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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Service Classified Service and alter&apos;a- PLO,VIN(;, I";I,ADTNC,. -cocq)ll,g. extra.. nmde x'ntintL- harr,winv with ll'actor, taH a.m. to 5 p.m., t'hilJit) llardb,. I.outc 1, 2;-x 1',37, S2-241fn phi,he 766J.I. 3- H/tie :PRESCRIPTION SERVICE 'on mo(Ii- DATIONS and cal venire(is, old ag'e assistance, nr for appoint- direct with .'y'y) I I ,in Your lot', f}l'* rnmit Drive. f)rdcr, Prepp's ])|'ll,' Store, ,ovowl 9-26-d6t fn. and Ralh'nad. ]0-3 tfn I servlce on ]tErYIsTITCIHN(;: lib. yilid.K|i.i 'i)tfi: estimates tonholing. Mr.q. Ellis Wells, .t05 Ar- I Reasonable cilia Ac,nu, i  • o. Arcadia and / andanddeliverY.satur. I,hnu|dary Strcetst. ........... 2-2R-tin { Elec- ALcoHOLIcs ANONYMoUs- meets I SERVICE, Thursday evenings af 8 p.m. at Wo- i Field. Note man's Club Bldg., 10Ih & Washing- -20-tfr ton, Olympia, Wash. 3-17tfu. tailed, old o. "E. F. FULMER r 5-3931. 7-17-47tfn. DECORATOR ................ Painting, Paper Hang- N S ing, Spray Painting PHONE 977-J-1 Kinds SIGN 21 3-17-tin Of RADIOS, and APPLIANCE S Reasonably f uarters 5-19-tin s Cleaned JONES Away C ) Sheltofl 166 EER INTING R. LEWIS AT LAW 1%urth St. IAYLEY &T LAW, Bank ° Shelton SPRING Tax Services BYttem s lhone 565 lets Wash. Ge • lUildlng ()RREA a I I I Bulldozing, Clearing, Excavating JOHN VINCENT Star Route 2, Shelton First House on Deegan Road 7-14-21-2t ............................................. -7 ............... -- Reliable," lhxpertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason County Medical Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store nrl & Railroed Phone 89 ii i i i ii i ACCORDION and SOLOVOX PLAYING for Dances, Parties J. G. Halvorsen PHONE 202 6-30tin Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. - I[I I I [ for ' CASH LOANS SEE EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE PHONE 540 120 South Third Street, Shelton, Wash. iii i i [ PLUMBING HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master, Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelt0n 12-gtfn. I II I I I,VyV,FrYWVV VVV{,VV yy,r v vvv LEGAL PUBLIC&IIONS NO. 5256 SUMMONS FOR PI;||LICATION IN THE SUPElt2€iir-l. (OUYtT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON Ct)UNTY, Jeanhtte Darlene treams, Plaintiff, --vs.-- Ilohort V. Streams, Defendant. THE SqATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Robert V. Streams. Defend- ant: You are hrehy snmmned to ap- pear within 60 days after the date of tJl first puhlloatl,Ii el l[lis stli,u,t,n., to-wit: within 60 days after' the lath day of June, 1949, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer tile amend- ed complaint of the Plaintiff and serve a eOl)Y of yell[ answer upon tile tin-I dersigned attorney lot Plaintiff at his office hclow stated arid in case ,,f your faihn.e SO to do judgm(,nt will be. rendered against YoU accord- irrg to ,he demands of tle ahlcnded complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the said court. The ob- j,,ct of this action is i,) secure a di- vorce by Plaintiff from you as De- fendant npon the grounds of non- support, desertion and ahandonnient and f,,r restoration of Plaintiff's maid- en nanle. CHAS. R. LEWIS Attorney for' Plaintiff Bell Building, 219 South l'ourth Street, Shelton, Mnson County, Washington. 6-16-23-39--7-7-14-21-287t. N(FrlCI,: t)F LEASING OF NTATE LANDS To All Whom It May Concern: This in t,, Certify, That the fellowlng deft- cribcd lands, situated in Mason Colin- iv, Washington, will be offered for' lease on Tuesday, 2nd day of August, 1949 at tvn o'clock a.m., in n'ont of ttu, Court House of Mason Connty. at public auction to the highest I)ldder for a lerul of five years or less in quantitivs not exceeding one section to any one person or company. Each bidder will be required, to le4,cmit a cortifled check, certificate of deposit payable to the County Auditor, or cash. equal in amount to the first year's rental of such land in ac- c,,rdance with his bid. togpther with $2.o0. the statutory fee for issuing a h!IL'4,. No improvements shall be placed on State Lands except hy written I)er- mission of the Commissioner. No lessee shall withoht'the written consent of the C(,nunissioner remain In Imssossicm of the land or improve- l ments after thc expiration of tim lease. [ Application No.' 318-1 ' I The titb' lands of the second class. { owned hy the State nf Washington { situate in front of, adjacent to m' { abutting upon the east 100 feet of the| west 200 feet of lot , section 20, | township 22 north, range-2 west W.M. I with a frontage of 1.52 lineal chalnsl more or less. Term of Lease--Five (5) Years. Rental--S15.00 pet. year. NOTE: Lessee must be a citizen of the United States or have declared, in good faith, his ln.entiont to become such.