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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I'll ...... i ................................................... w "%eel; - ' S00'00TON-0000ASON' covm00 JOURNAL IT i i _ r' iii i i ill I t i i it i i i m. =m . ) ' : RATES I . .I char g.e) 75c sinai? tnse.rtlon, $1.25 II two insertions, $1.50 three inser- |I , d tlons. Additional inscrHons 2,0c II !  each. Larger ads at zate of 10e [1 ... .^ *' fO[ each 5 w,rds obeys .5. |[ . #fJ* "" -- "  w"" " 411 i-U € I treader notices ISe per llne. 75c II  '@ ' • " -- f minlmum ,harge on each notlce, |i w - " | Card of rhanks 1,00 original ]! ......... " ..... • [ poetry 50c per lnchrclasMficd dis- [f .vv,rvvvvwv.. vv,vwvvvmvv CARD OF TtlANK, wwvvwvvvvvvvwvvvvv [ py. rates on rvquest. . . /I Vt' A 1" 31rlfl$rl I'|allalm We wish especially to thank the T'Int  A T .l , | ,.A¢lVe[uscmenm aceepteo over [ IID JtNJLA'kJLJ2J wlt)aauau V.F.W. and American Legion for put- .'t | the telephone from phone cub- I[ vvw4v.,.v-rvvv .vvvw,v,v.vvvvvv ting on gravesidc services for our vwv,v I scrJbers. Cash should accompany I • • returned serviceman. Also wc want | all other ord!r.s or pyment naae [I MUST SELL three room send-modern VACATION WITH S on world's long- to thank our friends ,for tlm many FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales | w;tnln rl ib) oay.s o tnq nr. |, house on east Hllh:rest large ])t est beach. Clean, modern furnished floral offerings, for auto parts and accessories. First 1 ¢ / maruon o save expense ot mu- Ii 0' x 110' Wn F Austin 1681 Hol- cottages Good beds Reasonable E C Gunter and frailly and Mill Streets Phone 595 7-4tfn ' mg An extra charge of ]0e w , " . : ' ,' ' ........ , |., ...... • | man St. Phone 723J• . 7-7-2t weekr; rates. Write: Mldbeach Cot .................................. ,;|.•,r mane when nmmg is neces I - ..................................... tages, Ocean Park, Wash. Phone CARD OF TIIAN]KS FOR SALE: new Frigidaire, 7 cubic , 7, / F()R TRADE: 40 acres with at- 67616. G6-30--8-25 May we extend in this way our foot, cold wall, also new Deluxe , '| ' PHONE I00 l* tractiw, three-room hou for nice sincere appreelatlon for the kindnesses, Thor washing mash ne. Mrs, Polly , |  I tl u trall'r ,)lua 40(l ('ash Write _ sympathies and beautiful floral pieces Jacobs, Star Route 1 Box 54 Sko- * ....... J,,hl-" ,Vo,'mth _.nerai Jcliv, rv" 6"t''''' -offered us dnrng our b,.,'cavement ko,nish Valley. ' B7-7-14 t w,mrr'vv,r - - - _ SI , I ,n ' • 7--14 IJ'AIJ ..ill2kll JP-4 of our beloved wife mother and sister -- ............. #._ _.m._,c,____.__ I . . =,--.. ..................... 7- ..... vvvvvv,vvvvwvvvvvvw Mrs. Alice Rice. GARDEN 11USE and sprinklers, we .* "• Ul$1,SlIl(5{1 erVlCe I  (')R SALF,: 1 ice a,:r(a and lnrc, e- The Rice Fareilies have a good upply Hillcrest Hard- ' v vvvv, Vvv,v ] " I  n nn, Phone 964R1 days " " , ..'wv,' , "" " . ' ' ' ' ' FOR TRADE' Stevens County 80 ...... ware. 7-7 .* , [ ........................ acres onlnl roved, timber, sacrifice • . -- .......................................... , • 965R2 mghls. K 7--14 " " • NOTICI' " ' *k " ....... " ' . * " --   .4 ¢ 4 ' $2,2a0 00 Jnt A lyn v cinity p o - , ' , • • I ^I ErTVANGING INTI'IIOR DEC FOR SAI E' n odern 2 bedroom home  1 i, r Th s is to serve notice that the RASPBERRIES FOR SALE on Mrs# ' ORATING. Phone day 28 nigh;s) Vene: r l)m:d garage, st table for crty Write Walter Berg 3810 North pa]tnershlp ¢ff Wlteraftand Scan Lure- A]anda. Osterberg s .place- Phone ....... F#l@: r, Moll qR1fn # aoarltt ent I ow uown nay enls I o  " ' oer we netton ann awaru l=lopalns lSlI mrs. t)ra ktusseIl 81 W an- ............... - ........ , ........ - ,4th St. Taco na, Wash. 7-7-14 ., , Y " .=:..-.....v-.=..: .............................. . ] cation 229 W. Harvard, Write T. E ................................... .-. has been dissolwd as of July sixth dotte Street. 7-7-14 ..... i.¢.(itTuT]liM.Nt, power ,rtLving anal Daily P.O, Box 2327 Sta. A Brem- OR SALE: Equity in four-rein and Mr. Hopkins will not be responsi ................... gard(n service Phone 941-W or Box erh n' Wash. or phone 187W Stlel- house with bath and utilities AO- ble for any debts of sald partnersh p GRUMAN 17-ft alunflnmn canoe. C( n- -. id[, Journal. H3-31tfn. ton ..... 7-7-14 ply 1426 Elllnor Ave. 7---14-21 on or after July sixth. H 7-14 tact Mr. Wetter, Rt. 3, Box 182B, , I'IfNEYS CL)/,ANli2L) and recapped. " ........... . Oil stoves and furnacrs vacuum i IX)R SALE': Modern 2-bedroom home, MARTIN ADAMS Is now with Watson ................................................. cleaned, Free estimates. Phone 8486 days, 702fi eveaings. Olympia, Wash. *,: ............................ P3-tfn. )v PIJNINSULA C_L STOVE SERVICI], Part, repairing and vacuum eh'mn- lag• Local Shclton phone 61-.J. BB-30tfn .... SEIN(' MA-/2ttlNE REPAIRS - EXPERT WORK. Reasonable charges. Estimates made, in your home by a courteous, bonded empl,)yc. No ob- 'llgatlon. 1,cave calls at The Journal in Shelton. I'hone 100. SINGER SEWIN( MACHINE C(). 510 E, tth Ave. Olympia Classified Service , KIMBEL OIL CO. •" ' RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Aay Capar2ty) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 46t-W It Title Insurance--Abstracts--Escrows gll ELTO N-it ELL Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 19 S. 4th (Bell Bldg,) Shelton, Wn, PHONE 65 Mason County agent for Puget Sound Title Insurance Com- pany of Seattle Mmber Waslllngton [,ad Title Ass'n, American Title As#n. IIIi L ,., REAL ESTATE I 10th St, Phone 601. . .K6-16tt'n. , 'R'--SXLi-- new x-r.,,n, modern ;..onte .adiant heat, hardwood floor- ,.n AIroughout, fireplace. arage :'td. Icaled on 115 x 7o' e,,r- t#*,ImdFlot in Nortlwllff Schultz Addl- tlon, Call 1000 during the say, bl- •  tW ,, zMngs, $5-5t fn. " •' xm",iso"%,im. "*n ig.sX,:iJJ Seattle North end Lake Washlngion waterfront property i5 room house 150 ft. frontage) to trade for 1-ood Canal house, Iiht consider water- leon! nr view m'uperty near Rheltfn. (;all Union 343. Fl-13tfn. "FOff"SXLE i-g i.ddfff-rTbdi::ii lmme and one acre excellent soil. Basement, furnace, electric hcA water heater, laundry trays, electric pumping ys- tern, nhm lawn, flowers, garden, berries and fr'uit, Would consider' trade foe small home (:lose m. A. O, Charlsou at Milk Creek on Olym- Pic Highway, 6-30 lfn "()It SA-[#E " ct,)it') 200 ft, wui'rfront Oa 11anll) crs]y fillet, close in. N. €:]¢tarJng or roP.d t)tl;Idiru.;, ,IllHt bFitlg t your his:her and .'.t, srt buildiug. WIll ' soil all or • part io one. party, Phone 601. K6-16tin "/0R •sXLI,; : '/:,;,•;;h c, iiii i,:f T6b-X- 76 ft, lot. Low boa('b, tmlkb,,ad, spring Water. tridlsnds. Ab;o tWO good build- ing h,t:, I'/. mi)es fl¢)nl .(l',moiders PrOlific. E. H. (;o['{,('i. Rt. l }l.x 429, OLympia. I'hoa 764. 