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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i Fr FAST SERVICE Phone 426.4412 Clalslfled Deadllne: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classlfy: 5 p.m. Tuesday D For Sale HYSTER SINGLE DRUM load- ing donkey, powered by Jeep motor, mounted on old Chev- rolet truck, $250. Phone 426- 4064. K 5/18 tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE ..... We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cots. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn VACUUM CIANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M 3/2 tfn steers. 200-225 lb. average side. 49 cents Lb. cut and wrapped on halves. Stewart's Food Bas- ket' Mt. View. 6/22 tfn IDF3AL FOR EXTRA luggage or For Sale USED WOODEN FRAME win- dows and casings, good condi- tion, reasonable, two 4'x8', one 4'x4', two 21'x3 ', two 2'x2'. Hoodsport 877-5809 weekenc. Seattle 242-3954 weekdays. B 7/13 WALL TO WALL carpeting, save $120. Call Sears, ask for Norm. 426-8201. 7/13-20 WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Ol- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn camping trailer with top, excellent con- dition. 426-8269. G 6/22-7/13 and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn USED 20" apartment size elec- tric range. Good for summer cabins. Inquire 1119 Franklin, Apt. No. 5 or call 426.6496. B 6/29 tfn FOR SALE: Thermovax copy machine, excellent condition. See at McComb Business Serv- ice, 103 Railroad, 426-8262. Mc 7/6-13 FOR A rtEE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- metic demonstration. Elaine's, phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn gear --- one-wheel .......................................... HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn FOR SALE: Utility trailer, two- wheel, 4x8 box, $45.00. Inquire Ed Snell, Shelton Hardware, S 7/13 SIX FOOT WOOD cabinet with sink installed. Swing faucet and trap. Jacuzzi shallow-well pump with heavy duty 40 gal- lon tank. Also hot water tank. All for $30.00. Phone 426-3757. W 7/13 TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev- ergreen Second Hand Store, Matlock Road. Phone 426-2028. W 1/20 tfn FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn OUR EVERYDAY PRICE! Six miniature color prints from slides, 99¢ Regular $1.98. Zleg- ler's Camera. 426-8163. 5/25 tfn 967 "SWING-NEEDLE'' Zig:za',  .ew/ on buttons, buttonholes, fancy applique. Assume nine $5.00 payments or $40 cas. 426-6182. N 7/6-27 SUMMER CABIN FURNITURE NEW . . • Furniture at Reduced Prices I)avenos .................................. 78.88 wing Rockers ...................... 48.88 5.pc. Dinettes ...................... 68.88 Iollaway Beds ...................... 48.88 Twin Size Foam Mattresses 28.88 '3W Bar Stools --w/back unfinished ............................ 6.88 Blltwell Hidabed Sofa ...... 198.88 USED . . . Reconditioned & Guaranteed 20" Electric Range .............. 69.50 Daveno .................................... 30.00 Recliner Chair ...................... 39.50 Daveno - beige ...................... 59.50 Early American Sofa ........ 49.50 40" Electric Range .............. 39.50 2 - Refrigerators, run perfectly .................. each 35.00 OLSEN FURNITURE CO. 4th and Cots 426-4702 , i,l,i i Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement Wa 'Panty WATER HEATER The Hotpolut Custom Glassllne water heater provides the ulU- mate in outematl¢ safe, effi- cleat oiratlou. And best of all, it is Isked by 10 year tank replmDmeat warranty. Eells & Valley Appllanee Center 2nd & Cots 8t. Phone 4211-41183 Complete Home Furnishing Center DON'T MERELY BRIGHTEN your carpets . . . Blue Lustre them . . . eliminate rapid re- soiling. Rent electric shampoo- er $1. Coast to Coast. 7/13 Mobile Homes FOR SALE: 1958 Century trail- er, 15 ft., sleeps 4, butane heat- er. Phone 426-6968. S 6/22-7/13 FLEETWOOD house trailer, 13 ft., sleeps four, $300.00. Phone 426-3705. P 7/13-20 1965 BELMONT TRAILER, 50 x 10, two bedroom, front kitchen, w/w carpeting. Furnished. $4,- 600, or unfurnished. 