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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o Pal ] 0 JUNIOR LEGION CLOSES SEASON IN LAST PLACE, C. FRED SMITH Says: AT EASE! it's nice to relax in the eve- ning, the days work done . . . one's house in order . . . at ease ! You can feel at ease, too, about your future, if Life Insurance protects the plans you have made for your home and family. Let's relax and talk about It-- s0o n I o I'EL. O.-..A,=,ON COTTNF ,tOrZAL WIN 2 OF 10 GAMES, EACRETF DFJ00EATS PUYALLUP 4111 DISTRICT (Final) W i, rf Pal'ldand ................ 8 2 68 *Tacoma Peal ...... 7 " 5.'3 Rhodes Post ........ 5 5 73 Olympia... .............. 5 5 51 *Puyallup .......... 3 7 37 S2 Shelton ................. 2 8 30 60 *St'.OVO of ]:Isl. galne nllS.''.q'in'. (, lxteM, l{(,ult s Olympia 3, Shelton 0. iqtrkland 8, Ihodcs 4. Tacoma-PuyalhqJ, missing'. Tacoma 12, l.hodes 8. Olympia 10, PuyMlup 1. Parkland 7, Shelton 3. l"trklam:l 5, Rhodes 4. Olympia 4, Tacoma 3. Shelton 8, Puyallup 7. man's triple. Shclton had run- ners on third base twice but lacked the pmch to push either across. Little Ned Miller pitched flossy })all against Olympia and deserved a scoreless game of his own, but errors an(J one b a (I b!'eak accomlted for all the Olym- gllELTON WOUND up its 41h District junior legion baseball schedule with its second victory and its seventh and eighth defeats in the final week of the ten-game season. The victory came at Puyallup, where Bob Eacrett posted his first pitching triumph of tile sea- son, 8 to 7, when his teammates rallied from 5 to 0 and 7 to 3 deficits to edge the home club in the final inning of play. Wilh the tying run on third base, Ea- crett struck out the last two Puyallup batters to protect his victory. Terry I]rehmcyer scored the winning" run in the top of tlle seventh, singling, stealing second, moving along' on Karl Schwarck's single, and scoring on Eacrett's infield roller. DANNY AUSTIN got Sllelton's offense rolling in the fourth with a triple which scored Sehwarck and Ea.crett, and Dick Morton chased Austin home with a single. Puyallup was ahead, 5 to 0, at J, the time. Another quartet of  pm runs. Iron's district phty, but a game Shelton runs registered in the The Olympia game closed' Shel- ftftiL Don Cleveland doubling' for the second time in the game to l with Ehna here last nigit and score Jack Valley 'and Brehmeycr. i an°ther at Elma next Monday af- Eacrett pushing Cleveland across ternoon liave been added as non- • " . . I conference extras. Coach H.c(I with a single, and Austin stnghng Smith's squa.d will hang up its Eacrett home. suits after Mollday. lan 1. Walks-.--Eacrett 2, Mc- ra Quillan 2. Wihl pitch -McQnillan. 48 * Runs responsible for-McQuillan 4,' 29 Eacrett 3. Passed ball. Schwarck. 51 Stolen bases Breymeyer 2, Wil- 43 kins 2, Thrall. Parkland :tit Sahota, 2b ...... 2 , D. May, rf ...... 1 Robinson, ss .... 4 Montgomery .... 2 Wallace, 3b ... 2 Storaasli, lb .... 4 Chilton, c ........ 4 Kilian, cf ........ 4 Swinland, If .... 4 Totals 23 Sitelton ab Valley, ss ........ 2 Brehmeyer, 2b _ 2 Clevtland, p-lb 2 Schwarck, c ... 2 Austin, cf ........ 3 Eacrett, rf ...... 3 Morton, If ........ 2 a Dale .............. 1 Coleman, lb .... 2 Miller, p .......... 1 Dittman, 3b .... 2 b Yarr. ................ I Totals 23 r it o a e l 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 7 0 0 1 1 9 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 7 21 7 3 r h o a e 0 0 0 2,0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 l 0 9 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 21 7 2 a batted for Morton in 7th. b batted for Dittman in 7th. Score by Inning. Parkland 0 1 0 2 2 2 0--7 hits 0 2 0 1 2 2 0--7 Shelton 0 1 0 0 0 2 0--3 hits 0 1 0 0 0 1 0--2 SUMMARY: 3-base hits---Aust- in 2, Chilton, Montgomery, Wal- lace. Sacrifice ifit--.-D. May 2. Runs batted in--Austin, Wallace 2, May, Robinson, Storaasli, Chil- ton, Kilian. Struck out--Cleve- land 5, Miller 3, Montgomery 9. Walks--Montgomery 2, Cleveland 8. Innings pitched-Cleveland 6. Runs responsible for-Cleveland 3, C. FRED SMITH NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Shelton, Washington Shelton's two defeats both came The box scores: at home with Parkland the vie- ()LYMPIA ab r It o It e tor by a 7 to 3 margin Friday M;mdry If ....... 3 1 1 0 0 1 night, Olympia by a :l to 0 tri- Lindskog, 2b .... 4 0 2 2 2 0 umph Monday !night. Cart, rf ......... 4 0 1 1 0 0 AUNTIN'S two triples were l..ockey, lb .. . " 0 0 6 2 0 Bhelton's only hits off sofithpaw Abshire, c . 4 0 l 9 0 0 Dick Montgomery of Parkland, Bnsh, 3b ........ 2 l 1 0 0 0 and Olympia's Sketer Ellis held Ellis. p 3 0 1 3 1 0 Shelton to three hits in his shut- Long, cf . ........... 2 0 0 0 0 0 )ut victory, one being Hart Ditt- f Nac.earato. ss .... 2 1 1 0 0 0 : Paulson, If .... t. 0 0 (I 0 0 Montgomery O. Losing pitcher .... I Here is a strong Dolby, cf ........ 1 Ch, veland. IIit batters-.- Wallace by l=linrh:ks,'ss ...... t 0 i 00 1 0 Cleveland, Valley by Montgomery. Totals 30 3 21 6 '2 Stolen bases--Robinson 2, Mont- l ". SiiEIAPON* ab r o  gomery, Cleveland. smooth wall v.,,., ss ........ 4 a o'; "-gion-B-Squ-a-d I Brehmeyer, 2b .. 3 g 0 0 6 0 * n Schwarck, ,. o o 4o " " that takes any Austin, cf ........ 30 ] 1 0 o de Eac,.ett, ,,f ......... 3 Win0ver Aber en ; Morton, if ........ , o o ,: Weathel'ing one had 'nning decoration SHEETROCK T. M. RII. O. $. If. 0if. The Fir@roof Gypsum Wallboard Ideal for new construction or remodeling Ainy decoration.,, paint, texture or wallpaper goes on just as loon as the wall is in placel There's no delay, no need for special skill with tools! Your carpenter and decorator can build the wall in just a few hours, or if you're handy with tooll you can do it yOUrself. Firep¢oof BKalttOCK saves time, saves money. •. will " lot the lif=tim¢ ofyor home. Ask us about SHggT!tOCK TODAY I Millet', p .......... 3 0 l 0 4 0 Coleman, lb .... 3 0 0 II 1 0 Dittman, 3b .... 2 0 I 0 3 0 Dale, If ........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 26 0" 3 21 13 2 a batted for Mandry in 7th. b batted for Morton in 4th. Score by innings Olympia 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-.3 ' hits 1 ] 1 2 1 0 2---8 Shelton 0 0 0 00 0 0-.-0 hits 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-3 SUMMARY: 3-base hit---Ditt- man. 2-base hits, Mandry, Linds- keg. Runs batt.ed in. Mandry, Lindskog, Carr. Struck out ..... El- lis 9, Miller 4. Walks-Ellis 2, Miller 2. Rmm responsible fo ........ Miller 1. Stolen base.---D a l e. Double play Miller to Coleman to Brehmeyer. e SIIELTON ab r h o Valley, ss ........ 4 1 0 0 Brehmeyer, 2b .. 3 2 2 0 Cleveland, lb .... 4 1 2 7 fik:hwarck, c .... 4 1 1 11 Eacrett, p ....... 4 2 1 1 Austin, cf ..... 4 .1 2 0 Morton, If . ......... 4 0 1 1 Coleman, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 Dittman, 3b .... 2 0 0 1 Totals 33 8 9 21 PUYALLUP ab r il o Me,risen, 2b .... 3 2 2 3 McQueen, cf ...... 3 0 2 2 Lancaster, rf .... 