July 13, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Mrs. Newman Returns From Trip Abroad
II DAYTON-- Mrs. Melvin New-
man has returned from an excit-
ing and enjoyable seven-week
trip around the world. Flying
first to Turkey where her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wayne Tidyman, re-
sides with her family, she spent
a month with them. Mrs. New-
man and her daughter toured
Greece. She bad planned to go
into Egypt and the Holy Land
but the war prevented this. So
she next flew to Australia where
she visited a number of kennels
in several different cities which
was the purpose of going to
Australia. She brought back with
her a tw year old champion
Australim Cattle dog who an-
swers to the nickname of Smack-
er. Tw more the the same breed
will shortly join him.
Two of our community mem-
bers are sojourning in the hos-
pital. Mrs. Pearl Stoner entered
the hospital Saturday with what
was believed could be a slipped
Andy Scarf underwent surgery
last Wednesday for ulcers. We
do wish them each a speedy
Two former residents of Day-
ton community pssed away re-
cently. Mrs. 1Vinnie Slane who
was making her home in Seattle
with her daughter and Mrs. Jack
Olsen who was residing in Walla
Lewis Goodman left Saturday
to Join his family in Hawthorne,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Linton
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Brown enjoyed a three day
day vacation in Canada includ-
ing a ferry trip from Vancouver
Island to Vancouver. The Lintons
on their return home, then mo-
tored to La Grande, Ore. where
they visited with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Mc-
Gee from Wednesday to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and
Shelley and Mr. and MYs. Don
Rugherford and children took off
for Molalla, Ore. July 1, return-
ing on the Fourth after attend-
ing and participating in the rodeo
there. The men, of course, were
the participants with the gals
and children forming a good
cheering section.
Jamie Hickson spent the week-
end with the Lawrence Fisher
family at Spencer Lake.
On the Fourth, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Schimschat and family
motored to Tenino for the stock
car racing where Norman won
t arW main t, :
B troplly dash. ' ......
MY. and Mrs. Stanley Parker,
$ 22
Here's What We Do.. •
#r Inspect and clean brake
• Clean and adjust brake
shoes for full contact
tit Clean, Inspect and repack
front wheel bearings
• Clean and inspect grease
• Clean and inspect wheel
• Inspect and refill master
• Inspect shock absorbers
• Check front end Camber
• Check front end caster
• Check toe In
Adjust toe into factory
• Inspect muffler
W Inspect tall pipe
• Inspect steering linkage
126 E. GROVE
II i
Shelton, visited the James Hick-
son family July 2 to wish Jim
a happy birthday.
July 3, Mr. and Mrs. Les Bo-
zarth of Shelton joined the James
Hickson family at Panhandle
Lake as they cut hay. The group
enjoyed a picnic lunch.
Grays Harbor 4-H members are
encamped at Panhandle Lake
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Loert-
scher and Tony spent the Fourth
in Seattle with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob-
Joe Einarsson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Einarsson, is station-
ed in Germany near the Swiss
Tuesday morning brought the
arrival of Mrs. Wayne Ever's
sisters and families for a visit
from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Hansen and sons of Centerville,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Hansen and daughter of Des
]V[rs. Ralph Pauley and Ralph
and Mrs. Gloria Mitchum and
Paul motored to Centralia Sun-
day to visit Mrs. Pauley's moth-
er, Mrs. IAnda r Hami!ton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits
and children of Raymond were
Sunday visitors in the home of
Mrs. Allen Tibbits.
My. and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Valley of Skokomish Val-
ley drove to Randall Friday to
visit with M,r. and Mrs. Eugene
Hulbert and brought back Rusty
to spend a week with the Hul-
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Howard
and sons spent the Fourth in
Issaquah with his mother, Mrs.
Thelma Howard.
Farmers Busy Getting In
Hay In Sunny Weather Here
By DORA HEARING and daughters Nancy and Mary
MATIX)CK-- All the farmers
are busy getting their hay in
and the good weather is with
us. We hope it will stay for
a while.
Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Helin were Mr. and
Mrs. 1Vax Nilsson of Seattle. Sat-
urday evening guests at the He-
lin home were Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Sherwood and family of
Hanford Calif. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Sherwood, and Mr. and
lVrs. Elmer Hoskins of Satsop.