422 East E street, phone 426-2703 or 426-8262. M 7/6 tfn 18 FT. HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps four, very good condition. Ph. 426-4913. A 7/13 Used Cars 1964 CORVAIR two-door, low mileage, black vinyl interior, bucket seats, good tires, excel- lent. 426-3013. S 6/22-7/13 1956 V-8 FORD pickup, good condition, priced $400. Call 426- 6045. S 6/29-7/20 1959 FORD station wagon with power brakes and power steer- ing, good condition. Phone 426- 3165. C 7/6-27 FOR SALE: '57 VW. Must see to appreciate. Make me an offer. Call 426-8886. Y 7/6-13 '37 CHEVROLET pickup, 56,000 original miles, good rubber, en- gine overhauled, new paint, battery and bed. $295.00. 426- 8775. E 7/13 '52 G.M.C. PICKUP $200.00 or trade for ? 426-8808. S 7/13 tfn Wanted REFRIGERATOR for sale---S50. 426-4806. H 7/13 tfn WANTED: Motor's or Chilton's ................................................................ auto repair manual which in- POLE AND ALDER wood for cludes 1954 model cars. Phone sale, $18 cord, delivered. Phone 426-3497. P7/13tf 426-4282. N 7/13 tfn ............................................................................... WANT TO LEASE: Land for FOR SALE -- 1955 Pioneer ii0 chain saw, 20" bar. 877-5424. O 7/13 SMALL FRANKLIN stove com- plete with svark a, uard, Tte¢r retary, bowed' glass front, e- ' cellent condition, original hal-" ware, $175.00. Oak sideboard, plate glass mirror, $45.00. Oak commode $35.00. 426-6630 any- time. D 7/13 TWIN SIZE mattress and box springs, $15. Phone 426-6467. S 7/13 SING CHERRIES for sale. You pick. 426-6180. W 7/13 30 INCH COPPERTONE Frigid- aire range for sale. Like new. Call 426-4745. B 7/13-8/3 16.3 FT. FROSTLESS refriger- ator, NEW, $179.88. Call Sears, ask for Norm, 426-8201. S 7/13-20 WRINGER TYPE Maytag wash- er and Kenmore automatic dry- er in good working condition, both for $40.00. 426-8024. 7/13 Sporting Goods FACTORY BUILT 500 lb. boat trailer, complete, $90.00. 14 ft. fishing boat, $40.00. 8 ft. prom with oars, $25.00. Sell separ- ately or all for $125.00. 426- 8521. K 7/13-8/3 HONDA CB160, 5000 miles, for sale, $325.00. Phone 426-3735 after 7 p.m. D 7/13-20 NORSEMAN 16 ft. boat with Teene trailer, outboard motor 55 h.p. See at 115 Rossevelt. Phone 426-3529. G 7/6-27 BOAT -- FISHERMAN'S -- un- painted. Phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tfn TWO McCULLOCH outboard matching motors, long shaft (25 h.p. handpull, 28 h.p. elec- tric start), controls and extra props. Phone 426-2411 or 426- 3375. K 6/15 tfn 12 FT. RUNABOUT $100; 10 ft. Pram, $50. See at Stetson Beach. Pouisbo 779-4906. M 7/6 tfn FOR SALE: 1965 Honda 250 Scrambler with extras. Phone 426-6362 after 5 p.m. W 7/13 17' BOAT, I0 and 18 horse power Evinrude motors. Holscow trailer. Good for ocean. Phone 426-8763. S 7/13 16 FOOT BOAT, 2 motors and a trailer for sale or trade for trailer house. 426-3169. B 7/13 tfn GLASSP/R FIBREFORM GLASTRON • EVINRUDE BOSTON WHALER EVINRUDE  HOMELITE BOATS & MOTORS Holesolaw • E-Z-Loader Llttle Dude Open 8undays Bank Financing Hood Canal Marina Union 89S-221 evergreen picking. Good refer- ences. Phone 426-6709. A 6/22-7/13 DEPENDABLE experienced 18 yr old girl desires baby sit- tag, etire summer or part- time. 426-4201. F 7/6-27 WANTED -- Trailer for 14 foot boat. Call 426-4745. B 7/13-8/3 WANTED: To lease mobile home site on waterfront about Sep- tember 1st. Let rent help pay taxes. Call or write Bader's, 3325 Bridgeport Way, Tacoma. LO 4-2367. B 7/13-20 RETIRED MAN will do pipe work. Phone 426-6078. C 7/13-8/3 WANTED -- Jim Beam decanter bottles, will pay cash. Phone 426-4772. M 7/13-20 I IANDYMAI wants 3oDs. Clean- ing, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn IRONING DONE in my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn WOULD LIKE a small fresh milk cow. Phone The Journal, 426-4412. D 7/13 WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn OSBORNE'S GENERAL CONTRACTING We go anywhere in county do anything reasonable. 426-6241 5/11 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426.4827 3/80 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 , 1727 tfn Pe 29". 