--Chapter 50. Lawn 1921. The d)(we described lands will be leased, sul)ject to all the terms, con- tlitions anti reservations of the statutes, now provided for the lea:dug of School' and Granted lands. estate, and discharge the executor, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that [ in accordance with an order of said [ Court made and entered on the 241h[ day of June, 1949. a hearing will be I had before the Court on said finall account, report and petition on Fri-J day, the 29th day of July 1949, at/ I0 o'clock, a.m.. on said dte h| the I Court Room of said Court in the Court I House at Shelton, Washington. I Dated this 24th day of June. 1949. [ HARRY DEYETTE, { Clerk of the Superior CourtJ for Mason County. Wash. ] ALDEN C. BAYLEY. { Attorney for the Executor, Title InMura.nee" ;Building, Shelton, Wastlmgton, • (i'30--7-7-14 -21---4 t Classified Service Ill II " NO 2103 " N(2TICE TO ('.RI'3DII'OR T(lf FII, E CLAIM IN THE SuP-kJttloR COUH.T ()F THE t STATE OF WASIIINGTON FIll{ MASON cOUNTY / IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate .f May C. Frvlmrg. Dec.t)sc(I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Lettecs Testamentary on the Estate of May C. Fryberg. do(.vasc(I, were, granted to the undersigned, on tlw 8th day of July, 1949, hy the said Superior Court. All persons having ('hlims a:'ain.M said estate are required to sexve then, with tilt' llt, cessary vout'h,!t's tlp(n tu. at the Law Office of Alden C. l:ayh.v. Title 2nsurancc Buiidiag, Sh,'l t(,'u. WaMl ngtoo, w thin mix iltollth. 'I 't,'1' the date of the first publication Of this S'ITON-MA,0N fll rN'PY JO|Jt.NAL I II ._ I _. I I lll II II I II I .... Ov:ytett hy lh Btale +W Washington, . :iltllltc ill ff'¢ilt ¢)f. fldjacelll t,) or and Testalnent and Ill,, i's- late of May C. Fryhcrg. Deceased, ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attovnev for Executor. Title llisurance Building. Sh,,lton, h'ashingto %24-21-28 & 8-/---it (), 2105 NOTI(!i," TO CREi)ITORN TO FII, F CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIqF STATE OF WASHINGTON FOF MASON COUNTY IN I'RORAT Id .Ill tile Matter of the Estate of Douglas A. Gr.ut, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That .Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Doaglas A. Grout, deceased, wet,! granted to the undersigned, ,m tilt! 81h day of July, 1949, by tile said StiI)(.,l'i,,l. Court. . . i All .l)er.ons having clainls affaulst : said estate are required to serve theel with the necessary \\;'oucbers upon Ill(' at the Law Oft'ice of Alden C. Barley Shelton. Washington, withia sf.x months after the date of the first notice, to-wit, within six rnenths artpt" ' ItUtll: Provided, Tliat ally l)ul'(llasl:t the 14th day of July. 19,19. and lib. huiv nlako I'uq t)aYtllont of in'incipa|, the sanle Wltlr the t'lcrk of this (')ul'l I int(,r'esl anti statutory fce., at an. together with proof OI .ll('Jl .oI'VJ(',, tinlo and nhLain deed. The ptu.chaser or they shall he 10rever harrq'd, i of hlad COrlt[lioing iJlllb¢.l' i,t. olh!l Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 8th { valuable materials is prohibited hy la, day of July, 1949. - )'rot|| cutting or ionloving any such ALBERT C. MERCIER, Executor of the Will I titnher or materinLq without l'irtd ob- I of Public Lands, )tutti the full all1- publication of this notice, tb=wit, with-' in s x nlontils after the 141h day t' July. 1949, and file the same with th- clerk of this Couct together with proof of such service, or they shall be for- ever barred. Dated at Shelton. Wash.. this 8th day of July, 1949. BEATRICE M. GROUT, Executrix of the Last Will and Testanent and Estate ,,f Douglas A. Grout. (h.- ceased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executrix, Title Insurance Building, Shelton. Washington 7-14-21-28--8-4-4t --6F STATE T/DE /.ANDS NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 1949, commencing at ten o'clock in tile for(noon of sale day, in n'on o ,t main entrance door to the Count Court House in the city of Shelton county of Mason, State of Washing ton, by th County Auditor of 8ai county, the folh)wing decribed state tide land, together with the improve-' ments situated thereon, will bc sod at public auction to the highest bid- der therefor, to-wit: NOTE:--No one except citizens of NOTE.