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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-- 10 IL%Y Fn|,E TI{IA|, - NO OIgI,I(AATION INIIAI,ATION T]|F, RAPY TItEATMENT PEn- nt'l? TI;.|JE. %Vii.It ca€It mhulte seems like an aStllma r,Rlvved (IIJICI.I,Y (usually within one mln- directions followed. Itegartllefls of what you have FOUr ette dot1', glve IIII. ,|liSt br|,,IC |,i tlli COUpOn and 10 dtty supply ot NEPI|Rg)N Lnha|flntt lind Ion yOU 8 MeCONKEY PHARMACY All Hil|,.Billies Old Time & Scandinavian Musio ANCE I'00"laER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Sehneiders Prairm from Olympia on Shelton Highway SHIRLEY WILSON BRIDAL SHOWER! GIVEN FRIDAY BY ALLYN FOLKS By Esther Shepherd ] gift table was set. off with a tier- Shirley Wilson Vasbinder was erly dt'conated umbrella made of honored by a very lovely bridal i yellow crepe pal)er. shower at the home of M's. Clem " The hostesses were Miss h'ene Sargent Friday afternoon. Many[Wynn. Mrs. Frances Tutea and of Mrs. Vsb'inder's friends 'and lMrs. Harry Weckhorst. relatives attended. " ':: * * A potluck hmch was served onE_ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fridley ()f the front porch overlooking7 the Denver, Cole, returned Imme af- bay. The mother of the bride, Mrs. ter spending a few weeks with Wilson, baked a three-tiered cake 1heir daughter, Mrs. H. B. Woo(I- which was decorated by Mrs. Win- ard. ney Petcrson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shephcrd and Many lovely and useful gifts Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. Harold were presented to the bride. The Monson and Maxine of Seattle I made the Loop trip, spending Grapeview Saturday Night M. to 2:00 A.M. -- With Music By His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys radio musicians and singers featuring Jeannle, COw-girl yodeler, Johnny Williams and his .Harmonizers at.the geles. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Westberg's uncle, was co-host. BALLROOM Mr and Mrs. Westberg left last Saturday to spend a second week's YMAN Who has for his motto "I WILL SUCCEED" • i bear in mind that personal has much to do with )lishments of his goal. will amount to little as with the satisfaction of that a good appearance is insurance. US PUT THE "PR00" GOOD IM-PRESS-IONS CLEANERS & TAILORS t.ul NS  TAILORING -- DYEING the Charm of Nearness s Restored . 2nd St. Phone 86 AMOUN T ATRE Shelton, Wash, E FINEST ENTERTAINMENT--DIRECT . LEADING THEATRES. - Friday, July 14 - 15 CK TO THRILL YOUANEW hAZING GUN,S AND ROARING FUII CWAIL/| Ill//./y , Wednesday, July 16 - 20 ii: WINCHELL says the song hit"lilY IT'S COLD OIlISll[" is "different and dever!" By l,ydla Wren Mr. and Mrs. Ed Westbeng of Port Angeles spent a week at their home hene, painting their house anti entertaining relatives and friends. Their relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jacobsen, daugh- ter Janet and son Glen of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farsberg and children from Everett, Mr. and Mr:. Vernon Pudas and son Terry J of Bremerton, and Mr. and Mrs. ]Sidney Fallstone and son Paul of [ Longvicw. [ Their other friends were Mrs. [Ted Ranta, daughter Linda and ]son Rickey, and Mr. and Mrs. | Rueben Englund fnom Port An- vacation in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tobey and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Willis, the former Dorothy and Inga Sund. They will visit l in Spokane and Everett before re- turning to their present home in Port Angeles. The preschool group is meeting twice a week at the school house, the mothers taking turns teaching :songs, art work, games and fur- nishing transpontation. Seventeen children are now enrolled, six of whom will start school this Fall. The preschool mothers met with our school teacher, Mrs. Leevers, and received helpful suggestions from her. .They now have an organized schedule, for the kindergarten. Anyone interested may contact any of the mothers or call at the school houKe any Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10 until 11:30 o'clock when the preschool is in session. Fair Harbor grange will hold a picnic at 10 o'clock Sunday morn- ing, July 17 at the school house. Members will work on the school grounds and at 12:30 o'clock they will have a potluck picnic hmch. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carlson and son Emil of Port Angeles will spend several weeks at their place on Stretch island. They will com- mence building a new home. =l: :l: * Chester Hansen, son of Mrs. Joe Tschida, is worl¢ing at Bears, Roebuck mail order annex in Se- attle. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Peters be- came the parents of a baby boy last Friday evening at the Shel- ton hospital, The two young women, Miss Tony Howard and Miss Amy Jean l Wnight, who ane searching for ,historical data on Indians in Ma- son County, camped on Mrs. Win- nie Beard's beach on the old Ma- laney place one night last week and asked permission to do some excavating. