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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i): r Page 4 Use Journal Classified Ads-- They Shelton Alumni Assodation • Drawing for a half beef and 2 quarters Music by The Souvenir's courtesy of the management of the Shelton Hotel / All facilities of Moose Hall have been donated. Thur~lay, July t5 Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Mtng Tree Care. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Motel. Port Commissions, 8 p.m., Court- house. Navy Mothers' Ch'b, 7:30 p.m., Memori'~l Hall. Friday, 4uly Ifl VW Auxiliary meeting. ~atu~l~y, JBly 17 Drivers liceiLse examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Benefit Dance, 9 p.m., Moose Hall. American Legion junior base- bt~l 4th District championship playoff, Shelton vs. Puyallup, two games at Western State Hospital leield (Steilacoom), 1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 18 Shelton Churches invite you to attend the ehureh of your choice. Timber League baseball, Shelton Logers vs. Washington Corrections Center, two games for benefit of Bud Franklin Kidney Fund, l :00 p.m., Loop Field. ~on(lay, Jiffy 19 County Commissions, 10 a.m., Conrthouse. PUD No. 3 Commission's meet- ing, 1 p.m., PUD Commissioners' I'o0nl. Tuesday, J~fly 20 Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD building. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amer- ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Lions Club Foster Club Picnic meeting, 7 p.m., City Park. Connie Mack Leagme baseball, Shelton vs. South Kitsap, 6:30 Lm.,' Loop Field. Wednesday, ,]lilly 21 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., police station. Hillcrest Homemakers, potluck lunch, 11 a.m., Kneeland Park. Laurel Court Order .of Amar- anth, annual picnic, 6 p.m., home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes, Island Lake. Shelton Business and Profession- al Woman's Club, 6:30 p.m., home of Mrs. Howard Smith, Hood Can- al. Thursday, Jnly 22 Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Motel. Connie Mack League baseball, Shelton vs. Silverdale, 6:30 p.m., Loop Field. II 116 BANKIN8 OFFICES THROUBHOUT WASHINeTON STATE STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS RESOURCES June 30; 1-965 Cash and Due from Banks ............. $ 235,243,296 United States Govemment Securities . • • ; • • • • . 190,001,483 State and Municipal Securities.. • • • • • . . • • 137,895,340 Other BondsandSecurities ...... ....... ..... 23,797,629 Sub-Total. • . . • • ° • • • • • • • • $ 586,937,749 Mary Louise Brown and Wesley Clay Crago Jr. both of Yakima were married June 6, in St. David's Episcopal Church in Shelton by the Reverend Clarence Lody. Mary Louise Brown, Yakima, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacPherson Brown of Shelton was married to Wesley Clay Crago, Jr., Yaklma, the son of Mr. and June 30, 1964 $ 234,739,598 224,438,144 113,622,162 14,172,004[ $ 586,971,909 J Loansand Discounts , . . . . . . . . . . ... 733,770,081 672,751,692 Federal Reserve Bank Stock ............ 2,250,000 2,250,000 Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture and Fixturs , etc. ° . . 19,940,488 18,400,455 Interest Earned Not Receivsd, eta.... • ...... 7,284,415 7,662,768 Customers" Liability und@r Letters of Credit and Acceptances 20,365,453 16,445,656 TOTAL... ° . • .......... 1,370,548,187 $I,304 482,482 LIABILITIES CepitalStock . . . • • • • • • • • • . .... t 30 000,000 $ 30,000,000 Surplu . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45,000,000 45,000,000 Undivided Profit; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34,401,908 28,947,253 Sub Total i 109,401 $11)3 947,253 , . . ° • • • • . * • • , , s . ,908 , Reserve fetlnterest, Texes, etc.. • • • • • • • • • • 9,460,113 9,612,056 DboountCollectedN0tEamed'. • • • • • • • • , • 11,779,271 10,381,980 Letters of Credit end Acceptances.......... 