--Receipts for deposits made the United States, or persona who with applicattnns to lease may be used have declared their lntent4on to be- by applicant only, as cash on date of come reich, can PUrchase state ands. . . . . [ Application No. 11863 witness my nana ano seal of office ] Th( t dc lands of the second 'lass, affixed this 25th day of June, 1949. I owned by the State of Washington, JACK TAYLOR, I situate in front of, adjacent to ec CommLssioner of Public I abutting upon the test 225 feet of the Lands (,f the State of I went 870 feet of lot 1. section 18, Washington. t township 22"north, range 2 west, W. 6-307-7-14-28.--51 ] M., with a frontage of 3.58 lineal .... ] ch  ns, more or less appraised at !$60.00 per lineal chain' m. $224.80. NO 2053 Application No llll NOTICE OF Hk'AIglNG ON FINAI I Tire tide lands of 'the second class, ACCOUNT,, REPORT AND PFTI' owad by the State of WaMington, ION OF FXF('UTOR FOR N'T" situate in front (f. adjacent to or LEMENT 'DI';rRIRU'rioN 'A;NI) abutting upon t e west 50 feet of DISCHARGE' ' ]the east 250 feet of 19t 1, section ]8, IN THE SURTOR COURT OF TE [ township 22 north, range ' west, W. STATE OF WASHINGTON IN .D  M., wlth a frontages of 0,80 lineal *rn m,.-. n....m..  ..axv chain more or less a laistd at $'JJ atn. '-,I)UJ.N'£X t.)J J.VIJU*, Z.,.^..' , ' P' ' o.o per nneal chain, el $48.00. , IN' PROBATE , AppllIa|on No. llg31 , 2t'tl1ttttd'bf 'fl.Estaie of James l The tide lands of the gee'end class, LawSon, Deceased, [owned by thv State of Washington, NO%ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that situate In front of, adjacent to m" Louis F. Larson. Executor .f the above I abufttng upon tlmt portion of the estate, has filed herein his final ae- north half of lot 3, section 26, town- count, report and petition for settle-I ship 22 north, range 3 west. W,M,, ment and distribution of the estate oil lyin.g soutl of the north 158.65 fet of tile deceased, wherein the CouPt is [ satu mr, with a frontage of 7,.93 tineal asked to approve said account and re- [ chains, more or l,.ss aDnra sed ar port, and make distribution of tile I $50.00 per lineal chain, or' $396,50. . Applleation No 11828 That portion of the tide and. ot the second ehss owned by the Stat( cf Washington. in front of lot ]. sec- tion 20, township 22 north, range 1 west, W.M.. lying westerly of a tract of oyster lands conveyed by the State of Washington through deed issued to Josepa ].totr Novemlaer 13. ]900. un- der aPi)lk, atl,m No. 3057. southerly of the uorth line of said socth,n 20 predated and northerly t,f the south ltne of lot 9. Block 15 of tlc Town ( Atlyn produced to an intersection wItl3 the" westerly line of said oyster tradt, wLth a frontage of 11.5 lineal chains more ur less appraised at $30.00 per li,'mal chehl," or $345.00. Application No. 11825 The tide lands of the second (:lass, owned by the State of Washington. situate in trent of, adjacent t(, or abutting upon the north' half of lot 3, section 13, township 21 north, range 2 west, W.M,, with a frontage of 12.62 lineal chains, more or less, ap- I praised at $30,00 per' lineal cha n, or $378,60. E. A. (Bony) Loertscher FARM & LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEERING Write Lost Lake Route Box 57, Elms, Wash. 7-14--12-30-25t l ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING CRAIG P. ELIOT abutting uimn the south 160 feet tf tho noi'th ,ll4Ofeet o[ lot 2, section 26. tnwnslrlp,22 north, ran'e,;t wes, 'W.M,, 'with q ' fr.nlage 'of 2,56 liuea] chains. IoDr,. or leSS al',l)ra{sed at '{;(I.I)0 ),'r If)lest (.ilal}l ()l* .153.6t). Said lalls will he Suid fro" noL less t]h*ln thc hppl'aisod vllue ah(e.'e sillte(i and upol! tllc tq!l'lll. and ('¢)nditi(,Ils' L'tdlowing : Not les than on0-tontil of the pur- ch!tb'P l)rice /tlllNt I)t! )altt :It tile LUlh €)|' g;ll¢. Tile lturt'ba!cr, it' lie )e ll( the (lwn01' (if Ih' illl])ro%'Ptll(ql|S. Ill)is f,rthwith pay tl tile offi('ec maklnl lhe salt+ II;e full atll,)tntt ot' the ap ]Hlli.qo(l V:dUO Of the |nIDl'OVenlt'nls. 115 above, stale(I. On¢,-tcnth of ttlo I)ur(h.!( 1H ice U.USt t)' t a (t annually thereaL'te, with ioler,'st ,,n all deL'err(,d payment. at tilt' I'ate Of ;4ix 1)er (.entunl I)er an- REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED Engineer - Electrical - Contraetor P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. Mountain View P. O. Box 15B Shelton Phon 788 EXPERT ACETYLENE WELDING AND ARG Wlth the Latest Type Equipment FAST, EFFICIENT, REASONABLE SERVICE O BOAT, UTILITY, AND STOCK TRAILERS FOR RENT OR SALE O tlliniug consent of lhe ColllIuissionel ¢lunl If the ptu'('hase pri('e has been paid and deed issned, All sales ,,f tat. lands arol made subject to the rescrvati,ns ¢)f oils. g:nsos, coal. ores. lnlnerals and fossils o[ (w,!ry nellie, kind and descrli)tiou, atl(t t¢) the additional t0rnls nnd cou(li- lit)' i)reserlbed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of :he Laws of 2)7. Said land will he sold subject to the! terms, candith)ns and reservatiolid of chapter 312 (ff the Session Laws (,t' 192"/. relating to easenients for rights-of-way and the carrying of tinA/er, stone, minerals and other pro- (hl(:ts over the sallle. JACK TAYLOR Commissioner of Public Lances. 