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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PERCY , PIO ; &apos; 6'/)17 S F 8r3;'! hV£ . C? .< C i' 00,gs Annexation Of Mt. View Restrained By Superior Court, Order M Legal Barrier W "001t o ' - ' Stops Action Till August 5th erA:; ,  - vua.. xa.a..tzj. /.o at Shelton. Wash., under Act of March 3, 1879. *aA, ...... , WASHINGTON Thursday, July 14, 1949. 8c PER COPY; $3.50 PER YEAR %n o%z , . , • .... from act,yelP UC y HU t¢ Ge • . C g '00immr00f'FcB00Swithregret I k n rs t Thre B,_ ou arslFete Legion Women ,00/so C-a-00cl00 Fis-h . Mr. Fitch, i:-:ii!iiiii:ii tO be known to I Ball Players Mertal s to I With Steaks .... many years .... : Winding up an official sea- service the past eight Sort of baseball, members of the Washing- the Junior Legion team were )in, where treated Tuesday evening to anagerand ,'wiss-steak dinners by Le-. , This Bt'will car- gionnaires of Fred B. Wivell ctivities [ Post 31. and that his I Jack Valh'y was team will prove captain for the past year hy Coach td pleasant Red Smith, who praised the boys selected for the improvement they had he will  shows during' the season. "The "Bud" team's win-and-lbss record was to AI Huerby I not successful, but in view of the Opportunity players' youth and inexperience in md rest starting, they did exceptionally • well." critical forest I COACH SMITH heartily thknked the J:,egion fo' arranging says a timely and simngoring the series of Le- state Keep gion games. Association, Even though the team truggled Northwest, tl}rough the start of the season ffort must be with. losses, their relentless "will to ,win" carried them to two vic- The 1949 tortes over suc.h strong opponents the Forestry as Post 138 in Tacoma and the Le- man, as gigs post in Puyallup. ers, is start- O th e rs who sincerely com- 1938 sea-! mended the I,t, gion and the young acres of (Continued On Page Two) Washington WILD COUGARS ARE SAFE only when William Evers of the U. 8. Fish and Wildlife letthat hap- they are dead. Three of the ,harp.toothed Service, Dorothy Leonard and Charles Evers. El t i P been much creatures Friday were safely brought out of William Ever= (left) is holding the head of a ec r c ower from United the mountainous South-Fork Skokomish region nine-footer ,,., .as .,. I t City and state northwest of She,ton by the hunter, above, var,y Shot n o personnel in ,:. At English Visitors Big Cougar Shelton Pioneer New Plant doing this Without any special ceremony a new quarter-rnilihm-dollars retail : .: ...... Associationshall con- Here Impressed Snarls And Tires Of Europe, distributing plant for electricity ,o s0000so.- By Shelton Comes Back Home 00e-.t into service in Shelton at PROVING THAT women are vantage of sunny weather ,o begun. U,S.$ ] :54 o'clock last Friday afternoon, skilled at catching fish, Mrs. troll for salmon catches in hopes Interested spectators were V.M. Viola Ferris caught a 15-pound of winning one of the prizes o% through the wonderful"We have found Shelton suChtow,, that we hate to Leaps At 3 Three years in the °Id c°untry Murray' Puget S°und district °f'* 4-ounce King salmon at Union fared in the derby. (Picture by out the rights think of going back to England was too much for Axel Anderson, rice manager for Bonneville ad- July 3 as that week's heaviest Andrews.) J. }3. Lamson, of an early Shelton pioneer. Last ministration; entry in the second annual Slap- the validity and its degenerating socialist sys- When Dorothy Leonard and Friday he returned here to what Bonneville administration; Claude son Salmon Derby for the corn- Peddlers license, tern next month," commented Mr. Charles Evers last week packed=he calls the "finest land in the Daniels(m, P.U.D. 3 manager; pany's employes. Her husband, Girls [rolic war veterans and Mrs. Wesley Harrison who some fishinff gear to try trout lworld." P.U.D. commissioners, and Bums- Fred, (right) said he hooked a :ee when state have been visiting his brother, AI- casting while William Evers, ONE OF THE local oldtinmrs, villa and P.U.D. crewmen needed larger one but that it got away be exempt,with Street,fred Harrison,Shelton. 