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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SI-I'ELTON--MASON COUNTY 3OURNAE--Published in "Ghrisfmasfown, U.g.A.; gheIton, 9 War Gets Honors CRISS recent rains Weather we have get thr(mghout lnake the seeds and flow- to are tlle pring to all -~nts by the This has the Club for" theey have bring- fronl DOM'T 80TI4ER adult show and a small prize for each blue ribhon winner as well as the classroom with the most exhibits. Through this project the Club hopes to interest tile chil- dren in growing and tending things in t.he garden alJd hell) them achieve a sense of pride in their aeconlplishment. Another group receiving awards recently is Belfair Barracks and Auxiliary No. 2778 Veterans of \¥orld War I. Both received Hon- orable Mention for their work ill of the Fed- "Americanism" as announced at of Washing- the recent Dept. Convention in a Junior Yakima ,where Junior Past Pres- in Septem- ident, Mrs. Laurence Castleman, starts and was installed as Dist. I Auxiliary ag their vege-i)rcsident. tisplay and Tile Barracks' awards were judge. National as well as District for just as in an their work locally. The Auxiliary received Department award for Memorial Day Services, held in conjunction with tile loc'd VFW, in which they placed flags on Veterans Graves in the local ceme- tery. During tile year they gave 114 small flags to youngsters in the Sunday Schools of the two Belfair churches and 72 flags lo school youngsters in tile local 4-H groups. At their meeting last Sun- day, a report on tile recent con- ~t~- vention was given and four new members were welcomed. Attend- ing their second meeting of the group were Mrs. Grace Hunt, Mrs. \Villiam B. Herrick, Mrs. Hattie Brooks and her daughter Mrs. John H. Thompson. ~11 you ALL but for now it's the very and oil Mrs. Thompson ks the first daughter of a World War I Vet:- eran t.o join the auxiliary and tile i third ill tile State of Washington. "~ The charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Guy Sharer, s-ecrctary of the group at the time of her death July 5, and a charter mem- ber of the auxiliary. The Kiwanis' Fireworks display last weekend was fine and if they had planned it they couldn't have had hetter weather: The evening was clear and balmy and no wind- what more could be asked. Judging by the traffic and boats, a good many people enjoyed the long weekend on the Canal. "- FAiR GROUNDS iE PARKING-. and 8:00 P.M• Hour Earlier Fashioned" Big.TopC,r©us" Q TWILIGHT LITTLE LEAGUE kei" !l A(ITt ~t~O F:t E "SHOW Of Pacific Ceast ..... ;.ff CAMERA-EQUIPPED BACKPACKERS--Ruth McCleary (far left) authored and her husband, Mac (far right) took most of the photographs included in a 5-page picture story ,,Backpacking Along the Pacific," which was published in the summer issue of tile nat- i.onal outdoor magazine "Better Cam~ping." In the center left to right are the couple's daughters, Janice and Judy, who accom- panied their parents on a weekend pack trip last summer along the Washington coast line south of La Push, on which the article and photos are based. Outdoor photography is a hobby for Mac, who is an industrial photographer who takes primarily indoor photos while working in the Research Division for Rayonier, Inc., here. The McClearys live near Picketing Passage. The summer i s s u c of "Better Camping," all outdoors magazine published ill Milwaukee, Wis., fea- tures a color cover photograph and an acc()mpanying five-page photo and article spre~td entitled "Back- packing Along tile Pacific," by Rnth and Mac McCleary of Picker- ink Pasaa,ge. The story, written by Mrs. Mc- Cleary, and the photographs, taken by both Mr. and Mrs. McC e:u'y, deal with the beauty of the Wash- ington coast line, specifically t:he occau strip area of Olympic Na- tional Park ~outh of La Push, TIlE COVER photograph by fr:lnles ill frill colol' the COU- ple's two girls, Janiee, 10. and Judy, 11, through a rock tunnel on Rialto Beach near La Push. Ill the backgn'ound hchind the girls is a rock formation "hay stack" jut- ling out of tile turbulent tidewa- ter v,,a Vq)S. MeCleary said his family made the trip last summer. Although the trip was completed in one weekend, we returned to the area several times after that to the area of the photographs, he said. "We sent the matm4al to 'Better Camping' in January. Then in April we got a notice explaining that the picture and st(n.