6-30---7-7-14-21-28.-.5t, NO z098 NOTICE TO tREDITIIRN TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THF SUPERIOR COURT OF 'rlIE STATE OF WAS}tINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate' ¢)f Wll- AL'S WELDING SHOP MT. VIEW PHONE 826 2 Blocks North of Needham Food Center State Farm Mutual Aiomobile Insurance Collision CoveraOo On Cars as Old as 1937 For Qualifisd Appli©ante Rates, Service for Policy Holders Transfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 8outh First Street Phone 673 Application No. 1181 The tlde lands of the second class, owned by tle State of Washington, situate In front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that portion of 'hit 2. st(ties, 17, township 22 north range 2 w(st, W.M.. lying east of tile west 214 feet and went of the east 945 teet of said lot, with a frontage of .56 lbteal chains more or less, ap- praised at $60.00 per lineal ctmtn or $153.60. Application N6, ll811 The tide lsnds of the second class, cwned by the State of Washingtan, sltaate In front of, adjacent to or nbuttmg upon that portion of lot 3, :.ecthm 17, township 22 north, range 2 vest, W.M., lying east of the west 680.65 feet and west of the east 310 feet of said Iot with a frontagc of 8.11 lineal chains, more or les,, ap- praised at $60.00 per lineal chain, or $366.60, Appiicatloa No. 117 . ] The ttd lands of the .econd cuass owned by the State of Washingto; situate in front of. adjacent to or ebutting upon the east 7b feet o£ lot I, section 23, township 20 north. Pange 8 west, W.M., with a ir.ontage of 15.45 lineal chains, more oress, ap- praised at $50.00 per lineal mln, or $772.50. Except. however, any of the above described tide lands wtllch may be in- cluded in an oyster u-act deeded bY the State of Washington to Andrew Getty July 19. 1904 under application No. 2958 and an oyster tract deeded by tile State of Washing'ton to Jnnas Erlckson April 12, 1898 under applica- tion No. 2702, Applleatlon No. 11881 The tide lands of the second class. owned by the State v Washingtml, situate in front of, adiaeent to or abuttiug upon that aortLon, ,f lot 2, section 23 township 20 north, range 3 west, '.M,, described as follows: Comniencing at the intersection of the east line of said lot 2. with the meander line and running thence N 86" W 4.05 chains, more or less, to an angle point in said meander line and N 49  W 1,12 chaln, to the. truc point of beginning ,L this description, thence N 49  W 0.$7 chains nu)re or lesv to an intersevti)n with a line which Ls parallel to aad 365.5 feet west of the east line of said lot 2. with a frontage ot G.$7 lineal chatn. nlor or less, ,appluise.'t at $50.00 per lineal chain, or $t;,50 l}am Deyette, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tlarry I)eyette has been ppointed and has qualified as Executor of the Wirl nnd of the estate of Willian) l:)eyett., l)e,'.eascd, and that all persons having ('lainis against the said Deceased or 1he said estate are hereby required to serve the santo, duly verified wit the necessary vouchers attavhed upon thn undersigned. Exe2utor or lls at- torney of record at the law office of Ctms. Ra Lewis, 129 South Fourth Strvet. Bell Building, Siclton. Mason County. Washington, the same bciug d(,slgnated as tile place for the l,'ans- action of the bfishless of the st0d estat0, and file such claims together with l)r+,)f of :crvi('e with the Ch,rk t,f tlh' above entitlel cotu't within 6 ulonths after the date .f "tho first I)ubllcatilffl of this noticLL to-wit: June 23, '1949. or all (.lailltS not s. soz'ved and I'lled Mlall bo barred. HARRY DEYETTE. Executor. CttAS, R, LEWIS Attorney for said' Estate Bell Building, ]19 South Fourth St. Stl,dton, Mason County. Washington 6-23-30--7-7-14-- 4t. CALL FOR RIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Tllat on July 19th, 1.949 at ]1 ;00 u,m.. seah,d bids will lie re('.oived by the Board of County CollU/tissioneus (If Mason Coun- ly. Washington, at their ift'ic.e Jn the Court House in Shelton. for the pur- chase of the folh)whlg, t.-wlt: One-.-Whe,q tractor and loader'. i yd. bucket, back-fill blade, dual rear wheels, 12:00 x 24 tiren on rear wheels, 7:50 x 20 tires on front wh,,,,Is. Hydraulic operated. ,7' 7" dumpin ctoarance. Diesel Inotor .l)z'eferred. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, That seah'd bids will also be opened on July 19th, 1949 at 11:(kq a.ln., t'cw the purchase of the following, to-wit: Two--.