July 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 15, 1965 |
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~k Elson of Potlatch will be celebrating their 50th
The Tony Fonzo's
Have Calif. Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Haroht Ullins and
their son Kul't, age sere, n, wel'e
the 4th of .Iuly guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Fonzo.
The Ullius family alTivl, d Jlme
28, from Sebastapol. Calif. While
here they, spelat s,,}me thole digg'iilg
clam:; with l~ill .lIal,I of Kamilche
anrt' m,~c!v tim~, x'tt:win~ scenic Ms-
Convention Held For
Aroma= Raid Siar
Motei's in Beaver
Mrs. W S. Rempel has retmn-
ed to Shelton following a tlip t,.,
Denver. whore :~lle was ~, delegate
to the twenty-eighth annual con-
venlim] of the American Grid Star
National President Mrs. Mildred
son .C~tmty. M~s. Ullius enjoyed A. Lee of I)enver presided at the
vtsitihg with l'¢~r sister. Mrs. Fen- meetings v,,hich were held in the
zo, anti wilh friends she had be- Denver Hilton Hotel. About 3.t4
6ome acquainted with on previous nlothers attended the convention
visits to Shelton I thirteen from Washington State~
~he Ullius family left for Call- and 27 dads.
try next Sunday. The reception, given by their for~ia July 6. Dub'inK their trip Many of the mothers arrived a
asband, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Bragg, will be held home they planned to stop in Ore- day early in order to attend the
House from one to five p.m. Mr. Elson was' gun and Northeln California so *'Salnte to America" arranged by
Iley and Mrs. Elson was born in Egypt Valley. that they mi~ght go fishing with the Denver Post of the American
in Shelton, July .19, 1915 and have lived here
d life. In their free time Mr. and Mrs. Elson
many flowers in their yard and garden.
the Elsons also have two grandchildren.
Group Has Full Gift Bar
~t~xiliary proceeds from the sale of these ar-
home of Mrs. ticles are n.~d to help buy a nec-
,enjoyed by 25essary piece of equipment for the
Mrs. Hal
her gratitude
many hand-
for the gift held in the home of Mrs. Haroltl
~tly been
but Nichols on Hood Canal durin~ the
more items month of August. Several work
Well stocked, parties are being planned and bul-
members and letins will be sent to the members
|. All stating the time and place,
some friends, Legion held in the University of
.......................... Denver stadium. A huge gold star
Olympia Residents made of a thousand gold carna-
tions graced the center of the
Wi!!!!ers Ill Bridge stage, The colors were presented
Jim Thomas and Yas Ito from by men from the four branches
Olympia Were first on the North- of the Armed Services. A boys'
South side on the July 12. game iband ft'om one of the schools and
of the Shelton Duplicate Bridge a girls' choir from one of the cur-
Club. Second were Gm'don Craig rectional institutions furnished the
and Gordon Bem~ett and third were music. The Gold Star Mothers
two teenag('rs. Mike M('.Neil and were guests of honor.
hospital such as the recently Bob Bennett. •
bough C r o u p e t t e and suction A father-son team. William
pump. Spooner and BOb Spooner. were
The next coffee hour is to be
Starts Thursday,
July 29
At Alderbrook
Bill Cady, nationally known auth-
or, lecturer and consultant to
management will conduct this
seminar in personal development,
employee motivation and effective
For further information on this
outstanding program, call or
write Personnel Development Cor-
poration, 1505 T,ower Building,
Seattle 98101. MU 2-7070.
and Gary Foote.
The Bl'idgc Club meets every
Monday night at 7:30 at the PUD
Auditorium.' All bridge players will
] be welcomed.
I Writer's .Workshop
/Met Last Thursda•y
/ The Writers. Workshop group,
|sponsored by the Hood Canal
Woman's Club, met at Mrs. Frank
Robinson's home in I.;illiwaup last
:Mrs. D. W. Pierce reported on
the news writing course she is
currently studying. General dis-
cussion of article writing followed.
The members are presently un-
dertaking a group project of col-
lecting and writing the stories of
Hood Canal area pioneers•
Mrs. Pierce will be hostess for
the August 'meeting in her Pot-
latch home. Meetings are held at
1:30 p.m "on the second Thursday
of each month.
Shelton General Hospital
:Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simpson,
Rt. 2 Box 987, a girl, July 7.