7-7-1,t FOR SALE modern with 3 bed rooms, located close-in. In- cludes gas automatic range, hot water heater and oil circu- lator. Good garage and work shop and includes small new building suitable for store or work-shop. Ready for ilnmed- late oecupan.e ,Terms" l,'OR RE'r Lunch counter for rent doing good business and located in center of business district, ,I m $ FOR QUICK SALE 3-room modern home v/tth property 120 x 85, including oil raage. Icated close in and will take $300 down and $45,00 a monti to reliable, steady party... Priced at $3,875,00. - $ $ $ FOR, SALE 5-room modern home with fireplace, wired for electric range, automatic hot water heater, basement and oil furnace, Well located with excellent yard and garden ttact, This is a nice home and a good value at $7,600 with somc tcrms. Herbert G. Angle I n I I II ] I FARM FOR SALE HARSTINE ISLAND • 40 acres, 30 cIearcd, four bed- loom house, well, barn, pack- ing shed, chicken house, gar- • age, fenced, one acre grapes, over 200 prune trees, stream on edge of prperty, all for $3,500,00• Hans M. Anderson REALTOt 100i Waslliugton Hldg., Tacoma, Wash. Of/Lee phone: MAin 3550 Residence,: PRoctor 6194 6-30--7-7 7";',7, ................... "-7" ,--"i - FOR SALE NEW HOME Living room and dinette, kit- chen and service room, 2 bed- rooms, unfinished attic• Over 2 acres. $7700, FHA approved. Terms. SECOND HOUSE EAST OF SAEGER'S STORE On Arcadia Road For Sale Sign in Front Yard E6-23-tfn tti I t ZINTHEO'S VALUES 3 ACRES and ,l-room house with bath; garage attached; 52-foo, drtlled well and electric pump; one acre cleared, balance in pole tim- her: some furniture. A real buy at $5,000.00. COMBINATION WATERFRONT home and chicken ranch; 10 acres, 4 acres cleared, orchard, some pole garagc, 2 lots. 1818 Summit Drive, Phone 226-J after 3:30 p.m. T 7-14---8-4 FOR SALE: 2 lots including corner on Hillcrest. 2 lots including corner with part finished basement on Southstde. 1330 Dearborn or call 709R. H 7-14-21 OWNER SACRIFICING for quick sale 300 ft. waterfront ou Arcadia Beach. Includes 10 acres land with timber and year around spring. $3,000 cash. Phone 249 or 8tR, $7-14-21 F'(YR--SE.'--'-'6s6. 4-room with bath'? Almost newly finished. Reasonable. Located block eighteen, lot eight, Hlllcrest section. Contact John Us- born. 2020 Hay st.. Shelton. 7-14 "FOR-- SALE-: "--w---l ' o n Island Lake. 140 ft, frontage. Call 791-J after 6 p.m. D 7-14-21 F-(J-R SALE: Mainland on salt water. West of Steamboat Island near Ar- cadia. 600 ft. depth to road, pretty trees view, good soil. 108 R. along shor. Splendid fiihing. $1575, terms including oFster land fronting on Oyster Bay. Charles Seiners, Grapevlew. Phone 871-J-1 5- tfn SKOKOMISH VALLEY FARM timber, well, elec. pump, 300 gal. tank; large chicken house; 6-room 20 ACRES, all cleared, big barn, modern home with 3 bedrooms; 16 head of stock, tractor, 5 brood fireplace, hardwood floor, picture / sows, farm machinery, chicken windows; several hundred feet / house, year around stream. Home is a modern ,arm home and has highway and water frontage; onlY/3 or more bedrooms if desired. four miles from Shelton, close to I grocery store• Price and terms on l This is an excellent buy at inquiry. * * * * * • Price: $11,500 ALL MODERN BRICK home with SIX 30-FOOT LOTS on Angleside, full basement, hot water heat, 2 all cleared and on a corner, for bedrooms, highly polished maple only $1500, one-third down; or will floors, fireplace, one of Mason soll any two separataly. I county's finer homes. Has 4 acres I of land about all cleared. Just 5 ONLY $3150 for