will be loaned to Joan Ke't&;ll
the girls and ladies of 3ason mendations '-
County who don't have money the board,.y!
for a special dress. Straton, 1.! e j t,
The center is located at Second rie CarnPt.a., All
and Grove under the supervision sergeant-at ae.
of a beard of 16 members, Of- Thirty-five "'
ricers are Mrs. Hilary Savage, meeting. ,,,¢€
chairman Mrs. Gertrude Depot, Plans a
vice chairman; Mrs. Anita Nes- rides, swimj r l
tell, secretary; Donald Keith, The first m, GI
treasurer; and Ralph Depot, pub- party June d i$:
hated cokes d
licity chairman. The board meets
PANHANDLE LAKE provides swimming for the young 4-E ACTIVITIES AT 4-H CAMP for which county 4-H mem- MAKING- SURE everyone is healthy is a part of the camp the first Thursday of each month. Gay Bruce .i
(:ampers as this scene from last year's camp shows. Rag, bars will register today and Friday will include: the survival preparation. Here, a young man gets his throat checked isA familYheldcommuntcations calss .,I
being every lVIonday [ S
istration for the carol), to be July 24-28 this year, will be course taught by Norm Eveleth of Simpson Timber Co. at last year'scamp. McArthur,night' instructedto studyby MrS.waysRitato Sc[et ;e;i ....
Thursday and Friday at the Extension Ofifce. shown here with two boys at camp last year. change or improve the environ- • ,,PreserVe
4 H C p R " " I ment for better living, thee do I P¢
- am ecjls÷ra÷,on s Chub's Club meets every Thurs-Thou wilt so erSe .f:
Counfy R?ad Pr?2ra r-or 1768 M200r s Number Of Proiecfs S÷ T d y A d F: id day except the first in the month life." Ttd_'svteXt
hr, e golde.
at 7:30 p.m. It is devoted to !stian science
m e o a n r ( methods of losing weight sensi-
c ts r a t Y
• Road impro t J " ]'P" ke North, eg ad hill a. R " " 2 project are (1) Craig (To Cole Road), bly. Prizes will be given, irmlud- on "Life,"
in each of Mason County's three junction, 0.5 miles, $7,000; (1) programmed as follows: grade, drain, gravel, 1.3 miles, • Registration for 1Vason Coun- meals whic will be provided, ing a booby prize for those who at
c.ounty road districts included in Libby, BST, 0.7 miles, $2,500) (1) North Shore, spot widen, $30,000; (1) Boiling, replace two ty 4-H Cam begins today from These, "along with many leaders, gain instead of lose.
County Engineer J. C. Bridger s (2) Mason Lake Northwest 2.0 miles, $25,000; (1) North small bridges, $7,000; (1) Ar- 10 a.m. to noon and Friday, parents and older youth make A senior citizens' lounge has • ANY boy or
$384,000 program for 1968 which (Bennett), grade, drain, 0.5 miles, Shore, BST, 1.0 mile, $4,000; cadia-Brumbaugh-Lynch, recon- from 1-4 p.m. up the 4-H camp crew, been set up in one corner of and 19 years d
pate in 4.tt,
was submitted to the county com-
missioners on Jniy 3 are listed
in detail as follows:
Road District No. 1 projects
programmed, with their priori-
lies indicated in parenthises, are
as follows :
(1) Mason Lake Northwest at
Rec. Area, grade, drain, 0.8
re.lies, estimated cost $17,000; (1)
I.eds Lz)op, bituminous surface
lreatment, 1.3 miles, $4,000; (1)
Stretch Island, revel bridge, $25,
000; (1) Mason Lake Northwest,
BST,1.3 miles, $4,000; (1) Phil-
$12,000; (2) Brockdale-lVfcReavy,
construct at junction, 0.5 miles,
$15,000; (2) Spencer Lake, spot-
widen, BST, 1.6 miles, $4,500;
(2) Cronquist, reconstruct at junc=
lion, .01 rrdle, $3,000.
Five alternate projects listed
for District 1 are:
(3) Grapeview, rebuild bridge,
$12,000; (3) Concord Beach,
widen, BST N & W Sdes, 1.0
mile, $6,000; (3) Benson Lake,
reshape, BST, 1.0 mile, $4,500;
(3) S h e 1 t o n Springs-Airport,
widen, BST, 2.0 miles, $12,000.
KWG Executive
Committee Is Named
• Dave James, President of
Keep Washington (;reen Associa-
tion, ttxiay announced the nam-
ing of a new Executive Com-
mittee for the Association.
