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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tar, The Journal: response to a letter two weeks ago, written Mrs. Miller concerning the of pastors and elders,we like to bring to light what Word of God has to say on ; subject. In Acts Chapter 6, Luke the tells how the body of st, the church, dealt with the of delegating work. The uation here was strife between the Grecians the Hebrews because the widows were being sed over when the daily gifts were handed out. settle the disagreement seven n were chosen who were and full of the Holy irit, to take care of this Then in" Acts 6:4 it states the 12 apostles will give over to continual and to the ministry of the rd. God had called these to show the unsaved the to salvation through the of Jesus Christ as it Lord and Saviour. They Jourqal: Brad Owen seeking reelection to house the gospel St ate Re presentative Brad District. Owen announced this week he Owen, a Democrat, said he will seek reelection to the intends to file for House of weren't called to deal with other Legislature from the 24th problems, just the most important one - getting people saved. This truth is backed up in Ephesians 4:ll, 12. "And He appointed some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelistsi and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry,  and the edifying of the body of Christ." You can see by His Word that God has chosen these men for a special purpose. Instead of judging pastors and elders for their laziness, we should thank God for them while praying for them constantly. As for the layman's part, all our work should be done joyfully, because it is a sacrifice to our loving God. Christians: We have a job to do, the preaching of the gospel. Let's leave the strife to win award everybody else. a good 10ok Paul Dwyer Dan Swayne Shelton The Journal: the evening of July 5, my rural mailbox was ;rately, willfully and destroyed by a or persons who evidently not have enough thrills or on the preceding day. mailbox fell victim to their thrill seeking, by being to bits by illegal which they had in possession. to the malicious action Lhe person or persons who my mailbox, l had to a new one. The clerk at establishment where I .'d my new mailbox told l was not the only one had been vandalized in this and that there had been :e a number of people who to purchase new mailboxes to the destruction by I wonder if the "thrill seekers" who destroyed my property, would like to pay the replacement cost? l rather doubt that they would, and l also wonder what kind of bringing up they have had? It would seem that they were never taught to respect another persons property, or anything else. I have lived in this area almost all of my life; and the most destructive thing we ever did with fireworks was to blow a soup can into the air. We never thought of willfully and maliciously destroying another person's property. I hope the person or persons who destroyed my property will take a good look at themselves, and in all honesty, if they can be proud of what they have done, they do not have much respect for themselves. Garth Grunert Shelton Brad Owen Demo women The Mason County Democrat Women's Club received first place in the state on its historian book during the state convention of the group in Spokane last week. Ann Malone, state chairman, will attend the August 16 meeting of the local club to present the trophy, according to Annettee McGee, chairman of the club. Historian committee members are Julie Brown, Nadine Rhodes and Cecelia Livingston. Assault charge filed Wayne M. Brown, 25, Federal Way, appeared in Mason County Superior Court before Judge Robert Doran Thursday for identification on a charge of third-degree assault. He is accused of assaulting Deputy Sheriff Fred Pharris July 2. Brown told the court he was planning to obtain his own attorney. A plea of not guilty was entered by the court and trial of the case was ordered within 90 days. Representatives Position 1 in the 24th District. "I'm proud of what I have accomplished in the Legislature during the past two years. I think I have brought the government closer to the people of the district and I have made great strides towards helping the Legislature, as a body, understand the concerns of the average citizen," Owen said. He listed his major accomplishment during the past legislative session as an amendment to the Criminal Justice Training Act that mandated the funds for training law officers, as provided under the act, would come from an assessment on bail forfeitures. "That amendment made two important points," Owen said. "It put the financial burden for training the law enforcement officers on the lfiw violators and it presented an alternate method of financing the training rather than just passing the act and placing the burden on the local governments to pay for the training of their officers." Owen said he has used his position as vice chairman of the Local Government Committee to block other legislation that would have mandated the expenditure of local government money. "It is time state