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Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 2011
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Water district approves raises, property sale By ARLA SHEPHARD Belfair Water District commissioners approved raises for two employees and agreed to sell some of its wetland property to the state at this Tuesday&apos;s regu- lar meeting. Public records officer Sta- cie Marrocco and field tech- nician Mike Brown received a 35-cent-per-hour and a 75-cent-per-hour raise, re- spectiveiy. The raises were awarded to make their salaries com- petitive with that of employ- ees at other water districts, said Commission Chair John Phillips. "They were two salary increases to improve our employees, based upon our manager's recommenda- tions," he said. Commissioner Mike Pope countered that Brown had received a raise in Sep- tember and that the raises should be spread out annu- ally, given the slow econo- my. The commission also vot- ed to sell the district's wet- land property, behind the building, to the Washing- ton Department of Fish and Wildlife for $5,000. "Fish and Wildlife ap- praised the property for $5,200, but under state law, if it's over $5,000 you have to jump through hoops, so we're selling it to them without jumping through those hoops," Phillips said. "They're buying some of these adjacent properties too, and we can't use it be- cause it's wetlands." The board also approved the purchase of a new copier and fax machine. Journal file photo Commissioners Harry Hatlem, left, and John Phillips discuss water district business. "We bought a machine two years ago and the public records have bas':cally killed the machine," said District Manager Dave Tipton. The district has received more than two dozen public records requests in the past year, and Marrocco works one day per week on fulfill- ing the requests. The new copy machine would be leased at $112 per month and include all main- tenance and a fax machine. The district leased the pre- vmus fax machine at $130 per month. Pope argued that the dis- trict should not purchase a new machine without look- ing at other options, but the district secretary said that it was the cheapest option the staff had researched. "It is the discretionary authority of the manager's to do this if he wishes," Phil- lips said. "The commission- ers do not micromanage the manager." Commissioner Harry Ha- tlem agreed. • "This does save us money, it does save us electricity, it does save us on so many things, so let's go with our manager," he said. Following the meet- ing, Phillips added that he would not be running an ac- tive campaign this election season for the commissioner seat he filed for. "I've been in politics for 40 years and I've never lost an election, and I was prepared to run again," said Phillips, who has been a district com- missioner for 10 years. "But I'm down [at the district of- rice] three days a week, and my church wants me to go on some missions, and my grand- children want to see more of me ... I am not going to run an active campaign. I have unofficially withdrawn and I would suppor.Linnie Griffin. Ten years is enough for me.: Correction The July 7 article, "Mason 5 considers M & O levy," contained several errors. The story incorrectly stated that part of the proposed levy monies would go toward the purchase of an ambulance. The money would actually help purchase an emergency support vehicle equipped with air tanks, rescue equipment and additional light- ing. The article also incorrectly states that the two-year levy, for a home assessed at $250,000, would cost the homeowner $2.50 per year. The correct figure is $250 per year. Lastly, a public meeting on the levy is slated for 11 a.m. (not 7 p.m.) on August 13 at the Mason Benson Club, located at 5971 Mason Lake Drive W. in Grapeview. We have fishing supplies! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. 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The commissioners last discussed the annexation of four parcels owned by Blue Star Properties LLC and Riverhill Prop- erties LLC on June 7, but declined to vote on the annexation because the resolution provided by the water district was incom- plete. The text in question read, "Based upon the above recitals it is hereby resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Belfair Water District #1 that the annexation of Blue Star Properties LLC and Riverhill Properties LLC as proposed." Since then, the Belfair Water District revised the language. "The revised language indicates their approval of the annexation," County Community and Economic Development Director Barbara Adkins said. As in the previous public hearing, county staff recommended that the com- missioners vote to approve" the annexa- tion. Commissioner Jerry Lingle proposed that the commission again table the an- nexation until August 23 to allow more time for public comment on the issue. "I know that my concerns and up in that Belfair area is that there's ques- tions of another piece of property being annexed prior to or after or whatever ]lappens to be ... Those are separate is- sues that we have to deal with," he said. "What we're looking for is that the crite- ria has been met and the state gives us up to 60 days to consider the approval of this." Commissioner Lynda Ring Erickson said that she would agree to table the motion, although she didn't expect more public comment. "I am however sensitive to the fact that Commissioner (Tim) Sheldon was not able to be here today and he is the commissioner from the Belfair area," she said. :i ii, Hoo[ules Manny Dr. 360-426-7167 ]-.-..-.: 1-800-675-7167 ............. ..... " ................ 2911 E. Brockdale Road I Open Mon-Thur 6m-12m, ItdIt 6am-2m. Sun 6m-llpm Drive-thin open S-1ur 7m-glm • gri.Sat 7m-10pm Z 360-426-5254 F - 7 I J I RECEIVE 5g PRGLO I GAS DISCOUNT I Present ts coupon for your FREE KTP Club Card. 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