July 13, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 13, 1978 |
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, i m El i '
is winner < F.t.,.w,i,.,, ( I'I la V '
Battle of Joruco, male pug (5 JAN DANFORD {
owned by Josh and Ruth Cook 2121 Olympic Xlway N. Top of the hill.
of Timberlakes, completed a - "
successful dog show circuit in Because I have so recently , 426-3341
Oregon last week. !i,.i returned from my vacation and 'OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9. *
At Coos Kennel Club in because I have not yet fully
North Bend he was named recovered from the following SUNDAYS 9 to 6.
winners dog and Best of Winners Fourth of July and because I
il on Saturday, and on the same have failed as yet to complete
day at Chintimini Kennel Club in the mental transition therein ' •
Corvallis he was selected as involved it seems quite fitting $€Ot#'l IIol# Formu|a
t winners dog. He also took that I should utilize in this Available only at Lawn Pro Dealers
honors as winners dog in week's column the literary Harvey's In Shelton
Portland on Sunday at the Dog abilities of my city sister with
Fanciers' Association of Oregon. whom in holiday harangues our =lllar,=
respective "poetic efforts were
Battle now holds seven of
the 15 points necessary for an politely ripped to shreds.
American Kennel Club Here isherpoem: Super Turf Builder
. championship. BATTLE OF JORUCO won honors in three Oregon shows.
Wild yellow bird, G 36-4-4
i a gleam of burnished saffron
; in the iris,
: dines sociably with sparrows
! I' ;!i!i "j_ from petal-plates 4A
i;i 1' "dm m 1[ lrl[t'T J"-; of crepe du chine UU
4,000 sq.
' i " VJP"I . .@ U w"
II B' 1 . Jr .,, J . - A shadow springs;
.... ..i,.-.==-=.ppw.i. ' :tlidri;omph thenp " usecat pads
I_oAFFECTION .................... are apparent. as Josh Cook of along his jungle ath [ SAVEX /"
I regards his ribbon-winning pet " W ' P
. r---.. __ Today, Thursday, July 13 Credit O men s 6:50 a.m., Holiday Park. of flagstone, [ Blossom ""
PWP -otluck. 6"30 nm International, 6 p.m. cocktails; Skookum Rotarv Club brilliant prey held neatly
• a o Kneeland Park. " " r.., 6:30 p.m. dinner, Taylor Towns. breakfast, 7 a.m., Heinie's. in his jaw, Time. "%
i Lee 00nmons Rotary Club luncheon, noon, American Legion and .......... legs dangling.
I I -- . , Ming Tree Cafe. auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall.. Lops wasmng[ °n unapter LAWN EDGING WEED EATER
II attend sneclal camn Toastmasters Club, 6:45 Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport o. 313, o.lap.m.,vlrstBapust Isee, and know once more *Cwlthtcltlorl
R IV r- aJn., Timbers. clubhouse, unurcn, what peril lies in beauty. ** I_. =h,o, rp edger . Cute greet with monofliimem line
,. yah Lee Simons, son of Mr. fibrosis, cerebral palsy, and Kiwanis Club of Mason Lions Club dinner and board Shelton Moose free ballroom • e,,V, ooov.e ground Makes oil your yard work easier
'" Mrs Ke o hiha mars noD meeting, 7 p m, Old Tmers Inn dancm class Samba 8 m 9 How safe I am v
.- • nneth Simons of hem p "'. County Se" , n, Senior • " . .g . . p.." • Re°.l°wlngeasY 5 electric models to choom from
telton Nimrod Club, 8 p m , ]th dance to follow class
=_ Starting at
.... ,wig be one of more Activities scheduled for the Center. ,-. .... • • p.m. w" • The poem as she wrote it ! 99 ' nipple $ gagS
t uo children spending a hand,capped campers include Umon Ladles Cv=c Club uearoom ciuonouse lazars
• .,. . " ....... , ..... " .. .. Trailb , 7:30 p.m., well expresses her personality. If
. at a special camp in the hiking, swimming, fishing, noon, Union Firehall. t;n[y commssmn meeting, / fairorounds I had written it (and how I wish i . .Roll . , Weed Ilhw 1 1 "
nOeS. The unique experience is horseback riding, arts and crafts, Christmastown Rounders, 8 p.m., city hall. • " ......... that this were soY3 a brief
nno'['°UtpatientSedc of The Children's and singing around the campfire, p.m., IWA Hall. homePWPof Steuab°ard'meeting' 8 p.m.,winter Sim=7:m;o; :r,v , 7;r;nm °9v addition would have been _ --J ORTHO Centme "
_ P " Hospital and Medical The week will feature a Tall Shelton Moose family pizza .. " , . ...,,, " " "" required to portray the real me.