this 4-room cot- minutes from town. Must be seen tags with bath, utility room and to fully appreciate this value. laundry trays; very e.asy terms. I Price: $10,500 $ * f $ $ NEARLY NEW" attractive home Have s good solid investment prop- on Mt. View, 5 rooms, bath and erty that can be traded for home large utility room, autorfiatic else- as partial payment... No phone in- tric tank, laundry trays; hard- Wood floors, plastered, fireplace, Venetian blinds; corner 10t, fenced; eligible for G.I. or F.tI.A. loan. Pric at $9000. $ $ $ FULLY EQUIPPED cabinet shop for $3700, on terms. ANGLESIDE HOME of 4 rooms and bath; wired for range, auto- matic hot water ,tank, laundry trays; one corner and one inside lot all cleared, 120x100 ft. Should sell quickly at $4250, on terms. 8-ROOM HOME at Union over- looking Hood Canal; large fire- place; fruit trees, shrubs; corner lot. M. C. ZINTHEO Title Insurance Bklg. Phone 157 Shelton, Wash. i L formation on this. Please call at the office. Listings wantcd. Still have buy- ers who desire 2 and  bedroom homes in nicer residential areas. JAS. B. TROVATO 124 E. Grove St, Phone 908 days, 537R evenings I HOME? Build It Yourselt 8 /ots in Olympic View Addition Reasonable Price Reasonable Terms Sewers nstalled and Paid For. Water to the Alley. Inquire at 1419 Mason St. or Phone 58-M P-5-12-tfa I I III II I SEE H. L. 0LSTEhD AGENCY Selected Listing of Properties For Sale Businesses . . . Waterfront . . . Acreage Homes . . . Farms . . . Resorts Real. Estate and General Insurance H. L. 0LSTEAD AGENCY Phone 30 116 No. 2nd FOR YOUR NEW HOME A Complete Building Service Dick @ Choice Improved Lots @ 2 and 3-bedroom Plans with complete color planning @ F.H.A. Financing @ Competent Construction .Kieburtz Construction Co. ANGLESIDE -- PHONE 899 Builders of Shelton's Finest Homes Veteran's Opportunity- 100% G. I. Loan On any home, price ranging between $5000 and $10,000, Monthly payments average between $25 and $50, No down payment, just $200 earnest money to G. I. Out of that closing costs average about $75. Balance is refunded when deal is consummated, This deal will bc opet to Veterans for  short time only. M. C. Zintheo Title Insurance Building Phone 157 Shelton, Wash. ,t i , i i , Shelton, Ross Barber Shop next to Chatter. box Cafe. Mr. Adams is formerly of Mac's Corner Barber Shop. 7-14 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Eitller Dube's or m OIympla near Elks Club colored snapshots. Reward. Call Sheldon 490. C 7-14 -OUND : Rest. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Contact Mr. Stephens, north shore road. Star Rt. 2. Box 619, Belfa|r. 7-14-29 WANTED • qp qr vvv  vv rr , q qFv'qr qv WANTED: woman or girl to care for two children week day, live in. 1411 Railroad. Phone 272R. B7-7-21 ZK) YOu WAN'lr a reliable br If so. phone 671-W. H6-30--7-14 WANTED: woman for general house- work. Phone 541R. J7-7tfn. ILP WANTED: sales person to take orders in Shelton and Mason county, part or full time, Earn $1.5{} to $2.00 psr hour, car helpful but not neces- sary. Write Box 47, c-o Journal. K7-7-21 "'-.'ITED-- about-'six-thousand ti-bt boat cedar logs. To be delivered near Shelt. Write Win. McLaughlin, Rt. 2. Box 224. Shelton. 7-7-21 WANT]D: landinK barge with motor or #cow. 90' or 35' long, 8' or 12' wide, Write or see D. D. Deputy, Belfair, Wash. 7-7-28 -.Ef. (ep-air-'-w0-1-l¢ I• or- remo(lelifig ot all kinas. Any Gad Job, large or |ml. Also rototiller plowing. Call 59-W. C3-31tfn stum]age. Write Daniel and Flet- cher Ioggi Co,, P.O. Box 35, Olal- la. WasT, • 11-4tfn, ED: dead stock, prompt free. courteous service. Phone tm collect. Elms 121-J, Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. 