4 1 1. :l Wilkins, c ........ 4 1 1 3 Thrall, lb ....... 4 1 3 5 Lanc.aster, ss . 4 0 0 1 McQuillan, p .... 4 0 0 1 Erickson, 3b .... 3 l 0 4 Lancaster, rf .... 2 1 1 1 Totals 31 7 10 21 Score by Innings Shelton 0 0 0 3 4 0 hits i 0 0 2 4 0 Puyallup 2 2 1 2 0 0 hits 2 3 1 3 0 1 SUMMARY: 3-base hit--Aus- tin. 2-base hits---Cleveland 2, Mc- ! Queen. Sacrifice hit---McQueen. Runs batted in-=Austin 3, Eacrett 2, Cleveland 2, Morton, Thrall 4, McQueen, McQuillan, L. Lancaster. Struck out.-Eacrett 10, McQuil- 0 0 2 0 0 0 o i 0 0' 4 1 8 6 IL (' 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 8 6 1-..8 2.--.9 0---7 0-10 which caused them to fall hehind, the Slmlton junior legion B team rallied for an 8 to 7 baseball Vic- tory over tie Aberdeen B team at Aberdeen Friday afternoon. Shetton won the scrap in its final turn at bat, scoring two runs-to break a 6 to 6 deadlock on hits by Fritz Priszner, Ron Coutts and Jack Stacy, and ,a walk to Dan Yarr. Coutts rapped out three safe blows during the g'ame, one for three bases, and Priszner a pair, including a double. Priszner lim- ited Aberdeen to six hits r and struck out eleven. l'aciflc Coast League W I, Pet. *GBI, I Hollywood ..... 67 42 .615 ........ Sacramento .,, 55 50 ,524 .10 Oakland : ........ 55 52 .514 11 San Diego ...... 55 53 .509 11% SEATTLE ...... 55 54 .505 12 Portland ......... 50 56 .472 15!._, San Fr'ncisco 47 60 .439 ,19 I,os Angeles .. 45 62 .421 . 21 ::Games behind leader. ....... - ca00...00o00st in uds°u00" 00o.00st ou00b00g-'" glR00g00 Lawton Lumber OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON 420 South First Street Phone 56 Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon apd Joe Simpson A NEW LOCAL SERVICE FOR SHELTON HOME OWNERS Carney- Pacific Rockwool INS U00NA T?,g00R l N $ T ALLED HOME NOTHING DOWN -- UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY Fireproof - Waterproof - Vermnproof Made In Washington For Washington Homes AMERICA'S FINEST GRADE A BLOWING WOOL HOME IffiPROVEMNT COMPANY AN EXPERT, INSTALLING IN THIS EXPERIENCED INSULATION CREW IS NOW AVAILABLE COMMUNITY THROUGH LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY / , Immediote Delivery on i • • That's why we're olforing ,. right now-today- tomorrow-this week.,, the longest trades, the best deals in our history! TEW PHONE 56 IO FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY-- the easiest you've ever hadF--to wn a New Hudson, America's 4-MOS C ar. The amazing new kind of motor car with "step-down" design that brings you new beauty, outstanding performance! It's our way, as Hudson dealers, of celebrating Hudson's 40th anni- versary. We're out to win still more new friends for this new car in this community---to make this anniver- sery year the biggest in our history ........ with the easiest-dealing, biggest- trading BUY-NOW BIRTHDAY PARTY we've ever put on! So come in . . . bring your present car with you . . . and get set for a surprise! A heart-warming surprise, as we tell you how much your present car is worth in trade for a brand- new HudsonAmerica's 4-MOST Car. 1---M Beautiful. 2--MOST Roomy. 3--MOST Road-worthy. 4--MOST All-round Performance. HUDSON SALES HIT NEW HIGH! The New Hudso is riding a rising tide of popularity. Official figures prove it! Hudson sales so far this ONLY ¢,4R year--up 33.7% last year. And thousands isis are switching to first 200,000 New HudsOn 100,202--over and women who traded make cars, from the highest priced, to o COME IN--NOW--FOR YOUR THRILLING REVELATION RIDE I OLYMPIC MOTOR SAL .