:Mr. and Mrs. Dietz Kadoun, Rt.
3 Box 423, a boy, July 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Baze, Rt. 3
Box 266, a boy, July. 12.
Mr. and :Mrs. Jerry Bell, Rt. 1
Box 329, a girl, July 12.
Mr. and,Mrs. Guy Sage, Rt. 1
Box 130, a boy, July 13.
Two impressive memorial ser-
vices were held, one for the boys
who died in the service of their
country and one for the mothers
and dads who had died since the
last convention.
On Tuesday ten busses took 410
]mothers and dads to Colorado
Springs to visit the United States
Air Force Academy, where they
co joyed a bountiful lunch in the
officers' dining hall.
Evidence of the flood was seen
on the way to Colorado Springs--
houses crushed and a great deal of
debris strewn about.
Monday evening a reception was
held honoring the national offi-
cers. One of the special guests was
Mr. H. Goetzen of Amsterdam.
Holland. He is chairman of the
Netherlands Graves Committee
and assists in many ways when
the Gold Star Mothers make their
pilgrimages to their sons' graves
in :Margraten, Holland.
Installation of officers for tile
coming year took place Wednes-
day afternoon. Mrs. Emma Fun-
nick of Maryland was installed as
President for the coming year.
The convention closed with a
banquet at which time the Honor-
able John A. Love, Governor of
the state of Colorado. and Mrs
Love, were guests. The Governor
gave a short address. Principal
speaker of the evening was D~'.
Frank A. Conrt, a Protestant min-
ister who spoke on our dreams.
especially our dream of Peace.
The convention next year ~ill
be bed in New Orleans, Louisiar, a.
The Laurel Court Order of the
Amaranth will hold their annual
picnic for members and their fam-
ilies next Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes
on Island Lake• A potluck dinner
will be served at 6 p.nt. All Mem-
bers are asked to bring table ser-
vice for their families.
{See him now/)
: e, vmtttlm m
Bail Nra, Biscaynee. Styles?, Sedans,
. wagons.:Coiors?. Bl~ck, White and moSt
4,hp Twk-
Jet V8 you'©an or~tW. ,B~l~?,There'e no better time to got
the No. 1 pie. (Wha the il l .ya °'Chewolet-Jl
What sporty
eVery Corvair coupe or
now. And what sport
four-wheel independ.
rear-engine traction;
t~ to 180 Turbo-Charged
Corsas if you order it,
t~ Chevrolet to make sure
like they cost a lot. Leave
(:hevrolet dealer to make
Chevelle Matib~ S4~[t Coupe
~f you like your ear
~md gmbls, the No. 1
man's oat it ;n Chevellt Standard
engine i= 8 huslqf Six or el Powerful
Turbo-Firo VS, depending on model. Or
you .n oger one of our liveller Turbo.Fire
VSs, all the way up to 350 hpl If you want
to make sure you get just the Chevelle for YOU-the model
and the body style end the color and tho equipment.l~
you~ Chevrolet dealer soon, H~ryi
let &
MISS RITA FAYE SWAYZE became the bride of Mr. Kenneth Ed-
ward LeBresh, July 3, in the St. Edward's Catholic Church, Shelton.
Baskets of white gladioli, yellow
chrysanthemums, huckleberry and
fern tied with bows of moss green
and white satin ribbon decorated
St. Edward's Catholic Church in
Shelton for the double ring morn-
ins rite at which Miss Rita Faye
Swayze became the bride of Mr.
Kenneth Edward LeBresh on July
3. Reverend Mark Wieehmann per-
formed the ceremony, with Mrs.
Ted Wittenberg as organist and
Miss Patti Claussen as soloist.
The bride, the daughter of :Mr.
and Mrs. Garold J Swayze, is a
graduate of Shelton High School
and is employed by the State Dept.
