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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 8 .gu II Nil i iii i iiiiiii i , , AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS] , KITSAP COUNTY i i )l ill ii lINll s.:.v,,&apos;,,,-,.: .,,OD t.t, t,ood Canal <lining .ha ! new ing spoil operated by Don l il.t.alhd, ion of sevel'M tIicct'S O[ frill/tillS VH/ NoYI lnl, n mm'idnery crmMes tho Western ]:)a.rl;; & M;:tchinery Cor|lpai'ly of Shelton to ivc gua)'mteed work- n/lT1shi t) lor COITO('[TleSS ald ac- C, llvacy on any lllOlIH ' (U (ngine re/m king Job, however big', re- t)oct l)rol)Hetor Earl Moore. Tho Shelton fil'lll nov€ hkit the ]HOSt, lip-to-little nl;tcilille ,ll()]) be- twcen here anii Port Angeles ,with the only piston grinder and crank- mhaft grinder m this arts, Mr. The Westera Parts & Maclfine lla:4 jtLM, installed ,,t new Van ]N'O 1'II NI 11 crankshaft grinder, a. lll't-(: V} rl N(ltTrutn :[)F;lic (IFIlnl laliie( on wtich can be handled t,be lar4c.l trlwl dvltlns i, anti tl. Vail .Novlllan cylin(tcr hea.d stlr- ifllc(r for tl'tlin.,[ tq) wltrpcd cylin- der head'. and ilmnifoMs. Tim new lll;l(!hJncl'y is operated :b y fllliy (olllf)cLtlll, [ l';lilled llIH'hil'll:d . AS I1 ftll'lht!!' 8tl'vilo, t/v' V¢cst- {71111 l'itlrlS tt Mai!hine (qil'Vi(8 a frill line of repair t)hl'l; ;lll(I t(!- CPS,%OI'i(!,q [)(q'[;:tlflin [o repair and }gel'Vil:t o[ c;41'm itlt(I trllcks. At [hf! ,NtI)IP lJllle as the ]lew eqtliprlwllt was being installed, Otha, Mo(tre rejoined his brother 1o ht, lp operate the expanded met'v- icem now offered t)y till) fil'ln, Otha tla,, been ill (/tliI"tirni;i for ttle l ])}tz;t year or lnln't;. VACATION J UG(IJ!3) t"l;t.IlS he bad matte for his re- €li!ion this week ]lad to be al- tel'i:(I ;it tilt? Z('!l'O ]IOIIF t)y (I('!11 l|lllSon, tl(/V(V[ isJn, Hnd s()l't (io(lm I llCl'Cl'Dlndiso 11 laN:lel' fol' tile IAilYIb(?Fn'IPn's h,lercfintile, ;ll'teF .t lllidllJKht car (',ollisioo ill Olylupia TI1Li rslla, y. Gene wan (h'ivin4' Iionle froln a Seattl¢ l)ll,dnem; session, aCCOlll- partied b.v iwo fellow ,staff lilPnl- !')el::% Marion lldtlllerlnll n, acces- 8orie,'J and lingerie (tclia]'i, rile I1 t 111141:11t1£1', IAoyd (il*ll VI'I', nlen's Shop 111H]DIL!I', Lln(I !i,][rN. li.>lna, l vi! Nl;lil';ll'i, illenll)er (if' file t'lopi{al IilII'St'S ;laff, \\;vh(Hl lib; c;tr wit.s lm(]ly dallmg'ed /)y a. llit-alld-l'lln (h'ivcr wilich SllHtshed inlo it l'l'Olll a side slreet. hllh¢nigh rioY( of ltle Shelton- ia11l W,IH JtljlIVC(I t?l'ioi2,'4]y, J1'8. [I1!1111'171H11 ]Ills blcIl confined [O a hospital bed this week willie a :.uwer(?ly brllimed ]e4' ln(?Ii(Is, (l(qlt?';q VUt'ltliOlrl ilH$ ll}((l [(i' he postpcmed two ()r tlu'ee weeks, the t ilile it will take to put his car btlCli Oil lh() l'olt(l. (ill. BOY! NIilq'N llA('14 Fot)(l /)relll.r;it ion at I,Lolliil l iliod Io(;IFe, lmPlllu ' for its Italian ,qt)itL', hot t i, i'l/ll'lli)lll el'i, til(I Htea 1¢8, i::{ Otl('U ;1}';lill Illl(:{tfF /.lie c.apabie Iillnd.'< ill' Jill'S. TIIlie ,%herirllirl, who lir:.d: t)rcall4h{ l.imt f).pularity to Walter L. Marble RePresenting the ]METROPOIATAN LI l'l INSURANCE COMPANY Life and Personal Accident wnd I t'ealtll Insllrarlee 1904 Stevens Plmne 854 lllall. Mrs. Sherman was unable to ellen the present season at her old :job, title to doctor's orders, I,)ut now is able to resume her duties and is specializing at t.hc moment in wiM blackberry pie t'ronl berries picked along Hood Canal's shores and hinterland. 