€ ', .... 627 SOUTH FIRST STREET, SHELTON, WASHINGTON :':*=::, The Veterans" Corner SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elliott, Owner UPHOLSTERING LITEBAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766-R-2 So. Olympic Highway = Illffil Iil00lK = Gay Taylor- Clint Wil AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brother= Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt Eslla George Valley Phone 25-J Power Line Construction Co. Jack Chiaum, Mgr, Mt. View WHITE SPOT Jim Bleeker CLIFF WlVELL'g TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans Complete Man's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner GORDON'S MEATS HOODSPORT Gordon Bayes, Owner SH ELTON'$,FRI ENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner FIR DRUG STORE Russ Hunter, Manager Dewey Danlels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100€7o Veterans P.ONE 162 F o R CITY CAB Mel Robertson BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex.Servieemen FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil products Glenn Roessel I VET'S DOI'S MANY VETERANS IN FARM TRAINING Thirteen percent of all veterans training in schools and on-the-job under the G.I. Bill and Public Law 16 are taking institutional on-farm training and other agri- cultural courses, the Veterans Ad- ministration reports. A recent study of the princi- pal courses arid employlnent ob- jectives of 2,535,385 World War II veterans in all types of train- ing showed that 340,876 were farm trainees. Institutional on-farm training, available to eligible veterans, com- bines oFganized group instruction in agrl, cultural and related sub- jects with supervised work ex- perience on the farm, While in trflining, veterans may receive monthly subsistence al- lowances, varying with the number of hours of instruction received. Maximum allowances axe from $65 1:o ,$67.50 for those with no dependents: from $90 to •$93.75 for those with one dependent, and $90 to $97.50 for those with more than one dependent. QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q, I receive compensation for a 30 percent service-connected dis- ability. Am I entitled o an in- Crease because r have dependents ? A. :No. The disability mus be at least' 60 percent disabling be- fore additional compensation for dependents is payable. Less than one-fourth of the World War II veterans holding National Service Life Insurance have converted their policies from term lnscrance to one or more of the half-dozen available perman- ent plans, Veterans Administra- tion disclosed. DUNOYIER'S TAXI PHONE 620 "Pop" Dunoyier CALL 69/ FOR Dick's City Delivery Dick Gardner, Opt. For Home Deliveries Call 26 BOB KOLAB Distributor of Kitaap Dairy Produots Mil - Cream - Butter Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Business In Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View Phone 838 I BANNER & BURNETTi SHELL SERVICE 1st & Cots - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGIIT MORRIS MEN'S" WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 : Vern DON'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, Owner Groceries- Meats ! UNION MARKET Roy Watson, Owner UNION 462 ' CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street . Mountain View P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE ALLYN Dick Valley, Prop. Hillcrest HAPP ResOrt Groceries" SHO 32O Neal EXPERT RAY'S Ray 18 P0RTRAIT  Cotta Jaog Vgd Licensed, 207 cots lO00