8helton.Mason County Journal -'Thursday, Jtdy 13, 1967 Wanted GIRL WANTS baby-sitting, is experienced. Phone 426-6101. D 7/6-27 BOY, 18, WANTS summer work. Phone 426-4647. M 7/6-27 Services PSYCHIC READING: Advice and help on many matters. 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn DOGS, AND CATS, fed, water- ed and played with while you are on vacation. Phone 426- 3210. Mc 6/29-7/20 BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- :or Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil. peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gra;-c} Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn HAN D SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tf Hey! Guess What? Lloyd Has a New 8team Cleaner. C.&L. TIME SERVICE 401 8o. First Ph. 426-2522 C 6/22-7/13 LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED Top Soil, Fill Oirt, Gravel, Ditch Digging, Bulldozing --//- First Bank Cards Honored //-- GLEN PARR 426-6539 8HELTON 5/25 tfn Lost & Found LOST -- June 30th, ladies' white gold Hamilton wrist watch, 2 diamonds. Reward. Call 426- 6730. S 7/13-20 Pets, Livestock FRESH COW and white-face calf; good rich milker. Both for $200.00. 426-6794. V 7/13 tfn AT STUD --Ibn Natif, register- ed Arabian stallion, chestnut, 15 hands, best disposition, grade mares accepted. Call Sky- lark Ranch, evenings, 426-2851. H 4/27 tfn REGISTERED JERSEY, gives between 3-4 gallons milk per day. Real gentle. Phone 426- 4056. C 7/6-13 SHETLAND PONY (small), es- pecially good with small chil- dren. Nice pet, gentle mare. Also 3 year old Shetland, gen- tle. Both for $175.00. Joe Glassey, Route 3, Box 428. Ph. 426-3634. G 7/13 FOR SALE  14 laying hens, $1.00 each. Phone 426-8971. H 7/13 GENTLE RIDING HORSE for sale. Bill Hunter, Skokomish Valley. Phone 426-4081. H 7/13 One small Shetland pony one year old, $45.00 One six year old crib mattress $15.00 One travel crib mattress $10.00 Call JOE GLASSEY 426-3634 F 7/13 Puppies! A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest TerSer in the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. New Litter of West Highland White Terriers Stud Service: Australian •Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (White, Texas Breeding) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426.6152 Shelton, Wash. Help Wanted 4 MOTOR ROUTE -- Driver for the Dally Olympian in Shelton- Hoodsport-Union area only; must be 30 years or over, bond- able and have dependable car. For information call 426-8188 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.; 426-8666 after 6:30 p.m. D 7/13 Miscellaneous CARD OF APPRECIATION The most sincere appreciation and thanks is extended to all for their thoughtfuldess and kindness during the time of the illness and death of our husband and father. We wish to especially thank the doctors and nurses at the hospital and Shelton Manor Nursing Home. Mrs. Albert Butler and the families of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Runnion Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown Mr. and Mrs. Virgel Kinney For Rent FOR RENT- Furnished one bedroom house near Shelton golf course. No children, please. References required. $50.00 per month. 426-4000. B 7/6 tfn FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom, fur- nished apartment, redecorated, large rooms, quiet. Gas heat, shower, shopping, soois. 426- 4719. P 7/6-27 FOR RENT -- 2 and 3 room fur- nished apartments for single quiet person. Apply 526 Frank- lin or phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furnished, modern downtown. Adults only. Inquir 119 E. Ce- dar. Phone 426-4895 or 426- 4481. G 6/1 tfn 1 BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, w/w carpeting. Heat, water, garbage furnished. In- quire 1119 Franklin, Apt. 5, 426-6496. B 6/29 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom un- furnished house, newly redecor- ated, downtown, near schools. Phone 426-4326. No pets. H 6/29 FOR RENT -- Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M I0/8 tfn FOR RENT --- Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE for rent, 426-8423. W 7/6-27 FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn SMALL one bedroom house. Cou- ple only. $45 a month. 