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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 13, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 13, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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O  PHONE 12 ' For Sale MODERN BATHROOM, toilet and sink with fittings, $35. 426-6038. O7/13 '74 MUSTANG Ghia, excellent condition. Saxophone. Parachute, "round." Call after 6 p.m., 426-7615. B7/13-20 25" ADMIRAL color TV, beautiful console, $275, like new; 4x8 pool table, excellent condition, lots of accessories, $150. 4824942. C7/13 FOR SALE -- cedar fenceposts. 426-6921. 17/13 20-CUBIC-FOOT chest freezer, 1 ear old, $200. 426-3507. 7/6-13 RASPBERRIES FOR sale, Matlock. 426-4912. C7/6-27 FOR SALE -- Kenmore electric range, $85. 426-2255. $7/6-13 BARK FOR landscaDina. 15-60 yard loads. Call Skillman's, 866-8812. 53/23tfn HAY $1 bale in field. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley 426-3740. M6/22tfn TOP SOIL Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pick-ups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Call '426-3735 or 426-8993. fin The Caroet Layers Custom installation carpet, vinyl, tile. $2.00 a yard. 426-3763 Rt. 3, Box 406 Shelton ..... 619tft BRMBTI]NE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 2/11tfn SAND ^e GRAVEL For the finest In: . SAND . GRAVEL . CONCRETE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks For Sale CLEAN 55 gallon drums $5 each. 426-5724. $6/22-7/13 REMODELING KITCHEN? See Jim at Sears for free estimate. We have complete lines of cabinets, carpet and appliances. 426-8201. S5/4tfn SORRY SAt is now a merry gal. She used Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C7/13 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to Gordon Ide, Route 10, Box 520, Space 28, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A7/13 ESTEY ORGAN, $400. 426-4755. H7/13-8/3 FOR SALE or trade -- Inflated pickup canopy with sliding windows. 63/4 feet by 8 feet, like new. $400. 426-2294. C7/13 MOVING SALE -- solid maple full-size bedstead with large 'chest and mirror, $80; house plants, books, miscellaneous. 426-5120. 221 South 12th. P7/13 VANITY, FOUR Luv wheels, 1 Datsun, all with tires; slalom ski, fireplace screen. 426-2526. K7/13 1977 ROTOTILLER, 8 h.p., $300. Call 426-2223. C7/13-8/3 NEW EXECUTIVE doctor's desk, solid teak, hand carved, $685, absolutely beautiful. 858-3401. A7/6-13 Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn Coffee Creek Ranch Quality Locker Beef ed. Groin fed. Custom cutting and wrapping. We deliver. Visitors welcome. 426-5131 tfn HmuEU00 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For Sale POOL TABLE, slate top, mahogany wood, leather pockets, excellent condition, $600. 426-8108 evenings and weekends. B7/6-27 FIREWOOD -- DRY maple, dry alder, by the cord or by the load. Delivered to Shelton, Union areas. Call anytime, 426-7752, 426-7571. M5/18tfn PERFECTLY NEW chiropractic mattresses and box springs, good for bad backs, half original price. In wrapper with guarantee. You haul. 858-3401. A7/6-13 NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color pa 426-6163, Sl°ltortictureS'second. P5/18tfn FORD TRACTOR 700, 25,000 GVW' with heavy duty 26' low bed trailer, $9,500 Gig Harbor 858-9778. L6/22-7/13. STEREO COMPONENT system. Marantz 2235 receiver, Teac 210 stereo cassette deck, United Audio dual turntable, 2 large CJD speakers. Must sacrifice at $500. 426-2134 or 426-6806, • ask for Mary. F5/18tfn SEARS WOULD like to pump your water! See Jim for free estimates on all pump and water system accessories. Installation available. 