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lecvers I ent east of the mountains last t eek end to visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eaten Gaines, who have a farm near Ellens- burg. Young Skipper Leevers has been visiting with his grandpar- ents for several weeks and re- turned home with his parents. Mrs. Frances Spooner who has been visiting with Mrs. Germy at Gig Harbor for the past few weeks, celebrated her birthday here last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spooner, Linda and Robbie a n d Mrs. Frances Spooner spent Sunday at Sequim. 6 M some time at Copalis beach. Friends who visited the Shep- herds were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, Gary and Gay of Brem- erton, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bellarts and their two daughters of Richland, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hawk re- turned from an interesting trip to Boise, Idaho, where Mrs. Hawk's mother lives, to Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake City and many points south and west. Albert Larson returned Monday from Warsaw, Ill. He was happy to be home again. Mr. and Mrs. William Austin and Mary and Freddy Lindsey at- tended a party in Bremerton "t week ago Thursday given in hon- or of Susan Scherfenferg, a grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin. ..... ' ...............  ............................................ III I i .... . ........................ .... . . +.+ _.+.+. • +... Driftwood Contest hi Seattle Planned For Children's Aid Beachcombing vacationers may win $350 in cash prizes for the best pieces of driftwood entered in the First Northwest Driftwood Show,' to be held September 17 and 18 from 12 noon to 9 p.m. in the Civic Auditorium. The show i sponsored by the Mau(le B. Parsons Guild of the Children's Orthopedic " Hospital with proceeds going the the hos- pital. Three classifications of drift- wood from the beaches and from lakes apd river banks may be shown, driftwood as sculpture, driftwood as caricature, and a junior division. , Anyone may enter the show but will be allowed only one entry in each division. Entries may be mounted, polished or otherwise cn- hanced. Only a nfininnnn of knife work and saw wonk will be al- lowed. No background malerial will be inehtdcd. The show will be judged by a panel of Seattle artists. Exhibits must be delivered to the Civic Auditorium, Seattle, Scptcmber 16 from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Out of town exhibits must be mailed in time to reach the Auditorium by Septen++l,+_!" ............................... t Special Atomic Tnbing A total of ntore than four and , one-half miles of special copper l tubing is being instlLeti m ,.,n- Mr .and Mrs. A. Bateman and cage University's atonlic research family of Dryad, Mrs. Alvin Rod- synchroeylotron. eri 'k and family of Elma, anti spending a few days wil.h her grandmother, Mrs. A. Pol*tman. Mr'. and Mrs. W. B. Pah'ner spent Monday on the Canal. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry, Jeff ttaskins, Shinley anti IL)iek Hopkins were hlneheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of Shelton Sunday. Matlock Ladies Club Hears Talk By Miss Piedalue By I)ora llearing Matloek Ladies Club met last Thtn's(lay with Mrs. Anna Kingery • tad Mrs. A. Portnlan :ts hostesses. Miss Irene Piedalue, extension ;t'ent of Mason county, gttve a short talk. We took in one new membcr, Mrs. Clarence MarLinean. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin motored to Bremerton Sunday to meet their sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of Seattle. Mr. aml Mrs. Guy Taylor 'of Olympia who have been vaca- tioning in Canada spent Wednes-- day with their daughter anti son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest (] teen. Miss Inez Shorter and Mrs. Marsha Shorter of Sttelton spent Tuesday visiting with Mr .and Mrs. t. E. Bradberry. Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and son of Tacoma spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ross- nlaier and family. They picnicke(1 at tile Edward Valley home Sun- day Little Margaret Rossmaier 'eturne(l to Taconta with her atmt lora visit. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Green of Spokane are spending this week with their nephew and niece, Mr. all(l 2¢tJs. l"o,l'cst (.