July 15, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 15, 1965 |
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It is no coincidence that
"phlegnY' sounds like "flame."
because this is exactly h()w the
Greeks used tile word. Hipi)oc-
rates employed phlegm in its
original sense to mean "inflam-
mation." a burning condition.
Later the term b(,eame part
of the system of humoral path-
ology, representing one of the
body's four hllnlonrs. TWO kinds
of phlegm were recognized---
hot and moist and cold and
Whe.n the word came into
English in the 1.4th centnry,
it was used to designate a muc-
ous secretion of the throat. The
term became more associated
with the cold variety, and we
still say someone is "phleg-
matic" if we think he is cold
or unfriendly.
AN EDUCATION at Central Washington State College followed
by a future in sociology or English is CarOlyn Sohwab's plan for
E ......... the future. Carolyn is a 1965 Shelton High School graduate.
morgenoy ~n. 4Z~-ZltI{) * * * *
Fifth & Franklin St.--- 426-3327 CarolyrL Schwab, easily recog- During her senior year Carolyn's
Onen ~MIv ¢l.,~n ÷n 7..2n nized big the always ready smne [ snbjects consisted of socioTogy, her
2~7"". .... " .......... ml her" face, is one of Shelton I favorite, senior English, teacher
~aturoays 9 30 6 go n
-- : " : ltigh School's promising 196~ [orientation, civics and physiology.
graduates. [With sociology as Carolyn's fav-
....... , , I orite subject it is not surprising
h ' ~[that she is considering it as her
I --::-_-:-- I I :- []major at Central Washington
] - - : - -_-- II _-,,:- ]State College where she has en-
I ---- ~- ~ :-- : [ ]lll}.:,,'211~ l'[rolled for fall quarter. Along with
] ~ _:_ : ..... 1.= ]~~ [[ sociology she is considering Eng:
] : -~--~ -___ -] ]~~ [[lish as a possible major.
[ ~ -_ "-: _ _ _~j [_-- - ~ -~.::',:, - _ _ ~ ~[ Aside from her subjects Caro-
l -:~--- --_ " ~:~ | ~__~'" - " "i [lyn also participated in Pep Club,
[ -~; - - _-2~5 ~ ~i| [ GAA, tennis, and Latin Club. Out-
I ~: ~ :~l ] side of school she belongs to the
I _ -_ - -_-= -~! ;~ :~ ,[ Candy Stripers and in her free
I - - - I - "- " ~ 'l time she enjoys swimming, water
I ----:,,-. - : -- _--' /s ii,,g and art work.
I I - -- : - --' /
Carolyn has just returned fl'om
I ~~':: .-=il I~ I|a trip to Ellensburg where she
I ~~ [ :_ _-%~% - : ~1 visited her grandparents and had
| _ -: - " _ - ]] _ " :~ ~| the opportunity to see the college
| ~ - :-_ ::> :_ ] [- - - _ ~_ - I].which she plans on attending in
] ~ -- -• _: ~ | [_ ---.- __- - _ .'|tile fall. The remainder of the
[ ~~ [--~. -i~7~: ~ __-- _ _ - | summer she will be working at
[ - :" - _ - - i- -:] [ - -- _-- - . - : -- _- [|Millo's Diner which is h)cated on
I - -- -:- :, :_- :----- -: i I .... -- -~- - _ : ~| Hood Canal. This location is quite
[ ~~ [ -- -: = _ -:- _= -- i convenient; for Carolyn as she re-
| =~:--- -- -'- i ~ :'- -~7_ -_- - - - :: t sides in Hoodsport ~'ith her par-
I - : ~ -- . :- ! I:- ] _: --:_ -- "__ - ~ - :- ! ents Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab.
| - - ~-. ~- - : _" " -i | -~-: _- -_- -_ -- _ - _ ~, She was born Feb. 14, 1947, in
| - _" _ _.: 2 -_- ] [ - -%- - -_-~---:.-- ['[Seattle: F.rom there her tan'ally
| _- ~ = -- [ [ - - :-::-- - _ - _- 1[ moved to Gig Harbor and for the
, : _ --_ _: :--- - -- lpast y a,'s& nl
family nas lives in H .p ' .
] HELD OVER for their fifth big week at the Shelton Hotel are ~]is the only child in her family but
[ The Souvenir's. They are picturel;~tef~.to right: Lyle '(guitar). ~thas a pet cat to keep her company.
, " . ~ ' :'"~,..,.'~:~2"::'~2 ' . ' ' |} ' • tl o 5'1"
Stub(piano) :and Grog." (b~,.~, 2, 1~ Cm olyn ,stands. a lit e ver
~, I ,. ._ " ......... , I[ tall and has brown eyes
to tile same fired.
The next meeting will be held
tomorrow and ;tt this time plans
will be made for their annual post
1 and auxiliary picnic which will
take plnee in August.
Esther Morgan. Jessie Cox, Flo-
rence Hamilton and S~le Weaver.
mmnbers of the auxiliary, attend.
ed the Department of Washington
Convention in Everett nnd will
make their reports during thZ~
Also at the meeting tontorrow
new officers will begin their duties.
The Ladies Auxiliary
Will Meet Tomorrow .,'. • -
The htdies Auxiliary of tile VFW
voted to give a do;~ati(m to the
Buddy Franklin F'und at [heir last
meeting. The profits of Lhe last
Kiwanis lnncheon also wore given
SHS Alumni Is To Be
Married In The East
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn StotT of
Sbelton wish to announce the en-
gagement of their son. Glenn C.