Tales theme, highlighted bye night, 6 p.m.-10 p.m., dance to Shelton Moose regular v.,,,-_,P'.";" .... Because this is, after all, my tkll Spot
)eCOyHMdCslS:e?mer camp is "SkithNildghrte' ban their follow, meetmgand officers meeting, meetg?ge;n,tnU.lo(;: lness column and because lean never [00lm=l ... ---- ,, STEPPING
..... "g d for children C " " g " own Friday, July 14 Wednesday, July 19 " " " • let well enough alone and
:t_ween the ages of six and 16 medical equipment, medications ; " f Commeree b- " Progressive pinochle, 6"30 WARC, 8 p.m., Mt. View because I like to have the last .-'TJ vveea STONES
a_rs w!th handicaps that would and dietary instructions. ---,n-amern°,- Timbers aura pm., Senior Center. " Annex. word I have added one final line: ii Gra
.=vent them from attending Physicians, nurses andlaypeople .... ,"',,;:I/"'k'h l.nd; R "Elks, 8p.m.,lodge. , Youth Advisory Council, 7
'[ camps ' will supervise their care and will .... ............. °-' own Kwams m Room 312 "and h "
'r.^. " .... TOOF Hall Kristmas T " ". Club, p .... SHS. ow cruel you are. ! Ki I ler PUle path in your land=rope.
-,,e youngsters will attend help with the camp. v-...,--- ----. .
e hospital ...... lhe Agate brange ousmess _ j.
. V S IZtll annuar *: - I
=trra. er camp from July 24 memg. ..... i I ;ires-'fast knockdown of Reg 7
Ogh h,t ........ rrogress t, range menasldp I = I weeds and grasses. Use al l' IF
0 Y'" -,=y =o at nunset LaKe . . - • Ill I lEa J iEim*-_ ' •
thCampnearWilkeson The =.. , ,o mght, Sp.m.. .... I =lrl'llldr . ri I/., I around roses, shrubs, on jnijn,
npsite is don-" - ":- L==--,,,,,,&,,,ll,=a 5goxomisn tJrange, O:3U l llrlil_l ....=..... lilll -t.......... |
th-,,, - area to uurtu r/lllUlllid -an .^....t. 8-m meetin- i II/BBm, ,a .. t,, I other listed plants. Drive- Now I Ill II f IIh
--ashinon Conference of _ _ = . v • e u""'', P • " I v i / ' [ . . -- 1 =' I ways, walks, lawnedging.. L .....
venth.day Adntists ,,= I .L,4k ,,,I .4,Fi Shelton Moose game night, 6 I . - - -- ---' i' I
What ma be'"usual" Hiyll. lIJ|li p.m-ll p.m,lodge ;' "' :" "IED'L, ii
Tlrner, activltlesforalotof" "y All Grangers are welcome to Saturday, Julyl5 II00AB *
eaten is an exceptional treat attend Progress Grange friendship Hood Canal Imvrovement [ 1 I,1, , IBk!,,'lliB I r
p.m°se in need of a kidney rdghtset forFriday. Club potluck, 6 p.m., Union' -'l'l 'i)' I FENCING
KlRmachine' respirator, Refreshments will be served Fireball I
C' " , [
'tel drug treatment, or the after the S pan. meeting, lraand PWP dance, 9 p.m., I IAI
r:usfo,.doctors and nus Helen Stansbury will play Fairgrounds Hall. | l'
" tumesses suen as cystic musical selections. Shelton Moose dance, 6 I I 330 Ft. Per Roll
p.m.-2 a.m.
