July 14, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PaKe 12 ...........
Fuss-free. Muss-less Concrete-ing
WE DO THE MIXING m and deliver
your concrete order on the job, ready
to pour. It's the time, labor and money
saving way to get the work done. Our
file of available contractors' names is
at your service, too.
Mrs. Chr'.' 1 nldsen and MIs.
Burdctte Loitz were co-hostesses
a l)ost-lnarital shower for Mrs.
Hill l-{tlssel|, the former Lore'line
(losser, qt. Ml's. [llldsen's hODle
on ,lilly 7.
The out-door living room of the
l(r,u(tsen honle was de(orated in
:t while add yellow eolor schenlc,
ant/ tile gifts were presented on
a table with an overhanging unl-
(;nnles were played and rcfresh-
nlents were s(,*v(t to the llles-
dames Hay Whiteside, Vera White-
side, Annie Montgomery, Roy Bat-
stone, Vincent Paul, Gene Death,
Max Mikkelson, Carrol Mercer,
Katrine MikkelsolL Leigh Duffieh/,
and lonald Gosse,. Also, Helena
Knudsen, Viola Knt,dsen, the host-
esses and the honored guest.
Ladies who sent gifts but we:e
unable to atteml were the mes-
dames Earl Lindsey, O. L. Gates,
Shclia b'itchet and It, E. Hawley.
Mr. and Mrs. Fray Wheatly re-
turned recently from California
where they have been enjoying
short vacation. They brough't baet
their daugtlter, Mrs. Curtiss Kealky
and her daugtlter and step-daugh-
lev, Barbara Jean and Sharon.
The vistiors will stay for about
'two lnonths.
" Journal want Ads Pay!
@®® , .............
compare quality]
compare capacity!
compare value!
ii---llYll.o0000o00, o,
South First
At Mill St.
More features, more value : : than in any
refrigerator comparable in capacity and
price! Big, 36-pound freezer storage... 13.3
is the refrigerator
you'll buyl
big, standard model 8H1
8-cublc-foot "quality"
o* ***
i{i t'* , , tm
i boc,al Lvents
".i*. Frances Alger, Society Editor . . Phone 100 " *:.I
;o-%*-%*-%*-%*?,*%*?*****?**?*,?**?**?,*%*%*?***-.*?**?***-**%*?,* *-%,?* t,,?,,.%,?,,?**?. * * * * * * * **. • • * • * • • ,'"
• • • •
Wilson, Vasblnder i00,eptember Bride
Wed In Charleston '
Before an altar banked with
baskets of roses and delphiniums 1
in the First: Baptist Church in II
Charleston July 2, Shit'ley M. Wil-
of Mr. and Mrs.
soil, daughter" " :i i
C. L. Wilson of Allyn, became the
bri(le of Toby Vasbinder, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Vasbinder of
[ Reverend Vincent A. Cox per-
l rmed the double ring ceremony
bef('e relatives and close friends.
The bride was gowned in a pale
aqua " crepe dress with a white
picture hat and matching acces-
sories. Hor corsage was of white
gardenias and stephanotis.
Mrs. Richard Weirauch, the
bride's only attendant, wore a
beige crepe dress with a small
white hat and matching acces-
sories. She had a corsage of pink
Tile groom was attended by his
brother-in-law. Richard Kinney of
Govst, Wasl]ington.
The bride's mother wore a black
gabardine su'tt with white acces-
sories. The groom's mother wore
a light blue gabardine suit with
black accessorie Both mothers
had identical corsages of sweet
peas and carnations.
After the ceremony the young
couple motored to Seattle for a
short wedding trip.
Both are graduates of h'ene S.
Reed high school. The bride is
employed as secretary, for the
Shelton elementary schools, and
the groom is employed at the
Haines Oyster Company.
They will make their home in
Frienisp Ci-u-ll)-II;Ids "
Last Meeting July 6
Friendship club met July 6 at
the home of Mrs. Fern Phillips
at 1 p.m.
Luncheon. was served to nine
members and a guest. Mrs. Leota
Robertson of Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Alice Dotsbery received a
birthday gift from her' secret pal.
Roll call was answered with poems
and household hints.
July 20, the group will meet
for a noon pothlek luncheon at
Kneeland park. If the weather is
bad, it will be held at tile com-
munity, hall.
At Delight Park
refrigerator on the market/ Monday thru FridaE
" sqazefeetofshelfarea..,iglit-d unit .... ! SEASON TICKETS
• $3.00 Plus Tax
for low cost, extra-quiet operation.., world ]
f s) ] ., .......
,* JfftH -
Kimbel Mc
,1;ors , Phone Ray's ewelry
famom btteratlonal Harvester
quality. See it today...with other
great International Harvester
Refrigeratgrs and Freezers.