20,36&453 16,445,65 D0positl • • • • • ,,, . . • . • • • • • . • • • 1,219,541,441 1,164,095,535 TOTAL... , ,, • • , , , • • , • • $1,37Q,548,187 01,304,482,482 " q j,..i -. .... m ~ • . , . .a_ i J . t _ , ~ ,-, ............ DIRECTORS LAWRENCE M, ARNOLD HCgtofafll Chalnnart ROBERT S. BEAUPR| ~re~ar’ ~NRY RR0gERIQK ddent, a,,nw a ded&, RANK H, BROWNELIa JR, ~#le JOHN M, CMII JOHN: MeOREOOR ~ a~ner, _ _ J~eetden’, Hou,.v, Da©b., RtmO @, YOflll M~Gregor Lan~ ani~ Livestock Compa~ O. D. FISHER Ch=~num, C 10HAPIN HEliRY ~. C. Htmlt ~ Ct. WO.LIAM M. JI HKINS FRANK E. JEROME Vice Cl~rt RIC.AeO r.. EDWARD I'. CARLSON ~s~d~tt.estem In~emaUot~ ~Ote~ ANSON B, MOODY JOHN W. MURPHY ]?r’~, Centr~ _Prelrn,~ Concra’ C(h M, pmorr v &a. XEeO simp#ott T~n~glP GtP, VOLNEY' RICHMONI~ JR. .~mhm'g comam'~a; ~e, OilARLE9 D, IAUHDERI Chairman, ~xeout~oa Committee ROBERTA. SCHMIDT Pre.ffdent~ Olympia Brewing Company ALFRED $HEMANSK| ~'r~ddent, Eastern OuSqffi'ng C~, WAI,T~R W, STRALEY Presld~fit, 2a~o No~ Bdg Tclq~hon’ Company WILLIAM S. STREET Chairman, Un~tsd ra~o EOf~, GEORGE VAN WATERi .Ho~or~lt Chairman, NORTON CLAPP / 3~red~l~nt, • Thomas Orr's Have A Girl, It's a girl for the Tlmmas Orr's { Grandparer of Marysville. 'Penora Lee, bornI L. E. Winne June 26, joins a l)rother. 2~L, year all (~f SheltOrl, old T()hH/ly Allen. CLEARAI CE FLOOR MODELS -- 0HE OF Gibson Upright Freezer Full Five-Year Warranty and Three-Year Insurance Policy at no extra cost, Reg. $459.95 @ /[1~$ IillllII IMlt~IISJIIII: {IIIPIIII~IM 0 g,: :l: Mrs. Wesley Clay C}ago of Yak- ima on June 6, at 2 p.m. in the St. David:s Episcopal Church of Shel- toa. The double ring eeremony was performed by the Reverend Clar- ence Lody while approximately 50 guests watched. Altar flowers of white baby iris and greens sur- rounded the father of the bride and his daughter as he gave her away. Miss Brown was m'u'ried in a pure white v e 1 v e t tunic stvee~ length dress. The velvet undeff- skirt featured a wide panel of im- ported ribbon stitched laec extend- ing from the bottom of the tunic to the hem. The tunic top had long fitted sleeves, a high neck and covered buttons down the back. The tmfie fell in a mraight line, partially fitted at the waist and flaring slightly to the hem. Her veil was attached to a pill box hat of velvet and matching lace. The finishing touch consisted of an old fashioned nosegay bouquet, with white nosegay flowers, rosebuds, shattered carnations and lilies,of- the-valley. Miss 3oyce Lynne McQuary ac- companied the bride as Maid of HonDo in a misty, pale green linen fitted sheath, with a high neck, nnO sleeves and a matching cum- erbund belt. Her hat was of white lace and scattered bows and her bouquet was identical to the bride's. ' Albert Harold Nelson, brother of the groom, served as best man. The position of musician was filled by Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki. The bride's mother attended her daughter's wedding in a knit suit of pale green with matching hat and gloves. She wore a white rose- bud corsage with gold foliage and ribbon. The groom's m o t h e r wore a flower p~nt dress with a duster of ivory and a matching hat. Her cor- sage was the same as the mother of the bride. The newlyweds took their wed- ding trip to San Francisco, Calif. at which time the bride was weal'- ing a light blue linen suit which featured a ruffled neck jacket and a straight skirt. White accessories and a black patent leather bag and shoes completed the costume. The young couple plan on mak- ing their home in Yakima. Miss Brown is a 1960 graduate of Shelton High School and in 1964 graduated from the University of Puget Soured. She is presently em- ployed as a school teacher at Stan- ton Jr. High in the Yakima School District. Mr. Crago Jr. graduated from Moses Lake High School in 1952 and 1 a t e r attended Washington State University and in 1962 grad- uated from Central Washington State College. He 'is also employ- ed as a school teacher at Stanton 3r. High. A small group of friends and relatives attended the reception held for the newly married couple at the home of the bride's parents. The three tier wedding cake was