July 13, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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IIIONIIIIIIItlUlFIIIINIOIIINI I I H I I U n n i i iilUllllUlllllnllln i n ln i ii i i i ii i i i iii ii ii i i i i i i I iiiii ill,, ,il n i i i t i i I i I I I
• "The Sound of Music"
Look/n for a Home
THESE PUPPIES and a littermate were dumped at the city
pound several weeks ago. The pens could not hold them, as
they were so tiny that they crept with ease through the
mesh of the fencing. They have been in the care of a
member of Mason County Citizens For Animals, but have
now been returned to the pound where they are available
for adoption. For information call 426-9771.
Free Pets
Four kittens. Mother killed by car. One month old and long-haired.
Two black and two grey. 426-7205.
Three long-hatred kittens. Seven weeks old. Outdoor cats. 426-1079.
Three short-haired kittens, eight weeks old. Outdoor cats. 426-1079.
Two golden Labrador males, purebred. One two-year.old, one
one-year-old. Both good with other animals and with children. Have
had some training. Well mannered. 877-9572.
Two female kittens, three months old. Housetrained. 426-2757.
Large, white coUie.husky mix male. Trained. 275-3978.
German shepherd mix male, less than one year old. Black and tan.
Kitten. Black and long-haired. Seven weeks old. 426-9482.
German shepherd-elkhound 'mix puppies. Three males, one female.
Seven weeks old. 426-1954.
White male kitten. Nine weeks old. 426-4404 or 943-0146.
will open on
Tickets went on sale this
week in The Music Box for
Harlequin Productions' upcoming
presentation of Rodgers and
Hammerstein's "The Sound of
Music." Performances will take
place in the Capital High
Auditorium, Olympia, on August
10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18 and
19. Curtain time is 8 p.m.
Shauna Wood of Shelton has
been cast as one of the nuns and
Larry Starr, who lives in Mason
County, is playing in the
35-piece orchestra.
Approximately 100 persons from
a five-county area are taking part
in this production.
The hit musical is being
directed and produced by Verne
M. Eke and James L. This.
Nancy Hautala, a Seattle
soprano, will be featured in the
leading role of Maria Rainer.
Other leads include Charles
Pailthorp as Captain yon Trapp,
Irene Kaufman as Elsa Schraeder,
William Smith of Steilacoom as
Max Detweiller, and Dolly Smith
of Puyallup as the Mother
This presention of "The
Sound of Music" will be the
Wedding day
named by
Ms. McKim
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
McKim of Shelton announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Jacqueline Leigh, to David
Severin Evander, son of Mrs.
Kathryn S. Evander of Shelton
and Neil E. Evander of Union.
The bride-elect attended
college in Yakima. Her fiance is
a graduate of Washington State
University. Both are Shelton
High School graduates and both
are employed in the Mason
County sheriff's office.
A July 15 wedding is
August 10
seventh major production of
Harlequin Productions. Others
have included "The Ballad of
Baby Doe," "Carry Nation,"
"Carousel," "Hello, Dolly!,"
"Fiddler on the Roof," and
"West Side Story," all under the
direction of Mr. This and Mr.
Eke. This production will mark
the beginning of Harlequin's
"Rodgers and Hammerstein
Festival Series."
Both directors received their
advanced degrees in music and
theatre from the University of
Southern California. They are
actively promoting the
construction of a new
performing arts center, which
will serve the needs of the
greater Olympia-Southwest
Washington area.
The production will be aided
by a grant from the Washington
State Arts Commission.
Ms. Bennett
will wed
on Monday
Catherine Lee Bennett,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bennett of Shelton, and Jim
Spilseth, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lester A. Spilseth of Mud Bay,
will marry on Monday.
After graduation in 1971
from Shelton High School, the
bride-elect enrolled in a
secretarial course in Olympia
Technical Community College
and is now employed by Grays
Harbor Pacific Health
Department in Aberdeen.
Her fiance, a 1970 graduate
of Shelton High School, is an
employe of F.G. Peterson
Trucking Company in Aberdeen.
The couple will reside in
Following a honeymoon, a
reception will be held in Shelton
Elks Lodge between the hours of
3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on July
Three purebred German shorthr male pups, born March 28. Baha'is obserye00holv, - day_
: ' ,., ;Ju,.9:mrkedthe .lioly d/,,;'--,:iThese were followed by a
lOur Chesapeake Ba piJpples: 1wo fawn males, one black male, one c o m m e m':b r iiion o f t h e presentation of an historical
black female. 426-1126. martyrdom of the Bab, account of the even'ts leading to
prophet-herald of the Baha'i the public execution of the Bab.
To list a free pet in this column call Mason County Citizens For Faith. The commemoration was held' at
Animals at 426-9828 or 426-5005. Baha'is of Shelton and Mason high noon.
County joined with their fellow The Bab, whose title means
Baha'is throughout the world in "door" or 'gate," preceded the
Auxiliary makes donation holding observancesbefittingthe advent of Baha'u'llah,
significance of the day. Prayers prophet-founder of the Bahai
and readings from the sacred Faith.