117 Cota Phone 633
:[: :i:i:-: ,i
i; : 6!i
Beauty t)y Clarysler
with l¢estomatic Fluid Drice* Tan.*mis.dou . . . Dm,e without shifting. ::} i! ::
Beauty ht APlmarattee! Every dea,i, Bemtly In Cotnfart at c imr at home Beauty In Performance, You know what we ):::!
lovely line has purpose and meaning, is beautiful if line design gives it grace mean the momentyou thel the smooth re.spoa,e of .!i :i:'
Beauiy that iv useful is the Chrysler den. and coinfort, Chrysler dlair-height seals the great SPitfire High (:(npression engine. With
A striking line of chrome ahmg the/'end- have this kind of beauty, too. Perfectly Prcstomatie Fluid Drive lrat}smission,, driving is
i:i: ers may please your eye, prolmrtioned for comfort, they seat you wonderfully easy. Start ia tiff,d, a sliglt lilt at your
!:i::i :i ---,rzt"- but t's there to act as a rub at the proper height to see tll/ road and . tlt toe takes you into cruising range. Yon
[i:. i -' ra 1. Behind each detail of to eujov your drive. Comfort that has 1 rarely touch.the gear shi!t/ever. A, few
Chrysler design there's a heauty "through line design--that's the "t't. minutes u, this eat' gives you pleas. :::ii:
:!ii:: ..qflli stor'y )f con, on sense and secret ff (hrvsler engi 1( t ring a ,t t e ure it wouht take a book to deserdm, ii
':::':.::: " • ' . .... " • . . • , - t s atiou od t:::. :
li'=: ! imagiaahon m engl/teerlng, relaxing pleasure of driving a Lhryslcr. 1 hone for a demon, tr t ay. '::::i
[i!':!! *grol Fluid Drive
!' i'?! : i;;::!! i;::; !:i:! I i! :: i :' ,, •
You Will Enjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knudsen an-
l nounce the engagement of their
[daughter, Viola, to Paul I. Hanson
i of Malone, son of Mr. anti Mrs.
I Arvid Hanson
A Septem£er 23 wedding is
planned by the young couple.
I Viola graduated from h'ene
iS. Reed with the class of '48.
While in school she was twice
i chosen by her classmates to rep-
resent them as Forest Festival
[Princess in '47 and again in '48.
She is now employed at Simpson
Logging Co.
Her husband-to-be was gradu-
!ated from Elma High school at-
[tended Grays Harbor College and
:graduated from C.P.S. He is em-
ployed as assistant office manager
at. the Slnpson Logging Co. in
Beauty Care Tips
From Me To You
By France Alger
If a woman can pass the test
of her appearance in a mirror,
she is usually satisfied, but the
real test is gaining tile approval
of a man's appraising eye. For
instance, men notice your conl-
plexion, make-up, hands, hair and
figure, and if any one of these is
defective, the man in your life
will disapprove.
Your hair' is your crowning
glory, so above all keep it clean.
Besides the weekly shampoo, brush I
your tresses daiiy, and be sure
that your brush is strong enough
to vigorate the scalp. Hair' should.
be brushed from the scalp away
from the head, so start at the
neckline and brush out. If your
hair is excessively oily or dry per-
haps yam' diet doesn't include
" ............ "" L_ III I _ I iiiii iii ii iiiii ii
Your ChryMer dealer presents "THE SAMMY KAYE SHOWROOM 0very Man., Wed., Frl., I£OY, 7:45 pan.
. : .( . ....... I I I I I H ,., I ...... U! ..... I! ......
Mayor and Mrs. Frank [L.
Anderson of Hoq/lialll IHtve i:::>',ll(,,{
invilations to the wedding of I]li.W
(lollghtel". Lois .'Ma/'y, :111(I (ie(F'e
i3ooth, son of Nil'. "lnd Mr:. l,h-
nest BooLh of Shelton.
Tile ceremony will I)e al , p.m..
S'tturday, .luiy 23 :!I lh(. First
1:'resbytcrian t.hurch in Hoqlli;tlll.
{ev. l:':tul Kopel' will read Ill(
Miss An(lerson el:is cllosen he1
many attendants, and \\;Viiliam
Booth will be best man Ira' bJs
The chm'ch parlors will be ttle
scene for lhe reception wili(,h Wil!
in,mediately folh)w the ('ereniony.
Townsend Club No. :l reel at, fhe
home of Mr. 'lnd l"Ml's. Al{hm'
Hulbert on MatlocR l{oa(l Jill3, 2.
After tile bllsiness 113oo[ i12...
1Tlllsie and (,ttFtlS V¢Ol't' the |'e,|llro
of the evening.
Those ill ate(nil:In(,( Wove .\\;it.
and Mrs. Lenhar(I Sinmntle. Mr.
SALE- $i
at 141.9 Fairmont AvenUe
Payments $.)0 Per
Will Redecorate
Phone C. C. Cavanauh (Collect)
Broadway 41134, Taeoma
806 Washington Building - TacOma
Dr. A. D. Bogden,
From Cameron Hotel To
Eagles Bldg.