2-27t fn LPI want to buy. sell Or ex- change cattle of any kind. J, Clark, Box 232, Elma, Wash. 2-17tfn. AN---FI): Car salesman by estab- lished automobLle dealer, State ex- erience. age and references. Write ox L. Journal. L 7-14 bedroom house, unftrnlshed, close in• Phone 305. ask for Mr. Wooldridge. 7--14 (A-NTED-TO--kENT':---i?([[I(--I''e'f(;"= ably. wo hedroom unfurnished. Will provld best of care• Call 711W. 7-7-21 CEDAR SHAKES: reasonably priced and made to order. Call 704W. Ask for Mr. Ford FT-Ttfn. "TW(9 GOOD-gentle guernseY; cows for sale, fresh a short time. Glenn Story, Route 1, Box 127, or phone 966R2. 7-7-21 P--AI'N- THINNER, 50c gallon, bring containers. Hillercst Hardware. 7-7 FOR-SAL-Ei--raspl)e'l'ics. you Pick. Bring your own containers, 10c per pound, Phone 862J3. D6-23tfn i:IORNET IDW-ER CHAIN SAWS sales parts and servtce. Khnbel Mo- tors,' 707 S. First Street, Shelton. 5-19tfn. ALL MAtTIN, Hansen and Ro#cgard salmon plugs, sizes 4 and smaller, $1 each while they last at Hlllcrest Hardware. 7-7 XL-L-"-8-T-E-]L-S'A'-L--MON rods. extra llUaltty, regularly $17, special at 5.50 each, Hillcrest Hardware. 7-7 E-AS-Y SPINDKI'R WASHER. Very eod condition. Nearly new. A real uy at $69. Phone 806. T6-23tfn, FOi- SX-LE °" i-kE-)-  i F --C manure, Skokomish top soil, t'actor plowing• Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota  Shelton Jack Manley NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere In U.S. 3-10-tfn K7-7-21 SALESMEN WANTED: Rawletgh business now open in Mason county. Trade well established, Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleighs, Dept• 202. Oakland 20, Californl&. 7-7-14 WANT TO IUY: old horser--M-i-n'k feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn I li LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of Hlllcreat To the t'Sign" vp*w qrg, qq qp4,q v qqqr q v v v v v p ' FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. three rooms and private bathroom. no children or pets, electric range, refrigerator, hot water. John Paul- sen, Angleside. Phone IlOR, 8th and May streets. 7--14-21 furnished• Phone 964R1 days 965R2 nights. K7--14-21 :'OR- --igit -- -f fiiiie f --h-6-7-Y/ bed room. oil range and heat. $ month. Call 615J3. W7-7 J R ---IX- R Rr ,Vl'- g  one two bedroom units now available ai Airway Court, Airport, phone 761R5. AS-36tfn. inn, Mountain View. . I-lgtfn fOR amT: pamy a, rn, shed cottaI_._ one mile north 9f Hoodsport,--25a per month. Inqmre Dusty Rhodes Resort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-11. • 8-10tin. Phone 933, Mt. View Lockers, Star Route 1, Box -R. 3-24tfn 0'"--.:-'One- aad two-room ntoern cabins. Phone 615R2. 1L M 8-80--7-14 with bath, Utilities furnished. Suit- • able for one or two adults° Phone 698W. D7-7tfn Phone 699J or inquire 100 Pine St. V7-7-21 I II II I FOR RENT 1 3-room apartment, unfurn- ished, with bath. I Office space. 1 Beauty Parlor space. Cameron Hotel PHONE 513 7-7-tfn i IIII APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- ors Sterling Electric portable hand Sander eavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S, 1st Phone 58 2-10.t2n I II I I I III FOR SALE: 1948 Chrysler convertible. 