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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,j ¢ / MASON COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS who attended the State 4-H Conference in Pullman recently were, left to front, back row, Jenny McGee, ReNae Morgan, Jenny Eveleth, Myrna Morrison, chaperone Mrs. Gerald Richert, Janice White and Nancy White; back row, Kirk Richert and Michael Price. Eight Mason County youth "Group Leadership," on how to -Hers attend conference in Pullman implement a good idea. Speakers were Rudy Monosmith, a former State 4-H leader from California, and consultant with the National 4-H Foundation, and Jim Quann, registrar at Washington State University. The youth participated in activities which included country fair and picnic, talent show, intercultural assembly, dancing, sports activities, tours, formal banquet, conference chorus, as well as the opening and closing programs. Janice White, winner of the 1977 J.C. Penney Company clothing award, was guest at the J.C. Penney luncheon during the conference. Other conferees were Jenny McGee, ReNae Morgan, Jenny Eveleth, Kirk Richert, Myrna Morrison, Michael Price and Nancy White. Mrs. Gerald the Washington State Conference in Pullman on Campus of Washington State rsity the week of June The theme of this year's Lference was "Freedom to Workshops included "Here the Sun," an in-depth Udy of energy and Vironment; "It's All in the an extensive study on and family resources; and, urring in the Mason County Is this summer in for the 1978 fair. will be no rodeo this ar Scott Ballentine, fair nager, said the rodeo was because the fair decided it should not use revenue to pay the the rodeo. Gate receipts a the rodeo did not pay the e of the first metal erected when the was moved to its location has been tom and a new 60-by-lO0-foot has been erected near Hall. new building will house 4-H, Grange and home exhibits. hanges planned for nty fair this year Several changes have been The building which was a performance by the Olympic Reindear Drill Team and a draft horse exhibition, which is scheduled for 'Sunday afternoon. Several contests in which those attending the fair can participate are planned, including a penny scramble, bubble-gum blowing, nail pounding, frog jumping, egg toss and pie eating. These contests will be running during each of the three days of the fair, August 18, 19 and 20. Also planned is a horseshoe-pitching contest, with classes for men 18-50, boys 13-17, women 18-50, girls 13-17 and doubles for all ages. There is also a checkers tournament for all ages. removed was one which had housed commercial displays. The building formerly used by the Grange and home economic exhibits will be used for commercial displays and the former 4-H building will be used for government office and school district exhibits. The old kitchen and lunch area has been torn down and the stage moved to that area where the audience will be better protected from the wind. With the rodeo not performing in the rodeo arena, plans are being made for a parade of 4-H animal champions, Richert accompanied the group as chaperone. Local businesses and civic groups in addition to the J.C. Penney Company who were donors for conference fees included Mason County Zonta Club, Mason County Extension Homemakers, ITT Rayonier, Himlie Realty, Elks Lodge, Puget Sound National Bank, Shelton Veterinary Clinic and Home Builders' Association of Mason County. This support for the youth program is appreciated, says County Agent Jim Freed. Demo club plans picnic The Mason County Democrat Club will hold a picnic at the home of Leona Osterman, president of the group, at 6:30 p.m. July 20. The Osterman residence is located on the Arcadia Road. All club members and Democrats in the county are welcome to attend. Directions to the Osterman home can be obtained by calling 426-4815 or 426-8004. Owen named The Mason County Commission has appointed Brad Owen to a one-year term on the Health Systems Agency. .Record plan, An arm-wrestling tournament IS presentea with classes for boys 12-15 and , 16-18, men 19-25 and 25-50, I ] gO IS Ethel Hammond, Seattle, and girls and women with the l[Ollgt I])l}lllll[[ appeared before the Mason same age classes is also planned. d The Mason County remission has approved a for an exchange of time Mason County Agent :s Freed in Christmas tree and Steven Harbell, Kitsap agent, in aquaculture. ;Y had been presented request previously and it over for further County Commission to present a proposal for design and implementation of a records management system for the county. The commission asked that cost figures be submitted for budget consideration purposes. The commission also asked that a check be made with the Shelton city clerk's office to see how they handled setting up and paying for a similar system. It's time to PAINT but Make sure you save money RENT what you need: * Complete spray paint / equipment. * High Pressure Washers . for removing old paint. * Ladders and Scaffolding.  * Sanders with power wire brushes. \\; tlARDIN'$ RENTALS Shelton's only complete - Tool Renta[Service. 1201 Olympic Hwy. S. / )ln 0 to 5. 7 days a week. 426-1091 / / ) ( FHAT'S TI4E PlRST TM COMPLIMENT YOU'VE PAID ME IN MONTHS. ) )'/OU BUM ! / YOUILL BE ATTRACTED BY THE "TOP VALUES AND SERV1CE AT Brad's Pepsi, 7-Up, Squirt, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Dr. Pepper Quarts 32 oz. Returnable Bottles I PARTY IC It Crushed L_ by the bag or can. Crushed L-by the bag or can. School board delays decision on resignation of employe The Shelton School Board, after a lengthy meeting Tuesday night, voted to accept one teacher resignation which had been submitted but tabled a second until the August meeting when the three board members present were unable to agree on acceptance of the resignation. The resignation which was questioned was that of Dr. Richard Montgomery, a counselor at the high school. At the time of the vote on the resignation, Board Chairman Dr. George Radich and board members Vicki Conley and William Maxwell were present. Dr. Mark Trucksess, who had attended part of the meeting, had left to attend a patient at the hospital by the time the vote came. Mrs. Conley made a motion to accept the resignation, which died for a lack of a second. Maxwell then made a motion to ask Dr. Montgomery to reconsider the recommendation. This also died for lack of a second. After further discussion, mostly in executive session, with the motion and vote in open session, Mrs. Conley again made her motion to accept the resignation, which Maxwell seconded. She voted for the motion and he against with the tie unbroken, when Radich declined to cast a vote either way. A motion to table action on the resignation then received unanimous support. The board voted to accept the resignation of Timothy Murphy. The board voted to hire Allan Hughes, presently a vice-principal in Kennewick, as principal of Evergreen Elementary School. Other new teachers hired on the recommendation of Superintendent Louis Grinnell are Sue Johnson, presently a halftime kindergarten teacher, as a full-time teacher; Richard Childs, NJROTC in the high school; Pete Havens, industrial arts in the high school; Margareta Schmidt, district nurse; and Mark Larson and Kathleen Hedges, elementary teachers. The board voted to accept the recommendation of high school administrators to accept the bid of Jolmson-American Yearbook Company for printing the yearbook for the lugh school next year. The Johnson bid was $7,966, which was the second low of three received. The approval was given subject to approval of the attorney. The board approved several instructional materials for the high school which had not been ready for consideration by the instructional materials committee before school was out. The board deferred to its August meeting a recommendation not to have the high school carpentry class construct a house next year but to have them work on a playshed at Bordeaux School and an addition to the fieldhouse at the high school. The Veterans of Foreizn Wars, which had co-sponsored the house construction project t'or many years, notified the district this year it was dropping sponsorship. The board had an offer from the Skookum Rotary Club to assume the sponsorship trader a different project arrangemenl. This will be considered during the coming year, if lhe recommendation for no IIOtlSC this year is approved. The board, after a question from Joe Snyder, a member of the audience, voted to change a proposed board policy on receiving oral complaints about school personnel. The policy stated the board will not receive oral complaints about personnel at the board meeting but anyone with such a complaint will submit it in writing to a member of the board, who will then refer il to the chairma, and superintendent as appropriate. Elinor Chapter No. 177, order of Eastern Star of Union will hold a pie and ice cream social at the Union City Masonic Temple, Junction 10t North and Highway t06, Valley Center, Sunday, July t6, from t to 5 p.m. Pert 'n Prettv W Grooming Bath and fluff dry, hair cut, ears cleane,t, nails cut, glands expressed. *10 ANDUP (,o west on Raih'oad Awmue 1/2 ;nile past the tracks, turn left at our sign. Follotc the pau, prints. Open Mon.-Sat., 9 to 5 426-1202 Serta Sleep is that refreshing, relaxing, wake-up and go feeling that can only come from a Serta Perfect Sleeper. Underneath each mattress we've put our famous synchroflex coils to work individually so your body gets firm support throughout the night. And Serta's exclusive Twin Edge design gives you up to 20% EXTRA sleeping surface. So stretch out and relax and dream all your troubles away on a Serta Perfect Sleeper! $60 vain is yours FREE .iti, the Twin Size .... Per Piece '119.00 pm-('hase ,ff Full Size... Per Piece '149.00 otw queen ,i,,,, Av.n,i o Queen Size. Set *359.95 ...... Pillow .oft ....... : .... set. lndude.: King Size. Set '499.95  Idanket. I)ad' SFU """' KELLY RNITURE us, we II supporl ' hq) .ht;et! your back. 4 st 6, Mill .St. 426-2444 Thursda 1978 Shelton-Mason Coun