128 East Alder Charles' father, inspected his cou-Mr. Anderson came to Mason for the power hookup, with a broken 00ovo00., ,v;'"or" comes to the "THE PEOPLE in Shelton are gar and coyote traps, they never county in November of 1889 where ,Vith a telel)hone okeh from the week= earlier Mrs. Ferris pulled I expected to tangle with a brush- for over half a century he worked system lotl dispatcher at Coving- in a17 and a half pounder but "takes" hun" s°f°rtunateinhavingahealthy Idashingc°ugar" here t0 bu|ld fairsi'ed h°ldings' tQn subtatk)n in King county' the Se00t aning, be- private enterprise system," Mr. BOTH DOROTHY and Charles He planted himself on' a farm In' bfg' swilles were closed, bringing !'derln,a@hat,lltl .:! our Harrln said. "It is thrilling to : were on vacation last week when Isabella valley in 1903 and in 1936 a. transformer capacity of 115,000  at Smith's Marine at U,to,, i  of that walk through the shops and he Wlliam Evers told of plans to he moved to Shelton. volts to the Shelton area. Heaviest fish in the contest so ..... of Amer- greeted by friendly .and helpful drive around the south end of Girl Scoui: camp opened Monday It is usually clerks. We are not used to such Cushman lake toward Browns After spending ten years in "The nev¢ installation should far is one weighing 20 pounds at the school grounds ;:t Shelt the era- service." creek to check traps set for pre- Shelton absorbing the clty life, Mr. provide sufficient power for years 4 ounces; caught by George Wtl. Airport and will contimm mti] on by being Since they arrived in Shelton in datory animals. They decided to Anderson decided to return to to come," Danieison said. "When son of Woodfiber on June 9. next, Wednesday. 'ramng ptwt ar Jng June, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have make the trip and to fish in the Sweden to spend the rest of his :the Mountain View substation of Buck Armstrong, Boom, regis- about 150 healthy young girls, 20 corn- been strolling about the town, mountain streams, life. That was three years ago. 6,000 kilovolts was erected, it was tere.d a King weighing 11 pounds adults and ten junior counseh)ra. thought that it would take care 2 ounces on July 4. . as aSUbscriberwarning, BremertonSightseeing andal°ngolympia.H°°d Canal,,, Last Thursday Evers found two Now Mr. Anderson, an 88-year- of the area for a hag time. But While s@me Simpson Logging : THE GIRLS ARE brought to before thing looks so fresh, clean and large cougars caught in traps he'd old man with husky,pep, is back , its peak was reached last I)ecem- Company operations have been the camp gr()unds on two school buses at 9:30 o'clock in the morn- to wholesome here," Mrs. Harrison set a week earier about eight in good old Shelton. "There were bar.,, closed for Summer vacattions, ing and return at three- o'ch)clc in L" that it is said. "I guess we brought good miles southwest of Cushman dam. Just too many communists and so- An additional 37,500 kilovolts employes have been taking ad- the afternoon. Sum(, ,)f the jm/ior weather to you in Shelton when One of the animals was ocer nine cialists in Sweden. They were al- with an overload capacity up to counseh)rs Fide- bicycles to the feet long, but they were harmless ways bickering and fighting one 50,000 is provided by the new iL was adver- we came." ;transformers at First and Knee- Last Rites For G00a,00t ,, The two. travelers came from for the traps had them securely another, and I didn't like it." camp grounds, Would visit England to the