426-4806. H 7/13 tfn FOR RENT: 8'x35' one bedroom house trailer, vacant July 1. Phone 426-3169. C 6/22 tfn FOR RENT -- 3 bedroom house, downtown area. Phone 426- 8113. B 7/13 tfn GUEST HOUSE, all electric, completely furnished, suitable for one person. Walking dis- tance to town. Carport avail- able. $40 per month. 426-4410 after seven and weekends. W 7/13 FOR RENT: Furnished one-bed- room apartment. Water and garbage included. $55. 426-3242. B 6/15 tfn FOR RENT  Three bedroom, full basement, furnished house, $70. References required. Ph. 426-6443. G 7/13 FOR RENT -- Waterfront 2 bed- room cottage, furnished, no dogs. Phone Hoodsport 877- 5528. A 7/13 VACANCY Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED Call 426-8584 4/6 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE  What you have for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn THANKS FOR BEING CAREFUL... Real Estate BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn PURDY REALTY GIG HARBOR -- 857-2121 MOUNTAIN SHORE ESTATES Take a drive out to Grapeview and inspect this beautiful devel- opment. All water and view lots have superb view of Mt. Rainier and Marine. Access to salt water beach. Water and electricity. abin of your choice built on lot. $100 down on bare lot and low monthly payments. * * * EXECUTIVE RETREAT Located near Grapeview in a quiet and secluded Paradise, we have a four bedroom nearly new completelY furnished home, kitch- en facilities upstairs and in the daylight basement. 385 ft. of choice waterfront, 100 ft. of no- bank, excellent view of Mt. Rain- ier. Priced right at $48,000. Call Julte Stock 426-6705 or 426-6911. ARCADIA ESTATES People are buying those one acre or larger either wooded tracts or cleared garden tracts with wood- ed home.sites. With well now drilled and water system contracted to each tract; with electricity, phones; with only a mile to elementary school, three miles to Shelton high school via buses--we find people buying for homes, retirement, mobile homes---all with access to a beautiful warm year-round stream and bridle paths galore. All this and more for only $50. down, any tract and as low as $15. per month. Request litera- ture. Two miles East of Shelton (Hillcrest) Arcadia Road to sign. ARCADIA ESTATES, Rt. 3, Box 346A, Phone 426-3663 any- time. 5/25tfn ANGLE AGENCY COUNTRY GENTLEMAN SPECIAL ., 14 acres, all fenced with part in pasture and part in growing second growth. "Neat as a pin" 2 bedroom home with paneled living room, dining room, new kitchen with built-in range top and oven. Good barn, two car- ports and workshop. Garden is in and there are numerous fruit trees which will be loaded this summer. This excellent buy is located six miles from town ov Cole Road and priced at only $13,500.00. 3 BEDROOM HOME CLOSE TO TOWN $8,650.00 will buy this 3 bed- room home located on 1 acre of ground only 2 miles from town. Excellent water and garden spot. Small year aroUnd creek on property. SEE THIS ONE SOON. WATER FRONT PROPERTY , Excellent building site on Salt water located only two miles from town. NO BANK AND A GRAVEL BEACH. 163' frontage and over 100' deep. Room for one or two homes. PRICED below going price at $85.00 per foot. WANT A NEW HOME ? ? : ANGLESIDE -- 3 bedroom, split entry home ready for occupancy. Large kit- chen with built-ins, for modern living. Hardwood floors, two fireplaces, double garage, utility room, Rec Room and  bath in full basement. An excellent 0uy in an excellent neighborhood and for only $18,750.00. 2 bedroom home---Close to graac school, conveniently located on Hillcrest. Ideal for young couple. Single garage, utility room and large back yard. Good Neighbor- hood. $7,500.00 was asking price ,dropped now to $7,200.00 and owner will sell on contract. OLDER BUT NICE 3 bedroom home close in, 1 story, well-kept home with well- cared-for yard, garage with util- ity room, plus a storage or shop building on same premises. Home has 1 bedroom down and 2 upstairs. Electric heat. Con- venient kitchen with breakfast nook. $12,250 .and owner may consider trade for smaller home. 90 acres  logged off and ready for Xa.S trees  good access and location. $330 per acre Contract available. 