decorated with yellow roses and gold foliage with wedding bells covering the top of the highest tier. Sew And Sew Group Meets Last Thursday The 4-H~Sew and Sew group met at Mrs. Frank's last Thursday. During the course of the meeting 4-H Camp was discussed and work was done on the girls' projects. Shelton Grandparents Gain Calif. Grandson Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ted Hanson of I~reemount, Calif. had a baby boy ~. Th~ newborn will be sister, Shown. The grandparents of the boy are and John Cole Mr. and :lV~s. Jeer both df oil tile pioneers altd Intlialls. It will be held at l)~m ~V:~gg()ner's home on Bayshore Road fF()n] l0 a.m. t() 5 t).m. The first activity will he a vol- ley ball contest between the In- dians and Pi,meers which will lin- g'in at. 10:30 }1.111. Mrs..lane Roach is chairman of tiffs acliviiy. At 11:00 a Hand Cart l)azc Pa- rade will take place with chihh'el] 12 and under participating. They will be dressed in either indian or pioneer eostmnes and will be pull- ing small covered wagons with, in nlany cases, pets fl'onl honle Ile- eompanying them. Mrs. Fern Cra- mer has the responsibility of keep- ing the children from going into to() much of a daze as they per- form in this activity. The old bucks will play a base- ball game with the young hnclcs at 11:30 a.m .with .h)e Williamson officiating. A chuck wagon will be serving chow from ]2 lloon through the re- mainder of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cammack are co-chairman of the chuck wagon. A horse shoe contest will begin directly after hmeh with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roach in charge. Fol- lowing this a rollinK pin h)ssed contest will take place, Neff Brown, chair~tian; archery contest, I)on Waggoner, chairman; a buffa- lo stampede auction, Robert Tay- lor, chairman; and a Camporama with all participants joining in a circle and providinK entertainment within the circle. Mrs. Maxine Nell- son is chairman of this activity. Separate booths selling a w~riety of goods will be shaped in the form of covered wagons. Mints ~hern, Mrs. Jamie Neff, Norene Cole- man, Cleave and Rosabelle Robi- son, and Clyde Fagergrcn will be working with the booths. Those men with the job and responsibility of setting up thi~ entire operation arc Don Waggon- er Sr. and Robert Nielsen. Newlyweds To Live In Forks, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. George Whitley of Shelton announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Kay, to Calvin R,:Mann, Pillager, Minn. He is the son :of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mann of Pillager, Minn. The double ring ceremony was performed at Quilcene, Wash. by Justic~ of the Peace, Marita M. Streit, on July 3. The newlyweds will make their home iu Forks, where Mr. Mann is employed at th(~ Highland Mill. HILLCREST tlOMEMA KERS PLAN POTLUCK LUNCH The Hillcrest Homemakers will hold a meeting next Wednesday, lla.m., at Kneeland Park. A pot- luck lunch will be served to those members who attend. Agnus Lund will bc the hostess. Special Sale Price No Gibson 2-Door Cot Freezer-Refri with Automatic Reg. -.$319.95 Th~s Clearance Price Only 6ihson 16-Cu. FI. Refri with 202 lb. capacity Bottom Mount freezer. and freezer completely Frost C! Reg. $429.95 Sale Price with T appan Built-In Oven 30" with Rotisserie --- Reg. $, Sale Priced at Tappan 30" Drop.In Stainless Steel and Chrome, Lift-up Top Deluxe in every way. Clock, oven light infinite heat surfaces. --- Reg. Pr Special Sale With Sylvania Siereo i with all the accessory jacks, In French Provincial cabine~. Demonstrator Model Reg. ,Price Special Price at The Fabulous Tappan 40" model--Two Chrome ovens, slide away down cutting board, infinite heat switche~ probe contnol, completely loaded with Reg. Priced $589.95 $ Matching Lazy Susan Price ' !i:i This One, and One Only---Sale This price includes range and Also many used refrigerators, washers, freezers---Priced to sell and sold with ~ 2nd & Cota 1st & Kneel and For This Days $ 1st & II /;!)VΈ: