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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t[:mns" Legal Publications Legal Publications 000000J-ons Lepl Publications Lepl Publications l[q."m.hote, close CAUSE NO. 9418 NO 9499 • SPECIAL MEETING NO. 3832 above Petition by the said Board _ . "1"11 of D cto NOTICE TO CREDITORS of County Commissioners of Ma- '*lllt',tl dow NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Sealed bids win be received SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION e Board ire rs of Hood NOTICE TO CREDITORS • " mq$118. OF REAL ESTATE at t.he office of the Mason In the Superior wourt of the Canal School District 404 will In the Superior Court of the In the Superior Court of the son County, in the Office of the /5/18 tfn Under Special Execution Cotmty Commissioners, Shelton, State of Washington in and for hold a Special Meeting at 5:00 State of Washington for the State of Washington for Mason Board in the Courthouse in Shel-  2 Anleslde. ': 5 bedroom State of Washington for Masonin the Superior Court of the Monday, July 24, 1967, for fur- H. WADE LeROY, d/b/a Le- the meeting will be to accept (In Probate) (In Probate) County FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT° ,tbls Cove, 2 GAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, f%sale;'e- vs. DIANN MAE INGHAM, a  "" Phone 42 divorced woman, Defendant. 8 6/15 Under and by virtue of a spe- cial ex00utIon out of and under the seal of the Superior o, o, w.= erms. Phone ton, in and for said County, on the 19th. day of May, 1967, upon ". home at a Judgment rendered in said Court, on the 19th day of May, ;, • .galen 67, in favor of Federal Nation- ;'--wm 4.190. Mortgage Association and " " 8 against Dlann Mac Ingham, a di- vorced woman, for the sum of Z, lA/ten $13,468.70, together with attor- ,nsoo on ney's fees, interest, costs and ' 0 n aem  increased costs, and to me di- .me rec00 and dellve00, co00and- P:C: 'R 6/8 tfn scribeding me propertyt° sell thetofollowingtisfy saidde" --  21' aad large Ilow down ?AKEI 2 !... -:" d °u for only - u in one and Judgment, to-wlt: Lot One (I), Block Thirteen (13), Mountain View AddiUon to Shelton, Washington, according to the recorded plat thei'eof in the office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume'2 of Plats, Page 41, commonly known as 2137 Washington Street, Shel- ton, Washlngton: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday, the 4th day of August, 1967, at 10:15 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judg- ment, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, in a]l amounting to the sum of $13,396.78, plus Sheriff's Fees and Publication Costs. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at ItT HI  Shelton in said County and State, O.E00 and will be at public auction, for lle  bhom cash in hand to the highest and b.t bidder mral lml,,; Ook at this Dated at Shelton, Wash., this ._ throughout tst day Of July, 1967.  W.F. ANDERSON '.o2htt ' Sheriff of said County By: BETTY ANN PRF_NALL I q ek r Deputy ]i/_ 7/6-13-20-27-8/3 5t '; .. ndlUoned Real _E00tate Mpl' and ample . LaBISSONIERE EELm L _"om Angle- Real Estate P"F/q.  frutt WANT A FARM??? Washington, until 11:30 a.m., nishing Four (4) salvaged (used) "60-Series" (WSHD) prestressed concrete bridge girders 56'-6" each in length, delivered to site at Bridge 200-16.09 on County Road No. 200 approximately twenty miles northwest of Bel- fair. Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office of the Mason County Engineer at the Courthouse, Shelton, Wash- ington. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid or bids deemed most advantageous to the County. DATED at Shelton, Wash., this 10th day of July, 1967. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington By RLVH-I E. BOYSEN Clerk of the Board 7f13-20-2t NO. 160 NOTICE In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County In the Matter of the Adoption of RAYMOND WILLIAM PAR- .ROTT, JR., A Minor. TO: RAYMOND WILLIAM PARROTT, and to all whom it may concern: YOU ARE HEREBY notified that there has been filed in this Court a petition for the adop- tion of the above named, pray- ing also that there be first an adjudication that the consent of RAYMOND WILLIAM PAR- ROTT to such adoption is not required by law. A hearing for such purpose will be had on the 17th day of August, 1967, at the hour of 9:30 A.M., at the courtroom of said superior court, or to such other department of the court to which said matter may be then and there transferred, when and where all persons interested shall appear and show cause why such adjudication should not be made, and why, if made, such petition should not be thereafter heard forthvith and the prayer thereof granted. wrIESS, The Honorable HEWITT A. HENRY, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court hereunto af- fixed this 30th day of June, 