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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Pa ,2 S II~ARING of our service -~ been on fur- ;. Gene Breh- ;May for CaN ey left Thurs- t'd Wood, Me. another eight Mrs. Lo- were aner guests of and Carl Clift and home at the past and sister- Harold Clift. and Mrs. Hat- spent With Mr. and Olsen [ MR.. AND MRS. R. E. Bradberry spent hte weekend with the for- mer's cousin, Mr .and Mrs. Edward Ruffin of Junction City, Ore. They then drove to Hood River and through Goldendale and Yakima and home by the Ch'inook Pass. Micky Calkins was a dinner guest at the Herbert Brehmeyer St. home Wednesday and Thurs- day. Mrs. Walter Breckenridge and children of Chimacum spent with their folks the Brehmeyers St. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and family of Olympia spent the week- end at the Lnd Rossmaier home. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ronsmaier had their grandchildren, Darrell and Karen Chamberlin of Shelton spend Monday and Tuesday. Steve, Diane and Douglas Sharp of Olym- pia spent Friday evening with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clift and Jerry Clift went to Westport Fri- day and went deep sea fishing. They had re'd good luck. By MAll(lIE BARIEKMAN LOST LAKE--Visiting wil:h Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bolduc over the 4th of July weekend were former Shel- ton residents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Brazzeau. They now live in Ho- quiam. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bolduc attended a party at the home of Mr• and Mrs. Jim Carr who live at Black Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arland Brewer at- tended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Eva Everson, Tuesday at Elma. She was from Porter. We wish tn express our deepest sym- pathy to her family. Mr• and Mrs. John Bariekman celebrated their 36th wedding an- niversary, Sunday by taking their new trailer out to his sister's and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Grime's cabin at Tillicum Beach. They all had a marvelous time riding in the boat, visiting with many friends and then later that MR. AND MRS. Lud Rossmaier night watching the fireworks. aa often neg- were Sund,~y dinner guests of Mr.Their son and family, the Ralph hcted item and Mrs. Bert Morris of Olympia. Bariekman's joined them Sunday Mrs. A1 Jones returned from of home fur- Riverside, Calif. last t, eek after afternoon for a big picnic supper. ainhing, some- Robert Huss is in Seattle for a ithing you spending 10 days with relatives. 10-day training period, to be a re- think of Callers at the Herbert Breh- die operator for the State Patrol. afterwards meyer Jr. home Saturday evening were Mr. and :Mrs. Arthur Sharp After he completes three months When you re- :and family and Mrs. Lucy Sharp an an operator he will then go to ~ember you i of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Irathe Academy to become a State need one or Patrolman. raore. Ford and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. l~ut a good Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dick, and desk should baby and Sandra Calktns of San sons, Larry, Stanley and Norman be much more Diego, Calif• are visiting the for- spent the weekend camping at mer's folks, :Mr. and Mrs. Earl Philips Lake. They had a real nice Few piec- Walker. time, Joyed tells us. YOur dec- The Earl Landis fatally spent At Kirkland, July II, we sat" the annual aJl Tennessee Walking rage Ofin beau-mini. Thursdaywalker home.eVening at the Earl Horse Gymkhana, presented by the Mr. and Mrs• Mill Bmunbaugh Tennessee Walking Horse