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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa.e 116 .... SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL L. ................................. ' ................ t_.J ......................... [_ ................... .......................... ..... I I LOGANBERRY HARVEST STARTS I - ' -" [IFOR HARSTINE ISLAND FOLKS (Crowded out last week) . kl©W IG Ti4E TI ME STORAGE By Mrs. Earl Harriman The Fourth of July is over for "tO GIVE ATTEN'rIoM TANKS this year and now loganberry har- TO CLEANING t=3URNERS, vest is staring Harstine Islanders LET U% E.TtOM. / 50 TO 1000 GALLONS the face for the next five .,.., , [  or Now The Harstine Women's Cl.b en- tertained the Pickering Homemak- @;,; .?r,,,[.)',, Oil Burner era June 24 at the home of Mrs. '  "} \\; John I,i Hitchcock with a very "T'OA'Y' I / Installations good attendance from both clubs. / ''1  For Efficient," Prompt Weathes'wasn't up to par as had been ordered but there was much _,[' :-_ __ Courteous Service to eat and several of the Picker- i, i (.. ing la¢[ies came home with prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson enter- - rained over the week end Mr. and -:--/., Depend Upon Mrs. Bernard Housen and children of Seabeck and Mr. and Mrs. Fred enne,Weischeld°ferwyo, and family of Chey- Mrs. Hazel Hitcicock ant daughter of Kent and her son and family of Eastern Washington are spending vacation days at their island summer home. '()R I{EkL FUN Mr. an*:, Mrs. Chapin Foster and -- family of Tacoma were Sunday guests at the John L. Hitchocock home, as were Mr. and Mrs. Ben 10t vrl a CROSLEY Briggs and family of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Carnes and ba- by of Olympia. Mrs. l)ora Weber and family of poll ggrb Tacoma were Sunday visitors of Pl k,,w0y Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Wingert. Mrs. ' 'Weber used to live on the island years ago. Mr. and" Mrs. Adolph Weiche and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fadl0 Henry Haskell and family spent the week end at the summer home of Mr. Haskell. Mrs. Earl Harriman and son • Clyde and daughter Mrs. Leone Otterstad and children of Aber- deen returned home Saturday eve- ning from a two-week vacation trip to San Francisco. They visited another daughter, Mrs. Nellie Hile and family and also Mrs. Harrt- man's aunt in Oakland. They also visited Mr'. and Mrs. Ike Carlson of Alameda. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith re- turned lmme last Monday from a month's trip to their home town in Indiana. / Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Thor Johnson attended a dance at Bishop's Barn at Sol- fair last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Fessler en- tertained at a big July 4th picnic for relatives of the family from Minnesota, Oregon, PiCketing and Harstine. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson spent Sunday at the Walter Scott home at Tahuya. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haskell, of Shelton, spent Tuesday at their island home. :Pomona Picnic At. just... $ Price $39.95 - Inclucling Battery DOWN Here's the newest in portables-to entertain you this ummcr wherever you go. The exclusive Crosiey built-in loop antcamt helps bring in stations-wherever you may be. AC-DC BATTEIIY. Listen to your PLAYBOY On the battery with the electric cord wound on the Shelton I.O.O.F. No. 62 Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting Members will be Cordially Welcomed THOMAS J. WATTS, Jr.. N.G. Thomas C. Myers, Secretary Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 Meets 2nd & Fourth Fridays BEULAH tlELSER, N.G. ItELEN COLE, Secretary HOME LOANS Panhandle Sunday Was Huge Success By Signe A. Kneeland The Pomona picnic at Panhan- dle lake was a success with excel- lent weather, food and exciting games, and there were no speeches. A large crowd was there. ATTENDING FROM Shelton Valley were Master of Grange 403, brother Hiester and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren and two Herrick girls from Belfair, Mr. and Mrs. E. McAfferty who came over from OREGON APPLESAUCE 2 ll-oz, tins 19* BRUCE'S -- NO. 2 TINS GRAPEFRUIT Sections . 