319 feet -- No bank waterfront good depth -- good view good water and a good buy. $95 front foot. $ $ Neat 2 bedroom home on 1 acre within 2 miles of town. Many nicer features, besides privacy $13,900. Commercial space and office space available for lease. Center of town location. ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE Real Estate & Insurance Evenlngs 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Rallread Ave. Ph. 426.8272 • 15 Words addltion FOUR (4) insertions for the prlOe e Real Estate THREE BEDROOM home, 2 car garage at 727 North 4th. $10,- 200. Call Jim Pauley, 426-8231 days. 6/15 tfn OLYMPIA SALT Waterfront, Burn's Point Beach estates. Our plats have been approved by the Thurston County Beard of Health and signed by the County Commissioners. These large lots, 150' on Oyster Bay with low bank and sandy beach are ready to sell for per- manent home sites at $57 per front foot. Restricted housing. No trailers. Call 352-7038. J 6/29-7/20 ONE Electric Bar-Din 426-8118. II ACRES, (; MILES west on Railroad Ave. Approx. 3 clear- ed. Private railroad crossing from paved road. Call owner 426-4529 daytime. H 7/13-8/3 ing HOODSPORT $13,750 completely furnished, Lge. including Frigidaire range and ref. Large upright freezer, new new T.V., power mower, everything room goes. Large fenced yard, trout pond, fruit trees. Terms. ly HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE to HOODSPORT pie Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 home Union 898-2155 coM phone FOR Beautiful Mr. Realy State finding drea00 JUST LISTED: A country setting with a large lot spot for this 2 level, 3 bedroom home. home as it's just $9,500 with FI-IA terms today., , : :;:,., , :.,: ; '€OUNTRY 8PECIAL/;. '. ;'"':: ; ( ..... Yet it's close to town. This one offers 3 acreage, and even an extra rental house ments. Priced at $7,950. Let's get CREEK FRONTAGE Just minutes to your choice of 2 dandy lo You'll like the setting and the terms. Jus ANGLESIDE: the setting for A large wooded corner lot is family home. Large garage too with r°° e pansion overhead. You'll like the home, "- and the terms (FHA). SPLIT LEVEL ... Would you believe only $13,5007 terms too, so call now to see this home with a step-saver kitchen and a Olympics. A TRULY FiNE HOME Excellent location and in immaculate this three bedroom home. The yard designed for easy maintenance. place, and oil fired forced air furnace. payment FHA. PERFECT FAMILY HOME Three large bedrooms, 1 baths, oil fired forced air furnace, firenlace, and all this for Just $13,250 on" F HA call now and move in before school startS. 250' LOW BANK WATERFRONT 'Over 400' deep to county blacktop wonderful beach and nicely sloped. us a call. SMALL FARM 4 bedroom home on 5 acres. Acreage Big country kitchen, large living room. Shelton. $16,500 with terms. THREE MILES FROM SHELTON And this newer three bedroom home pleasant living. The extras system, huge insulated topped driveway, and beautiful ing workmanship throughout. OWNER TRANSFERRED  pRICE R Here's the facts  4 bedrooms, 2 tered --and well insulated, ell range, drapes, carpet, 100' x 100' walk and street improvements in, 250. Easy terms too!! JUST 5 YEAR8 OLD This 3 bedroom home on the south constructed, well insulated home can be purchased on FHA terms for 2 BIG DOUBLE GARAGESIi This fairly new 3 bedroom home St $14,750 FHA. There's built-in , beautiful fireplace and a big, three sides, Full view of the IN THE COUNTRY Oh, Boy  2 bedroom home  over chard and yard. A big double Just 8 miles from town and only $16,500 FHA APPRAISALI On Mt. View too and there's 3 utility room plus lots of air furnace and a separate see it soon! APARTMENTS FOR RENTI! If you've been looking for a give us a call 'cause we have HIMLIE • 1717 Olympic Highway 1. EVENING8 cal. DICK KNAUF 426-8110 , Da/E.__r I" VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501 --