Mrs. Augusta Portman, Carl
Portman and Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Portman and Mrs. Gertrude
Elson the latter o Shelton, en-
joyed a belated birthday dinner
at Milo's on the Canal in honor
of Mr. Port#nan Friday evening.
Mr. and Mj's. A. C. Anderson
of Port Orchard spent Sunday
at the Herbert Helin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Crowell
of Montesano and Mr. and Mrs.
Robb of Olympia were callers
Sunday at the Portman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gundersen
of Rainier spent Sunday after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing. The Gundersens will
move to Kettle Falls where Mr.
Gundersen will be superintendent
of schools.
Mrs. Vern Remsberg and Mrs.
Libby Saeger of Shelton were
dinner guests on the 4th of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
They took Carri Kimznerly, who
spent a week with her grand-
parents, home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer
of Aberdeen spent Sunday eve-
ning with their folks, the Herbert
Brehmeyer Srs.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCowan
and daughter of Maritta, Ohio,
are spending a week with her
sister and family, the Kenneth
Howards and visiting her other
sister, the Ralph Springers at
Lake Nahwatzel.
r. and Mrs. Robert Trenck-
mann left a week ago by car
for Tennessee to visit their
daughter and family, the James
Pikes, and will visit relatives in
.... :she
hadn t 00heard about...
There's no waste h'eat with a modern electric
range. All the heat goes into :the cooking utensil,
not into your kitchen. You have the right tempera-
ture for better coQking, right vhere you want it!
With a modern electric range, cooking is cooler,
And with the new electric range with total clean-
ability, there's just one more reason why you
should change to an electric range! See your elec-
tric appliance dealer today.
I I ii
Replace Your Flame Type Range NOW,
..,,..,v. $20.00 ,romtheP.U.D.
Mason County
Vice President
P.U.D. No. 3
PaKe 18 - $helton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 13, 1967
Pioneer: Skokomish:
Son (:a÷ches Only Fish On Community Church To Hear Guest
:emily Fishincj Trip Recen÷ly
II PIONEER-- Helen and Ray
L. Walker spent a hot Monday
fishing along the waters of Hood
Canal. Morn and Dad didn't catch
anything, but son, Richard, boat-
eda ten-pound Cod.
Last weekend was a busy one
for the John Raymonds. Fri-
day Susie's horse, Frisky, gave
birth to a little filly now named
Star. Saturday Alice had a call
from son Jerry. He had just
arrived at the Sea-Tac airport
from Korea. His flight took him
to Toyko, to Anchorage and then
to Sea-Tac. In fact, as far as
time goes, Jerry arrived home
four hours before he left Japan.
While at the airport the family
had another surprise. Barbara
Raymond was also on a return
plane from her trip through the
East so the families had a brief
reunion. Sunday night the Ray-
mends took in all the activities
of the Olympia Lakefair Festi-
Gene and Nina Lamber and
girls were up from Seaside, Ore.
to attend the Bina.Durand wed-
ding July 8.
Harry Cook and his family
have arrived from Columbus,
Ohio for a visit with his mother,
Mary and the rest of the family.
Saturday and Sunday saw the
gathering of the clan. Julie and
Fred Remmen and family, Mary
Ella and Leroy Gregersen and
youngsters from Ashford, Willard
and his family of Bothell and
John and Sally and youngsers
from Agate all met for a couple
of days of good visiting. Only
Jim and his family were unable
to get over for the weekend.
Sunday lVary's four nieces and
two nephews (the young Robin-
sons) from Alderwood Manor
completed the family picture.
After all the visiting and a big
dinner Sunday afternoon the
Cooks will look forward to anoth-
er reunion next year.
NARCE members were today
at Ed Dahlgrens of Agate at 2
p.m. Plans for coming activities
will be discussed.
Mr. and Mrs. Iighton Mason
of Seattle were dinner guests of
the Orville Marons last Sunday.
Sunday Cheryl Stroud and
Carolyn Rhodes will leave for
Portland, Ore. to attend Baton
Specialties Camp for one week.