-K7-International trucks (J]lSS- sis. used in A-I rendition. 2 speed axl0, 5 Sl),'ed Lcailsn)ission, Short wheel base, 8:25 x 20 10 ply tires all ar,)ttnd. The Board I'PNeI'%-(,S tll,' righl t,, re- ject any or ull bids. Dated this 5th day of .July, 1949, A'S()N Ct)UNTY COMMISSIONERS By LYLE ()'DELL, Chairmdn. "' "" 7-7-l--21. No. 1960 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAl, REPORT AND PEI'ITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In lhe Matter of the Estate ¢)f John ]fakoviney, Dec*ascd, NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that Gezella Makoviney, Administratrix (f th,! estate of dohn Makoiney, (h'.ceas- ed, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court her final r(,p,)rt and )etition for distrli)ution asking the (Jourt to s¢,ttl, and appro%'t' said final rel)ort and petition for distrihu- tion, tt) distr{I)ute the I)r'())('l'ty to the persons thereto entitled and, to dis- chat'go the said Adndnlstratrlx. NOTICE 1S FURTt2ER GIVEN that the said t'inal report and petiLhm for distribution will be hoard on Friday, August 5th, 1949, at tbc t)our of )0 o'clock in the forPnoo:t at the court roohl in the Mason County Court House. Stelton, Wastlngton. Dated this 2 day of July, 1949. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk Mason CwJatv Wash. B. FRANiLN ItEUff;I; IN;' ' Attol'ney f,,r mOO state Anglt; Bldg., Shelt :tl. Wash. 7-7-14-21-- 31, F()RE,T CI,()S NOTICE. The folh)wing described areas within and adjac.ent to the Olympic National Fur- est are hereby dcclsred regions of extra fire hazard--Dry Creok Area: Sortl,m 15 except Cushman Reservoir, Sections 16. 20, N,a et'tioa , x. 23 N., R. 5 W. South lork Skokn- mlsh Riv,,r Area: Those parts of Sections 1. 2. 3, 10 and 12 south or South Boundary Road. Seetionv 13 14. 15, 21 to 28 InCLUSIve, 33 lt, il. 36' inclusive, T. 22 N,, R. 5 W ieor l)retectlon of the aboveodescrlbed areas agatnst fir, tim follow{rig cuh will be enforced: Going into thesc areas or being up(,n the lands des- cribed is prohibited except wltil an entry pernlit Issued by a forests (,f. ricer, and as prov|ded by law. tb.' perlnit shall be in the possession of to Peuanent residents and others engage0 in cenductlng a I'eg"ular. egt- lnlate business, such as iudustrial op- erations, public works or faeLLLtl( livestock raising, n)ining, and pm)tsc- tlon of the resources. Those entei.- shall be restricted to carrying on theh' bus!ness and to going te and n'on) their places of buslntss and theh' honie$ or places of ,abode; also to traveF during daylilit hours when so stipulated In their" permits. Vio- lators of the foregoing ruh, are sub- l, ect, to f!ne ,)f $10.(10 to $t00.00 or ml aays' in Jail or both. Effecth, e fr0[l) July 16. 1949 to October 15. 140. Closure requested by United States Forest Service. J, V. ROGERS, Direeter, Departnlent of Conservation and Development, State of Washing- ton. NOTICE OF WARRANT CAIJ, Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing Mason Couuty Warrants are called for paynl(,nt at the office of the Treasurer of sahl Cot nty. and that interest will cease on the date of the pnblieatlon of this not,re" CURRENT EXPNS]I IINI)-- War- rant Nos. 656 to 721 incluslv,,. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2, G.EN- ERAI, FUND--Warrant N(,s. 8399 te 8483 inclusive. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 45. GEN- ERAL FUND---Warrant Nos. 5725 to 5765 inclual,,.e. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10. BU'IIA)- ING FI/NDWarrat Nos, 30 and 31 Excepting, hower, any of the above deset'lbed tld, e landk, if any, which may Inclusive. be included In .'an oyster tract deeded . E, SMITH by the State of Washington to An- Treasurer of Mason County, drew Getty, July 19, 1904, uader appli- State of Washington cation No. 2968, (SEAL)_ Dated T Shelt(in. Washington. Appli&tion No. 118 The tide Lands of the second class, July 14. 1949 7--.14--1t owned by the State of Washington situate in front of, adjacent t o More an 202,000 World War abutting upon the west 100 feet ot the II veterans by June 1 had either eat $II0 ft of lot $, seotton 17. tow- exhausted their entitlement to G. Iblp :I a0rtb, ra0ge 3 west, W,)IL, wttn ,.,,frOntage .or 1.52 linea chals, I, Bill training, or had completed mole or less, appeaised at $80.00 per It heir Public Law 16 training and lineal chain..,or $91.20. ^ [ were declared rehabilitated. Vcter- Applies€Ion No. llam The tide lands ,if the second class, ans Administration said. ,';7 • I I I i I [1111111 II II II I .... : )Canal Garden Club t • Mr. and Al:S. Dan Mcver "md; ;on, Dick, left Monday for Chiea-I { They wi,1 v,sit at Wapato Elects Alice Hill i ,rod stop at Yelowtone park on' The