426-8201. S5/4tfn 3/4 Wl DTH folding bed, commode, wheeled folding rocker, wheel chair. Call 898-2886. C6/22-7/14 TWO BROYHILL nightstands, double bed with box springs and mattress, $250. Wooden desk from Germany, $250. all for $450. 426-7757. R6/29-7/20 DINETTE SET, $60; desk, 25; coffee table, $15; typewriter, $25; bed spring and mattress; numerous household items. For Sale SEWING MACHINES, sales and service. All brands, low prices, terms and trades. Central Sales, 877-5798. C6/29-7/20 FUCHSIA, IVY geraniums and impatiens baskets, $3.95 to $6.95. Tree fuchsias in patio planters, $12.95. Evelyn's Nursery, Mason L3ke. 426-6038. E7/13tfn FOR SALE or trade -- Farmall C tractor with attachments. $1,500 or trade for smaller tractor with attachments. 426-5230. W7/13-20 19-CUBIC-FOOT side-by-side refrigerator/freezer. Sears, avocado, icemaker, $225. GE cannister vacuum, $500. 426-7521. $7/13 GOOD USED carpet. 64 square yards, persimmon in color, nylon. 920 Barnhard. 426-1772. T7/13 UPHOLSTERING TO fit all your needs and new custom-built furniture. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S6/2tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes, at rock-bottom rices. Kay's Draperies, 113 outh Second. K3/4tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, bale or ton. 426-1446. JT/21tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858, Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn GOOD CLOVER and grass hay, $1.50 a bale or $50 a ton. Phone 426-8856. R2/23tfn For Sale 100 LBS. cow feed, $7; horse chariot, $175; cream separator, milking machine and cooler, $375. 426-2766. F7/13 BRAIDED OVAL green rug, 8'x11', less than 6 months old, very good condition, $35. 426-7169. C7/13 ROLL BARS with bike rack for short-bed Ford. Phone 426-3563. B7/13 COLOR TV console, 21" screen, very nice. See evenings. Call 426-6286. W7/13 SPORTYAK II, $100; Golden Mariner alcohol stove, $75; Danforth 8-S anchor, $25. All excellent condition. 426-8911. J7/13 Used Cars '64 INTEINATIONAL pickup V8. Very good condition. See to appreciate. $1200. 426-3728. L6/22.7,/13 '64 VW good condition, some extras $600. 482.4072. Lost Lake. $6/22-7/13 BEAUTIFUL 1977 Ventura, loaded. Must sell. 866-2652. C6/29-7/20 FOR SALE -- 1972 El Dorado. Very good condition and low mileage. Call 426-5846 or 426-5247. D6/29-7/20 1964 %-ton Ford, $675. 426-5638. D7/6-13 1957 %-ton Chevy pickup, mag wheels, good condition, $750. Call 426-6219. $7/6-13 1946 INTERNATIONAL truck, 8x16', flatbed, good conditlon. Call 426-1790. J6/8tfn Used Cars 1968 DODGE window van. New tires, recently overhauled. For sale or trade. Call 426-1885. Z7/13-8/3 1972 DODGE %-ton pickup. Excellent 318 engine, automatic transmission, new tinted windshield, nearly new rubber, radio, heater, tiedowns. Top condition. $2,450. 426-4601. D7/13 1973 VW bus, $2,800 or best offer. Call 426-5123. K7/13 1973 DATSUN 1800 4-door station wagon. New radials, runs excellent. $1,600. 426-5387. D7/13-8/3 1967 T-BIRD, $795 or best offer. Call 426-2713, ask for LeAnn. A7/13-20 FOR SALE -- %9 Rebel station wagon, 6 cylinder, $600. 426-8893. M7/13 1973 GMC pickup, excellent shape, 8 cylinder, 350, super custom cab. 426-9155. F7/13 1973 IMPALA 4-door. beautiful Condition, $1,5(0. Call 426-8407. J7/13-8/3 1963 CHEV Vz-ton, 292, 6 cylinder, with canopy, good shape. $850. 275-5392. $7/13 '73 VW bus for sale. 426-5123. K7/13 FOR SALE -- '65 Buick Skylark. New tires, good engine, needs paint F. irst $300 takes. 426-2264. M7/13 ATTENTION, COLLECTORS. '60 Cadillac Fleetwood. Good tires, body, motor, excellent chrome. Firm $500. 877-5377. B7/13 '62 CHEV %-ton truck; '67 Ford z/4-ton truck; 1 baggage rack for 1970 VW. 426-9551. M7/13-20 426-3748. P6/29-7/20 '52 GMC pickup. 426-3472.  .............. ±__ . LARGE FRANKLIN fireplace K5/18tfn ;-_------,_-;-______ KENMORE WASHER and dryer, with accessories. Call 426-5344. 1- FORD convertible, $375. if- good condition, $150 or best $7/13 nrage, laro3411es offer. Call 877-9725. H7/6-13 426-5638. D7/6-13 -_-_-_-_-_-;-_---_--- - ------- - -- GOLF CLUBS, almost new, full SERTA HIDE-A-BED, full size, set Wilson's with bag, $80. FOR SALE- '73 RX3 Mazda, like new, $250. 426-7112. Graphite driver, $40. 426-3036. '65 Ford Custom 4-door, '59 M7/6tfn M7/13 Ford 3/4-ton. 426-1173. L7/6-13 HAY, EXCELLENT quality grass and clover mix, tansy free, $1.50 'pet ble in field. Bales weigh 50' pounds and better. Bob Brewer, 426-4936. B7/6-27 WIDTH folding bed, commode, wheeled folding walker, wheelchair. Call 898-2886. C6/29-7/20 TRADE IN your old furniture at OIsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn 9.00te ,I m Mason Sa" akers -- Upholsterers. Marine, auto, home. Your Hardwood material or ours. Customizing -- restorations. If it is in canvas Company fabrics or vinyl, we can handle it. ALSO, industrial aprons, tote ALDER L,O S WANTED bags, vests in stock or made to 6' and 7 $70.00 a |000 your order. Boat tops are our specialty. 8", end 9" $115.00 a 1000 Shelton, WA. 98584 426-2321 I0' and up $145.00 a 1000 8 miles out on Bremert0n Hwy. No. 3 fin CALL 426-3464   tf._., n Vern's A uto II /lur & Glass Have tools will travel. 'aw I Custom made boat FREE ESTIMATES tops to fit your boat (Open Saturday) on land or sea. • Wire Welding • Fiberglass Work For Appointment * Complete Paint Jobs Call 426-2806 • Custom Pin Striping Evenings • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs Installed Weekends • Body 8, Frame Work Frank Bates Owner J 30 Years Experience fin 426-9020 FOR AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT CALL ABOUT OUR NEW AUTO GLASS SERVICE Dave • We Will Replace G/ass In Your Auto • At Your Home septic tanks • ,,.c. o, nusln.. • Or My Shop doz i n 9 NEW HOURS: Weekdays 9ravel s:oo o.m.-5:00 p.m. LOCATED ACROSS • Saturday FROM BAYSHORE o2-fi-i-d 9:OOa.m.-4:OOp.m. GOLF COURSE -" ...... - ...... - .... - ........... backhoe st, vie, I[ KDuthFIrllSt, 426-2669 2Oh.=. pin= I Ill [, ,11 DAYS --. EVENINGS 42b t0000 I ............ ......... ...... J :Pagc ?..4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July ]3, ]978 CAST IRON double kitchen sink, with fixtures, includes ,mixe,r and sprayer, $10. 426-5315. $7/13 LARGE STORAGE cabinets, lamps, chairs, built-in oven, trash compactor, Sears whirlpool bath, sewing machine, record player, twin bedroom set, wardrobe closets, rug pad, swing set, reducing machine, propane house heater, coal or wood furnace, boat trailer, hot water tank. Miscellaneous. 426-2766. F7/13 1970 CHRYSLER 4-door hardtop, new tires, body excellent. Must sell. Runs gOod= Must see to appreciatb/'sde after 6 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday. 426-8327. M7/13 '63 GMC pickup. Runs good, new tires, plus studded snow tires. $675 or best offer. See after 6 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday. 426-8327. M7/13 1972 VEGA hatchback, $1,300. 426-8140. C3/9tfn The "1il "Our family's getting bigger every day, in fact Too ig! sarg sez... Why...just yesterday arrivals included u "/8 automatic 4 door... new Colt a 78 Dodge Diplomat, 4 door with just about everything even a sun roof!... a "/8 Dodge 4 door Volare, 6 cylinder auto. Just perfect for a famdy of six needing a new economy car... and a jet black Dodge 150 Adventurer S.E. Now this new job won't be around very long... so "Come on in". See what's new. No reasonable offer refused at Pauley Motors. See Tom Grlese, Bud Knutzen or Don Pouley 4 ¥A€ CHRYSLER PAULEYWIOTOR00 NEW HOURS. Monday-Friday, 8:30-8:00 Saturday, 8:00-6:00 Sunday, 12:00-5:00 Shelto n Front & Railroad 426-5548 /h/m,,u/h I FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-6 Lincoln gym, Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D6/8tfn GARAGE SALE, Friday, 8-4. Bikes, baby furniture, radio, miscellaneouS. 