}l'tetl. ' :Mrs:. Lynn Roderick and family spent Friday with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nordwell. Little Jeff Haskins of Shelton is spending this week with his aunt, Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Baker and sons left Sunday for Spokane to visit friemls. :!: :g :1 The Boone Sisters of Oregon will visit this community this week and will hold evening services at the Matloek Commtlnity . C h tt r c h Thursday, Friday, Sat'urday and Sunday. The Sunday services will be an all-day n+eeting with picnic lunch at noon. Miss L. Chm'chill of Dyton is HAMBURGERS can be good Try our hamburgers--you'll taste the difference. Fresh, lean beef, especially ground, perfectly sea- soned and cooked as you like 'era. You'll say "Hamburgers Can't Be Better." Have some today. :I: H: * Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sargent over the week end of July 4 were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bish- op of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Tont Shortread, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mo,s, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sargent, all of Montesano, and Mr. and Mrs. William Boloek of Seattle. Cub Scouts met lasc Friday af- ternoon at Jackie Shepherd's. Af- ter a short meeting they worked on the project for the month. Allyn folks enjoyed a fine 4th of July display of fireworks on the beach. Freddy Lindsey had charge. Freddy Lindsey spent last week end in Naches visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Em)ch .Uldrikson retnrned last Saturday after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Fred Lutz at Bayshore. Mr. and rvIrs. Harvey Nelson and family are now enjoying their new home. They moved out of the hotel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Valley and son, John, returned Sunday after a week's vacation and reunion with Mrs. Valley's family at Re- public. • * '+tl Many Allyn folks enjoyed a baseball game between Allyn and Belfair which was won by Allyn, 23 to 2. The boys played a dou- ble header, the second game be- ing with the Allyn married men. The score was 19 to 5 in favor of the Allyn fellows. Philip David Blue, U. S. Navy, and Lena Amanda Crosswhite Hansen were united in marriage at the hom of M r. and Mrs. Hen- ry Buding on July 5. Mrs. George Milosevich and her daughter, Olga, were witnesses. Fred Buding, justice of the peace, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chronowski and daughters, Testa and Ellen, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Clark the past two weeks, left Tuesday for their home near Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Chron- owski is a sister of Jerry Clark. HEINIE HILDERMAN'S CHATTERBOX CAFE SINGER SEWING MACHINES Sales & Service SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Ph. 7586 510 E. 4th Olympia, Wn. ,GRADES OF MILK ,SOLD IN MASON COUNTY As announced by the Thurston-Mason District Health Depart- ment for the nine-month period ending June 30, 1949, as re- quired by the Mason County Milk Ordinance: GRADE "A" RAW MILK North Shore Dairy -- Tahuya GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM Arden Farms -- Bremerton Auburn Dairy Products Co.- Seat- tle (cream only) Babcock's Dairy -- Shelton Belfair Dairy -- Belfair Kitsap Dairy -- Bremerton Lucerne Milk Company -- Seattle Medosweet Dairies, Inc. -- Tacoma and Port Orchard Price's Golden Guernsey Dairy BRINGS YOU WITH " Now! Toni Home Permanent TWICE as EASY- 1 TWICE as FAST COMPLETE SET NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS No more rubber bands--all, ulastie -- all+in-one I Grips . sD|ns . • • lock with J flick oi the linger. Makes every wavc front now on lwice as ea.y [ Toni Creme Rinse to make your i'oni wave ($2 when even lovelier 1 bought oepcratoly) NEW TONI REFILL KIT Guaranteed to give you the most natural-looking wave ever. New PhoU) Sethod Directions show how Toni waves many tyUes t+,[ hair in as little as 30 minul es. / SHIFTING ,1oo AUTOMATIC HYDRA-MATC mmlm PICTURE Frl.-Sat. July 15-16 "HE WALKED BY NIGHT" l|chard Baehart, Scott Brady Step by Step.  Clue by Clue 'They tracked him down:! savage - Cunning - Deadly! ! Adults 50¢ Children 15¢ Sun. thru Tues. JulT 17-19 Lorett Young, Van Johnson "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN,, Color by Technicolor RudY Vallee, Barbara Law- rence. It's the Cheer Leader of the Year l! Adults 50¢ Children 15¢ ................ O ................. Wcd.-Thurs. July 20-21 Two Features Burt Lancaster, Yvonne de Carlo "CRISS CROSS" Dan Duryea, Stephen McNally - Second Feature. Tim Holt "BROTHERS IN THE SADDLE,, ltlchard Martin, Virginia Cox A Western Thriller! NO GEARS TO SHIJ:T! NO CLUTCH TO PRESS! SIMPLE AS 1-2-31 START THE ENGINE just as you al,ays havel But foet the I clutch pedal nowl For there isn t any clutch J pedal--in a 1949 Lincoln or Lincoln | Cosmopolitan with HYDRA-MATICI* i SET THE "DRIVE"! There s a Drive Sector --in place of the gearshift. Set it at the Drive position. Your HYDRA-/ATIC transmission does all the shifting for you aurmaticalyl Then... 3 STEP ON THE ACCELERATOR and go--wlth a smooth, sweeping surge of " power, To slow down or stop, just step on the brake. That's how simple it is to drive any new 1949 Lincoln--with HYDR-MATIC ! JAY HALL MOTORS, INC. 521 Legion Wal at Cherry @ LINCOLN- MERCURY SPECIAL NEW "SALON STYLING" , Lincoln now proudly presents the most beautifully fashioned automobile interiors in the worldl All with superb new tailoring.., completely new upholstery fabrics . . . smart new body colors.., and exclusive, • new "Salon Styling" that makes the 1949 Lincoln, mor8 than ever America's most dislinctive fine ears--in,tale and outl Come see them today. Olympia --7707 i