Hood Canal Garden clnb -he return trip. i met July 7 at the home of Mrs. They attended a family reunion Frances Radtke at Lake Cushman. rare recently/ This was the first Election s were held, and Mrs. ,me the family had met Mrs. i Alice Hill was re-elected presi- Aeyev and Dtck. , dent. Other officers were Mrs. Vera NOTICE TO B{l)l)E{t i. S(!ah,d l)r,,l)l)sals f,,r placing Li#l/i Bitney' vice-president; Mrs. FI:ano IJ;ittl)llirrt,tts Surface Tic,at)neat upol) ! ces l{adtke, secretary and Mrs. roads and st)'(,(,ts (,f Sh(,lt(,n. Wash- Carrie Gifford, trcasttrer. ingh/iI, in C,HIl|lthlll¢'(! with State 'If I Twenty-two n'lerllbels ;in(l four WaMingt(nl Standard Hil4hwuy Speci- I g'llests enjoyed a pothl(!k ]tm('heon. t'i(.ati,)as will I),! rcceiv,'d by IIw City Pl'izes went to Ml's. Josie 1)etet  (hmmlission )1' Iht. City of Shvlton. WaMdngtmL at Shy olfico ,d" lh' City son, Mrs. Elizabeth t{obinson and Ce' ntil 2:00 p.m.. .luly 22. 19.19. MI'S. Carrie Gifford for the nicest at wfLich tim(' lh*'v witl Im I)uhlicly ,))(,lle(l and read I[hud. hat nlade of flowers, tilt, wiost A c(,rtifie(I ,.he,'k ia the an,)unt conlieal hat and the besL original of five i)ercent (5%) )f th% total bid poenl, respectively. pricc 0lust a,:ct)nl]lany eaclf I)ropl)sal. [ The renlaindPl' of the afternoon llight in rvm,rvpd t r 'j 't'i a v o' all was spent viewing the picttll'es ,, , , , .age lb " - "i,., i ; .... hidm Spceificati(*ns may bc obtttined fr,,u)'t lhe oft'It,' of the City Clerk. at Sll,q- toll, Washingl on. The al)l)roxinlalp ilultrltitics tnvoivcd IlI.p 27 t(111. (If MC'2 2h)ud (')if. and 3,10 ctll)ic ya)'(Is of i)oa gr:lvcl, ALMA 1(. CATT(L (?it.',' Clerk 7-.-14--- It ORI)INANCE :40. 508 An or(lioflnce annexing4' c,,rtain tcr- ritorh,s t(') tho City (*f Sholtoe. Wash- ingt(,n and (.xt(,n('ling" the city lil)li}S t,) in('}llde u('h torl'iiary. WtlEREAS. ,,n c),. ahout the 12th day oi ,l UIlC. 1949, a l),,tiiion ia writing signed hy tit(, own,,z's of not les thnn 75','v Ill \\;'alue. acc(n'ding to the IlSS(!.:s('d Va}uat }(rl fl)r genet'al taxation, -f thv pr,,perty hereinafter d(,scrii)ed wits filed with thp City (¢HllllliSsioa alld tho City Cl,!rk ask- ing that the described prol)('rty h,, take4 by Frances Radtke, The next meeting will be August 4. MOUNT OLIVE LUTltEI{AN (?HURCH Win. H. Albach, Pastor llighway and (!ascade Tonight: Men of Mount Olive will meet at 7 p.m. to replace steps at the entrance to the chapel and the church office. Friday: The voting members of Mount Olive will hold their regu- lar quarterly meeting, beginning at 8 p.m. Sunday: Sunday School and Adult Bible Class begin at 9:45 aunexed t() the City (,t' ShvLtoa. Was,r- a.ln. %Vorship services beg, ix at iugton, and whpn so annl!xed b(q.on)c 8:30 and 11 The VValthel' a Ilart of the City of Shelt,nL Wash- League will joir the Port Orchard ingt0n, alld ' . WHEREAS. on the ]2th day of Juno. Walther Leagne in a picnic at 1949, tim City Commissi,pl ,)f lhv (?ity 1-1orseshoe Lake, Leaguers will K Shelt.n, Washiugtm, set and fixed leave Mount Olive Chtpel at 12:30, the tim(' for }lt, aring said petition I for Tuesday, Junc 2. ai the hum' of, Bring a picnic hmch. o'clock P. M,, at th,, City Corn- I Monday and Tuesday: Tile la(lies lllls;i()nel": rool)ls, {n the City Hall, irt th. City of Sla(,llon. Waahingttm, Of Mount Olive will paint altar, I bud diveet('d the City_. Att, wney t. gh'e notice of the tlme-'Rhd plac( f,,r the hoaring on said petition as l)ro- vided b£ law. and WttEEAS. it :ll)l)Pal's tr,)ll) af- fidavit of publicati-u, on file herein, that notice h.'ts ho(,n pubLished ill (ine iSSUe f)f the Shetton-M ason tount y Jonrnlll. the ssnlc h,,ing a ucws- paper of general cir('ulath)ll in tho City ,,f Shelttm. and I)y aft'ldavit ,if pulpit, and other chancel furniture and woodwork, Work gets under- way at 9 a.m. Bring your paint brushes. Wednesday: The Mount ()live Choit' will have a Green Tea in the parish hall beginning at 8 p.m. A musical program will be pre- sented by the choir and its indiv- Glenn 2.!. Correa City Attorney. ,)f the City ,)l Shelton• Washiagtt)n. that, ,dual nlembers. A freewill o'fel'- n)tic(, of tire hearing [)a sahl letiti,n ing will bc taken ttp for the new wa. I)ostod In thr,'( I)ubli,' I )lat' I choil' robe fund. in thl! I,rrJt()ry iler!illllfhq. (lecFJ})q'd on or ahoul t]w i4th day ,'f JunlL [ ................................................... 