27 Springwood Drive (off Springs Road). H7/13 GARAGE SALE. Antiques, infant clothes, toys, household oods, much more. Saturday, 5th, 10 to 5, 1718 Madison. R7/13 MOVING SALE, Saturday. Camper shell, bunkbeds, miscellaneous, furniture, tools, toys and clothing. 511 Grant, 10-4 p.m., 426-7562. $7/13 FAMII'Y SALE, Saturday, Sunday, 10-6, Route 2, Box 685. Turn left at Agate Store, follow signs. $7/13 FLEA MARKET second Saturday monthly, 9-6, Potlatch Woman's Clubhouse. Hood Canal Lions. H1/12tfn 5-FAMILY garage sale, Friday, Saturday, 8-7, Route 5, Box 383, 10 miles north of Shelton on Highway 101. Large sectional green davenport, $40; more furniture; electric Kenmore range; Indian beadwork table, reasonable. 426-2015. N7/13 THREE-FAMILY garaqe sale- Thursday, Friday, )-8. 2232 Madison Street, back of Welfare Building. Furniture, clothing, dishes, variety. W7/13 MOVING SALE. Refrigerator, electric range, dressers, beds, manual typewriter, desk, dishes, c(uch. Friday, Saturday, 9-? 3 Summit Drive 426-5642. R7/13 ;" Auctbnl AUCTION EVERY Saturday noigthm:ntsP'or :ucikngca:h n. McClearly Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. R5/5tfn CLOSED FOR VA CA TI ON Our next auction, August 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Statewide Auction AT THE TROPICS BALLROOM 7/6-20 Business Opportunities MATURE COUPLE to lease self-service gasoline station. Investment required. Call 624-5900, Seattle. G6/29tfn FOR SALE due to health reasons -- very busy service station and garage. Fast-growing area of Sheffon. 426-3959 and 426-5332. C7/13-8/3 RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 • ! 0 cents for each additional word over ! 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . Help Wanted SITE SEAFOOD is now accepting applications for employment beginning July 15. Apply in person. Route 5, Box 397. 877-9246. $6/29-7/20 SHELTON PRESCHOOL Association is now taking applications for the position of preschool teacher. For further information, call 426-9392 beginning July 10th. B7/6-13 NEED JOURNEYMAN plumber, start $10 hour. Also sheet metal worker, installing furnaces, start $8 hour. 426-4792. $6/29-7/20 ALDERBROOK INN now accepting applications for all hotel-related positions. Sales, maids, secretary, desk, cashier, hostess, lounge, kitchen and food service, night audit and accounting. Please call for appointment, 1-898-2200. A6/29-7/20 MAINTENANCE MAN -- part-time day shift. Ideal for retired man. Apply in person, Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center, 2430 North 13th, Shelton. E.O.E. F7/13-8/3 IF YOU like to work with eople, words, and simple ookkeeping, we have a job for you. In Shelton. Full time. Write Box 99, The Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584. 7/13-20 WILL TRAIN restaurant workers, dishout •cooks, dishwashers, backup cooks, waitresses, bus boys. Opening up new business. Call 426-5070 or 426-1424; ask for Frances. P7/13-20 APARTMENT MANAGER needed, retired couple to manacle 28-unit family complex ,n Shelton. Office and maintenance experience helpful. Must like people. Salary, apartment, utilities, vacation, medical insurance. Call for appointment, 1-454-4743. G7/13 SHELTON'S NEW Super 8 Motel now hiring mature, experienced maids. Apply in person with resume. Northview Circle. $7/13 WAITRESS WANTED. For appointment call 877-5251. O7/6"27 . EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply at Heinie's Broiler. H7/13-8/3 EXPERIENCED FRY cook wanted. Apply at Helnie's Broiler. H7/13-8/3 