1967. LODGA KIMBEL Clerk TECKLA VERMILJ.ON Deputy Clerk 7/13-20-27-3t the County of Mason ROY LAND SURVEYING, Plaintiff, vs. H. DAVID GRACE and JANE DOE GRACE, hus- band and wife, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHING- TON, To the said H. DAVID GRACE and JANE DOE GRACE, husband and wife, De- fendanta: YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 6th ay of July, 1967, and defend the above-entitled action in the su- perior court aforesaid and an- swer the complaint of the plain- tiff and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned at- torneys for the plaintiff, at their office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do, judg- ment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to recover payment in the sum of $1563.00 for surveying work per- formed by plaintiff for defend- ants at their request. BURKEY, .ARSICO, ROVAI & McGOPFIN By: KEITH D. McGOFFIN Attorneys for Plaintiff 817 Puget Sound Bank Bldg. Tacoma, Washington 98402 7/6-13-20-27-8/3-i0-6t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE is hereby given: That the Board of County Commis- sioners did, on June 26, 1967, adopt a Resolution declaring their intention to establish a County Road to be known as the Gray Road, said road being lo- cated in, and adjoining the Plat of Gray Acres, Division No. 1, in Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and hav- ing a total length of 1951.01 feet; and said road at this time hav- ing no County Road number. SAID resolution further de- clared: That the establishment of such road was a public neces- sity and instructed the Clerk of the Board to set up a public Hearing thereon. FURTHER, said resolution in- structed the County Engineer to report on said road establish- ment and requested the Prose- cuting Attorney to review and give approval to the steps here- in ordered. NOTICE is therefore given: That said Hearing will be held at the office of the County Com- p.m. July 13, 1967. Purpose of the new five room addition. Clerk of the Board TED BAILEY 7/13-1t NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE is hereby given: That the Registration Books for Bel- fair No. 1, Bolfair No. 2 and Bolfair No. 3 Voting Precincts of Mason County, will be closed for ORIGINAL Registrations, on July 23, 1967, and thereafter, until the day following a Special Bond Election for the Belfair Water District, to be held on Tuesday, August 22, 1967. HOW;EVER, Registrations will remain open for TRANSFERS ONLY, through August 6, 1967. DATED this 10th day of July, 1967. RUTH E. BOYSEN Auditor & Registrar for Mason County, Washington. Please Register with the Of- ficer in your Precinct, listed below: Belfair No. 1, Belfair No. 2 and Belfair No. 3 -- contact: Betty Bogle -- The Clothesline, Belfair OR Norm Thingelstad-- Belfair Cleaners. 7/13-1t NOTICE OF HEARING PROPOSED VACATION PORTION OF FINCH CREEK COUNTY ROAD NO. (Road Vacation File No. 66) NOTICE is hereby given: That on Monday, June 19, 1967, the Board of County Commissioners went on record with their Inten- tion to Vacate a portion of the Finch Creek County Road No. 262, since it has ceased to be a useful and necessary part of the County Road System, said portion to be Vacated is des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 19, Block 11, Plat of Hoodsport, North I ° 35' 16" E 12 feet to the true point of beginning : thence continuing North 1 ° 35' 16" E 33 feet; thence South 64 ° 11' 4" W 109.66 feet, which point is the Southwest corner of Lot 23, Plat of Hoodsport; thence South 1 ° 35' 16"oW 8.00 feet thence North 80 16' 40" 19 101.98 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. The above-described area in the proposed Vacation is a por- tion of the Right-of-way Deeded to Mason County by Deed, re- corded in Volume 74 of Deeds, page 600, filed November 18, 1941, in the Office of the Mason County County of Mason In the Matter of the Estate of ANN VALLEY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed and has qualified as Ad- ministrator of the estate of Ann Valley, Deceased; that all per- sons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Gordon E. Valley or his at- torneys of record at the addresa below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, to- gether with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this no- tice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication, July 7, 1967. GORDON E. VALLEY Administrator of said Estate 1540 Washington Building Seattle, Wash. ELLIOTT, LEE, CARNEY, THOMAS & SMART Attorneys fox Estate, 1540 Washington Building Seattle, Wash., MA 4-8075 7/6-13-20-3t NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 20241 State of Washington Office of Supervisor of Water Resources Dept. of Conservation Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That ROB- ERT W. and JOSEPHINE THOMAS, et al, of Tacoma, Washington, on May Ii, 