The Mason County Robinetes
marched in the Lakefair Parade
Saturday evening. This is the
first parade for the new mem-
Those members from this area
are Dawn Rhodes, Becky and
Alice Chapman, Lisa Dyer, Ter-
esa Walker, ; Shannan Ristine
Karen Sushak, Tami Anderson
and Cheryl Stroud who is the
first alternate leader of the group.
The Robinettes will march in
the Bear Festival Parade this
Saturday in McCleary. Carolyn
Rhodes, Daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sterling Rhodes, is instruc-
tor and director of the group.
Boy Scouts of troop, 16 re-
turned Saturday afternoon from
camp Thunderbird at Summit
Lake. Those attending were lead-
er, Ed Burmell, and scouts Ro-
land and Charles Hammond, El-
wood Stout, Brian Barnaby, Gary
Bae, James Dyer, Jim. Dickin-
son, Robert Gates, Mike Tokas,
Greg Zeller, Bruce and Paul
Thornock, Kenny Puderbaugh,
and Jan VanderWal. This was
the first time at camp for every-
one. The boys took part in many
camp activities, swimming, boat-
ing, archery and marksmanshi p .
l SKOKOMISH-- Rev. Talmadge
Wilson, one of the instructors
at Seattle Pacific College and
son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hunter, will be guest
speaker at the Skokomish Com-
munity Church Sunday at 11 a.m.
Rev. Mr. Wilson is an outstand-
ing speaker and needs no intro-
duction to most people in the
Skokomish Valley. He and his
wife, Dr. Doris Wilson, have
spent several years as Mission-
aries in Africa and also have
done a great deal of traveling.
The four generations of the
Lozier family of Tumwater held
a reunion at Priest Point Park
in Olympia Sunday afternoon
with more than 60 attending.
Those from Shelton were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert, Mr. and
Mrs. George Valley, Sue and
Jan, Miss Ruth Ann Trotzer, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Valley. Com-
ing from out of town were Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Hulbert, Lurine,
IV[arlene, Rusty, and Tammy of
Randle; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Val-
ley and Tammy of Alderwood
Manor, My. and Mrs. Bud John-
ston and Janet of Puyallup, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Kennedy and
children of Puyallup, Miss Judy
Lozier of Spokane, Mx. and Mrs.
Bill Lozier of Elma, and Miss
Judy Stratford of Australia who
is an exchange student and stay-
ing at the George Valley home
at Island Lake.
Mrs. Harold Hunter enjoyed
several days vacation at Pacific
Beach with her daughters, Mrs.
Carol Taylor and family of Oys-
ter Bay and Dr. Doris Wilson
and family of Seattle. Mrs. Flor-
ence Taylor of Kamilche also
joined them for the outing.
Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Hepner
and family of Lewistown, Mont.
are visiting Mrs. Hepner's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sten-
berg and other relatives and
friends around Shelton.
Mr. and Mi-s. Wesley Johnson
and family of Seattle visited
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arvid'
Johnson over the weekend. Aslo
on Sunday, Wesley was guest
speaker at the Skokomish Com-
munity Church morning service.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn
have purchased a new truck and
plan to do some traveling while
Archie is on vacation. Their
son, Kenny Evans, of Lacey
called at their home Monday
Stanley Hunter and Carol Wil-
son of Seattle are vacationing
at the home of their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter.
Stanley's father, Robert Hunter,
made a business trip to sthe
Fijji Islands recently.
Tom and Walter Bishop of
Grandview visited their sisters,
]V[rs. Paul
Eells both
fined in
home of
and Mrs.
also visiting
trip to S
The full size swimming pool everyone's
can afford. Not just ordinary steel but
steel that's galvanized. It can't rust or
Its permanent strength is silent and unseen
beautiful aqua-green vinyl interior. Never
refinishing. Guaranteed for 10 years.
month. Five years to pay. Phone today for
426.6539 • GLENN C. PARR •
Most people do.
They count on advertising in print to give
them the information they want on "prod-
ucts that interest theminformation on fea-
tures.., designs.., and prices, for example.
People not only read about products and
services, they show ads to their family
friends; they clip coupons for information
and samp!es; they tear out ads to, fe
along when they go shopping.
People read an ad because they want to
(it's never forced on them). They can even
check backlater; themessage still there. .....
fle knd you read in the]
paper--makes, sense.
ures up to the buying ha
print makes sales.