2/39  KING OF HAWAII  SLICED PINEAPPLE.. 2 No. 1 flats 29  EVER GREEN - IMITATION MAPLE SYRUP .... 2 16-oz. bottles 33  Tacoma to attend the picnic, and LIBBY'S  12-OZ. TINS Signs Kneeland. Othel were  € Mrs. Lula Jones, Mrs. Marie Mr- PEACH JUICE ...... 3 for 29 Kay and C. L. Collins. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kneeland Sunday. The Knee- EVERSON - EXTRA STANDARD -- NO. 2 CANS lands have another son, Ronald. STRING BEANS ... 2 cans 3S € Congratulations. The first and second degrees will EVERGLADE  NO. 2 TINS be put on at Shelton Grange 403 this Thursday. Granges having WAX BEANS 2 for 33 ¢ candidates are invited to come and • " ...... " bring them. THE VALLEY PHONE system has been out of order for about three weeks. We hope Mr. Ktm- bel will soon be throtLgh haying so he will get time to take care of the line. Signe Kneeland spent Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lout Winsor where old friends get together the first Thursday of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Spilseth and daughters, Terry Ann and Nancy Lee, called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glower and at the Highlapds Friday evening. SECURITY ACCOUNT EARNINGS REPORT AVAILABLE TO ALL Every person is entitled to a report of all the eaxnings posted to his social ,security account, ac- cording to Cort Skinner, manager of the Olympia office of the So- cial Security Administration. A simple post card form will bring the information, and the Social . Security Administ'ation recommends that each worker check on the accurac.y of his ac. count at least every four years. A request to the Social Security Administration, 121 State Avenue, Olympia, will bring one of these post cards by return mail. More complete information can be obtained from the representa- tive of that office who will be at POPULAR BRANDS  PKG. 17€ CIGARETTES ....... ctn. 1.69 SUNPEP  NO. 2 TINS TANGERINE JUICE .... 2/33  Tht 6 TEASPOONS o..Slo__o OLD DUTCH LABELS 2 OZ.CANS OUR VALUE - 3-SIEVE PEAS .......... 2 303 HUNT'S -- BUFFET TINS TOMATO SAUCE ... 6 BLUE BANNER -- 18-OZ. JAR HUCKLEBERRY PIE BETTY CROCKER PEA SOUP MIX .... 3 SNOW'S -- 8V2-OZ. TINS MINCED CLAMS .... 2 OSCAR MAYER -- 12-OZ. TINS LUNCHEON MEAT . 2 MEAT BALLS AND SPAGHETTI  15%'0Z'I CHEF BOY AR DEE .... • MORREL'S  11-0Z. TINS LIVER LOAF ...... 2 OSCAR MAYER -- In Brine or BarbecUe WIENERS ............. SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR M. D. TOILET TISSUE .... 6 ASSORTED COLORS PERMA BROOMS ........ PERMA - ASSORTED COLORS WHISK BROOMS • • * * • • • a PEN - JEL Powdered Pectin 2 lkgs. 21 € LRY'S FINE EAT$ C*DM De' IV1onfe 9 303 90' \\;1!1"11'1]/]]]////]% NEOBEoF I/Ill1 Cream Sfyle .....  Cans l-J ". Libby's   ............ Caa DI:Aq ? 303 #E¢; Apricot  POTTED ' 11.-/.1 Pichweef...- Cans ';ltl/ .,: Juice HAr ' ,4 fill 00,ZOLA, for Cakes 0 = 10"oz € tin ,,. :?,,aVFM ................ (.'an VII,, and Cooking--quarf ............. 'ti # LOAF ............ 7" the Mason County Memorial Build- • €€ ' ............... ,,U--nna unique storage holder. Or plug it in at home on 'k Convenient Terms 21,ing' fromShelt°n'x0:30neXtto ThursdaY,ll:30. He JUlYwill /Iql IWIIL1,A California Lighf ## AC or Dr. Either !'ay you get the sweetest listening 't lasonaMe Ral[I have a supply of these post cards /UllI Meal. era÷ed--½ Can ........  PET MILK Saus- --  with him so that any one inter-  12 . I£ Mason*NO" .DELAY. t-, __ ested may obtain one. . /' _ _.,"/  I It.ll/Uli anywhere witha Croslqy PLAYBOY. Maroon, "'",iKiiiiq,'- Ol'aV or" "r¢¢ll CaSe ---''(''-I l|,,ttPr Products d  " l.Jl-ll[.d I- , jbrllapiderLiving . . . uomary avzngs .. ..... ..... .... . .... .... K00I1 E1 ., Emily Babcock , mer ectrlc = Loan Association attleLittlespentT°mmYweek Droscherbefore last°f withSe" SIERRA PINE TOILET SOAP 2 07 Cote St. Phone 664 Title tn=uranoe Bldg. his grandmother, Mrs. Isabel Dro- :' scher. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7f/// A L @" -- Don Droscher, his sister, and his ...........  -- grandparents, .,, ,o,,,, , ,..-" WHITE KING TOILET SOAP 3 Attention Shelt0n Piekerell, came down on Saturday . SCOT CLEANSER and stayed until the Fourth. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Severin * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- Our quality WHITE KING GRANUIAIFD Nelson the week end prolonged by meats are all personally selected -- Government in- " ..... spected and graded either Good or Choice. , the Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. PURE PORK Tower Askerlund of Valhalla Ranch, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Mag- nus Carlson of Aberdeen, and Mr. ...................... Established 1895 Drip or Regular ot BLU WHITE FLAKES ............ 4  CHASE & SAI Drip ( Refi , 2-lb. tin Unusually Washington Apricot This means a shortened harvest season. Help your retailer meet your apricot canning and freez- ing needs now. Plan to CAN or FREEZE your apri- cots during the next few days before it is too late. Tell your grocer how many apricots you will need so he may order them for you. Get your jars and canning supplies now. The quality of Washington apricots is excellent this year. LINK SAUSAGE 49= Made Fresh Daily ............................................ LB, GRADED GOOD SWISS STEAK 63 = For a deliciouz and economical meal .......... LB. LEAN STREAKED - 6 to 8-Lb. Average BACON 55 ¢ Any Size Piece ................................................ LB. and Mrs. Gene Akerlund of Aber- deen. The Nelsons' niece, Eleanor Butterfield of Raymond, has been Housewives them for the past three Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiss re- turned Friday from a week's fish- ing trip to Sekiu. Mr. and. Mrs. Bob Cameron and hot weather has brought on the Week'sJaneb°Ys' JOhnreturnedtrip toandsandErnie'FridaYPoint,andfr°mIdaho,babYa Harvest DAYS EARLY.  where'they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lowman and two daughters of Tacoma spent the Fourth week end with his mother, Mrs. Dixie Lowman. Mr. and Mrs. Jess HomeywelI and three daughters of Portland came up on July 2 to spend the week end with their cousins, the Ralph Howard family. While here they called on Mr. and Mrs. Nichol- son of Piekertng, formerly of Portlan d. Before Mr. Nlcholson's retirement he worked with Mr, Honeywell in the Government For- eat Service. Guests of Mrs. Alice Gray for the Fourth week end were Mr. Attention: Mr Retailer andMrs. T.M. White, MisuMari Brattan, and Miss Phyllis Cohen. Miss Brattan is employed in Mr. White's office and Miss Cohen I is a repoz'ter for the Seattle. P.-I. Hell) us inform your housewife customers that hot weather has shortened the Apricot Har- vest, Season' ' so that she will not be disappointed. Ask her to give you her apricot order now. (,ontact your jobber so he can have apricots ready to supldy your customers' needs. The time is short. Mr. and Mrs. LeRo,v Fuller arc the parents of a baby girl, born July 7. Mr. and Mrs, John Petcrson returned Saturday from a five- day trip east of the mountains, They spent two days with friends in Spokane, visited Grand Coulee Dam and other points, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Christcnsen, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mix re-' turned Thursday from a 15-day fishing trip to British Cohnnbia. They lind a fine trip and made some good catches. The Mixes bad a small house trailer but tim Christcnscns camped, and they re. port that it was so cold one night near Lake Lac-Le-Jeune, that water froze in their tent and they had to get up and build a bonfire to heat stones to put i their cots, A usual, home looked good, and .even Erik has had eough fishing for a while. APRICOT GROWER MEIVIBERS WASHINGTON STATE FRUIT COMMISSION ........... Yakima & Wenatchce, Washington .... WHITE FLAKE CODFISH 49€ Boneless .................................................. LB. PKG.. SKINLESS OR REGULAR VIE,NERS 49= Swell for Those Picnics ................................ LB, A DELICIOUS COMBINATION of Beef, Veal and Pork MEAT LOAF 53 = LB ................................................................................ SERVE WITH ONIONS PORK LIVER 39 = POLISH RINGS 49': LBo ........................................... Can them WHITE ROSE SPUDS .......... CARROTS .................. " ........... 2 JUICE ORANGES WATERMELON ............................ LEMONS . .......................................