4' * * MII)- I [MMER MONEY .HA VING If you of thrifty inclinations will turn to pages 4 pnd 5 of this sec- tion of this edition you can peruse at your leisure details of the , Lumbermen's Mercantile annual July clearance sale. l)ozens of money-saving prices are limted on useful articlem whieh go on sale, today. Tile giant clearRnce continues for tile nine days, ending Saturday, July 23. FIIIST CAI+E T.V, To IEdnii Johnson g'oem the honor of being first public food dis- pensary in town to install tele- vision, a.nd customers at the Cots Grill arc enjoying their food and drink these evenings with the en- tertainment of TV reception before them, IJEUTI';NANTS IN COMMAND Speaking of vacations, Shelton'm Safeway Store has been operated under the guidance of Glen Rick- erts, asmistant manager, this week while manager Joe canlon takes a little time off. The store's meat department is like\\;vise being handled by its am- sistant manager, Bob Belling- hausen, while manager Johnny ehneider i8 relaxing, but Bob has the exLra burdenm of new father- Jlood to worry him am Mrs. Bell- mghausen, former Journal society[ editor, presented him with a 6- pound, 13-ounce son, Stephen, Sat- urday afternoon. EI,AINE I,',I,ATED I A visitor /:l'onl far-off Texas, va.cationing in Shclton, was among the door prize winers lit the grand reopening of Elaine's Beauty Salon and {el'le Norman Commetics Stu- dio last Thursday. lhwerly Hills of Amarillo, Texas, visiting her grandmother, Mrs. i|elen ilawkhlson of Capitol Hill. won the first door prize, a $15 permanent wave, and Mrs. Hawk- 'ins(m wort the second prize, $5 worlt| oil Merle Norman cosmetics. r ] ' I m'd prize sllampoo, finger WaVe and manieure -.went to Mrs. Robert C. Johnmm of Skokontish Valley. Mrs. Ehthle i.aney, owner and operator, was highly pleased with the splendid turnout of Mason (o/InLy wmuen who a.ccepted her invitation to insl)ect her new salon and studio at 220 North First Street. Air Drift SliEL'rON AIRPORT NEWS by lturf Mann With bright weather activities ........................................................................................ at the She]ton Airport have been ................. soaring. Shelton Air Service has CARPENTER'S UNION NO. 1.800 Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays aL Eagle' Hall 8 I'.M, Hall Open Daily :;10 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. /d;ondvy tiiru Frida, y8 Hall Phone 984 IBus. Agent. Willis Rurnett Re. Phone 743-W lIow Soon Cau ]'Oil Exlmct Delivery Of a New Iluick? YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! 24 Months To Pay AT BOB ERVIN MOTOItS First. and Mill Streets (WE NEED USED CARS) J i ill IShelton Lodge No. 1684 ,'1' G, LOYAL ORI)F, II OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st aud rtl '" , -' i uesuays of tho Month 8 p.m.