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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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to get rid of flies u J :: J this way wRh A Product of Standard of California Want to get rid of flies, fleas, mosquitoes, mohs and ants easily ... quickly.., for months at a time? Chevron Surihce Spray contains 5% DDT--leaves an invisible fihn wherever applied. Spray i on wails, wallpaper and Librics. Will not stain ! Won&apos;t harm humans when used as dicted. Distributed by L COLE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. SH ELTON, WASH. Telephone 87 11 III L. D. HACKS ATTEND GATHERING JULY 4 Mr. and Mrs. L. D, Hack were in Portland. Ore. on the Fourth of July attending nn annusl get- togctl]ev of old friends. 25 in all. Twenty-thr.ce were from Hack's old home town of Linmore, Iowa. One of the group from the Myr- tle wood district in Oregon pre- sented all the ladies with myrtle wood pins and L. D. received a cane of the wood and both he attd his wife were given gavels. Nearly everyone of the gather- ing has listed tile IIacks as friends for more than half a ceritury. VANCOIIVER VISITOR Mrs. Sherman tobertson of Van- rOuTer. %Vash. was the house guest last week of her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rob,risen. GO()DWII,L TRIJCii JUI,Y 21 The Goodwill truck will be .in Shelton Thursday, July 21. Any- one having donations should call lS-W. LOU!00I0 Can Serve You Best BECAUSE WK USE • Top Grade Parts GIVE @ Guaranteed Service AT • Prices You can Afford ttonest Eusiness Is Good Iusiness Lou's Radio Mt. View Phone 75-W Go To Church Sunday b [[ SHELTON-MASOr¢ COtmTY Jo'mAL 00'OCtt00TT ] ] ,% YOU want these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its fleidl WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with DubI.Life Rlvetless Brake Linings) LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS qlELD, with WIDEST TREAD, as well 5-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) CENTER-POINT STEERING CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION LEMKE00 McLAIN EXCHANGE V0WS JULY 3 IN IMPRESSIVE SERVICE In her gawn of slipper satin, in one of white net lighted the Betty Louise Lemke, daughter of candles. They wore wristlets of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke, walked pink carnations and sweet peas. down the aisle of the Mount Olive Robert Fuller was best man, and Lutheran church on the arm of Leon Scott and Arthur Wolden her father at 7:30 p.m., July 3 were ushers. to become the bride of Cecil T. blcLain, son of Mrs. Katie McLain Virginia Cooper sang "Because" of Walla Walla, Wash. accompanied by Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki and James Necdham sang White and peach glads decorated "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied the altar before which the double by Mrs. J. L. Dotson. ring ceremony was read by Rev. William Albach, and bouquets of For her daughter's wedding pink roses were on the window Mrs, Lemke wore a navy blue sills. Each pew was marked by a print dress with pink and navy bouquet of pink roses backed with accessories. Mrs. McLain chose a white doilies and tied with satin white and brown print dress with white accessories. They both had streamers. The bride's gown was fashioned pink and .white carnation corsages. * $ * with a high neckline which was ac- cented with a lace collar. The Mrs. McLain donned a navy blue satin bodice has lace inserts on drdss suit and pink accessories for the sides fro.m the shoulders to her honeymoon to Oregon. Her the waist line, Her skirt was corsage was of pink rose buds. gathered and had a traditional The young couple are now at long sweeping train, She wore a home at 1624V2 Ridgeroad, Shel- finger tip veil caught to her hair ton. by a har.t:shaped crown of era- A '48 graduate of h'ene S. Reed broidered seed pearls. For some- the bride is employed at the thing borrowed, she wore a three- County Treasurer's office. The strand necklace of pearls which bridegroom attended school in belonged to the bridegroom's California and is employed at the mother. Something new was a Circle S. Construction and Log- watch, a gift from the bride- ging Co. groom. Her bouquet was of pink .  . carnations and white stephanotis around a removable pink rosebud The church parlors were dec- corsage, orated with pink roses for the * * * reception which followed thq cere- Bridal attendants were Mrs. mony. The four-tiered wedding Arthur Wold,n, sister of the bride, cake rested on a lace covered matron of honor and Mrs. Ken- table cloth and was flanked by neth Wolden, sister of the bride, blue candles. A bride and bride- and Delores Ristine bridesmaids, grool figurine standing in front They all wore taffeta gowns of of three miniature bells topped blue, aqua and pink respectively, the cake and blue frosting rose and styled with sweetheart neck- buds decorated each tier. lines. Their bouquets were of pink Mrs. Charles Loitz, grandmother and white carnations, of the bride, and Mrs. Burdette Carol Ann Wolden, neice of the Loitz, aunt of the bride, served bride, gowned in pink and blue and Mrs. Bernard Rishel poured taffeta scattered rose petals in the punch. Mrs. Robert Fuller the aisle from her satin covered had charge of the guest book. basket. She wore a head band Mrs. Katie McLain of Walla of sweet peas. Walls, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry Mrs. Robert Lemke in a gown and children of Yakima, Mr. and of pink net and Mrs, Leon Scott Mrs. Roy Burkland of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Herring of Adv,,,¢,,o Seattle came from out of town " " for the wedding. From where I sit.../y Joe M=r00h,, Lneill00 Adams Is Home ' - From Nurses Training Luciile Adams, daughter of Mrs. Win Sure "Steppe Dell Adams, has been enjoying a dy d four-week vacation before re- turning to Tacoma General hos- The Show"! petal to resume nurses training. She has ten weeks more before The olhr night a bunch of us Windy feels so bad, that he's psy- course, she completes her three year were over at Judge Cunuingham's ing the bill and has apologized to With friends, Kippy Norris, watching a swell vaudeville pro- the Judge for acting so smart. Margie Carlson. Georgina King, ram on his new television set. It From where I Mt, it pays to Florence Houge and Shirley Turn- cnm in fine, but Just once, the practice a little restraint when- er, Lucille enjoyed, many outdoor creen got a little streaky, ever we get the urge to meddle, sports at Lake Newatze3. Satsop River, Tacoma, Orting and Fox Be.oro kc Judg could touch Whether it's television or a per- Island. The last week was spent .he knob to bring it into focus, son's right to enjoy a temperate at her home in Dayton. ohl Windy .Taylor starts ooling glass of sparkling beer now and Lucille's brother, tester Adar/s', arotmd with' the antenna conner- then-rlet's get a good clear "pic- is also home from school, at El- field. "I can fix thatl" he ays, ture" of the real situatio before lensburg. .. we caus more harm than g0od. RETURN FROM SEATTLE Windy fixed it all right. He : Mr. and Mrs, Ben Banner spent |most of last week in Seattle "steplted the show" for us, and [' _ t/ . khelping their son, Roy Banner, and Buzz Ellis had to come over and do  _] |his family get settled in their a $20 repair job. I understand [new home, Roy, who has just , |graduated from the University of |Washington, has a position with Copyrisht, 1949, United States Brewers Foundatio ]the State Game department. , % "I'm standing by for the most Beautiful BUY of all..." Nothing less will satisfy-- Nothing else will do! Engagement Told At Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs Charlie Meyer an- nounce the engagement of their daughter. Dorothy to Dick Conk- lin of Seattle. son of Mr. V¢inston Conklin of Bremerton. Dorothy is a graduate of Irene S. Reed with the elwss of '49. A mid-August wedding has been planned by the young couple. The engagement was made known to immediate family and other relatives during a family re- union held over the Fourth of July week end. Dorothy was home from Seattle where she is employed at Sears and Roebuck Co. ThOse attending were Mr. and Mr% Dan R. Meyer and son, Dick from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Meyer and children from Wapato and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meyer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer of Seattle. From Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. LouSe Meyer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, Jr., Lois Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. C. Meyer. Others who called during the day were Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin- dale. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Martin- dale of Vashon and Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, Sr. and children. June Wolden Feted At Birthday Party Elaine Lessard was hostess at a surprise birthday party for June Wolden Friday evening, July 8 at her home on Arcadia road. The honored guest was com- pletely surprised as she believed she was to attend the annual get- together of some of her old class- mates. "Happy Birthday June" In- scribed in yelow on the cake fol- lowed the yellow decoration color scheme throughout the house. That color was chosen since it is June's favorite color. Those attending were the Misses Violet Johnson, Dorothea Hurst, Joan Soper and Sidrley Dittman. Also, the Mesdames Art Wolden, Harry Brown, August Lessard and the honored guest Ladies Day At Course Nine women were present last Thursday for "Ladies Day" at Shelton Bayshore Golf course. Lyla Marshall won the ball in the nine-hole competition. Those present were Evelyn Bur- goyne, Mary Lovell, Jean Hooper, May Monroe, Lyle Marshall, Fan- nie Patchett, Kate Cropper, Vera MeKenzle and Vivian Halbert. OPERATE--MAINTAIN ) BOARD MEETN Mrs. Kenneth Bitney, president of the Itood Canal Womall's Club entertained the members of the board at a one o'clock dessert hmeheon on Tuesday, July 6. Im- portant matters were discussed and tentative plans made for the coming year. WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs. Erwin Cone and Mr. Charles Miller of Portland, Ore. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neff Zintheo. Mr Cone is a cousin to Mrs. Zintheo. ATTEND DEDICATION Mr. Nell Zintheo of Shelton and his brother, E. J. Zintheo, of Olym- pia attended the dedication of the Northwest Air Lines sew airport near Seattle recently. VISIT IN EATTLE ........................................... Mrs. Harold Kennedy and daugh- - tel'. Susan, spent a few days this week visiting' with Mrs. Kennedy's mother, Mrs. Claude Meldrum in Seattle. WEDDING ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Story of Shelton announce the coming marriage of their dauglter, Joyce Lorraine. to Bob W. Smith of Eldon, Wash. Ho is the son of Mrs. Backland. The wedding date is set for, August 6. SKOKOMISII FLOOD CONTROL. A public meeting of all those interested in flood control of the Skokomish river are invited to at- tend a meeNng at the middle Skokomish school at 8 . p.m., July 15. MIDSHIPMAN ANGLE TRAINS IN VIRGINIA Herbert Grant Angle, NROTC Midshipman attending the Uni- versity of Washington, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Angle of Shel- ton is participating in amphibious training exercises held at Little Creek, Va., for NROTC ,Midship- men during July. Tile exercises will train approximately 2,100 stu- dent officers from 52 colleges throughout the United States. These officer candidates are en- tering their Junior year. During these exercises Herbert G. Angle will receive training in Aga/n. • • NEW LOWER PRICES! MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY Fiit arid Grovc Streets Phone 777 or 778 ,L," ..... , L,, &  .., = . , . . - i a.. : __  .. - , , .... IMPRESSIVE CANDLELIGHT RITES UNITE POPULAR COUPLE JULY 9 An impressive candlelight eYe- mony in the First Methodi.t church at 8 p.m., July 9 united Joan Shirley Frisk and Glenn Howard Sowers in holy matri- mony. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Frisk and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis J. Sowers. Rev. Wayne Wright 'performed the double ring ceremony. Bas- kets containing white and lavender glads, pink astilbe and other as: sorted flowers decorated the cimrch, and white satin ribbon held in place with a daisy marked the pews. Given in marriage by her father, the blonde bride was lovely in a lace over satin gown which featured a high sheet" marquisette neckline, and a lower neckline ac- cented by satin folds caught up to give a scalloped effect. The hoop skirt fell into a long train. Her finger tip veil was caught to her head by a satin tiara, and she carried a white satin covered bible topped with a scar- let throated orchid with streanters on the end of which were white sweet peas. Her pearl necklace was a gift from the bridegroom. Joyce Frisk was maid of honor for her sister wearing a net over chif£on dress of orchid. She car- tied a colonial bouquet of carna- tions and sweet peas. Other bridal attendants were Mrs Irene Cobiu.n, Mrs. Beverly  ttolland and Mrs. Marilyn Phillips wearing pink, aqua and peach, respectively. They wore corsages of white carnations and stephano- tis with gold ribbon. • In gowns of yellow