~ would apl)ear ill one of the magazine's sllnlnlee issues," McClcary com- mented. McCleary is an industrial pho- tographer for the Research Divi- si(m of RayonieP, Inc. \Vhile he takes primarily indoor lahoratol'y nlagaziu;~, article. BY MRS. RAY KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE- Southside Grange meeting will be held July 16 at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. l~ny Krqteha Sun- day evening visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kin]hall. tn By MABEL KIDD DAYTON-- --Ladies Clnb will hold its next meeting ill the form of :t picnic July 13, at Lake Nahwat- zel at the Ken Woldens. For fur- ther information call Rose I)angh- erty. Mrs. George Pnrves and three daughtcrs of Sunnyvale, Calif. ar- rived June 29 to spend the month of July with her mother, Mrs. Ger- trude Scott. The Dick Leonard family enjoy- ed having weekend guests fronl Yakima, the Vincent Sheppherd family. The group gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leonard near Lilliwaup for the fourth. Geradine and Jim Schur of Se- attle were home with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dehner Schur for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Clifford and Randi of Central Point, Ore., vis- ited Saturday afternoon in the Harry Kidd and Alvie Chapman homes. Douglas White of Shelton is spending some time with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jacobsofl. Weekend gnests of Mr. and D~rs. Dell Adams were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and chidren of Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troup and children of Des Moines. Spend. ing tile Fourth with them were the Dick Kellys and his mother and the tester Adams family and Mrs Cecile Norris of Tacoma. The Joan Anderson family spent several days at Kalaloch camping out. Duane Kidd accompanied the Cliff Rumpff family on this out- inK. Mr. and M~'s. George Chapin of Lilliwaup also enjoyed a week with the group. Joining them Mon- day were Stan and Anna Dyson and children of Shelton and Mr. A. S. Dyson of Tenino. Los Angeles guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Tuesday were Mr. 'and Mrs. Bill Harper and children. A CAMPFIRE TRAINING class was held Tnesday evening at Paz- handle Lake 4-H Camp for a gTOU p of 14 Mason County 4-H member:~ Grays Harbor 4-H members will he convening at the lake for a week begimfing on Sunday, July ,11. The Clyde Scrogham family en- joyed spending the fourth at Er- hind Point with the Andy Wil- liams. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McQuilkin and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Banks, Arcadia, and Jerry tan- ning of Hoodsport started out the fourth with breakfast at Twanoh and spent the day there enjoying the fireworks in the evening. Saturday and overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pearson were Mr. and ~b's. Reginald Pearson of Scquim and grandchildren, Patty and Michelc Fisher of Redmond. The group picnicked at Walker Parl~ Saturday afternoon and then visited Dayton Lookout to enjoy the. beautiful view front the tower. Curtis Snow of Seattle who is look- out therc this ye'ar has a four-lcg- ge(t eompanio|l keeping" hir~l eom- pany---a black billy goat which wandered up the mountain. S I Dave Rayson joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson, the Clyde Bartons and Lawrence Bei- leys at the Bailey cabin on Treas- ure Island for July 4 festivities The Tom Baze family celebrated the fourth of July at Island Lake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rey- nold Mason. Mrs. James Dougherty and chil- dren had fonrth of July dinner with the Bob Bent family in Shel- II were staying ill l~alnliCilU W ILl, Mrs. Lee Bishop. Picnicking on the fourth at 2~,va- noh with the Bloomfield family were the Vernc Schuffcnhauel's~ the Floyd Wattcrs, tile Bert Woods, Mrs. Lee B.ishop and Jerry Manley who is from Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W'illis of Cottage Grove, Ore., spent Sunday overnight with her parents, Mr. V MUSIG BOX 205 Cots Shelton, Wash. ton. and Mrs. Joe Kirk, CANDI KUHR SPENT tlle week- __ ................................................................................. end with the James Hiekson girls and her parents picked her up on Monday evening and visited. The James Dougherty family also were Monday evening visitors and Patti spent the night with the Hieksons. Friday evening visitor of James Hickson was Ted Leigh of Olym- pia. Gathering at Mason Lake July 4 for a family picnic, ~dth other members, were Mr. and Mrs. War. ren Williams and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Cuzick and Charlene, Archie Kidd and Mr. and ~:rs. Harry Kidd. A three day campout at Tr,~sk Lake was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich, Mrs. Dee Nichols and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mom.ison, Mr. and Mrs. Iw/r Rransford and children, Andy Scalff and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scalff and family. The Pete Bloomfield family vis- ited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood who had arrived that day from