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Plan Dance For Island Community July 29
three of
dance to
tha same
later, the
29. The
the events
new date
of July
at the
Bud Gla-
tble day
of the
coming over from Olympia to
visit Lee and his family.
The Glaser twins, Pat and
Vince, came home last weekend
from their 12 day visit with their
grandparents in Hodquiam, the
Don Eddys.
Mrs. Bea Lanstead and her
three cheldren, Jim, Barbie, and
Fred were down to spend three
days at her mother, Mrs. Snow's,
summer home. Their friends, the
Ray Otten and their two chil-
dren, Larry and Jantee, of Bell-
evue were their weekend guests.
Otten is a principal of one of
the Bellevue Junior High Schools.
The Gordon Simmons have had
a quiet week's visit with their
daughter, Dixie Arata, her hus-
band, Sil and their two young-
sters this past week. On the
Fourth, Gret's brother, me Bab-
cock, and sister, Em Babcock,
and another sister, Toni Fessler,
and her husband, LeR0y, came
to spend the day on the Island.
• The Stan Yates accompanied
by Ann's sister, Mary Wright,
spent last weekend visiting the
Yates' oldest son in Auburn.
Harley and his family will be
moving to Phoenix, Ariz. toward
the end of this month to make
their home. He had been em-
ployed in the automotive depart-
ment of the Sears store in Ren-
ton. He will continue to work
for the same firm in Arizona.
A rather freak accident oc-
cured as Bob and Vonnie Stam-
borski started to back off the
ferry on the Island side before
driving on down to BoWs folks
to visit. A rock was apparently
thrown up underneath the car,
hitting one blade on the fan,
which bent it enough to puncture
just come back from overseas.
They brought him to Wastfington
to spend his furlough. The fam-
ily spent one day here on the
Alvin and Peggy Anderson and
son, Mark, along with Helen
Johnson, and the Bob Hendrys
and their son, Bryan, camped
over the Fourth weekend at A1-
vin's Island Shores development.
They all drove their pickups and
cars down into the spit, although
they knew they wouldn't be able
to drive out. However, no one
was concerned as Alvin had his
cat handy just for the purpose
of getting the vehicles out at the
end of the four day camp-out.
Peggy said it was just like a
small ciW with all the property
owners dropping in and out from
morning 'till evening. Peggy's
cousin from Cottage Grove,
Ore. came to spend one day.
Sunday was Mrs. Aina Ander-
son's birthday and she went to
Belfair to celebrate wit her son,
Carl, and then Monday they
visited the campers and had
cake and coffee to expend the
birthday celebration by one more
One family, the Robert Sten-
sens of Tacoma are spending
this week at their Island Shores
lot building a cabin.
This past week the Gar Wil-
liams attended a surprise dinner
held at Longacres in honor of
their trainer, Robert Dean. There
were 20 guests present at the
Glub for the birthday dinner.
Then last weekend the Robert
Hansens and the Harry Cannons
of Tacoma were the one day
guests of Gar and Hilda. The
weather was especially wonderful
methods of selling their wares
has been dubbed 'Tailgating,'
for each camper puts down their
tailgate and displays whatever
they have to sell or swap. John
says they have everything from
rocks, to petrefied wood, to coral
and just about anything in this
line. They estimated there must
have been about 300 actively
taking part in the event. As they
:hey were practically rubbing
elbows with the Aaron Knouses
from Olympia.
Leaving there, they went on
to their destination to meet the
rest of the group who had plan-
ned to camp over the Fourth.
With just one exception of one
couple all 22 of the campers
were relatives. The area, as the
name implies has two lakes close
together. The one the campers
were located on allowed only
rowing while fishing while if one
preferred to use an out board
they could go over to the other
lake which was very closeby.
They said the fishing was a
fisherman's dream come true.
The rainbow trout were delicious.
The Wayne Brownings are
making good use of the Sid
Baunsgard's guest house while
they are working on their place.
Right now they are in the pro-
cess of getting a pump house
and garage put up.
The Careens from Oakland,
Calif. arrived the first of the
month and are enjoying their
quiet peaceful little Island, Me-
lVliken. Their son, Warren, and
his family were here also for
just a few days. They have now
returned to their home in Oregon.
and are getting ready to move
At the radiator. Before Bob could and the six friends spent a most to a town near Chicago, Ill. where
she get the car to the top of the enjoyable day together. Warren will be taking a job
Art hill, all the water had poured From the Southwest side of as Principal.
out. He parked the car and the Island, Mrs. Dugdale is spend- Other Fourth campers were the
called his folks to come and ing about a month at her Island George Waite family. Their choice
pick them and the two young- home. And last week her son of spots was about a mile from
stere up at the ferrylanding, was out and his daughter, Pennle, Deception Pass on Fidago Is-
A family gathering was held and her friend stayed through land. Their oldest son and daugh-
at the lovely park-like spot on the week. ter, David and Cindy, met them
Jarrell's Cove across from`' the Mrs. Olsen and her daughter, there to spend the four days
school that belongs to Henry Mrs Goodwin from Wenatchee of camping, Their guest was Dan
Haskell. His son, Wayne, and and" two daughters and their Bingham. The men had the motor-
his wife and their two youngsters friend are spending this week at cycles along and attended two
from Olympia came out to spend the Olsen home. races in the area during their
Sunday. Also out from Olympia Now to hen u n to Bellow to stay. One at Multby and the
. ere his cousins, Jo and Jack see where the John Hitchocks other at Oak Harbor on Whidbey
vartin, and their two children, have been for about a week Island. The latter race is a new-
Callers last weekend at the With the camper loaded for a ly organized one and they held
m Ihrer home were the Vern week's jaunt they left a week their first race over the Fourth.