4500 miles. Priced for quick sale. Inquire 514 Dearborn. M 7-14-28 • EQUITY in-t949 Oldsmobih;_ less-than 5000 miles, new coldition. Write Box A, C/o Journal, 7--14 WE-IN-:NCE- n-'dafik--[e¥/E-ffS-  24 months to pay at Bob Ervin Mo- tors. 688 South First Street, Shelton, Phone. 673, -Stfn • qrvWvrqrp-qrqr,vspqr VP'r ,qv FOR SALE POULTRY NETTING. 1 and 2 in['h, all you want, at Itlllcrest ttardware. 7-7 W if- 0 X,t9-- X--.eL L---L--E--5 t-E= ollc supplies and gifts. Also the latest in excellent books. Open eve- nings. The Gift Box, 200 W. Fourth Olympia. Wash. 6-23tin FLOOR COVERINGS:tiie or iin6ieum: installed or lay It yourself, Easy terms, 3 years to pay. Lawton Lum- ber, 420 S. Flrst St., phone 6, 3-3tin. special at $2.95 each. Hillcrest Hard- ware, 7-7 FO-R S.iE i" - PUt)Pi(S: 7 'weeks 01d, purebred, Labrador retriever, 3 miles from Olympic hlgbway on Arcadia road. E. J. Bracey. B,t. 3, Box 201A. 7-14-21 #RsXLE-i--'A--tw'-o-y-d[r:};i-d-Negis-tbi-;d" Jersey co. Phone 1,1Fll. S 7-14 SAi)i)LE HORSE. w iil train0d, gentl(i fro' ladies, is a good roping horse. Phone McCleary 5274. B 7-14-21 F6 R- Sx-L 7 - -Q--ffk-e i-- oiq-- i; dk- i- pet burner, good condition. Phonc 865R-1, O 7-14 FRYER RABBITS Morc Meat for Your Money lb. 65¢ We deliver freshly dressed In Shelton Vicinity LEAVE ORDERS AT 766-J-1 Or BILL MARCY Rt. 3, Box 248-A, Cole Road 7-14-tin A Hieland Lassie says, says she, Let's get married you and me. I have money, 'twant take much, To buy from Coselman lumber and such. Our "mill to consumer" sell- ing policy is talking awfully loud. We deliver. 2x4 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 2x4 $4S, good lengths.. $30.00 2x6 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 SeleCted knotty cedar panel- ing v Jointed .............. 12,€ Surfaced lumber In all sizes and quality in fir and cedar. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, about 2 cords. R.F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 miles East of Hlllcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 FOB FOR SALE LOGANERRIES f,r  H ,. 6  a pound, you pick the,o; 8'a pound, we pick them. 9 milcs fr¢flu Shelton on the AIlyn r[m(l. Turn right at Island View Addition s]gtl, Oil( mile to three mail boxes, turn right to end of road. Herman Dewitz, Grape- 1 view. 7--14 i ........................................................... FOR SALE: FOR SALE: 2 used refrigrators. 7[ wood, not cubie foot size. good ,'.,,ndition. Kill-] One loado! mer El,ctric. 207 C,,ta Sir,'et, Plone { livery. 664. 7---14 216-J-3 FOR SAI,E: On H, C. Little white road. oil range, copper coih, hot water BOWLS, Ml tank, barrels and oil. complete $50.00. masters Motel, 128 E. Alder st. H 7--14 Center• FOR SALE: Baby strofier, newly ' reconditioned, $3,00• In(tuire 1512 tainers. Boundary. J 7--14 FOR SALE: 22" Ii)) Jii{bom-d motsi: run only 5 hours. Save approxi- mately $75 on cos! new. Kiml>el Motors, 707 S. First St, 7--14-28 '()R" SXLE "-" "Sixai;Sid---¢;i'ib-- nd in the patch, mattress. Phone 951J (,r inquir Pick 119 East Cedar. M 7--14-28 containers. C. J. Phillips, Arcadia Rt. 2 " Road, P. O. Box 191A. P 6-30--7-14 "FOR SALE: one" 30-g tl. DaY ani Night Bottled Gas hot watcr heater. Used 6 raps. $50.00. Magic Che[ Bottlcd Gas cook stove with regula- tors, Exccllent condition. $130.00. Must sell. Have all-electric h6me. Adams and K Streets, Mt. View. M. Grllley. 