1967 filed apphcation for a permit to divert the public waters of un- named spring and tream, a tributary of Deer Creek, in the amount of .04 cubic foot per second subject to existing rights continuously each year for the purpose of group domestic sup- ply; that the approximate point of diversion is located within E½ NW¼ NW¼ of section 15, township 21 N., range 2 W., W.M., in Mason County. Any objections must be ac- companied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thirty days from July 13, 1967. Witness my hand and official seal this 31st day of May, 1967. H. W. POLLOCK State Supervisor of Water Resourees (SEAL) 7/6-13 2t NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 8789 State of Washlngton Office of Supervisor i cling, This large roomy 2 bedroom Real Estate Sbelton, Washington at 2:30 p.m., utilized as a part of the adjacent Olympia Monday, July 17, 1967. All in- #Ertti,], e large home will F.H.A. Large living  County Road for many years, TAKE NOTICE: That WIL- ?i  ltrlct now. room has fireplace, easy furni- terested persons may appear at and its utilization as a part of J. RUSSELL d/b/a i# lure arranging size, dining area, said Hearing to be held for the the presently aligned road is Ira- RUSSELL DRII.Jr4G COM- ." 0WN HOME kitchen with lots of cupboards, M purpOSereport on°f saidhearingcountythe Engineer'SRoad. practical and it is the desire of PANY of S.heRon, Washington --.':.'tt h eOfo hle large utility room, very good r the Board of County Commismon- on June 13, 1967, filed appdca- well, 2 acres, only  mile from DATED this 26th day of June, ers to return this porti.on of right- tion for permit to withdraw pub- ;,lltq ue of our town. Full price $13,000. 1967. of-way to the tax rolls, lic ground waters through a well _m-= Real Board of County FURTHER, the Commissioners situated within LOt 31, Plat of NEW LISTING -- MT. VIEW Commissioners did instruct the Clerk to prepare Parkwood, of Section 12, Town- P ;._ otrge land- of Mason County, i'|,O00 t storage, 2 large corner lots with this Estate publish a Notice of Hearing ship 20 N., Range 4 W., W.M., In .nsodm lovely 3 bedroom home, lots of Washington. on said proposed abandonment, Masen County, in the amount of butt-ins, large closets, entertain- By: RUTH E. BOYSEN said Hearing to be held in the 350 gallons per minute, subject ing size living room with fire- Clerk of the Board. County Commissioners Office at to exmting rights continuously, place, dining area, carpeted, fam- 7/6-13-2t 2:00 p.rm, Monday, July 17, 1967. each year for the of sly size kitchen with large eat-thBr°:Uct?Tlet efo h%BETTERTHAN A DUPLEXri}! !  NOTICE is further given: That commumty domestic supply. i!tM ._ balance ing area, lots of cupboards, util- any interested persons may ap- Any oojections must t,Wl,, tint- doubleity rOOmgarage,iS like esYa secondto'All " " pear at said Hearing to be heard companied by a two uouar ;.tl_ prove the either for or against said pro- ($2.00) recording fee and filed .di.%  ve a barn, this for $19,000. place and larger-than-average pasal, wth the State Supervisor of ? oms. The second is an aways-          DATED this 27th day of June, Water Resources within thirty tte. $1Yln, nice WATERFRONT HOME -- rented 1 bedroom furnished  ........ - 1967. (30) days from July 13, 1967. $ 1,t0  NEW LISTING house that will pay half of your BOARD OF COUNTY days from July 13, 1967. I lal The home everyone dreams of monthly payments. And best of no00o.o.v Hu/der C01V[M].SSIONERS Witness my hand and offc owning -- 95' of excellent low all, you can be owner, occupan IWtlrig, lllJt" Of MASON COUNTY, seal this 28th day of June, 1967. !tdtt, t  bank waterfront, boathouse, one and landlord for as little as $6UU e Water. WASHINGTON H.W. POLLOCK a x..,.,u J'ms top ltSt le excellent buy, entrance hd, leads do it now. Clerk of the Board. Resource you into a living, dining room 7/6-13-2t (SEAL) 7/6-13 .t "]'w,.. g pool. overlooking the water, carpeted, ALL NEW -- ANGLESIDE /Y ll Y terms, elegant fireplace, paneling, 3 Split entry with 3 bedrooms, 2 63 FT. WATERFRONT :'  .'r,O large bedrooms, family bath, baths, 2 fireplaces and family With tidelands. Faces the morn- Call No. 462 '-- &JTY!... gourmet-designed kitchen, lots of room and many more plus fea- ing sun. Low, 4 ft. bank, excel- Carter No. 15418 WOoded cupboards, garage, full base- lures to make this an excellent lent beach. Level land, finest National Bank Region No. 12  ltla shOUld ment, recreaUon room,  bath, buy at $18,750  see it today, salt-water recreation. $5950. full r.,.tRt,,. COuple. workshop and many more fea- price. $750 down, $40 mo. Report of Condition of the ' th,u v blh ,/tf,tllber 1 tures. Only 2 miles from City IT w,LL TAKE A SPEC,AL National Bank of Mason County Center. Call Sue Daniels, quick! kind of client for this one. It's a A BEAUTY IN MT. VIEW  -leK Out, 2 bedroom home in the down- Finest location, paved street, OF SHELTON ;m2 flrt^va: TRULYA FAMILY HOME town area, completely renewed sidewalks. Well landscaped, over- in the State of Washington, at the close of busineas on June 30, 1967. ''r':"=a'I  i' '000. N bUilt,new --MT. VIEW inside and out. It'sa charmer sized fenced lot" 3 large bed- Publi.hed in re.ponss to csli made by Comptrel|er of the Currcncy, , bedroom. 