Story, to Elizabeth Jean Kammer-
diner, the daughter of Mr. and
der of recipes she has at her
Mrs. Diekie is a member of the
Shelton General Hospital Auxil-
iary and. following in her hus-
band's footsteps, w'ts their pub-
licity chairman last year. She also
belongs to the American Legion
Auxiliary, the Methodist Church
and the Church'.~,',- Wesley Circle
Mrs. Dtckic is a member of the
Golf Club and can frequently be
seen with her set of clubs Out on
.he com'se accompanying her hus-
band. Another athletic achieve-
ment of hers is bowling. She bowl-
ed regmlarly for "The Champs"
bowling team during the fall, win-
ter, and spring months of the
Mrs. Dickie .considers golfing
and bowling as her hobbies and
she adds to this swimming and
, , (This
, '"1on cosmetics
~:~ I' as a courtesy
~"~' to help you
i proper co
] anQ. How oftell
A. No
actly the
and can be
types of~
you apply
sitive to
avoid using
More often,'
the action of
en with hexa~
Mrs. Russel Kammerdiner ~ Cora-
opolis, Pc.
They have set their wedding
date for Oct. 9, 1965, and plml
on having an informal wedding at
a local Presbyterian church in
Coraopolis where the couple are
both living presently. Mr. Story
has obtained airplane passes for
his parents so that they may fly
down for the wedding and also will
supply them with tickets for their
trip back.
Mr. Story graduated from Shel-
ton High School in 1957. Upon
receiving his diploma he attended
an airlines college in Spokane and
directly following the finishing of
this school he started work for
tlle Northwest Airlines. Presently
Mr. Story has just finished serv-
ing four years in the United States
Navy, and is now under the em-
ployment of the Northwest Air-
Miss Kammerdiner is employed
by the Columbia Gas Company.
The Eagle Auxiliary card party
was held recently. High score was
held by Jan Tratnick with Myrtle
SweaHngen being second; next
high score was held by Clara
Stuck with Lester Huntin/Aon be-
ing second. Pinochh~l- was wou by
Ernest Stuc, k and Corn Hill. Clara,
Stnck, Myrtle Swearingen, Ernest
Stuck and Corn Hill all held 1500
is 21, and Bruce, 14, and one
daughter, Cathy, who will be 18
ht July. Ralph attends the Ilni-
versity of Washington.
Mrh. Dickie and her family live
on Island Lake.
tIamburger Noodle B~tke JUNE DICKIE'S ISLAND LAKE HOME gives her the opportunity
2 Tbsp. Butter to frequently go swimming, which she considers as ,one of her
1 lb. Chopped. Beef Chuck favorite activities along with ,golfing, bowling, and reading.
1 Clove Garlic Minced • :~ .... • • •
mixtnre and then add the 1/3 mix- I degrees for 20 minutes and ret
Dash pepper
1 tsp. sugar ture of meat. Repeat and top thi.,o [stand for 10 minutes. Serves from
2 cans (S-oz. each) tomato with cheddar cheese• Bake at 3501sLx to eight. _ _
sauce cream [ ~--ANs-- ~t
1 pk. (8-oz.) Broad Noodles [
6 reed, green onions
:t pk. (3-oz.) cheese
ga pint commercial sour cream
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
Melt the butter in frying pan.I ~ ~ If you're a veteran with GI
Break up and scramble the meat
in the pan until it is well browned.I ~ home loan eligibility, a new home !~1
Add the garlic, salt, pepper, sug-
ar, and the tomatosauce and sUr.] may be closer than you think.
Covet' the mixture and let it, ~ ~i
simmer for about 15 to 20 rain-/ ~ Capital has them, Contact
utes. Cook the noodles and drain
t'hem' Cut the green °ni°ns int° l~ KURT
large pieces. Place them in the ; ' "
blender with the cream cheese and
noodles ill the two quart casse- N
role. 'Pop it with the 1/3 cheese
No lmlguage can express the | ~1- 121R'ILROAD • 426-6592 ~1
p°wer ' and beauty and her°ism / ~l MANN REAL ESTATE ~l
and majesty of a mother's love.
.... Edwin Hubbell Chapin ~ ~l • ' ) t~]
irritation is
ant is used
Q. MY skin,i:~
sitive, what
I use ?
A. AnY soap
oil and ~oisLtffe
,' ill~
you want to. _.
yOU should re~
moisture. TBI8
eral wayS.
types of soap ,
the oil and 1~0!
moved. " '
, MoisturtZ!ll~
lotions wtll bel~
*.A good ba
ue in reltevt~l
Q. How d,
skin fresher
cleansing lo
A. The
tions on the
purchase s
question. Th
cleansing lo
that do not
sktn freshen
Sgt of Four Dayton Premium Tires, Any Size
White or Blackwall To Be Dra,wn 3p.m. Saturday,
July 17. Need Not Be Present To Win.
One o.f These to be Drawn Each Day at 5 p.m., Your Choice
• Set of Four Merv's Recap Tires ....
• Front End )kligament
Free Motor Tram-up using our New Electronic Scope
Need Not Be Present To Win!
6el Your Oar Washed
by the
Mr. Olive Lutheran Wallher League
ii i i
tst and: Cot t ....
,'Let Mew Do It"