_ngwall of Vancouver. She and before the Fourth. Their desti- Ed and George both picked up
Naomi are sisters. And over the nation was to be South Tw trophies at this race.
Fourth, the Berfie Giles of Gull Lake, Ore. However, they had This past week the Waites had
Harbor, near Olympia, came to a little extra time, so they stopped a picnic dinner at their Island
visit via their steamboat, which at Prineville to visit the Rock Shores lot to celebrate their son,
is just a little out of th ordinary. Round Pew-Wow Having heard a David s, birthday. Besides the
Not too many people drop in great deal aut this annual Waite farrSUy were .the Brig-
by steamboat these days. event and being in the area, +tons, Tierneys, Sewrds, I-elen
The Dean Prangers have just they decided to go see what Lemars, George Howard, Thee
returned from, a trip to Califor- went on. It is held at a large Walte, Dot Smith and the Frank
nia to get their son, wo has Fair Grounds. The Rock Hounds Lewis famMy.
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LEY, INC., S01 Railroad Ave., Shel+on, Washington
the St.
the faro-
she had
our eer-
ie if the
4-H Horse Group Goes On A Trail Ride Friday
SOUTHSIDE--4-H Evergreen
Wranglers left Friday morning
at 9:30 a.m. from the Fair
Grounds and rode out through
the old road to he Fish Hachery,
crossed the river, and ate and
arrived at Holman Flats at 4:30
Mr. Marvin Lick was their
cook for the ride and he did a
wonderful job feeding all the
riders and chaperones, Mrs. Lick
and family also attended.
Douglas Larson, Mrs. Louise
SchmJdt, Marridee Gyer, Mrs.
Al Jones, Mrs. Tula Kim-
ball, George Magnett, Mrs. Joyce
Scrogham and Ed Hellman.
Riding up to Holman Flats
and back on about a 50 mile
ride both ways were Trudy
Rodgers, Karen Johnson, Mike
Larson, Mark Larson, Kahy
Jones, Kay Geist, Evette Scrog-
ham, Carol Scrogham, Yevette
Scrogham, Bonnie Bolk, Kay
Hellman, Linda Perrine, Denise
Gyer, Dana Gyer, Sherry Cron-
quiet, Mary Stewart, Marline
Schn-idt, Linda Stolen, Toni
IVMtonberger, Eric Kimball and
Martha Jones.
They left at 9:30 a.m. Sunday
morning from Holman Flas and
returned back at the Fair
Grounds about 4:30 p.m.
All chaperones got a ducking
by getting thrown in the river.
They say it is a beautiful coun-
try and all returned with no-
body getting hurt and all had a
wonderful time.
Silver Sar PJding Club took
first place riding in the Oakville
parade on the Fourth of July.
This makes the fourth time the
Silver Stars took first place.
Silver Star Ridi:g Club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Magnett Wednesday eve-
Club members attending were
Ralph Bariekman, Mike Bariek-
man, Jay Umphenour, Mr. and
Mrs. Walt Allen, Phil Hardie,
Lowell Hardie and son, Hap
Bracy, Dec and Bonnie Tibbits,
Louise Schmidt, Marlene Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. George Magnett,
Georgia Magnett and Joyce
Evankovich's children.
The riding club discussed an
overnight trail ride in August and
the Bear Festival at McCleary
coming up this weekend.
Silver Stars will ride at the
Bear Festival at Mccieary and
there will be a big bear stew
The Live Wires 4-H Club met
July 1 at Betty Wolf's home.
County camp was discussed
and the club chose Wyoming as
the state they would represent.
Members formally adopted the
club constitution, and talked
about club goals. They decided
to bring something to the next
meeting to send to Buckley.
The meeting was adjourned
and members painted the objects
they had made at a previous
meeting, by pulling clay into a
Cheryl Chambers gave adem.
onstration entitled "How to write
a check".
The next meeting will be held
July 15 at Wolfes.
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Weston and fam-
ily for a barbecue and feed Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Holland and family.
The 4-H Actions met at their
leader's, Ms. Toni 1V[atson, June
29. Chris Bevis called the meet-
ing to order and Ann Quimby
led the flag salute and 4-H
4-H members talked about
having a car wash and dividing
the money in the treasury among
the members. A trip to Mason
Lake was also discussed.
They talked about their club
skit for 4-H camp and members
chose Alabama for their skit.
Some of the members handed
in their record books and mem-
bers that didn't bring their record
books to this meeting should
bring them to the next meeting.
Actions 4-H Club meeting was
held at Walker Park at noon
Friday. There were only five
members present.
Allen In Army
Signal School
Private Ronald E. Allen, 19,
son of Mr. and lVrs. Virgil E.
Allen, Shelton, was enrolled in
the U. S. Arnw Signal School,
Fort Monmouth, N. J., recently
for ntensive training in one of
the 50 specialist courses taught.
He is a 1966 graduate of Shel-
ton High School.
Adnssion to the Signal School
is limited to men of outstanding
promise. Classed as a technical
institute, the school gives major
training in the technologies of
electronic equipment, ranging
from radio to "electronic brains."
The meeting was called to or-
der by jmfior leader Bobble De-
Miero. Some of the members
brought their record books for
the leader to look over.
The 4-H club is going to have
a recreation day at Mason Lake,
but the dam has not been de-
cided so far. There is going to
be a meeting at Mrs. Toni Mat-
son house for the people on the
decoration committee sometime
this week, reported Tracy De-
Be sure
to drown
all fires.
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Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pa@ "'"