of Public Assistance. Her husband,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
LeBresh, is also a Shelton High
School graduate and is employed
by Simpson Timber Co. -. '-:
For h,;r wedding, the bride wm;e
a floor length gown of white de-
lustered satin with a fitted bodice,
scooped neckline dipping into a
lowered V back and elbow sleeves
accented with tiny bows, The con-
toured bell skirt was highlighted in
the back by full unpressed pleats
gathering to a snnburst bustle set
off by a large bow. A coronet of
orange blossoms held in place a
fingertip veil of illusion aml she
carried vellow rosebuds, stephano-
tis and White fern with tiny rhine-
stone crosses. She also wore as
something old, a family heirloom
gold cross over 100 years old which
belonged to her great-grandmoth-
:Mrs. Sandra Milano was the ma-
tron of honor in a street length
dress of jonquil yellow with a fit-
ted bodice of embroidered crystal-
line. She wore a short veil of yel-
low tulle caught to a cluster of or-
ganza flowers and carried a co-
lonial nosegay of yellow and white
chdysanthemums. Dressed similar-
ly in willow green were the brides-
maids, Miss Erlene Wilson and
Mrs. Dan Hankins. They carried
nosegays of yellow chryanthe-
Mr. Ronald LeBresh, brother of
the groom, was the best man.
Seating more than 100 guests were
Mr. Dan Hankins and Mr, Duane
The green and yellow color
scheme was repeated at the re-
ception which was held in the
church basement, Assisting were
Mrs. Richard, Mooney, sister of the
bride from Elma,' Mrs. Wayne IV[c-
Clair, cousin of the bride from
Puyallup. Mrs. Glen Swayze, Che-
halts, Mrs. Melvin' Swayze, both
aunts of the bride. Miss Leahe
Mrs. Howard Smith
To Be Club Hostess
]~fembers of the Shelton Business
and Professional Women's Club
will meet next Wednesday, 6:30
p.m., at the trailer home of Mrs.
Howard Smitl~ located at Mtllo's
Court on Hood Canal near the
Cushman Power House.
Swayze, cousin of the bride, Miss
Jean Swayze, sister of the bride,
and Douglas and Dennis Mooney,
nephews of the bride. A focal
point of the affair was a tiered
wedding cake decorated by :Mrs.
Henry Warnes.
For a short wedding trip down
the Oregon coast, the new Mrs. Le-
Bresh changed into a white sheath
topped with a blue and white lace
coat with white accessories. They
will be making their home in Shel-
Nothing pleases us more than
pleasing YOU! That's why
our store . . . ,our merchan-
dise . . . our personnel . . .
our entire business is geared
to make your shopping plea-
sure complete. Whenever you
shop at Evergreen . . . what-
ever you BUY . . . you can
be sure of getting TOP
VALUES . . . and the finest
SERVICE. Shop here today
and see for yourself.
Multiple Vitamin
The Eastern Star members will
hold a dinner at the Masonic Tem-
ple on July 23, 6 p.m., preceding
the official visit of the Worthy
Grand Matron.
Reservations for the dinner,
which will cost $2 a ticket, should
be made by next Tuesday with
Mrs. Victor Ellison, Mrs. Evelyn
Nieholson or Mrs. Florence Wee|~;s,
Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order
of the Eastern Star, will hold a
regular stated meeting next Sat-
urday at 8 p.m. in the Masonic
A cordial invitation to attend is
extended to all members of the Or-
der. The meeting will be "Short
Ouota 1/4 PRICE
Watch Bands
Reg. $1.00
Bonnie Pitts celebrated her 8th
birthday July 2, at her home on
Island Lake. Hostesses for the
occasion were Tami Mason and
Jttlie Pitts. The guest list includ-
ed Dale Roe, Cheryl Oakes, Con-
nie Tuseon, Mark Tu~on, Larrie
:+, .,: ', ~ +
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Let TCF be a partner in those
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special vacation! Open your
TCF savings aceount this week
and set aside a specific amount
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er dividend rate you'll soon rea-
lize those dreams for the future.
There axe three convenient TCF
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~iomo Ofll-- ~ It.oh
New Beat the Heat Splash on
Iced Cologne by Yardley .... Spee. at
Du Barry Anniversary Sale Hand &
Body Lotion ............ $3.25 Size Now
Drop, Cloth ,ft. x ,2 ft
..0. -, ............ Specia, at 19*
Mixing Bowls
.,astio .... Specia, at 59
Teflon Mufti.Pans spoo.a.
• ..... at ............
? Cup Peroolat0r ........ Spoc.a.
GsE. Steam Iro. R+ $15.95 $10+
........ Special at
Ice Gube Tray
10 perfect ice cubes
................. Spec,a, at 39¢
Revlon Intimate- Special Size
Shower I Bath Oil Spray sp..pr,ce $250
with Case
Reg. $39.95
(1 only)