In addition to James, who is
an ex-officio memher, the list
eat Protection Association; Dean
Emeritus Gordon D. Marckworth,
U of W College of Forest Re-
som'ces; and Paul R. Nelson,
U. S. Plywood Corp.
James warned that the rapid
buildup of fire danger which oc-
Cushman, BST, 1.6 miles, $6,000;
Mission Creek, reconstruct bridge
(2) Elfendahl (Oak Patch),
widen, drain, 2.0 miles, $18,000;
(2) Skokomish, regrade at bridge,
0.4 mile, $5,000; (2) Woolen Lake,
regrade at junction, with 233A,
0.4 mile, $5,000; (2) Elfendahl,
BST two sections, 4.0 miles, $14,
000; (2) Dalby Drive, relocate,
grade and grade at substation,
04 mile, $4,000;
(3) Skokomish, widen, pave.
2.0 miles, $30,000.
Also programmed for District
2 is a federal aid secondary proj-
ect to grade, drain, and pave
1.10 miles of the North Shore
road, estimated to cost $80,000.
In order to use federal aid
funds to best advantage, Bridger
said, these projects are rotated
among the districts so that each
will receive one every three
Alternate projects listed for Dis-
trict 2 are:
Power line, establish and con-
struct, 0.7 mile, $20,000; Dewatto
included Dean James S. Bethel, curred in early July was a re- relocate west from L. Eriekson,
U of ; Clege 4 Forest Re- sult of,.the June deficit in r=dr:.. 2.{ miles, $40,0( TahtKva,Blk at :.
arce,;1Rb, at't'L. nZ, St,¢,..lall in'mast parts of the State. 'IaVen Lake,.tecortgtruct?' 0.if"
Regis Paper Co.; D)n Lee Fra- This deficit will not be relieved miles, $10,000; nilscelianeous
ev, Washington State Depart- until extensive rains occur. In- small projects, $10,000.
ment ,f Natural Resources; Wil- creased care with all fire is Road District 3 projects are
liam H. I_mrson, Washington For- indicated, programmed as follows:
struct at junction, 0.6 mile, $10,
000; Bloomfield, relocate portion,
grade, drain, 0.8 mile, $12,000;
Arcadia, widen railroad o'pass,
cooperative with N. P. R. R.,
(2) Mary M. Knight, redeck
bridge, $5,000; (2) Satsop-Clo-
quallun% reshape, BST, 1.5
miles, $7,000; Stewart Street, im-
prove junction with Road 300,
0.1 mile, $1,500; (2) Oyster Bay-
Bariekman Blvd., reconstruct
junction, 0.4 mile, $8,000.
District 3 alternate projects
are :
(2) Totten Shores (N), widen,
drain, 1.0 mile, $12,000; (3) Bee-
villa Loop (N) spot-clear, widen,
1.0 mile, $5,000; (3) Ford, BST,
1.0 mile, $3,500; Arcadia Shores,
grade, drain, 0.7 mile, $8,000.
The eqnipfnent program calls
for purchase of two four-wheel
trucks, $17,000; two rotary mow-
ers, $12,500; and one each, auto-
mobile, $2,500; grader, $26,000;
track loader (4-in-1 bucket, $30,
000; asphalt distributor, $9,000.
I; TODAY, 45 per. cent of, all
-H'S liv on farms: . 33 'per
cent in rural non-farm areas;
16 per cent in towns of 2,500
to 50,000; 6 per cent in larger
Legal Publications !ii
NO. 76013 i:i:
In the Superior Court of the :?i
State of Washington in and for
the Ckmnty of Pierce iill
In the Matter of the Estate of
that VELMA E. SCHULSTAD, 'iii i
in her capacity as Admlnistra-iiii
trix of the above estate, will sell
at private ale and for cash, the
described real estate: !::
Lts 8 and 9, Block 3, Plat
of .olidy h, ¢ording !ili
to plat recorded In the of,ice
of the Auditor for said
County and state, Volume 4 ':':'
Mason County, Wahington.
to the highest and best bidder. !iii i
Bids must be submitted in writ- ii!i
in and shall be left with the Ad- ::!::!
ministratrix in care of her law-
yers, Conort, Dolaek, Hanaler !i!!
& Billett, 2nd Floor, 819 South
K Street, Tacoma., Washington. iii!
Bids will be received until the ii!
The sale will be made on or
after July 19, 1967. The Admin- :::::
istratrtx reserves the right to re- i:i:i
ject any and all bids. :::::
/s/ VmA Z. SCUSTD !iii!