At its last regular meeting should-be present. Those wishing writings of their faith were A light luncheon concluded
Mason County Veterans of to donate items for prizes may presented by Rodney and Carol the observance with socializing
Foreign Wars AuxiliaryNo. 1694 bring them to the August
voted to donate $100 to the meeting. Redmond of Shelton. by those members present.
aenior dttzens of Mason County, A party was recently
and also voted to pay a hospital presented for patients of the Fir _1 _____ •
quota of $1 per member and Lane Nursing Home by Lucille -.A m
thetr health and happiness quota Speece, Merle VanderWal, Bessie Fa$h|
of 25 cents per member. Ellison and Boa Gray. Coffee and
It was dectded that the group cookies were served to the l[]Jl[]Jarl for
would sponsor a flshpond at the patients. Cookies were made by
Mason CountyFairand awork Pat Hughes, Lucille Rice and Men & Women
party will be, held in President Jessie Cox.
Fte Robimon s home on August On the supper committee for '"'",,
3 to make prizes. Anyone the meeting were Ginger Olsoe,
wishing to hell on this project Jessie Cox and Fae Robinson.
Single parents list events
A planning meeting will attending should bring their own POCK ET
follow the Parents Without utensils. T-SHIRTS
Partners potluck to he held at Monday is "Bob's Day," and
6:30 p.m. today in Kneeland a board meeting will be held at 8 Reg. $2.29 IAJIIIP". j 1
Park. " p.m. Tuesday in Stella Winter s
FWP dances are scheduled in home. A discussion is set for
• rton on Frida d at the Wednesday For information call 1 •
Breme y an 357.8591."
Mascm County Fairgrounds on nob tnn and .qhlrlev
Saturday. A barbecue is slated Thatcher are'- attending" the
for 1 p.m. Sunday at the home international convention in San
of Mary Lawrence, and those Francisco. ..
Gn,0000E00s c.noo00ns00,i
Convenient _
00Cour00ou00 £t
Professional .
All Breeds ' 20% OFF
Men's All-cotton Pocket T-Shirts
24.HourService. Now,/ In sizes S to XL. Assorted colors.
Mon.-SaL llle,l'lr/ La awa and ii
Y Y V/,II o im.z.nl
Bankcards Welcome : .i
Dow l'owq. Sheitoq, 2505 OLYMPIC HWY. NORTH I .
Page 6 Shelton-Mason County Journal
MASON COUNTY STUDENTS receive $200 scholarship awards from
Shelton Elks. Pictured left to right are scholarship chairperson
Johnson, Hans Mak, Christine Fearn, Tim Diggle, Dorothy Brown,
McKnight, Catherine Ruddell, Bruce Dorcy and exalted ruler Dan
Developmentally disabled camp
The Thurston and Mason
Association for Retarded Citizens
is sponsoring an overnight camp
for developmentally disabled
children and adults. For the first
time, the Thurston County Parks
and Recreation Department will
be involved as a sponsor.
Approximately 170 people
will attend. Youth Week will be
held from July 23 through July
29 and Adult Week is scheduled
for July 30 through August 5 at
Camp Gwinwood in Lacey.
Donations will be used to
defray expenses and to provide
"camperships" for financially
disadvantaged individuals.
Donations should be sent to
Thurston County Handicap
Recreation Council, 529 West
Fourth, Olympia, Washington
98501; or call Debbie Creveling
at 753-8136.
Programs to be held during
camp include cookouts, sports,
games, special entertainment,
swimming, and arts and crafts.
There is a shortage of volunteer
male counselors. Anyone who is
interested in sharing his time can
call Sandy McCulloch at
753-8136, Thurston County
PEO elects Edee Larson
Parks and Recreati
Items needed for arts
crafts programs include
yarn, paint, brushes, jars
lids, wood, felt pens,
dyes, glue, fabric scraps,
sandpaper, dried grains
beans, buttons, Orywall
crayons, files, coffee cans,
paper towel and toilet
tubes. To donate, call
Beye at 753-8136.
In past years the r
popular event at camp
always been spec
entertainment provided
community members. This
more people are encouraged 1
Thursday, July 13, 1978
Jl lll
Edee Larson (Mrs. D.K.) of Cheney. interested in bringing more
Shelton was elected organizer of Approximately 500 members opportunities for higher'
the Washington State Chapter of including delegates from each education to women and in
the PEO Sisterhood at its 75th chapter in the state attended the applying that education for the
annual convention held from convention. The PEO Sisterhood betterment of the community, participate. Those with talents
June 19 thro!Jgh June 21,t is a p hilanthte, pic*?'attd[ :! The '19791convention.'wi]l be iiea.s to, share may call !!
Ete Wasiiinon Uiiiversit ai educatio,nal otigenization heldin Belllngham. '""' " ' Dill at 753'8'136. ,i
A On.e-year-old's
Birthday. l]
// Friday, July 14th. We have some !i
special treats for you! i
,'1 . .coffee and doughnuts, i!
angels' :
'hair designs
shall0. 8100
on Mt. View, across from Harvey s