Breed- of Shelton spent Sunday evening ers Association of Washington, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Inc. Scheduled events were games, Mrs. Paul Johnston of Elms stallion and pony walking horse came for Mike and Brian Breh- exhibitions, drawings for a new meyer and took in the motorcyclesaddle and other prizes. a convenient incoming assorted writ- means a room• one in a for the perhaps a the woman an old favor- with race at Shelton Saturday evening. MR. AND MRS. Kenneth Hot,- ard and family spent a few days last week at Haden Lake, Idaho, with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howard and reported real hot weather over in Idaho. It's certainly a wonderful night to see how these horses have been trained for the arena.. lV[r. and Mrs. Leonard Cochran have' been very busy here lately building a new home. It is just beautiful inside. Earl Howard of Montesano and They did take a little rest Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard of Blyn day and drove to Chehalis to get and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rickert of a few Ofings that they need for Hoquimn spent Sunday at the Ken-the house. seth Howard home. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boelk and family spent Sunday'at Rainbow Shelton were Sunday dinner guests Falls State Park, and then came of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Miss Nancy McGat~ie attended back to Borsl¢ Park to let the the Horse Show at Tacoma over children swim. Tl, ey had a real the weekend• nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cockburn Bud Eveleth, stopped in for a writ- left Tuesday evening for Sunny- visit last night and said he had wonderfully side to spend a few days with l~is just gotten back from Lynden and drawers folks there and get in some fish- where they held the Appaloosa Storage. A rag." . . horse show this year. Reported L. desk or a Sandra Calkins of San Dingo tha£ there was quite a big turnout nerve equallywas an ovm~ight guest at the with about 174 entries in the show• Frank Hollatz home Thursday and Bud took h)s stallion, Bingo, and for a desk spent Friday with them also. another Appaloosa gelding which the start. James and Wayne Hollatz and 'won him a fourth place ribbon in selec- Stet Palmer spent Sunday at the one of the events. desks beaches. pieces in :Mrs. Gladys Carter was a Men- • happy to day evening dinner guest of Mr. • to solve and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. Hng need. Mrs. Paul Dittman of Shelton at Olsen called on Mrs. Roscoe Crowell one day last week. MR. MIRACLE pulls through-- Jan Pearson, 19, of Shelton, nam- ed her newly acquired colt "Mr. Miracle" because "its a miracle that he's still living," she said. Jan got the colt, just eight days old when this photo was snap- ped Monday, from J. B. Light- body Sunday. Miracle's right rear leg had been bnoken, prob- ably after being stepped on by his mother, and Mr. Lightbody thought he would have to have the animal put to sleep so I asked Mr. Lightbody if I could have the colt, Jan explained. He agreed. Then I took the colt to the Shelton Veterinary Hos- pital Sunday evening to see if something oould be donp about the leg or see if I had to'get the colt put to sleep, she said. Dr. Harold Enebo set the bone and put a cast around the leg which extends to the animal's knee while a splint affair provides support up to and around Mr. Miracle's right hip. Jan brought her colt home later Sunday night. Then began a series of sacrifices the Jack Pearson fam- ily made for their new boarder. First Jan's brother Bruce, 15, gave up his bedroom Sunday night so the colt's cast could dry in