By /S/ Rlc.haxd J. Dolack
Attorneys for Estate
7/6-13-20 3t
FROM !:!:
3rd & Railroad
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SPECIAL GROUP ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Dipsoman!a '::: FAMOUs BRAND Lg0 |'00901i
This word literally means thil 0
" o th
dness ---fr m e Greek word
Osa for thirst and mania formad S MORE PAIRS MOUS B $
',e;:. today's parlance, however, !iii NOW ADDED TO THIS SALE GROUP' !ii
dipsomaniac, is afflicted with on, ii!i • Red Cross • Ci Ranno • Valentines ilii
specific "thirst"the uncontrol
lane compulsion to consume ex. iiili • Town & Country • Mr. Easton • Italian iiiii
:essive quantities of alcoholic bev- !iii • doyce • Shindigs Imports iii,
%ages, 'ii • Americana • Cobbiee • Skooters !.:.:i
rlNell's Pharmacy iiil --- Real Values ----- iii
]aergency Ph. 426-2165 i::il , All Sales Final • No Layawaya iiii
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3827 ::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:;:;:;::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::;:;:;:::;::::;::::::::.:.:::.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:::
Open Daily 0:30 to 7:30
.turdays .... 9:30 - 6:00 .. ::::
Page 14 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 13, 1967
Camp starts July 24 and closes
July 28 after lunch. Last year
200 4-H'ers went swimming in
the lake, made crafts, took na-
ture hikes, attended survival
classes, shot arrows, played
games and ate hundreds of
pounds of food.
Mrs. Jean Sharer, Camp
Chariman and her comxnJttee,
Lynn Wilson, recreation; Toni
Matson, survival; Tula Kimball,
crafts and Cora Drake, finance,
are planning many things for
carrp. Doris Whitmarsh and
Helen Bakke, also on the com-
mittee, are planning for the 2,400
the Center, with couches, chairs, -- '
McNish Promoted BEALL'S AUTO Rff0000,
• Jack R. 1VcNish, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McNtsh, Shel-
ton, has been promoted to air-
man second class In the U. S.
Air Force.
Airman McNish is a weapons
mechanic at Travis AFB, Calif.
He is a member of the Strategic
Air Cod which maintains
America's constantly alert force
of intercontinental missiles and
jet bombers.
The airman is a graduate of
Shelton High School.
For Reliable, Guaran*¢dt
• • "ervid :|'
Aufo Reloa,rs and i'
00ii:i00 ,
00Seattle'First National Bank
..N,. o,cs T.OU.OU S.,O ST
00uoe00O,00,0, JUO00
S 255,610'641
Cash and Due from Banks .............. $ 298,011,790
United States Government Securities .......... 11 5,929,872 132,929'05! !
State and Municipal Securities ............ 223,041,282 ! _o4
Other Bonds and Securities ............. 42,1 66,059 S 56------9, 761'611B
Sub-Total ................
Loans and Discounts ................
Federal Reserve Bank Stock ...............
Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture & Fixtures, etc ......
Interest Earned Not Received, etc ............
Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances .
Capital Stock ...................
Surplus .....................
Undivided Profits .................
Sub-Total ........ ........
Borrowed Funds ............. ....
Reserve for Interest, Taxes, etc .............
Discount Collected Not Earned ............
Letters of Credit and Acceptances ...........
Deposits ....................
S 679,149,003
2,250,000 ,425,1B2 1
26,428,772 27,1 624,3110 ii!t
$30,000,000 $ 30,000,000
45,000, Ouu
o0 i
1 5,455,448 18,784,597
19,839,683 330,432,
1,415,703,055 -57
Chatrman Charm n n resident tol (;
• , a.ZagCo. P " ._,,,,,' ': I
Weyerhaeuser Company Northern -I)ER it I l"
JOHN McGREGOR ...... e D SAU-C o I :lf
LAWRENCE M. ARNOLD Prestdent GHAH[-o " t I
JOHN M. DAVIS , . ExecUt I "IN
Honorary Chairman Partner McGregor Land and Chawm, I 1 \\;
Howe, ]avis, Riese & Jones Lioeetock Company (Retire) "'IDT I I
,resident KENNETH R. FISHER A.NSON president A" S CorM "y ..
,, oere[ UJ|IIB •
1 resident and General Manager, " ,' nia re _ jO r ' ,l)']i:;,!
HENRY BRODERICK Fisher Flouring Mills Company IflHN W MIIRPMY uly...r °-,-all .,,/' I.:i'
Chairm .... Plial)lld .ru*v "P%;ide'n't:"Cenia'l" WILLIAM. E."lTit u'" I :!1
Henry Broderick, Inc. ,,n, ; .......... Pre-M ix Concrete Co. Vice Chatrm" ' ^n S l i I
Prestaent, . ulOgu I 11
FRANK H. BROWNELL, JR. H.C. Henry lnuestment Co. CHARLES M PIGOTT WILLIAM r'a'shingt° I :Y,
EDWARDSeattle E. CARLSON W/L/Ayn M. JENKINS :;iR;&.Paundry Ca. HOW;';:!W;i;;;Ttr,dio, lJi:ii
President, FRANK E JEROME Chairman President ..,rightC°n
Western Internationa! Hotel Vice Chairman (Retired) Simpson Timber Co. Howard S. w .{A
Seattle First National Ba
• "
SH ELTON BRANCH .... $11,077,697.42