3 baths large living 00eclaily for the devot, of an- rooms haths spacious living under S.ct.on 500,1, U S Stat-t. , room with fireplace, family size tiques and early period furnl- room with a dandy fireplace. ASSETS "A,. kitchen with all built-in appli- ,, antes, family room, drapes and zY I carpet included, double garage, lied fenced yard. All on one level. b t" drilled Close to stores and school. $21,- I: tII,0 NEW HOME -- MT. VIEW -\\;--,_L,. __'-/ 3 nice large bedrooms, gleaming hardwood floors throughout, ex- : t. HOM. " tra roomy living room with fire- t ,tl'Of:.t-'Of de lne modern kitchen with built-in • tove, lots of walnut cupboards, '!'l This home has everything. Only i''_.-'  $700 dn., full price $17,500. t* ,,'.'0 8UC Daniel, 426-3434 - LaBISSONIERE A G E N c !'JNt'01 REAL ESTATE" IN8URANCE IA 119 80. 4th -- 8helton, Wash. tOTS FOR SALE 'dl:,: r h'li'n, site on property 10¢at- ,,o,. .., .oo...,o t tizeu available from 7,500 sq. ft. I"formation caff --- or 426-2.050 EVES MT 7/13-20 ture. $11,000. By appointment only. 5 ACRES -- CLEARED Plus a 4 bedroom home with completely new kitchen, several outbuildings, 2 wells and much more -- $16,500. Call to see it right now. 80 FT. x 170 FT. TRAILER LOT ½ mile from town on Arcadia Road. Good well, septic tank and concrete slab. It can be yours for $250 down. Better see it, you might miss this bargain if you wait. THERE'S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE A fully plastered 3 bedroom home with full basement and 5 acres plus. It's only about 4 miles east on Arcadia Road and the price is right at $16,500. Call us and we'll tell you about that ex- tra bonus on this one. A FINE QUALITY HOME For the small family or the semi-retired. It's for someone who will appreciate the fine view and the excellent care this home and beautifully landscaped yard has had since it ws built. It can be yours for as little as $300 down plus closing costs. Full aP- praised value $14,500. 100 FT. WATERFRONT, LOW BANK With a log bulk-head. Good depth, gentle slope and the price is gentle too! $70 per foot and owner will finance. This is aa- other one that will go quick, so call us. 426-6592. Dinette, efficient kitchen with cabinets galore. Hardwood floors. 2 car attached garage. $17,750. By conventional mort- gage. ARCARDIA ROAD COTTAGE Close in. Large lot. 2 bedroom older home. Large living room, kitchen, bath. 75 ft. frontage. Needs re-decorating. $2,750. Cash. 5 ACRES, 6 ROOMS 12 miles North. Large living room, fireplace. 1 bedroom down, 3 smaller up. Kitchen and show- er bath. Needs handyman finish- ing. $6,750. $2,500. down. Bal. on contract. Rich soil, grows like crazy. Extra irrigation well. ACREAGEI ACREAGEI! See us for parcels 5 acres up to 40 acres. $300 up. 3 BEDROOMS  FURNISHED In country, 3 miles from Shelton. Owners transferred. Extra large fenced lot. Built 1965. Clrcnla- ling fireplace. Attached garage. $17,000 by conventional mort- gage. IDEAL FOR DEVELOPMENT WORK 372 acres, beautiful green grass valley With 4 low hills for build- ing sites; to overlook lake. Fine all-year creek. $170,000. Up to 29% down. Deed releases and 6% interest" CALL 426-8544 John Dovereux 426-4251 Andrew Huldor 426-8544 MANN REAL ESTATE Devereux.Hulder 121 Railroad Avenue 226 N. lt St.  8HELTON CALL 428-6592 ANYTIME Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection .................................................. $ 393,194.78 United States Government obligations ................................ 222,510.73 Securities of Federal agencies and corporations .............. 175,000.00 Other Securities .......................................................................... 9,200.00 Loans and discounts ................................................................ 1,727,743.50 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises ........................ 258,852.85 Other assets ................................................................................ 22,511.06 TOTAL ASSETS ................................................................ $2,807,012.92 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnershitm, and corporations ........................................................ $ 874,909.88 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .............................. 1,151,738.76 Deposits of United States Government ................................ 26,469.52 Deposits of States and political subdivisions ...................... 207,349.32 Certified and officers' checks, etc ......................................... 