Ventura, Calif. and for GARS, & TRAGTORS Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts • Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced • Piston Pin Fitting - Pistons Expanded Q CyHnde¢.BIo~k Rcboring - Brake DrumsRenewed .... • Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment • Crank Shaft Kits 229 So. First St. Phone 426-3351 $ =mm ,J v I 4th & R ilroad Southsidc Eagles met at the home Of Mrs. Don Wilson July 8 at 6 p.m. 4-H menlhers talked about judging beef, sheep and pigs and made their "Jolly Rodgcrs" flag for 4-H Camp. The mecting a(ljoumlcd and the next meeting will be Aug. 12. Silver Stars met at the home of Mr. Jim Ligiltbody last Tuesday evening with Jim Lightbody as host. Miss Mary Beth Magnett of the Silver Stars left Saturday even- ing by phme to visit her sisters Mrs. Joyce Evangowich and fam- ily and Mrs. Barhara Harrington and family both of San Francisco, Calif. PICNICING AT Mason Lake Recreation Area on the Fourth of JulI, were. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Stuck of Cole road, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs. Carrel Stuck and son of He- quiam, Mr. and Mrs. AI Atkinson and son of Hoquiam, Mrs. Dave Pratt and children of Hoquiaxn, Dick MeCauley and a. friend ot Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon StucR, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hollo- waY, Rose Mary Halbert and son, Ernest Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard and children of Fort Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Will Coles of Kodiak, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colcs left last Tuesday for Kodiak, Alaska after spending some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck and rel- atives. Mrs, Kenneth J. Archer l,'riday took her mother Mrs. Catherinc Johnson back to Port Orchard. Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck last Monday staying o~/er night was Opal Lancaster of Olym- pia, BOY SCOUTS took ~t tril) last Monday morning up to the see- end Olympic National F'orest Ran- get" Statiou, in the troop hildng Were Ken O'dell scout master, Harvey Deweyert and S. W. Van- der Wegen assisling and scoltt:'t Dalhls Gunter, Chnek Vander Wa,m; Chuck Wicken, Brnce Edson, Braa "Wilson, Bill McComh. Mark Sund, Vie Downer, Steve Bostrom, Tim Anstey, Gary Miltonberger, Bruce Wilsoll and a frieud, Boh Carrey, Brian Wilson..lira Vik, JimmY Knceland and ,lira 1)enslcy. Tak- ing the scouts llp Monday xvel'c Mr. and Mrs. Roli Guntcr,' Irving Vik, Marvin Anstey, James M:c- Conlb and Pete VanderWal wilt) took all the equipment up for the Scouts. Tile Scouts and leaders started out on their hike aL Graves Creek, hiked through O'Niel En- (]lacier, I)ialllond Melt(lows ;in(I ]-[oneynloon Mea(Iows. rI'lle troop ,hiked 27 mih;s, took ah)ng (Icily- dl'ated food. Gary Miltonbergcr m This Is Miller's Semi./hmual Clearance Featuring Most Of Our SUmmer Merchandise. We MUST Make Room For Our FALL Merchandise Which Is Already Arriving. Listed Below Are Just A Few Of The Many Clearance Items. LIMITED TIME ONLY ¢ Selected Group LADIES DRESSES, GOATS & SUITS BUY ONE DRESS, COAT OR SUIT AT REGULAR PRICE AND SELECT ONE OF LESSER VALUE AND PAY ONLY 1¢ OVER 500 DRESSES, SUITS & GOATS TO GHOOSE FROM LARGE GROUp LADIES FLATS • • • . • • • T BUV ONE AT REGULAR PRICE AND THEN SELECT ANOTHER OF LESSER OR EQUAL VALUE AND PAY ONLY 1¢ REGULAR PRICE $7.99 -- $8.99 --- $9.99 ¢ Enttire Stock HUGK YARDAGE , Values to $1.39 Big Spice & Nubby Fleece ¢ I I • Regular $1.00 Large Group YARDAGE., • • • I I . PRiGED TO GLEAR Ship-N-Shore I I • I • • Regular $6.98 BEAGH TOPPERS Reg. $4.00 - $4.98 ................ $3.00 Reg. $6.00 - $7.98 ................ $5.00 Reg. $10.98 ............................... 7.00 Reg. $16.98 ........................ $11.00 Bobble Brooks S Reg. $6.98 I 1 I I 1 I SUWtlncr DETECTO BATHROOM SGALES Reg. $5.98 2 Qt. I I I I • I I I I I I I Poly--- EZE Pouring Spout Reg. 49¢ Short Sleeve WHITE DRESS SHIRTS . One Group WASH N' WEAR TROUSERS.• Reg. $5.98 - $7.98 Short Sleeves SPORT SHIRTS . . . . . . Reg. $3.98 PLUS $ Many More In All l)eimrtments. ltems At OFF and I/ ,2 PRICE or More em~ghL 8 trout and Bruce Wilson got 1 and s~w a doe and fawn and TOWll & Cotnitry --- Casuals • COtltS grouse on their trip. The s , I ~'Ja-__ ,.,.. .., I reLurned home about 8:00 p.m. l,r{- I oatoot;ClS -- ~lllll(llgS ,,.,_. ,~,, t~o ¢,o Oo ,,,~ ,(, m d ~ ,. 'oi 1 u ) to hrin them bacl¢ | t~_,_ ,~__ Jl~12~. ~().;~O " .'pO..10 ................ ,~,).~,@ A Subsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & CO. I wcT.egi o grtlcarrey, g. j. Down" II ..,,or ; 00 Pair To Choose From Reg. $10,98 -$12.98 ............ $8.49 3rd & lCailroad I er, A. S. Edson, Harold Wilson I~ I and Mrs. Joe Miltonberger. - I