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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 14, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 14, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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STR E ET What do you think of the $10 daily pass or $30 yearly pass to use state parks? Cal Crowley "The pass doesn't sound like it's working. We just went on vacation and my wife said they're not collect- ing a lot. It should be scaled on your ability to pay." Kelly Burdette Shirley Jones Steven Walthall "I don't think there should "The disabled should be left "It s stupid because a state be a fee for people who live out, but it is a good idea to park should be free. I'll just in the county [of the state cover expenses, etc. of the play in the woods." park] and like to take their parks." children there, other than donations." Veterans assistance hit hard by a poor economy .Gameboy Advance By NATALIE JOHNSON Veterans service officers at the Shelton Memorial Hall can remember years before the recession when they had $80,000 to $90,000 per year to help needy vets through the Mason County Veterans Assistance Pro- gram. However, in the last few years, they've been lucky to get half that. Veterans service officer Pete Laserinko said that the recession has been particu- larly hard on veterans. "I'd say it's 50-50. A lot of the older veterans and the younger ones comirg home have;been hit hard,  he said. Evevyweek, Mason Coun- ty Commissioners review, and most likely approve, several requests from the county's veterans assistance fund, $75 at a time for food or $200 to $300 at a time for rent or utilities. Every veteran or veteran's family in the county is entitled to $600 a year from the fund. So far in 2011, the veter- ans service office has been allotted $32,951.91 for vet- erans loans and assistance. In 2010 that amount was $54,599,26, and in 2009 it was $46,665.08. In 2008, however, the office had $79,435.26 for veterans assistance and in 2007 had $73,157.35, ac- cording to county budget documents. In 2008 the county only took in $31,706 in revenue for the veterans assistance fund and had to supplement expenditures from the fund with $65,600 from the year- end fund balance from 2007. The veterans service of- fice gets funding twice a year, in June or July, and October or November, from property tax revenue. The amount of funding they re- ceive is based on the amount of property taxes collected through the Veterans Re- lief levy, which is $1.12882 per $1,000 of assessed prop- erty. In 2010, the expected revenue from that levy was $86,723. The veteran's as- sistance fund has existed since 2005. "For qualifying veterans or veteran's families there is allotted $600 for the cal- endar year to use for either rental assistance, mortgage, city utility, water district bill, PUD 3, PUD 1, food vouchers," Laserinko said. Veterans can also get help buying firewood, wood pellets or propane for heat- ing in winter months. To qualify, Laserinko said, veterans can be single or living with a family of up Journal photos by Natalie Johnson Above, Jackie Mallon assists a veteran at the veterans service office at the Shelton Memorial Hall. Below, Pete Laserinko said that the recession has been particularly hard on veterans. to ten, and have to be honor- ably discharged and living under federally established poverty levels. While funding has dropped by 50 percent and then stayed fairly static over the past three years, demand for veteran's assis- tance in the county has been steadily increasing. In the 2009-10 fund- ing year, there were 133 requests for assistance, 98 of which were one-time re- quests, while 35 were re- peated requests. From 2010-2011, there were 158 total requests, with 50 repeat requests. So far in 2011 there have been 62 total requests. "Right now there is as- sistance but it's limited." Laserinko said. There's only so much there - we have to make it last until the end of November." Because of the decrease in funding and increase in demand, funds don't always last like Laserinko and oth- er veterans service officers hope. "For two to three months there we didn't have any funds, we'd used it all up," veteran's service officer Jackie Mallon said. "In April and May we were out of funds." During that time, Laser- inko said that the office had to turn people away to other organizations until the sum- mer funding came in at the end of June. "We were telling them to go here, go there, you may have to do a little more leg work than when you come and see us but you're gon- na get some help," he said. "We have some people that have been using the funds year after year because they need that help. We have some people who were on unemployment but their un- employment ran out." KITSAP LUMBER 360-479-4414 For Extra Value Ir Follow Us On The Most Complete Packages in Town! B$€ $1fB PRBUlLT ,IF. 8'x12' 6'x#' $69999 $800 oo 10' x 12'..s875 °a 12' x 16')..Sl,300 N pl (A) 1 car • $3,850 (C) 2 car- $S,850 (D) 3 car • $7,500 r'ELEME ", I! D P.C K I N G =II7€1 Com.osi,e P'i i,w Low | Per Foot Maintenance --  5/4" x 6" IILROAB TIES 151199 ,x,,. (RR2) AskaboOt9'-16' Switch Ties 6' X 10' POLVRAP $AIrMIlO0 FOAM LOGS Cedar Top 8'X12' a,um $525 ® DOCKS Treated Top . Many sizes & styles LIFESTYLE CHANGES* in the next 5 years: • 52% of the people interviewed said they will consider each purchase more carefully 49% said they will be more price conscious when buying clothes or food • 47% say they will stick to a budget. * 9/09 Can advertising help them with any of this? 227, West Cota Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-4412 ,22°r =3 Dome" Lid 1kV 62303 Regtltar m0t,, i '3 ""'"+ ++ii i: + D0n t 12/, u!+rm0+ 623o, +il !!ii! 6ZI.,.N '9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii+ lde Mouth --+r'°' i R., includes bands and Dome" !ias, 62298 Of., t2JRC, 622..'f0 *7 Jelly Jar 12/Pk, 4 oz. quilted s design. In¢!ts 3ands and Dome-' tids. 68448 ili:!i:i!iiiii!#i!i:Li y:ii! ¸ ii#!i ¸ Mason Jar 12/Pk. PL [egula[ mouth.. Incles bands and Dome: lids 62295 Qt, 1/../., J...+8 Ball* Blue BOOk" Canning Guide Guide to t,me canmng and freezing inaudes over 300 recipes 65798 or'o Ziploc* Storage Bags ' : 2 or $ff, Ziploc" Freezer 1 Storage Bags 20 ct., t. or 1 )c,:gaL Canning Jar Lifter Chrome steel, coated lmndle. :::: ::: 64412 64413 6f30421 '- ........................................................................................................................................................ +J PRESTO + COOKER/CANNER 4-QUART ALUMINUM 6851 7 ...... 32.99 16-QUART ALUMINUM 6137970 89.99 23-QUART ALUMINUM 68534 119.99 LITTLE CHIEF SMOKER Top load 84435 ' NORPRO SAUCE MASTER FOOD STRAINER • Cuts conning time in haiti • Quality for the cook • Easy to use 1951 00SMOKEHOUSll ALL NATURAL WOOD CHIPS + +: :: :: :: " ii ........ { iiiiii ¸ : i:i: .... 1.75 lb. Cherry, Alder, Hickory, Mesquite, Apple 8095952, 84437, 8061871, 8061897 GRANITEWARE 21-0T. CANNER Comes complete with I lift-out jar rack. I 62274 / Mondoy-Saturdoy 8:00-6:30 Sunday 9-5 Rrst & Mdl Shelton -I,J 4264373 or 426-2411  All prices plus fax. Limited to stock on hand Sheltorl-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 14, 2011 - Page A-5