1949. and that said n,)tic(,s s )c(.ifie(t[ FAI'rH IAJTi|ERAN ('li[rR(ll tho thne aud place of ttlo bearing nlld I John De Boer, Pat.or invited all llltorcsted I,,,rsons to at)- ] Imar aud voice approval ,)v dissppro al I We meet in the I.O.O.F. Hall ()n Lhc annexation• arid ii SPlit'Ill'lug t+) I on Second street. the C ty (?olallllss on ()' th+ Cilv L'[ Sunday school meets at 9:45 Sh(qt()n tllni it is for lh¢! host ilrt('l'-I ests of th,' City of Sheltou and th(' a.m. There are elRsses for all r(,sid.mts of th(; horeinaftcr descr bed I age groups and a Bible class for h,rritory and reich city that the hero- a(h|lts. inaft(,v dcscrib(,d ter,'it. 'y shl,uld ))' a/llll'xed io Slid liege,lie ti pact ,if the City ,)f Sh(qton. Wa.'hinll(m. NOW. THEREI'O2E. THE CITY c()MM ISSION OF THE CITY ()F SttEI,T()N, WASHINCT()N, l:)t) t)P,- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I; That the folh)wuig decril)(,(I i,'r)'ilory .qiiuat(,d inl Mason Cl,lUlly. Wtlsil inIzl on. h('. l!ll(l tile SHIllP It' 'ehy iS ;.inlloxod it) tl),' Cty -f lwlton and hlcludcd in thv ,'ity limits and h(,ct)lac a |,tlrt of th,' ('lty of Shclton. Washington as h,,r(qa- al't,'v })ro'c{ded t() wit-. Shultz AddiLi,m to thv City {)t' ,qll(!it¢)n il('ct)rdlng re) lhe r,.cord('d pJat lber(',,f flied for t'oc¢)rd Oil the 3rd day nf Fciwtiavy, .1947 at tile office of th, audJt(,r of Maon County and rl,'ol'd.(l ill V(,iutllo '{ q)f t)lat.'L I)SK(' 48, t'*q'()rdH ()f .I)IS')II C()t y, Wash- {ngton. • SI'A"t'It)N ll: Tl .' or( i iI)co and tit,, lnll¢*Xlllln Of lh(' al)()vo (toscribe(I I'fl,l'y " shall h(',om(  effe¢'tivo ell Jul) 2 , 1949 and ,,n mid dat,, the dty lJll)i[S of tht' ('lty of S]l(dlon shell I.)e ,xtendod to illc]udP th,' a})¢)vc I d,'s('r il)¢,d |erriiory, EN1)ORSE1) tU r¢'guhlr ('otnlnissi(,ll nw,,ting this 5th day ,f July. 19.t9. PASSED in regublr COILIIIliSSiOll ni,'et- ing thi 12th day el July. 19d9. /s/ HARRY CARL()N, I May, it /s/ D. J. O'NEII,L. CoolIoissit)nt!r t)f f,lnan(.o /s/ H. ENZO LOOP. ('orlltuissi,)eor ,,t' l"llblic 1 Oll)r¢)v(qt l(qlt ATTEST : /s/ ALMA K. (ATT(), City Ch'rk APPROVED: /s/ GLENN E, C()RIEA, City Attorney 7-,1 t.-lt State of W,shington OFFI('F OF SUPERVINOII OF It ¥1)RAII,I(' , Olynli 'In NOTICk; (IF %'A'J'ER IglG21T APPLIC'ATION NO. 8€141 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Darl R. and Dorothy A. Goldy of Shelton. State of IWhington under date of Juno 23, 1949', filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olynlpta, WashingtOn, an applicat:on for it per- tnit t,, divert the public waters of llllideaux Creel( tributary uf Golds- borough Creek. in tha amouut ot' 0.07 sec,)nd-fool., subject t,) existing" rights, from A1)ril 15 to October 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation and continuonsly for domestic supply ; that the approxhnate point of diversion. in located wlthka EV.z of W)/b of NE,I 1" SWI of Sect.t()n 18. Township 20 • Range 4 W.W.M.. in Mason Coun- ty. A real) showing the Iovation and l)[aa ,d' said divt,rsh)n aod th(' Place of th(! proposed USo Is on fib! |11 the office of the State Supervisor of Hy- dranlics, Olympia, Wa.hlngttm, U,- gether with auch o(ller infor/uatltnl as is required by law. Any person, lll'm or corl)oratl¢,n whose right will lie {njulil,usly aftccted .by said application may lLle whh thq State Supervisor of tLvlh'aulic:, at Olympia. Washington. atu:h objcctlt)n: or retn'psentations, ill writing, as he rnay desh'e tO ilake, within thirty (30) ays after date of "last i&ublicatlon. which (late is July 21. 1949. Witness nly .hand and offit'ial seal tills 30th day uf Junc. A,D, 1949. (SEAL) CI-2AS, J BARTHOLET State Sup('rv{sor t)t' Hydraulics. 7-14-21--2t State of ll'ash[olon OFI"I('E OF UI)ER¥ISOR ()l" IHYI)RA ILICN Ol,vmpla N(,TICF OF WATER B, IGtlT A! ! LI('ATION NO. 8870 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice s hereby gh, on that E. F. Berberet of BIfair, State ,)f Wash- ington under date of Junc 28. 1949, filed wlth the Stste Supervisor ,i' Hydrau- lics, Olympia, Washington, an appli- ('ati(n f(r a l)ermlt, to divert the pub- lic waIPI'S Of an Unllalllod streanl trir)- utery €,1' Itood Cansl. in the atlll)ull of 0.01 second-foot, subject to existJlg rights, c.ontinuousiy eaei year for the llurposo of dolllcslic SUl.)ply; thal t}lp approxinlate point i)f diversion is h,cated wlthin SE)<4 of SWtAk Of aPc- on IS, Township 22 N, Rsnge 2 W.W, • m Mason County, 'A map showing the Locatit)n and plan of said diversion and the p]s(o of th l)rol)os( d II,RO i en file In the office of the Stab, Su- per'visor of HY(lraulics, Olyn|pla. Wash- ington, together with such otller in- ferule)ton as is required by law. Any p(!vstn, tlrtt or C'f>l'l) fwation whose z'ii4'ht will he injuriously af- fect,,d hy said apl)lieatton may flit with the State Stlperv|s,w of Hydrau- lice. at Olympia. Washingten, such obje('t!ons or representatl()ns. Ln writ* Ing: as be nlay desire tt) make within thlrt: (30) days after date of ls.t nuhlic.ath)n, which dato is July 21, 1949. Witness my hand and offlci,)'i ee;l this 3tlth day of June A.D. t919. (SEAL) CHAS. J. RAItTIIoLET. ,(att, Sul),'rvisor ,if Itydraul its. 7-14o21--2! Divine services start at 11 a.m. Midweek Bible study is at 8 Wednesday at tile parsonage, 604 Ell,nor. We are studying the book of Hebrews. Thursday evening the choir meets for practice. We invite those who have no church hon]e t(, worship y!t!? t,s: ............................. Mt. View Alliance Chapel Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servict A Hearty %Velcome to All , ,,, , , , i Y St. David's | Episcopal Church I 4th & Cedar St, Cinlr,'h S,.h,)ol (:Ill ,yva(h.s). [):411) a,l'll. 