32,288.78 TOTAL DEPOSITS .................................. $2,292,756.26 (a) Total demand deposits .................... $1,126,017.50 (b) Total time and savings deposits .... $1,166,738.76 Other liabilities, including $98,687.69 mortgage and other liens on bank premises and other real estate ................................................ 151,241.26 TOTAL LIABILITIES ..........................................  ........... $2,443,997.52 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock -- total par value ...................................... . 201,000.00 No. shares authorized ........ 10,050 No. shares outstanding ...... 10,050 Surplus--. ..................................................................................... $ 104,209.81 Undivided profits ...................................................................... 57,805.59 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .................................... $ 363,015.40 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $2,807,012.92 MEMORANDA. Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date ...................................... $2,243,255.07 Aerage of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date ...................................... $1,757,284.07 Loans as shown above are after deduction of valuation reserves of ................................................ $ 19,100.95 Securities as shown above axe after deduction of valuation reserves of ................................................ $ 39.61 I, T. R. WESTON, President, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condiUon is true and correct to the best f my knowledge and belief. T. R. WESTON We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. OREN D. CLARK OLIVER J. ASHFORD CAROL L. JONES Directors County In the Matter of the Estate of MARIE C. AUBOL, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed and has qualified as the Executor of the Estate of Marie C. Aubol, deceased; that all per- sons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on the underslgnd Executor or his attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such ser- vice within six (6) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: July 8, 1967. HAYES A. DAVIS Executor GLENN E. CORREO Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 7/6-13-20-3t CAUSE NO. 9403 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under Special Execution In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT- GAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs. C. DOUGLAS OUTLAND & GERALDINE B. OUTLAND, his wife, and ROBERT JOHNSON & "JANE DOE" JOHNSON, his wife, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a spe- cial execution issued out of and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washing- ton, In and for said County, on the 9th day of June, 1967, upon a Judgment rendered in said Court, on the 9th day of June, 1967, in favor of Federal National Mort- gage Association and against C. Douglas Outland and Geraldine B. Outland, his wife and Robert Johnson and "Jane Do" John- sen, his wife, for the sum of $7,840.87 together With attor- ney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, and to me di- rected and delivered, command- ing me to sell the following described property to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit: Lot Fourteen (14), Block "A", Replat of a portion of Bayview Home Tracts, in Mason County, Washington, according to the re- corded plat thereof in the Office of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 4 of Plats, page 44. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Friday the 4th day of August, 1967, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I Will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be nec- essary to satisfy said Judgment, together with attorney's fees, in- terest, costs and increased costs, in all amounting to the sum of $8270.02, plus Sheriff's Fees and Publication Costs. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at Shelton in said County and State, and will he at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 1st day of July, 1967. W. 1. ANDERSON Sheriff of said County By: BETTY ANN PREGNALL Deputy 7/6-13-20-27-8/3 5t NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR PROPOSED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT To The Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Mason County Washington: PETITION The undersigned, who consti- tute not less than 15 per cent of the qualified registered voters who are residents within the boundaries of the hereinafter dcs- cribed land, hereby respectfully petition the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, for the formation of a fire protection district, upon the following showing: 1. That the objects of the pro- posed district shall be to acquire, purchase, hold, lease, manage, occupy and sell real and per- sonal property, or any interest therein, to enter into and per- form any and all necessary con- tracts, to appoint and employ the necessary officers, agents and employees, to sue and be sued, to exercise the right of eminent domain, to levy and en- force the collection of taxes and special taxes in the manner and subject to limitations of law against lands within the district, for district revenues, and do any other act required expedient for the purpose of the elimina- tion of fire hazards, for the pro- tection of life and the property in the area hereinafter described. 