_ Mt. Moriah Masonic Idge I BEEE i / Ill I Reg. $69.95
::- - Shelton churches invite you | if------------------------_-_-----_-_-_------------ ........ -_-..-..-----_----_-_-------_-_-__-. I
=: - to attend the church of your I ( _ l I Onl
chowe , ' 14Hanging 1 l
barbeeue, lpm.home I ! Grain Fed Beef Halves 1 Lb. weight. ?1" "OT
. of Mary Lawrence. I t Cut and Wrapped for your convenience. | I
-- Monday, July 17 I =-------------------- --- ----------- ----------------- ----- -- --------- -- -- -------- ----------- - -------
PUD No. 3 commission I I=mm i 11 I I I I [ SAVE ON 12 Oaulle 4 p[. ..II iL
::mtg,Pn"PUDe°nferenee I i:--------------:---=-----' =IIgAIIL =)ALig =::---=-----------------" ' BARB WIRE
'Co00.tycomm'-.o. moot*o, .._____ !1 '---."o,,.,.....o.,,..
:05JpoU:'Club, 7:15 !! U'S'D'A'Choi¢eSIrIpLoin{1O'12|bI')00)00 L00b" I I ,,-
lason County Little League I , New York Steaks (Cut and wrapped for your convenience.) I $'m'--i
• 80 rods per roll .
board meeting, 8:30 p.m., / ! I I , r "=" ' '
Canal Court - I | SSO
Order of / I --_-
Amaranth. | U.S.D.A. Choice Butt Tenderloin 16 Lbs.) 1 Lb.
Jobies, 7:30 p.m., Masonic / ! Makes juicy Filet Mignon. Cut and wrapped for your convenience. | l
00!i!ioi; i I !!i!! :!! i!!!:!!!! !!!! i i ! .,.k..k. "
318 In. Variable Speed True Value
Reversing Drill LAWN CART
Trigger controls speed ` to handle .... -
a varlet of materials :vemy oaianced. Perfed for
Reces centerlocking button, hauling soil and grass clippings.
_ Double insulated. Capacity: Reg. $24.99
herwax High School in Aberdeen and Kim was Tuesday, July 18 I I ............. For$111.t$ ......... i I ,umoutH°rdw°°d=/'"; 'teel3/O"'pmtection. $ ! IV88
Jated f I in 1975 The will
:-,n he ram Shelton High Schoo " • Y " Kiwanis Club luncheon, I I 15 Ibs assorted beef steaks, 15 Ibs. ground beef, 10 Ibs. bonus beef roast, S
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, ..... 2 °°n' Heinie's' I I Ibs short ribs, 10 Ibs. beef pot roast and S Ibs. bonus stew. I I • II , " whii-, rs--;--p-m-=ck trot=.
.... - = -- - -= - - 30 LB. BEEF PACK ...... =- --_-_-_-_-_-_---_- our FINEST ACRYLIC HOE
"0000FABRICS il / "g s beof =rr:::T$10 Ibs. o::o L steak...I II LATEX HOUSE PAINT NOZZL!
,,,.,....h-.-,,,, .d,u.,.,--',o.
UPHOLS TEa y l[ io;b ..._ eilei=.l ill.ill i Iprf to full
]1 Lean Ground Beef 21b. packagefor ................... Perth,--' I i ...=.-=,,
L/ Over 1000 yard8 1|1 Guaranteed not to exceed 22% fat content. II ..=.'laili Rag $13.69Gal. 3glU r[' nv.muui *
just arrlved. Pieces } I =.,, u. for farm ilaughter and custom cutting and wrapp/nl/. I ..... ' - . SHUT-OFF
from 1-20 yards, t I 426-5131 _ I]i VALVE
• V Gal. I, I Use between hoses
/ /t / / drl ! I All Our Meat Fully Guaranteed. / " TROPICAL Fis-HS-PEc, i je--.
, ..... .,,,.4,,,º ,
} I Wholesale/Retail EST USa.A: / Weather Looches ...... . $/$1. m,.. i
113 S. SECOND 4.2"20' IJl'all']ie8 rx_ " a - • )| Rt. $. BOX 196. Shelt,n | In¢ I r) tatul €.41tl. • ." .... ..2/11.1(t -"''aH il
Red Eye Sward= ........ 2/$1. I I i
'/ L II / /
, Thursday, July 13, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7