United States grounded. HAVING SPENT most of his land streets, rector, said that the, cnro|lment and many (Comlnued on page 3) By the time the voracious fe-life here, Mr. Anderson has firm- E:tch transformer weighs 40 Mrs Deyette lines were skinned and the two ly concluded that it's one of the tons. Cost of building the three , . this year Is one of the- lu.rgest in f ant;rips- fishers had returned from treks finest places existing. "I really wan a quarter-nflllion dollars. Con- Thursday Morning yo.00s awa,00s wi. b., ti, ,.ovo 50 Persons Meet ,,,,, the stream it was late, and like Shelton and Mason county," tract for' grading, fencing" and .girls having perh!:ct attend!ace records for the- campin/4' perio(l, sieve tOP,and the three made camp near Browns lie declared, erection of framework came to Funer::tl services for Mrs. Don- Playing and working in the "tm- I 3 d Ph Of The.ani-! n r ase ,. CATCHING of two coug o The Mason county oldtimer $18,000. alda A. DeycLLe, who died Jtfly shine and under the- trees, tim girls, ] d out. and ars wasn't particularly exciting to made his trips to the old country ............................................... 10 at the home of her daughter in divided into project unit;, :;tudy  thatth°!K idl H i , re er ear ng William Zvers, for in the 15 Years aboard ships, because he said he HOOT OWL SWISHES Sokomsh valley; are being held crafts, take hikes, practice- folk that he worked in this region didn't liRe airplanes. INTO GRISDALE'S at 9 o'clock this morning from St. dancing, sketching and drtml|,tics, l:la'( 135, l,'r)rty and Ei:ht, were Edward's Catholic church. The Some are ]earning methods of mterLained at a picnic supper at for it! About 37 women and 13 men trapping predators he had taken were on hand last Friday after- about 4,000 cougars, wild cats and Sch ltz Add;t; WORKING SCHEDULE Rvre.d Mar,, Wiechmam, is in cooig outdoors the home of I)r'. m,d Mrs. M, C. st noon at the Mason County Court- coyotes. He got seven cougars iu U on wings of the curly rising "hoot charge. COMMITTEE in ¢.tare of su-]Me-lt'Am hst 'Phursday ight:. The of flesh, house to resume the third phase the past two years off the ridges owl" swished over the Simpson A rosary was held at 7:30 ... (=, ¢,f th*, Gii S(o:t cilxi') [ )('ctsi )11 th ")lol)lhlv meelinq' of A d To City " ........ ° " .......... .... a good name of a hearing opened last month on of Olympic Peninsula. nnexe Logging Company's timber opera- o'clock Wednesday evening at St. ,,:,,,,=-':;'= ,o,.. _.,,,h -^"'-,,'-, ""' ..... I] the .°rg"anizati°n.. . served. ts. ,m. petition from Burton Kreidler, Friday morning the th r e e was a Gold-Star mother. Her son .......... ' ...... t ...... discharged principal of Belfair headed e ast toward Denny Ahl City commissioners, restrained tion:first timein Grisdalesince 1947.this week for the Edward's church. Mrs. Deyette **. rmdschmid t Mrs ()live Gre- eleehon o( oJt(c, ers for next year. school, c necK coyote traps be- Tuesday from holding a hearing on Because of fire hazard in the .Harry N., a paratrooper, was killed' berg, Mrs. Alice Diclle and Mr;.  Walter ,% Nash, v(,teran ()l the In a three and a half hour ses- fcre returmng none to Shelton. annexation of Monutain View land, forests, loggers were put on an in service in ltaly. Edna Temple. ....................................... ]leaderfirst Worh:lin v,LeraasWar andaffairshmg anofactiVesheb sign several witnesses were heard, (Continued on page 3) passed an ordinance to anncx extreme type of daylight having She was born July 5, 1890, at tg,z,ttm-- #'¢atmD¢m  t(m, wa.s name(i to head the- local and the hearing was adjourned to Schultz addition to Shelton. The which landed them in [he woods Belh.vue and was married to Har-, iEa/-Jt lltat -Va.Vt%r'SU I organi;ation as chef de, g-tl?