Mrs. Har- riet Smith and Alta Bailey lighted the candles. Their corsages were white carnations and lavender sweet peas. Bill Cohurn was best man, and Jess Phillips, Sam Bednarski and Bill Stevenson were usherq. Each usher escorted a bridesmaid to the altar. Before the ceremony Shirley Bailey accompanied by Doris Hill- man sang "Through the Years" and later, after the wedding party arrived, she sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride's mother was attired in a pink dress with navy acces- sories and the bridegroom's mother chose a rose dress and black ac- cessories. Both mothers had cream colored rose bnd corsages. A reception was held immediate- ly after the ceremony at the Col onial House. A bouquet of mixed sweet peas graced the mantel and the linen covered table held on it a three-tiered wedding cake. Min- iature wedding bells topped the cake and pink roses surrounded the base of it and the punch bowl. Mrs. Ann Sowers and Mrs. Bet'- nice Schrieber, sister-in-law and sister of the bridegroom, poured and Sybil Levin and Kitty Price served the cake. Harold Sowers, brother of the bridegroom, pre- sided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Marvin Carter and Mrs. Bruce Thorpe were in charge of the gifts 'and Mrs, Lots Steven- son passed the guest book. All those helping at the reception wore corsages of pink and white carnations. Out-of-town guests came from Olympia, Tacoma, Sedro-Wooley, Portland, Ore.; Aberdeen, Snoqual- mie Falls, Kent, Vancouver, Wash; New Palestine, Ind.; Corvalis and Sutherlin, Ore. BAKE SALE AT UNION The Union Ladies Civic club will hold a bake sale at the fire station in Union Friday, July 15, from noon to 4 p.m. All proceeds will be contributed to the Book- mobile, Members are requested to have their donations turned in by 11:30 a.m. WEEK AT .G:ri:;ii COLUMBIA Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs. Paul Sehlosser left by plane July 11 for a week's stay at Camp Francais on Shawanigan Lake near Victoria, B.C. The camp is French and that is the only lan- guage spoken there. E( For her wedding trip to YeN lowsLone National Park, Mrs. Sowers changed to a pink knit Life suit dress with white and navy accessories. She wore an orchid corsage. When they return, the newly-weds will make their home Long in Shelton. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sowers were farlTl graduated from Irene S. Reed and are now employed by Pacific !Telephone and Telegraph Co. Morgan & Lumber 1324 OLYMPIC 0@ Phone 656 :or l PITTSBURGH 00 • HAULING BUILDING FUR COAT WILLIAM D. ! 7VLY SPECIAL i  ;il Fur Coat Expert of WILL BE IN Tuesday, July AT THE RUBY CRANE 321 COTA STREET To Take Care of All: Storage - Repairs, etc., For of Summer Dresses --- MANY: BETTER DRESSES ALS O GOTHAM GOLD . $1.19 TO $1.75 Warner Garments and "SLEEPY-SUZY" $3.50 ,TO $5.95 Nylon Pandora Summer Hats- RHO-MAR APPAREL 403 RAILROAD JULY ONLY! PLYMOU NUBUIL ENGINE $100 Made in a new $75,000 engine plant nubuilts are manufactured the fundamentals of amphibious by Chrysler trained e x p e r t s warfare. During his training using genuine new Chrysler Cor- asllore lie wlll attend lectures poration parts and guaranteed and take part in practical prob- same as a new car. lems of amphibious warfare. Its will see training films, and wit. ness demonstrations conducted by seasoned veterans of 00otld War Nubuilt Engines Are Built With II. Upon his graduation from col. Corp. Methods To Rigid Chrysler It's lore Than a Rebuilt- It's a Nubullt Only $153 °° EXCHANGE, PLU',AND A NUBU[LT ENGINE AT LESS THAN A NUBUILT ENG THE PRICE OF A COMPLETE CAR OVERHAUL -LIFE ANI • PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT South First At Mill St. Kimbel Motors lege, Herbert G. Angle will em- bark on a two-year tour of ac- tlve dlity during whicl his capa. bilities as a Naval officer will be observed. If lm meets the re- ]us period and quirements during t ' " , desires to do so, hc will .be given the opportunity to remain as an officer in the Regular Navy. Marriage Lk00nses Applications for narriage li- .... during the past ces were 1lieu -" S ' "" ce of Mrs. title week in the ofii by the following coupleS. taVern Lloyd McCoW,aIL21- .aad llend Shigley,,h'., 17, peril. ,...-u nei- ton; Glenn 1t. Sowers, o, and lsR 20, both of Joan Sltirley Fr" , . .- Shelf.,,: 00obe,.t L. oo< and Ruth A Daiikcrt, . , f , " • kOmd¢, legal age, orks; Edwat'(l u . .. and Louise Burger, legal age, boLh o£ Grapeview.