2. That the establishment of such fire protection district, for the above object, will be con- ducive to the public, safety, wel- fare and convenience, and will be of benefit to the property included in such area. 3. That the boundaries of such district shall be: All of Sections six (6), seven (7), and eighteen (18), Town- ship 20 North, Range three (3) West, W. M., and Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W. M. EXCEPTING that portion there- of lying within the limits of the City of Shelton, Washington. All in Mason County, Wash- lngtm. Wherefore, the petitioners ask that a public hearing be held upon this petition at such time as said Board of County Com- missioners may designate. Dated this 15th day of June, 1967. (End of Petition, followed by 45 qualified signatures) NOTICE is hereby given that: A Hearing will be held on said ton, Washington, on the 24th day of July, 1967, at the hour of 1:30 p.m., at which time any person so desiring may appear and be heard for or against the granting of said Petition. DATED tlds 3rd day of July, 1967. Board of Cotmty Commissioners Of Mason County, Washington By RUTH E. BOYSEN CLERK of the BOARD 7/6-13-20-3t NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT AP,PLICATION NO. 8813 State of Washington Office of Supervir of Water Resource, Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That PACI- IC WATER CO. INC. of Qll- cene, Washington on June 22, 1967, filed application for permit to withdraw public ground wao ters through a well situated within Lots 38 and 39, Block 11, of Original Plat of Hood,port of Section 12, Township 22 N., Range 4 W., W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 100 gallons per minute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of municipal supply. Any objections must be ac- companied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Wa- ter Resources within thirty (30) days from July 13, 1967. Witness my hand and official seal this 26 day of June, 1967. H. W. POLJ.X)CK State Supervisor of Water Resources (SEAL) 7/6-13 2t NOTICE OF WARRANT CJkLL NOTICE is hereby given that the following Mson County War- rants arc called for payment at the office of the Treasurer of said County, and that interest will cease July 13, 1967: SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 401 GENERAL FUND Warrant No,. 3166 to 3179 inclusive; SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 403 GENERAL FUND Warrant No,. 1577 to 1689 inclusive; SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 404 GENERAL FUND Warrant Nos. 6512 to 6561 inclusive. JOHN B. COLE Treasmxr of Mason County State of Washington (Seal) Dated at Shelton, Washington, July 13, 1967 7/13-1t NO. 3781 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County In the Matter of the Estate of THERESA ORR, Deceased. Raymond A. Orr, Executor of said Estate, has filed with said Court his final report and peti- tion for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, dis- tribute the property to the per- sons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executor. Said re- port and petition will be heard on the 4th day of August, 1967, at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court, in the County Court- house at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 28th day of June, 1967. LODGA KIMBEL Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V N. 5th Shelton, Washington 7/6-13-20 3t NO. 3780 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County In the Matter of the Estate of GEORGE R. JADIN, Deceased. Herbert Jadin, Executor of said Estate, has filed with said Court his final report and peti- tion for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, dis- tribute the property to the per- sons thereto entitled and to charge said Executor. Said re- port and petition will be heard on the 28th day of July, 1967, at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court. in the County Court- house at Shelton, Washington. DATED this 26th day of June, 1967. LODGA KIMBEL Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125% N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 6129-7/6-13.3t A Always hold matches till cold. Thursday, July 13, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 21