the warmth of their home on 4th and Birch Streets. Jan put blankets on the floor of Bruce's bedroom and the colt rested there until Monday morning. Meanwhile, Jan and Bruce stay- ed up most of the night tending the horse. We have to bottle-feed the colt about every two hours, she said, but we will decrease the feeding to every four hours in a few days. But Bruce has his bed back now. Outdoor quart- ers, were arranged for the colt Monday. A walking cast will re- place the present cast and splint in a few days. Mr. Miracle, a somewhat uncoordinated approx- imately 70 pounds, has a basic color of dark brown with white "stockings" around three of its legs (although one is covered with cast) and a white blaze on Wilfred Kirby, 36, MeCleary, and Twila Larson, 36, McCleary. James Vallela, 51. Seattle and Edwina Vallela, 30. Renton. Robert Dodge, 19, Lilliwaup and Patricia McFarlane, 17, Bremer- ton. Norman Villines, 19, Shelton, and Susan Ogden, 18, Shelton. Kenneth Jones, 23, Shelton, and Charlotte Troupe, 21, Shclton. ...................... ~;,;- ............................................................... its forehead. "Miracle is my horse, but raising him has tulrn- ed irtto a family project, Jan said. Members of the Jack Pear- son family would most likely agree. Quicldy • Courteously • Confidentially For Vacations, Emergencies, You Name It Why Go Out Of Town? Try Us For $50 And Up! on Salary, Furnilure, Personal Properly 105 Railroad Avenue • Shelton Hotel Building SHOWING • .ms ~AS~rS vinci'* }:ii~6 ~,: ----------~! TV • BLACK &-WHITE TV • STEREO • HAUlUai!!!~ ENJOY VICTOR 2Vbw stcg MARK Xl COLOR TV Discover an exciting newworld ef Viewing pleasure when thls space-saving Contemporary consolette joins your $amil ; circle. RCA HI-LITE TUBE delivers " bright new lifelike you'll o0mpare it to color motion pictures. Power- ful 25,000-volt chassis has remarkable RCA Automatic Color Purifier that. p.y ~ESSIE TITPPER "cancels" magnetic distortions.,, lets you move the set without service Ill ~ O I'1 = LAKIi] NAHVIATZEL -- '].'he adjustment. Ultra-sensitiVe VHF and UHF" " . g F |l'tube {ovum d ar0et¢0 1,, . ,~ beautiful wes3t~r on the weekend .... Priced From ~MarkXlS ..... GG.577 tuners assur.e nsu passed slgnal-pulhng ..... z 5.5 in icture ZZnd Cote .. --. , = : of the 4th of esY brcmgl, t most of ~,. the tmmmert .'ldents to the lake, power, while RCA Solid Copper Circuits pro- q" ' p as well a, lo~ Of their friends and vide space Age del;)l~ndabilit~lt.. ~.~,~j=i~ . .......... ,~ "~ ~ ~ ----- ~' "-- " relatives. , , Many picnickers and campers [ g ~ ' () I~ the resor.Spent the. :33elYthe cablnswere full.h°t ~cckelid at. I , I II II I II Ill . I ,11 Thr//I/ng &Speaker STEREO I ,CompareAgamst AIl O m IT ~VAS TIlE first dzT "4th" " " " = ..... ...... thers/" " : in several years, and was thor- -I ,, oo:,oo,o,,oo~.,o..,o,.,,, ROAVI,OTOR i ',aV,0T0. .~,...,. I,II f $ ers and swimmer'. Mrs.Kenneth Branson and her uncle, Mr. "William Mattson of Sall ~ ' SOLID ® i visiting friel, ds and relatives in },'~'~, a TV !Is ,nde Fibre.Glass Panels Butte, Mont. They returned ,ast ' h,': ,-":":" ,; ,.With the sunblocking feature. Stocked in:a f3 ,etu~s with the Bransons be- , , I porary consolette feature$ New ii~~~ Ir1311~ I 1 , .LWhite. Sand. 8. 10 and '12 lengths, for " ing to San Francisco. 371 , 1 yi,t. delux d, =i ,0r p ,0,m- I;l~::I . "," • . ( onger lengths available) fanl~Ii~y, an;]d~Ss S~en3rD~g~ies~ned Th[sDanish-dyledlow.boyfeatmes ~ 'th_eg_OTH[NSUR' ~--'~" I ance that invites cSmpsfison on any "~"~':;!i!