210 W. Grove - Phone 882
Effective July 16, 949
fhurston County
Savings & Loan
Security Bldg., Olympta, Wasla,
such valuable things as liver, " "
] sweetbreads, kidneys, eggs, milk, 00Ippers e00joya
cheese and green vegetables.
The size dress yon wear can be
very important to both you and W! II1 00,00lr|l00g
hinq, so if your shape just doesn't
fit into those smaller size dresses, !,
why not cut out those between
meal snacks of sweets or high
calorie count foods; instead, sub. I i !
stitute such things as apples,
oranges, boiled eggs, celery or raw
carrots, but please don't put salt i]
on any of these, as it is very _._-
high in calm'!es:!, •
Nothing looks worse than hard
caloused hands with unkept nails.
If you feel you don't have time
to manicure your nails daily, then
just clean them each day and set
a time for your weekly manicure.
Also, working girls should stick . :
to colorless nail polish unless they ca:- -
have lots of time to keep the []_
colm'ed always free of chipped
gl :
edges. It's always best to wait %.
'til those all important dates to
change to colored polish.
For" the most part, girls like
a "peaches and cream" complexion,
but during the hot summer
months, what girl doesn't like to
sport, a beautiful sun-tanned cotm- Conductor to engineer: "All blackl' (no hot boxes)
tenance ? But girls, while drink-
ing in all that vitamin D don't If you ship freight, you'll like Northorn Pacific's exciting new "radio
leave yon, eyes unprotected. As even though you can't hear it! We're talking about "broadcasts"
the sun is tanning your face, it tive and caboose ofN. P. freight trains in the Cascade Mountains...
may also be ruining your eyes,
so wear sunglasses or put pads VHF radio telephone equipment. Why there? Because up in tha lofty
of some sort over them, then you weather, we can greatly expedite movement of your freight by keeping
can enjoy that tan without swollen constantly in touch with each other ; . even though they may be a mile
eyes. tuned for further details...
What about skin blemishesdo
you ignore or squeeze them? If
yon do"either, you are all wrong .....
A mild laxative and a drying salve .
such as zinc oilatment can be very
effective. Of course, a physician's
advice is always best. .-- ---
After' you have effected a pretty ' "
skin, accent it with make-np, but
make it look natural. Heavy
daked make-up and exaggerated
eyebrows do not beautify, but :
cheapen the face. A lighter lip- "
stick will do more for your sun \\;
tan than a darker one. Rouge, ..
which is coming back in style,
can do a lot for your coloring,
but don't concentrate on a cirele
in the middle of your cheek,
spread it lightly across the cheek-
bone under the eye in the direction
of the hairline. Unknown high-
lights of your eyes can be corn-
plemented or destroyed by mas-
cara. Use it sparingly.
At this point after checkihg all Engineer to conductor : ,'OK, we"re highballing,,
the above things, if you honest/y
feel that you pass every test to Our new "end to end" radio communication also means sa/er
the best of your ability, then you freight. In case of trouble-a hot box or sticking brakes- -the engineer is
are truly a picture of beauty in Northern Pacific is taking many other important steps to give you
his eyes. But' remember, beauty We re buying new diesel power, building new freight cars, improving ot
care is a never ending job; don't •
ever' let a day pass without check- and streamlining our loading-and-unloading procedures. Dial us next
ing your ,mils, complexion, figure, really tough shipping problem!
hair or make-up. ,
Some of the ideas in the fore- FIRST AND TURNER STILEIS --
going paragraphs were borrowedGlamour ['' '-'lla *
from the Jelly issue of . F__ILII
Mrs. R. W, Le,g'e ,eturne NORTHERN PA(
Tuesday, July 5, from .Bremerton
after spending the Fout'th with her 1
dauglter, Mrs. Merrin Hagerty,
and her family.
and Mrs. John ,lavlson, M,'. :rod
MrS. I]. 'illis, Mrs. Clara GeLLy, ..
Mr. and Mrs. it. A. Beiser, i1.
Delanty, Mrs. Syble Taylor, M:'s
Grace'LePage and the imst and:hostess. . ,___ 2 01O
The next meeting will t)e held at i
the home of Mrs. Syble Tavlor,:
1409 Raih'oad, at 8 p.nl., July a6. i
Wedding Announced'
Burger to Eli Okonek of Grape-
view was announeed Lhis weeR bv l,r
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. -(.
Burger. . yOU
The bride-eleet, was, • o'radua (, t (1
this year lrom h'ene S. Reed hi,,h
school where she was active n return,
D. E. Chlb.
Mr. and Mrs. Del Cole aml sons,
Doug and Elnler, are enjoying a
ten-day vaeation in Montana. They
will return this Stln(laV.
Your directors have declared a
dend of 21:,% per annum for the
six months periodpayable J li
Announeing this year.