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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L You Should Know ... IPi'r Visitors Given Special Invitation To Potluck, Pinochle Evening CLINT WILLOUR CAW0 'bP . aay night  ok supper , at the Lilli   '- L . A special ,1 by the Ulub mera- t visitors on t6 guests and esorts : P.m. and Will follow. ,,r nd refresh. H e. There is , during the  ehl e nights i, lt ,oad and me Potluck i Y time fo ' $. se visit  With0ut their .' Its a tim 118. ..e t lth  excursions h ,0tlse u ti0 1" g ests  uck sur L- f bathing a beach dwell- tiny city. grand. Pale Earl Canal their and his visit beach couple of years during his ser- vice time and like that location. Family members from Seattle and Bremerton were with the Lees over the holiday last week. Monday visitors at the Lee home were old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mauro of Seattle, who brought with them their New York guests they were taking on a peninsula tour. The New York- ers were enthused with the Canal and said they were enjoying the feeling of "being able to breathe." Mrs. Johr Hays and infant son, Matthew, have gone to Ed- monds for a visit with her fam- ily there. They are the daughter- in-law and first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays, Jr. of the Lilliwaup Mx)tel. John Hays is in the service in Viet Nam. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hays, Sr. came on the weekend from Port- land, Ore. to spend a couple of days at the motel, taking charge Monday while the Junior Hays were away on business. They were pleased that they came in time to see their great-grandson. Matthew was three weeks old Monday. Coming last Thursday for a month's visit with the Roland Willsons of Holiday Beach were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schonewill of Phoenix, Ariz., brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Willson. They have their trailer with them. Sunday the Willsons and Schonewills had dinner as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huntley at their mobile home in SheN ton. The Huntleys left Monday morning for Yellowstone Park, using their newly-purchased trail- er for the trip. Mrs. Huntley is the former Alice Reid, mother of Mrs. W'illson and Mrs. Schone- will. Friday overnight guests of the Willsons were Canadian friends, MY. and Mrs. Ellis Mtson of Cowichian Lake, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Ed- wards have been busy this sum- mer with work on the unfin- ished upper floor of their home. They expect to move into the upper floor area during this week, be used as recreation and guest- room quarters. Last weekend they spent in Seattle with friends. On Satur- day they anticipate hosting a picnic for members of their church they formerly attended in Seattle. A dinner party Sunday evening at the R. C. Viger home cele- brated MY. Viger's birthday. The entree was a Viger family favor- ite dish, a ragout which Marilyn Viger had learned to cook "just like his mother used to do." Dinner guests were M. and Mrs. Ray Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frint, the Jim Reeders and the father of the honored guest, Steve Viger. First-of-the week indications were that Mrs. Frank Robinson, who has been a patient in the Shelton General Hospital since July 29, might soon be able to return home. Her son, "¢ictor Robinson, and his wife, Alice, from Suquamish, accon'tpanied by their son, Frank, spent Wed- nesday and Thursday last week Tarbox Fires Exper÷ Rating • Army Pvt. Thomas M'. Tarbox, 23, whose wife, Penny, lives at Belfair, fired expert with the M14 rifle near the completion of basic combat training at Ft. Campbell, Ky., June 12. .The expert rating is the highest mark a soldier can achieve on his weapons qualification test. Mt. Morlah Lodge F.&A. M. No. 11 Saturday, July 15 Stated Communication Lodge Opens 8 p,m. George B. Howard, W.M. Arnold L. Cheney, Secretary out With although all work has not been .l completed. The downstairs will 'l ,,}ehildren ]!, off, from Household Furnishings for the Leonard Benner Family! Anyone who wishes to donate please bring your articles to the SOUTHSIDE GRANGE HALL Wednesday, July 19 at $ p.m. Refreshments will be served! SPONSORED BY: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gibble and Darryl and Josephine Sparks " Lee's % GREG CLIFTON (hisf Clerk' says it's time to sell our floor models ,of IiPIIGERATORS and FREEZERS % #ill find SOme examples of the low prices we are selling them. All of them are delivered at the price listed. 1 OL 18 cu. ft. RCA WHIRLPOOL ",i  IRI[EZER "ALL REFRIGERATOR 15" " .......... Model No  ............... . , ......................................... 259 ii q'cu, ft. ADMIRAL 11 cu. ft. t'" .... "["F'REEZER UPRIGHT FREEZER .... , ............. 224  ,, .... : ....................................... 140 $ i: ' ............ Model No i:. - N'o Down Payment on Approved Credit , ,,,LRLF:;:::he House-We'll Furnish Yo::o:e'4'26.8,6 $ here visiting Nfrs. Robinson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pierpont Robinson, son and daughter-in-law of Tacoma, came for a couple of days this week, staying at the home of the Pat h/[cGradys. Also showing improvement at the Shelton Hospital was Clar- ence Grandorf, who suffered mul- tiple injuries June 25 when a tractor turned over, pinning him underneath in a sitting position. Grandorf, who lives at Rochester, was working on an excavation at his summer home near Jor- stad Creek when the accident occurred. He was saved by the quick, intelligent action of his daughter, Cindy, and their neigh- bors, tile Korzerdowskt family and Bob Anderson. Nadine Henley of Hollywood, who has been a house guest at the Indian Point home of Mrs. H. A. Shatter, left Sunday after a week's visit. ZE AsSOrteD 00ath lissoe BULK GUaran Strietl, Farm Fresh Ro DOZEN Pkq- GRADE AA EACH o,. PEACHEs. .= OWF.LS ,,oooo,:-:: ......................... 2,' 8' /"'" _. I e "ssOg-=-- 6o o NAFKIN coLO-- 'male Juice '"" 'bo. StLK 46 OUnce ROSEDAILE No. 2. Ti,, 20 € VELVEETA CHE KRAFT 2 lb. Processed Loaf SLICED BACON CANNED PICNICS 3 76' $179 EVERY-DAY LOW PRICES Flil[$1DECRACKiIII$ oo 24 = Flash Frozen Meats ALL CUTS, CHOICE GRADE, GUARANTEED QUALITY SPARKLING WHITE BLEACH o-. 52' 4 SEW BROOMS 98' PORK ROASTS ouo 69 ° CORONETpAPER PLATEsFACIAL TISSU05[o,.c. 77''1 CUB STEAKS Pooo'1.19 NALLeY'S CHIP DIPS %,,, 44  RIB STEAKS ooo 99 ° 10' CANDY BARS 5 o. 3P ROLLED ROASTS 93' , REGULAR LB. HEAP &SHOULDERS ,,. 85' PRRLSHAMPO0°%,.o, 93 ° SPARERIBS ooo73  DIRECT * WHY PAY MORE! * e LIMIT RIGHTS RES=RVED • STORE HOURS Mon, thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: .................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15