---Eagles Hall Marvin Leman, Governor W. D. Coburn, 8ecretary J/ = [ I I II "'" l)Urchased a new Cessna 140 with radio. New sLudents enrolled for fly- ing course: include Lloyd MyerS, Dale Hoag and Harry Bay. Those wbo've soh>ed and are working for licenses are Paul Armstrong, Roy HI'If/in, ,Jack Smith, Myers and tlli y Is( k Howard lnflcnowingly has tie011 carrying a couple of l)assen - gers on trips witll his low-wing Ryan Finding a few pieces of straw in an opening in the wing, he real,bed in and found two spar- rows that tlad built ncstm and were starting families. The birds were ........ /;. .... required t:o find new quarters. Taking cross-country trips re- cently have been Les Joslin, Cow Crook, Ore.: Elgin Sharpe, Men- talia : LhJyd Myers. solo cross c(nmlry, and Frank Tray!s. Grants Pass. Ore. Travis has completed all his written C.A.A. exams for a commercial license. I C..A.A. agents will be at the I airport Tuesday, July 19, to give[ exanls. I Betty Sctterling has been fly- I lng his Cesmna 140 ori week ends I between Coulee dam and Falls I City. He has been taking dual! instruction from George Wolfe. I This Sunday all planes arc ex-{ . petted to leave early for a break- tast flight Lo Ellensburg. l County Road Approved In Belfair District County con!missioners Monday mtfi,'ed to establish the Pasehkc roa(I in the Belfair area and con- dueled otlier r(aitine business mat- LCl'm. Thc county board of equaliza- tion. consisting of the county eom- missionerm anti Vincent Paul, as- scmmor, Tnesday took a field trip to OysLer bay t.o check valuations on oyster beds in that area. The board met %Vednesday morning. SLATED JULY 17 q Kitsap county'm sccond annual} Dairy Goat Show "has been slated 1 to be held July 17 at the Bethel I school grounds, four and a llalf I milem south of Port Ore!lard. Any goat of any age may be entered by goat-ownerS of Kitsap and Mason county. No buck will be permitted. Animals are to be on the school grounds at 10:30 a.m., and judging will begin at noon. Entry fee for the affair im 25 cents, and 4-H boys and girls will be admitted free. Lunch will be served on the ground. RI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOUINAL Enjoy the whiskey lh0t Pin! t2.45 I/5 tt, $3.8S U6 PROOF, 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SHRITS Kentucky Whiskey-A Blend ttAIIoNAL DISTILL[IS PLOD, (OIIP., H. L Served CANNING SUPPLIES Dozen Quarts 99¢ Kerr Reg. Jars. doz. pts. 87¢ Fresh Stock Kerr Reg. Lids ... 2 doz. 23¢ Regular Size Kerr Regular Caps. doz. 25¢ Save at Safeway! Ball Dome Lids .. 2 doz. 23¢ For Sealing Jams and Jeliies Parowax ..... l-lb. pkg. 19¢ Squat Type - Vz-Plnt $iz€ Kerr/Jelly Glasses . doz. 53¢ Liquid Pectin. 8-Oz. Bottle Jels.Rite Pectin ..... 2/23¢ C & H POWDERED OR Thl Home Made Wild. Blackberry Pie! at ROBIN HOOD LODGE to take ALSO -- STEAKS... H'ALIAN SPAGHETTI... HAMBURGERS OPEN WEEK DAYS 10 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT  SUNDAYS NOON TO 8 P.M. KITCHEN CLOSES 8:30 P. M ...... DANCING 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT Don Beckman's C & H BROWN SUGAR ROBIN HOOD LODGE KITCHEN IN CHARGE OF MRS. TILLIE SHERMAN NOW'S 'THE 'TIME TO CAN APRICOTS FANCY, LARGE SIZE, U.S. NO. 1 MOORPARKS. JUST RIGHT FOR CANNING! PRICE IS VERY LOW THIS YEAR . . . DON'T WAIT! 28-LB. BOX  CRUSHED PINEAPPLE -'-- I ta Rosa. For making 4miall !cot Preserves! 20"OUNCE-- I I immmlm, t ...................... lb. GOLDEN, CREAM STYLE. 17-OZ. CAN DEL MONTE CORN .................................. 2/29, i,, I SUGAR -i oo= .