6-30--7-14 M-2-K fi Y " TYL-E-Rc- L-.2iV X -0 li -ion;- est .priced on market, $139.50. See it at E. A. Cart Electric, Title insur- ance Bldg• R6-2tfn. beautiful Mason Lake. Swimming, boating, fishing. Excellent view, gravel beach. Some choice lots. Phone 605. tt 7--14-21-28 SALE: Three gent/e saddle Phone horses, saddles, blankets, bridles. Can be seen by appointment.. Phone 605, H 7--14-21-28 FOR SALE: Forest,wood cut to order Inquh'e Airport Service Station Olympic Highway. W 7-.-14-2] 'Uk-SXL-E-- -- i=I e{nz- "-2:L'u-p- -'- ;]iictc sop kitchen, exellent condition, $20. Hoodsport Cafe. Hoodsport. MOVED 7--1.i FOR SALE: 18-foot runabout with trailer. Will trade for Jeep. ln- quire east side Harstim Island, Rt, t 2. Box 177. 11 7-14 I BAMBOO Hil[crst FOR sheh, es, one coils. See Paul Arcadia USED FOR SALE: 1937 Plymouth 4-door sedan. Radio and heater. Sealbeam headlights, $200. 411 ttarvard. Phone 478-J. B 6-30--7-14 FOR SALE: 1946 Chevrolet Flectmas- ter 4-door sedan. One owner car. A real buy at the price. Phone 759-J. C-6-9t fn USED CAR, SPECIALS '34 Ford Sedan ................................ $145.00 '36 Chrysler Sedan .......................... $165.00 '37 Ford Sedan ................................ $245.00 '37 Chrysler Sedan .......................... $375..00 '39 Nash Sedan ................................ $525.00 '40 Plymouth Sedan ........................ $575.00 l Lay Nash Motors, Inc First & Pine Sts. Shelton, Wash. PHONE 621 INTRODUCING NORMAN and WAYNE Our New Car Salesmen LET THEM SELL YOUR CA1% ON CONSIGNMENT They Arc Doing a Good Job OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES First and Mill Streets Phone 595 OUR PRICES ARE DOWN 1946 Nash Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan, below book 1941 Hudson Sedan, very clean 1947 Fraser Sedan, bargain, 1946 DcSotO 2-door, automatic trans. MANY oTHERS AVAILABLE, SEE US FOR yoUtt USED CAR NEEDS OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES First and Mill Strets Phone 595 GOOD USED 1948 STUDE. CHAMPION 5-P. COUPE R & H - Loaded with Accessories - 1935 CHEV. 2-DOOR - Good Service in this  1935 FORD 2-DOOR - Good Motor MODEL A CABRIOLET - new trans., diff. - Anderson Motor Phone 52 July Clearance USED £A 1942CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN This car is good 1942%-TON FORD PICKUP 1941DODGE SEDAN. New paint, very 1936--Ford Sedan. Radio, heater. Very 1936--Plymouth Sedan, as is. good ONE 1949 4-DOOR SEDAN, 7, NEW FORD CARS NOW Types  Make Your Visit to Our AL HUERBY PHONE 16 " 5TH & JULY OUR USED CAR PRICES prt0e 1946 Hudson .................. 2-door sedan. This car very clean. Has new tires. Radio, heater, windshield washers. 1941..Ford .......................... 2-door. New finish, Heater, good tires. 1940 Olds .......................... 4-door sedan. A jet black one-owncr car. Ia Has Radio and Heater, 1940 Plymouth ................ • 4-duor sedan. Radio and 1tester. These Cars All Reconditioned and 1947 FORD LOGGING Complete with bunks and cab road. 5-speed main transmission, transmission, heavy duty Clark 1947 Dodge 3/4-Ton Pickup A-1 Condition IMMEDIATE DELIVER( New International , 5, and 1-Ton KIMBEL M 1st & Mill USED FURNITURE 2 refrigerators, $79.50--95 I Simmons Daybed, $19.95 1 Washer, $24.50 1 Domestic floor furnace with 2 barrels and copper tub- ing, $50 1 mohair davenport and chair, $49.50 1 swing rocker, $29.50 1 St. Clair oil range, all enamel, $89.50 OLSEN FURNITURE 4th &Cota Phone 102 7-14 LOOK FOLKfl, MILD; Many out closing are now ter's now, $11.' cords, sla ends. MILL  Delivered Our Wood IS or Better Enitai