(. He MEN HONOR GITESq[ S uc,,,,,.d. t,) t, ,: held duri,,g meet again at one o'clock the af- annexation becomes effective July just as du'kncss left md brought ry Dcyette on June 7 of 1910 in .    , , ternoon of July 15 at the court- REGISTRATION OPEN i2. Seattle, and they came to Mason t.h(' last year by AI Huerby. $111€1r house. They havo made their home here A delegation of the Seatth', Mat(rice N(,e-dhtln, chef (ie train; lax v. CaOSSN, cerk of e- FOR LEGION MEET Schmtz addition, a residential timm back into Grisdalc for "sup- • area of fine homes, lies due north per" serw'A at 3 o'clock in the county on August 15 of that year. AT MEET THURSDAY ot,or .m.e-rs n..),a includes ME of Shelton in a line suggested by aftcrnooll. RA fair school board, asserted that President of the 1949 Legion Bud Puhn, logging mamger, for 39 years. Mr. Dcyette is clerk Chamber of Conurnerce- \\;vi:l he teginald Sy¢(:s, corre-spondanL; S t a t e Convention Corporation, Kreidler had acted in insubordina- Henry R. Kruse, Seattle, today ' an imaginary extension of Seventh said the hoot owl schedule will be of the ;Mason County uperior honor guests at the m mLhl7 nmet- T h o il a s Htrris(m, conducteur; tion to the school board in treat- urged all out-of-town Legionnaires avenue. It lies between Capitol followed until the heat and ha- Cour ing of t]lc ShclL(m C)-Anl e. of Rus.qell l:[unter, garde de l,t porte; ing students' hurts with aspirin to hurry, w,Lh their registration hill and Mountain View. midity return to safer levels. Hc Sh leaves her husband, Harry Commerce at lilotel Shel[on Col- Ray Parr, cummin v;yagcur; Dr, or sulfa, had obtained war sur- Bids were called at the Tuesday said working in the cool part of of Shelton; four sons, Victor E. fee shop tonighl; it, wa:; ;mnoum:ed (]eorgo A, LeComl)te, medic;n; .I). and hotet room requests for the plus electronics equipment for the meeting for the placing of light the day enables loggers to get in of,Black ia, nmnd, Herbert W. of in a notification isstmd this wear .I, O'Neill, public-isLe; Wendell school withou't his (Crossen's) Seattle conclave. Nearly one third of the first- bituminous surface treatment on full time. Skokomish valley, Marion F. of by Secretary E. It. Faubcvt. , Iihqcke-rt, garde de,s pri..;onniers;, consent, had charged extra for class hotel accomodattons reserved roads and streets in the city. Weather remained so cool all Shelton, and Clarles D. of Ta- Gay H. Ellis ,)f the vi:itingJ ,h)hn Carrot[, argent; l)ave Km:c L special work done at the school for the State Convention have been  Needed are 27 tons of road oi! and through last summer that no spcc- coma; three daughters, Mrs. tan- delegation will bc speaker og the I land a, umonier; ,lack lia, ton, lure- ;era Savage of Olympia, Mrs. Era- meeting. Dinner will })e :m!'ved at piste, and A, ,If Curtis, V. T, Con. inAfterSUmmer.attorneys Charles R. asked for, according to Kruse. 340 cubic yards of pea gravel, ial fire precautions wcrc required, i[y McAferty of Olympia, aud Mrs. 7 ()'('lock with tte bsincs ,'os,,Aon sully and V(n'n ICarus cleminots. The State American Legion AI--Hueby-=--r- T an r sfe F°rd I CampL)ell of Skokomish val-folh)wing. A largc d(qcgation of[ A picnic supper (,f han and al; Lewis and B. Franklin Heuston meet is expected to draw over , lay; two brothers, Joseph Lanier SImlLon Chart)bar :lnembers are tthe- trimmings was sm've-d the larg- had questioned Crossen, Kreid- n 000 Washington Legionnaires of" Alaska, and Herbert of Elms; urge(! to be present and W,J'eet the er attendance of Vulture memberE ler cross-examined him. Although du'ring the three-day September a half-brother, Martin Kerr;gas of vistiors.  land gucst'L Crossen" claimed he thought the 8t o 10 daes. Dealership. To E W Fitc h / C°rwdlis' Ore,; two sisters, Mrs. tEfi ' LAmB i( : ........ ................................... :,7!;7 electronics, material had no value ...... Zerilda Walton of Moses Lake-, " YOUNG Kriedler said that the cable was TII, X Foreclosure Sale • • and Mrs. Emily O'Grady of Salina, to be used for R school commum- NAWKEY [ cation system and that the other Scheduled July 16 Transfer o fl Motor company at Ahcrdccn, Ford| Calif., and 23 grandchildren. Burial is in the HoLy Gros., Ccm- items had monetary value far in S. E. Smith, Mason county the S h e l L o n dealer in that area. ctcry near Shelton. r SPRING L B A excess of the cost. treauror, announces that a tax Mr. Fitch i'. a graduate of St ..................................................... iN SiGNiNGvoucherssubmit. forec,osure sale is to be held a t Ford dealership BEEF TEAKS s¢ from A] Huerby Martin's Coneg at La(,cy and aso T. DEER ATTENDS l TENDER (Continued un page 3) 10 o clock Saturday morning at "Bud" attended t.he University of Wash- e courmouse On sa th • le will be to E.W. ington. He is marrie-d and witl FIREMEN S SESSION 'modern real estate foreclosed for non-pay- Fitch of Olym- Mrs. Fitch expects to rnakc real- Theodore Deer, Shelton Fire- , I I YOUNG RIBS .. LB, °'°oo' IF mcnt o taxes. • pia was an- dencehere as oonas adequate Chief, andMrs. Docrattendeda ROAST[NIl ItE NS 4S€ add to - nuanced Mon- quarters can be secured. The name four-day firemen's convention in ' FRESH • sure of MRS. J. E. ETON, .Employes GO day morning, of the company will be elumgcd to Vancouver, Wash., last week. kesblack. South 7th Street Vacation Friday the change of Fitch Ford Sales, with the new The fire chief reported tint i DRESSED LB. Olympic Plywood Plant will nlanagem e n t dealer leamng Lhc Hucrby build- about 500 were in atten(lance at Film, Route I, Box 280 close Frlday nlght for  regular coming on that MR. FITCI[ TOLD the Journal hibitions put on by the VancotIvev ii CARSTEN'S will car at The Journtl office two-week vacation period, It d ay. Hucrby thin week tint he felt exceedingly fire department, and attended dcm- SELECT BEEF LB. I 21. You with this coupon they nlay ex- was announced today by the who has held fortunate in affecting possession onstrations of equipment slid " ....... 'tQPs, too change it for two tickets each 81ml 's°n Logg, htg Co.p.ny. It the agency for of Lhe Iquerby dealership, as he methods for fighting five. SIRLOIN SEAKS 59 ¢ or"flosh" for the current attraction now will open August 1. the past eight- AL IIUERB¥ Vcdll:s(lay, YOUNG omsi(lers ShclLon one of Lhe most Going south last '  ' Photo p I ayin g at the Paramount l)sVe Car.talr,, Jr., plant een years is to remain in Shelton, stlbs.antial comnmnitie, of the Mr. and Mrs, Deer returned here ! theatre as guests of Gas Graf ]nager, aid eon.iderable plant but has no intention of engaging Nt)rthwc;L. lte ann(mn('cd that Sunday nivhL. During the- chief's , , TENDER .. LB. of the Paramount and The improvement will be made dur- in any fm'ther commercial enter- there would bc no I)ersonnel absence there wcrc no blazes Journal The four tickets Umt Ing the .nuvtown perlod, prise here in the near futurc, changc; m the agc,,cy hcre, the .................................................... VLOllhlgl'"']krl"]["rl ZSm'm¢ Tx. will be given each week to ae- laced MI.II One reoponed Tuck- FITCH COME8 to Shelton from nlechanical, sdl'vicc slid office I'AICEN'rS OF (;!I{I, Kraft's lected Journal subscribers will da/'followtng a two-week ca- tlxe position of business manager force renufining intact. Ju|y 7 a girl was born to Mr, Parkay. LB. be honored at either Monday or tion, and Mill Two and Wood* of the Waslington SLate Part'el, ]n speaking of the future, Mr'. and Mrs. I,. A. Fuller, RL 2, Box Tuesday shows. Look for your fiber l )lnts are on aeatlons. serving in that capacity for triiC HUerby stated that hc has no plans 142A, aL the Clinic hospiLal. WES 'ERN MEAT C0 If 0 name next week. past eigth years and trader tim for any ironed;aLe activity, other Tllis Monday & Tlmsdtly: I,AI{ENT8 OF BOY administrations o f Governors lhmt Lh'tL he expct:t to lmve suf- IIANSONN HAVE SON ,, . Esther Williams A sort was born July9 to Mr. Langlie and Wallgl'ell. L)rJof t,o ficie-nt free Lime Lo p,)li:J off his 1{1'. and Mrs. Charlie llallSOll+ ,$11 Railroad PHON£ 21 Mrs. Bob Bellinghusen, 1431 his service for the state, Mr. gull' game. He expectz to assist 1922 Stevens, are the parents of dOhHE .152 , , In u Ell;nor, at Shelton General Hun- Fitch was sales manager and of- the new dealer whenever that may a son born July 10 at ShelLon CUSTOM CUTTING AND CAIR1NG NEPTUNE S'OAUGH'TER - ficc inanager or tho Wal;cfield bc nceary. General hospital. .. , , .... t ( A landslide to amw:< 1.8 Hock of Momtain View t, er- ritory to Shclt,on skidd',:d into a legal barrier Tuesday. City CO,qm]issj(r:)r¢FS we]'e s,',rved a court ord(r restraining them from a(.Ling on the annexa- tion proposals. Following the proumttLion' June 28 of petitions from }hu'ohl L;d(!- burg and (?ltrt tloupt t. ampex to ',:h,::,,n two adjacent Mt. View ,'-;ecl: J H 1% t]10 (011) Fn [ssioi;)(!Ys h;:d ,;(',h('dtt]ed a pt|hlic hcaring fur',lilly t2 t() sir t}] l)rol)(}sals. Th( ill(IVe ]DIS becll pll}. oil J(!O. PU, TITIONKD BY O. l,, l)unning of Mt. View, 'm (,rder strawing an :lt:(n'm)te writ ,ff [::rohibiUon was ;3igi!,'d J/lly 8 by hlpcrior Cou!:t ,Indt.;'e John 5I. VVibion ;kll(| ,Va.S SO'V¢¢I on city ('OIlIITliR,%iOI(WR {ILi the city elel'k. Th(' order [)r()hlbit8 [urth(,r action by the (qty until the l(:yaliLy of I:lkoburg"8 petition is e-stahliqht'd. I)irccb'd to lhe ('iiy officials, the "It i'. heiL, by m'd,,rc, d hy this ('()m'L that you a]qmav b(ffor.:! the ll])("l'i(>F ((I[lt't ill lil:l ,'[:tS(i!l C)llll- t y (!(tlF[hoos(t :Lt f ;} ;: ,U}. A itgnst 5 t t) k;]]()'V C,I[I[St ii' ;:i1'C tilt F(  i)V, "why :( writ of !}rohibition :,;hollhl not be i:-,'ucd and why you sh:mh.i ll:)t be r(':]tYt, hlC! fFool fu/'thor pro-. ccc:Ungs (.);7 s:(id l.,akeburg';) pc- tkion. "l.)ntil the fttrthcr order of Lifts ("*)Ill't, V)(( ill't! ()v(hl'e(l IO It's}st ;tIId ]'el:i'3ill fl?Olll ttlvt[v" UI'f)<':'m,(- ing; c,.)n::.cfi); :mid peli/.i:,L" THE ANNEXX'IrION m[)vommt ,-,nd r(-,str,dPing order con[ronting oily ofSicials pnrnllela "cthms (nd couuter-aetiis ipvolved th*: pro- posed fo[']I]a[it)ll of a I!CW folil'th- cla,s cit.y of /ndependcace ;:or Mt. View. ()n ,hme J3 a petition ::iv, nod by about 100 residenL: in M't, View wns ])resented county ¢i(nmlL-',siml- ers, asking them Lo ]aHrlc'h pr¢)- c(wding.% to establish the city )f I nd,q)ondon('e. Comity c(m:,mlS- 8iOllOl,S, t:lkjfflt?; Lhe nutter wld(;r ;tdviseme(lt, were r(str:tin((| ff'r)121 t:tking' action by an :Ol,::tate writ of lWohihition Signed .IwP' 17 by i.qllp(YioF ('.Ot|l' JtllL, e (.'har|es T. Wright. I,(:,UII :-LSl]e-('ts (If tht' i'()l'm,-Inde- l(mcl(,n(e pptititm witl t:)e- brought I)efore the Superior Col,rt at 10 Lt.i. , !!lv '.?:l. :!!"o!CI [,:tJ<Pl)llr'ff obtaiued the order on 1he- alleged fact tbaL those who petitioned lot th, formation of lnd(q:)e;tdence, wd uot compliod with tlie required {;1'.{" 'y p.rovis.tons ...... P A It A L L E L. ! N G Lakebu rg's m(, tion, I)unni'tlg"s pc-tit;on to .'.ectlre the order restr}ining city commis- :don(r: from sating on the. annex. at;ca plan claims that I.mkeburg (lid t(,t comply fully wit:h the legal provisions t by state h,wS and that the city is without jurisdictiort to act. t'L'operty behmzing h) l)unning li's within the ;t('ca lm)p(<ed for irw.t)rpor;Lion o[ Lhe [(mtLll-class ((lot)tin(It'll Oll I);)IM; 7) ( .... anopy 0t St, Marks Electiou Meet Of 40 et 8 In tlc midst o[ " deli,,htful tim- bere(l gl')VO and IllltlCl' II Callopy of ,tar:ltt skies, I'IV!|I[t)(!F] of V()}"