'l )l I II t)l'; V!t' all) St'rlUt)lt. I Lie Ill. I ]Lev. Francis II. llall, Ilet.tar ! $ UNITY TRUTH CENTER Mina Hockett, Leader 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Hi'isling Work - All Welcome jllll BAPTIST CHURCH J. O. BOVEE, Pastor WARREN HALE, Assistant Preaching serviceI: Bible School, 9:45 A,M. Morning Worship, 11 A,M. Young People's, 6:'10 p,m. Evening Woz'shlp, 7:30 p,m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen and Coming Again. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TO ALL INTERESTED IN CHIJRCH 0F CHRN Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R  Or W. KOPEL, Phone §14-R-1 For Information i. Foursquare Churci [ 910 E. Dearborn Sunday School--0:45 Worship Service11 : Crusader Service6:45 Evangelistic Servlce--7:45 REV. E. E, FITCH Pastor { First Methodist Church ] "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" | 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th --- Phone 276 | Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.r. WAYNE VRIGHT, Minister ASSEMBLY OF GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Snnday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship service i1 a,m, Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m. Young People's Service-..-Tuesday, 7;45 p.m. Jubilee Service --- Friday, 7:45 p.m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS ........................ i i ill i First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "LIFE" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clocR, and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and vlslt the Reading Room, CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister JULY 14, 1949 Thus saith the Scripture (Isaiah 33:1.), Woe to thee ,fiat spoil- est, and wast not spoiled; and dealest trea©herously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee: when thou shalt cease to spoil) thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shall make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee." How faithfully this warning of God was fulfilled in the mat- ters of the Battle Creek, Mich.. Sanitarium is recorded. About all of the persons guilty of that treachery are now dead, and, as far as can be known now, died impenitent. During the last World War the Federal Government bought that Sanitarium from Dr. Kellogg and the other stockholders for the sum of $2,251,100.00, Had the denomination under Eider A. G. Daniels guidance, aided and abetted by her visions succeeded in their piracy of that institution, that sale would have been a "tidy sum" in their denominational bank. From the record it is amazing to any upright person how God can forbear, and longer restrain the weapon of his wrath (world- wide communism of the Moscow brand) from bearing down on the heads of all mankind. He has warned man thatthis weapon shall come into Palestine (the "holy land,") and eaceably possess it, and establish there his military headquarters, till he has performed the Divine judgments trey. 17:7.18), whereupon God will take over the matters of mankind, and rise. up (see Daniel 11:1-45 and Ezekiel 38:1-23, Ezsk. 39:1-20. Revelation 19:11-18, and Daniel 12:1-2.). In regard to the Russians coming into Palestine, see where the United Nations Assembly stands today (A.O. 1949), and who was SPONSOR OF IT WITH RUSSIA. Too late the United States of America tries to withdraw from that sponsorship. Great Srltain'has already walked out, leaving ths U.S.A. "hold- ing the bag." But we cannot escape. Only one hope remains, as revealed by the Lord through ths pophet Jol (ohapter 1, 2, 3). But will the United Nations Assembly follow that O|vtne counsel, and "sanctify a fast," and call a solemn assembly? They will not; nor can they. They have given Russia the power of veto, nod she wilt not give it up. However, we AS INDI- VIDUALS can do so, and must, if we are to elmape th h'rePl of that Mongolian visitation. The Divine promise of protection is written in Psatm 91:1416. Read it, and be comforte. (Continued from this point in the ne(t IISUe of Ths Journal)