MASON-THURSTON Community Action Council now accepting applications for the posiUon of clerk-typist-reception- ist. Qualifications: 45 WPM typin9 speed, knowledge of general office procedures, high school diploma or equivalent or willingness to achieve this goal, and valid Washington State driver's license. Should have own transportation. Starting salary, $650 a month. Applications available at 1015 East Fourth Street, Olympia, WA, 352-9910. Closing date, July 17, 1978 at 5 p.m. MTCAC is an equal opportunity employer. M7/13 PART-TIME, security personnel, Shelton-MCleary area, must have own transportation. Send name, age, address and phone number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton, WA 98584. 4/6tfn REAL ESTATE sales --full-time salesperson to complete our staff. Professionalism is of paramount importance. paramount realty, 429777. P7/13-8/3 NURSING In.Sendce Director RN -- Full.Time O /t O / O Wtt O RN's and LPN's Full and part.time shifts available. Good starting salary, fringe benefits. O DOtter O Ott Ot Nurse's Aides Full and port-time. Prefer mature perlons with experience. $2.91 per hour plus fringe benefits. APPLY IN PERSON FIR LANE TERRACE 141e No. lltk Slkelton, WA 1.O.II. 7/13-27 Wanted CEDAR LOGS or timber wanted. Highest prices. Scheller Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. L/_ 5_t f _n ....... CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up service. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated cardboard. Mason County Salvage, 426-8626. M7/15tfn WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call for current prices. Versapanel Inc., 426-5571. VlO/!4tfn . . ,BUY BEER bottles, 30c case delivered, 25c if picked up, Call after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn Wanted WANTED -- 6' mix of fir, hemlock, cedar. Minimum 3½ diameter. 25c Versapanel, John's 426-5571, for V7/28tfn OLD LAMPS and Aladdin, Rayo, Rochester, glass and lamps, household 877-5733, Jack Lelrl • Hoodsport. L6/23tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Par1 of Shelton, John'S We buy poles, and land. 426- 426-8914, P.O. Box K, K2/24tfn WOMAN NEEDS ride Parkwood area on Shelton Road to arrive down a.m., Monda Wednesday. WANTED -- THOUGP voters to support Jim Mason County sheriff. WANTED -- USED canoe, any shape. H7/13-20 TIM Wanted, timber. Cash, contract or exchange for land clearing. WYNN'S 275-3222 or offer 7 275-2944 Work Wanted LICENSED DAY care, 6 years old. Pioneer District, TImberlakes. C10/13tfn LICENSED DAYCARE, and up, Mill Creek 426;2905. GT/6tfn E X P E R I E N C HOUSEPAINTER will the hour or by the joD, 426-7174. M7/13-8/3 Pets, Livestock TRAIN YOUR dog Another obedience started. Not too late to 426-3716. H6/22tfn KOUNTRY KENNEL, worry about your you're on vacat=on, leave the Kountry Kennel. 426-5936. E6/22-.7/13 LOW COST spay neuter € sponsored by MCCF/ information and call 426-9828 M6/15tfn AKC CHESAPEAK retriever puppies. Big, go-getters. Pet, huntln Call 1-857-4564. R6 FLASHY BAY 3-year- lett hind partial cornet. Arabian gelding. Sire -- dam -- Bazsa. Ready to reat potential. Call 26-1666, Jerry Rlchert. R7/6-27 WANTED -- PEI cock-a-poD puppy. 426-3521. M7/13 RED AND rust Dab pinscherpups, 10 weeks each. 426-9321. D7/13 PUREBRED GERMAN puppies, $3fr5e; e free kittens; cocker mixed puppies. 426-2766. FREE -- .LOVING, playful, kitten, nousebroken, 7 old. 426-9482. M7/13 KITTENS, 7 weeks white and 1 gray. Call afte r Thursday p.m. MILK GOAT, buck goats, $5 rabbits, $4 each. and Welch mare, 426-5936. B7/13 FOR SALE: Pony mare., saddle. Phone 426 -' F7/13tfn Lost & Found LOST- FEMALE Irish months old, Bayshore 426-7295. P7/13 FOUND, WALKER 4th -- watch and rin before T Ident for ad. 7,-0" 426-4412