=0, . £1 Granulated ' I 10-L.. 87* i I I THE BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS WHEATIES ......................................... 8-O00. l], 2 25 = FAULTLESS. CRISP AND TASTY. 29-OZ. CAN SAUERKRAUT ....................... Near Unio On Hood Can P h E ly Elb t, * eac es, ar , era ............ * PLUMS, Large size Santa Rosa .... * ORANGES, Juice size ...... 7'lb. CARROTS, tender .................. lb. 9¢ CELERY, all breen " lb. 7 i/, ¢ CABBAGE, solid .................... lb. 3¢ CORN, yellow sweet ............ lb. 12¢ DRY ONIONS, yellow ............ lb. 5¢ GREEN PEPPERS, Bell ........ lb. 15¢ U.S. No. 1 W Seleoted PouND CA MPBELL'8, CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP ............................... 10. ,2004o:o00 ---"'[] o002oog DRIEI) BEEF Peacock, sliced dried 4if • o,,: ,0o,. =....o= .............. .. ,, sTAN t ItllV ,, BEEF .s. °X.T it). 69  u_ .o.Do ,GOOD , .,, lIlt lUX" -L .... .. eA %.}"/IN .. lu. --" ,,.. .,- "-'I' SN0WDRIIff --D'-- BACON "'° " " 'I[}° " ening, Large 3-1b. can .... VRStI ltlLlm =,, .,,. o, mi, .._ ..i ! Ll.t ,i. 49¢ S "GoOO __t ,. ID, "'T 1 i  inlcss _..2 . I. u.;, HOPS ........ - - , -I{o ........... ¥1AL C ...... a" s°ul=-E .o+I WIEbll5 ,,. 53¢ v. • JL ....... I..n' ., ', ............ s Gradcd "°°°°u lb. 'lal:I -arg or s,a? lb. -=" u.. - A ....  - , , ............ le, AL STE - ^r Ne_ .  oLOtN v-" _  ,, BreaSt  Ill l.ll)¢ B I i  iiOOOOt t.-tt? i I" ---- E, AL.$TII PINK SALMON ........................................ ,,,, 45= °= HAPPY.VALE, ALASKA FLOUR Kitchen Craft (10-1b. bag 83¢) 25 .LB1.95 EGGS Wash. Co-op, Small Grade "AA" Town House, 46-oz. can Grapefruit Juice .. 29¢ Church's, Pure Grape Juice .... qt. 37¢ Dewkist Pumpkiu .......... l-lb. 5¢ Country Home, Vacuum-pack. Kernel Corn 12=oz. 15¢ Sugar Belle, fance gradc "A" Blended Peas l-lb. 15¢ Gardens!de Tomatoes .... 28-oz. 19¢ G.N., 7-Oz. Can Kippered Snacks .. 12¢ Modglin, assorted colors, plastic Perma Brooms ea. 1.69 Valamont, 1-Lb. Jar Strawberry Pres... 33¢ Piedmont (pint 33€) Mayonnaise .... qt. 55¢ Zee. Special ' Price Sale! Facial Tissue .... 2/19¢ Lucky Strike, Old Gold (Carton 1.69) CIGARETTES ........ .. pkg. 17¢ Cragmont Asstd. Sodas or (case 12 $1.69) ROOT BEER .......... 2 qts. 29¢ (Plus depbsit) Acme or Rainier (case of 24 3.59) 12-oz. CANNED BEER ...... 2 for 31¢ Olympia or (plus deposit) 11-oz. RAINIER BEER ...... 2 for 27¢ Private Reserve Muscatel or PORT WINE ................ 5th 93¢ De Luxe Coffee (1-1b. pkg. NOB HILL. Mild & Mellow, Brazilian (1,111,! AIRWAY .. Grade "A" Homogenized or LUCERNE Wheat Mrs. Wright's, White or FRESH BREAI)' Dalcwood, good quality MARGARINE ,. Sunnybank, Finest Quality MARGARINE.. Cherub or Darigold, Evap oraff¢l CANNED MILI( .' Guaranteed Quality FRESH U & I Sugar C & H Sugar IVORY Mild, pure floating lilt/17 ¢ Ivory Soap. Pets. Sugar-o' Ec¢ KRUSTEAZ Just add water 'n roll. II€ Easy & qulck 17-oz ..... l Peter pan, 12-0z. jar PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATIJRDAY, JULY 15 AND 16, 1949 JECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. 1%10 SA LE;G DEALERS, SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAN TITle llll iI #',l t%llt, lrlllrll li ll.I !ell KAlirllli-KKlli00 ............ 12-Box Crate RED RIPE, FANCY SELECTED QUALITY BERRIES  (;UP! RED CURRANTS For Je,,y 2 Bolos25 €