~ 4¢ per foot and family spent thrg~ days at two side-mounted 15 duo-cone var4~,i,0 ~ J =]annel..UILra-sensi~ive.VHFJUHF ~~~i[ ' Twin Harbor State Park. They speakers, plus twoexpo~ential ] tu~erspullinpictureswithamazing ~~~'I Spent their time clam digging aria horns and two tweeters. Soli~l State I eia ity. RCA~oIid .'.... ,. _ PATIO DOORS , . rclaxing. Rainy weather brougn~ ampiifier with 56 watts peek power Priced From I Copper Circuits t'rmeo Prom ~ I~ them home sooner than they na~ unitized with Solid State FM-AM .... i essu~e ~aceAge ~Ji~,-~- m~A=m" B '~ ~, ...... [] With Tempered Glass 6 x 6 10 planned, and Lhey were glad to ge, FM Stereo radio. Studiomatic~41~Ij~I~L~,~ ~ dependability, ""J~l IJ ~;'rl;:;~:;bI home to the sun;w weathcr at the clanger with diamond stylus, ' [ mJL, -- - RI '79oo '"'theirMr daughters,'and ~V[rs. BruCeLaura" Ad.'c "ands ,]Lin(la,O i, nd. -- 7--v ]1, I I I I I""~"~"=" vII II II '~!~z=q : :" I "111] , IS RUFWOOD SHAKE OfmerLASTeSattleat.theirTH1URSDA,arehomeSpendinon thegLhe:Mr.]ake*Sum'az}d Perfect tra Setl. ............. I Modern GI0w Panel Light! I Fits .Pockette or Purse!, I . Portable Stereo SHINGLE FINISH Mrs. Robert Busby and son, See[ ~ ! " ~:-:: ........... • i ...... : ..... iw=th Sing Along Mike! Yea; at $4.79 per gallon, now closing Elkins and a friend from Califor- 79, Pearsall ,and Mrs May Garbourg, "rh*C0UATH ~d, Yellow Sunrise, Northern Blue, Guests for the weekend at the .:.~!'~'~ ~i ,i" " =teen, Birch White, Gray Shadow Kelley home were son, David, wh3 ... :,::~t~ ': PUROHASE of SIMPSON da,,ghtor, Betty and her husban , ! I 1 I Dave Smith. U'ed ,Acoustical Ceiling Tile ~,.. and Mrs. Leroy Boothe ~V~. u~ . I " aGD,0 S,,,©= • ~,-rf~ - fanlily, of Smith Bend, vislte(~,~'~ Z6'|ube(overaRdiag.)--1251q. ln. pictur, I I I v , "~Z'l .o,,o 17'per ft. ' July weeken..andM,..Ml"S'sLeveCliff°rdcrapo overtras homethe .,h,~tron,. ROAVIOTOR ROAVI OTO R i ROAVI 0TOR ! ROAVI OTOR ,,,,: per foot school this weekend he l,sn bcen Sportabout TV I " Clock Rad|o ' I Pockette Radio i Portable Stereo aLtending Park Forest on Mt. Dependable all-channel TV periormancll | Deh~xeAMm0delwiths0ft-£10wpanellighk' | Lowest.priced RCA Victor p0rtab]e. Eil]hb l' Dduxe m0delwith f0urspeake~in swinib W SELEGTION of Rainier. --~n P'us compact des gn for po,t. | Wakes You to music or with buzzer ala, m. | transistor power pulls n stations with amaz. out detachable enclosures, lilt-dlwn Stu- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oille anc~ ~ ' ability. Powerful 18,000-vo t Sportabout i Drowse'Alarm calls you aga n after extra | ing clar ty. Operates on 9-volt battery.. I diomat c changer, magnet c tone aimlock. INH HED PANELING Do,,g, of PacifiCa, Calif., are v~; chassis. Stay-set volume control. BuiJt-in |' "40 winks." Sleep Switch turns off,ladle | Comes with carrying ease ..... ! Powerful Solid State an1: Priced i,v~m iting Mr. and Mrs. James Blee VHF UHF e, ,rein Pine, Knotty Cedar, California Ash er for two weeks, c / antennas, =~.,, A~9~ | afler you're asleep at nighL ' $-,, =,=9.= i baLtuyand ear@hone. ' 95 | plifier,~ingalol]lzn}ikeo 95 ... ,N,, M,S. Clifford"°CV .~,Oo.,= *XZ~ I • ,,ice, ,,o,- Xn 1 "14 t , s69 (h'ove Mrs. I:~eeve's parentS, Mr. and Mrs• Ted Heihfla homC to As- --- II / ~'-- I : H . I I I1_ Loria on We(Ine;~day. , .... Thursday, the Reeves , , with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holn, t~ THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS worth, Astoria. "'"" !EL V/ LLEY / | 'ER A picnic outinK to Mt. Ean!!?J: p was enjoyed by the Reeve zamuy IM[:~-l~ M[ 'We :l~,{',~ last Sunday. ) , 11141111 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ha went to SteeLer Stable Qul I Mason County" Show a,t Spanaway on 2rid & Where you get the Best s, by e 426-4663 '"'"'"' ° " day,