government tended to its own house and quit passing expensive programs and then expect the local governments to pay for them. These mandatory expenditures work an undue hardship, particularly on small cities and counties, of which the Olympic Peninsula is composed." In addition to the Local Government Committee, Owen has also been an active member of the Natural Resources and the Commerce Committees. Owen said he intends to wage a vigorous campaign very similar to the one which elected him two years ago: "I won this office by knocking on doors and talking with• people to learn of their concerns and I intend to be reelected through the same kind of strenuous campaigning," he said. true of all The Journal: bear Mrs. Miller: I am very You have that opinion of *rch, pastor and deacons Journal 6/29/78). Would like to tell you my I go to the Assembly of in Shelton and what Said about pastors and is not true of all rches and certainly not true ?hey are not lazy. Being a is not an easy job and it takes more than an eight day to be a good pastor. It many hours of prayer and hours of reading and to prepare sermons and of visiting, and at all lrs.' They are never too busy to to your home to pray for and never too busy to just to hear and understand to care about your annointed and do my prophets no harm." We recently built a new sanctuary to our church. Our pastor, assistant pastor, deacons and church members all put in many hard, volunteer hours on the carpentry for the church and cleaning and yard work. We all could feel a part because the women prepared hot meals on Saturdays for the crew and even did some staining and kept things handy for the crew. We're all part of God's family and in our church you really feel like you're a part and when you leave you feel like you have been fed and blessed by the Lord. I would like to invite you to come and join us and l will pray for you and your church. God loves you. Maria Burkett Shelton go to church to worship and to be fed God's , that we will know right Wrong, that we will grow in that we will learn to be :ood pastor is a shepherd flock and he feeds his from God's word and is of God. In Psalms it says, "Touch not mine Gain your cause When you have convinced thinking men that it is right, and humane men that it is just, you will gain your cause. Men always lose half of what is gained by violence. What is gained by argument, is gained forever. Wendell Phillips See our advertisement in the Real Estate section for 10 OPEN HOUSES Saturday, July 15 HIMLIEI rn Vinee Ilimlle, Broker 6th & Railroad |heRon 42S 2646 Highway Jobs get exemptions The Mason County Commission has voted to exempt three State Highway projects from the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit requirements. The projects include: An overlay of the existing pavement on Highway 300 from Belfair State Park to the Old BelfaSt Highway. Overlaying the existing pavement on Highway 101 from Highway 3 to the Thurston County line. Widening shoulders, widening vehicle turnout, paving roadway ditch, ditch regrading and raising the flow line and installation of guide posts, markers and improvements on Highway 101 from Eagle Creek to the Lake Cushman Road. Leather gloves Don't let washable leather gloves get too dirty before you wash them. Soak them in warm, sudsy water; slip them on your hands and gently wash. Rinse thoroughly, but don't wring or twist. Reshape the gloves gently and blow into them to separate the surfaces To dry, hang by a corner of the side seam. NORTHLAND REMODELING Water-Color Print matted and ready-to-hang by Charles Mulvey *4.50 and *8.95 Signed Serigraph Prints by Walton Butts *7.95 Each THE;, TRE00g;UR£ CH£qT Dick says, "Don't put off that summer building project any longer! Now through next Wednesday you can really save on the basics at Lumbermen's !" 1/2"x4x8 PARTICLE BOARD A grade. $64s Reg. $8.50 ' Sheet PANELING Light and dark. B Orade $32S'" "ee, 2x4, 8 Foot Economy 59€,. lx4 Foot Economy 49",00 HALLS 8d. Bright Box 16d. Bright Box *16so 50 Lb. Box PINE SHELVING € lx8. Reg. 31€ ......... LF lxl0. Reg. 51€ ........ II t 2x6 DECKING $tandordandbetter.8,.20,, ,299 Reg, $34L.00 M ..... M V ISQU EEN 4', x 1 s", NSU LA TmN .... • 10x25 Clear/Black l Qa Roll  .... 'lrmlm 'win Covers 3 rail. SaID 9S Reg. $7.85  50 sq. ft. Reg. $,4.95 J Roll *V4 °' A/C PLYWOOD 10x100 CLEAR Reg $,a,s $1 A9S 4 rail. $95 4 Sht I "'1' Sheet Reg. $13.30  Roll ....... SAVE IN OUR GARDEN Clematis $299 4" pots. Reg. $3.49. Purple or white ................ STARTER Begorilas & Fuchsias,.O € Reg. 59¢ or 79¢ .................. ............ Ornamental Shrubs, Rhodles, Azaleas ........ 20% Off ALL HANGING BASKETS $199 Values to $11.95 FRUIT AND AGRO Transplanter FLOWERING TREES s ,bs. ,eg. $, 9 .. * 1" Cherries, plums, maples, and more .................... OFF o,. ,.o ., *4" PRIMROSES Mixed Patio Pots Fall blooming. Reg. 79¢ 39",.,. .o0 tO $6.29 ......... Your ChoiceS3 99 Downtown * First and Pine Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 Sat. • 10-4:30 Sun. Thursday, July 13, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5