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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 15, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 15, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Cloqstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Page 11 (2ATTO Lund Wol- Clin- long illness. tad made her Years at Tri- the Canal after the Frank been & pa- periods in past 14 was born in Salinas, in that city. clos- career, in the Rich- system. A of the East- to the El- during her active in in Richmond matt~on of her husband, at the family Mrs. Ralph )bispo, Calif. ill Rich- Was Employed California fol- professional of Bremerton in became be held Wed- the Lewis Fu- with Parker from and Mrs. Wolf ram's B. C., the funeral }he Shriners' ~ospital h~ve the family in se- Lilliwaup ~hle party following eolnmll- will be- 23. ries were Ms- prize S. A1- first; and Walter Mrs. Re- alter Allison, the door hostesses, Mrs. Robin when the potluck that it was Cake .bak- M~. Evc- m another three 9- in or g Cool and f r o s t with 1 large package of Philadelphia cream cheese, 1 tsp. vanilhr, 2 Tbsp. milk and 1 pound powdered sugar. This is enough for frosting the layers and more than enough for cake ~aked in a sheet. THE ED OLSONS of Lilliwaup will be Entertaining their daugh- ter, son-in-law and two grand- daughters, the B. J. Locklars of Waco, Texas, for the next two weeks. Bill Locklar is Medical Representative for Baxter Labora- tories and Nancy is x-ray techni- cian at the Cdosthwaite Clinic in Waco. We almost ph(,ned the 5ournal last week on Tuesday to "stop the presses", when word came that John L. Catto at last had a grand- son, John Ca(to, to carry on the family name. The newly arrived John Ca(to is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Catto and was bonn in Seattle Tuesday noon. He joins two sisters, Kathryn and Carolyn, at the family home and a third sis- ter, Robin Ca(to, in Omak, Wash. The gFandparents anticipated a trip to Seattle Wednesday of this week to see the new arrival. MILS. C. W. CltEATHAM re- turned Monday from a weekend at i Much of the time will be spent Sequim and trips to the Melnorial at home and enjoying some of the Hospital in Port Angeles to see her beautiful Peninsula scenery, in- brother, Victor Riclmrdson, who U.S. Choice & Good Calf FULL CUT SIRLOIN STEAK .................................. ,b. U.S. Choice & Good Calf RIB STEAK ................................................ ,b. U.S. Choice & Good Calf FULL CUT ROUND STEAK ............................................ ,b. U.S. Choice & Good Calf T-BONE STEAK .................................... ,b. U.S. Choice & Good Calf BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ........................ has been seriously ill as a, patient fonnd themselves in the vicinity of ahmg in the creek valley, even there. She had barely returne(I from Sequim on Yriday when Word came that her brother had had to return to the hospital and was re- quiring blood transfusiEns because of internal bleediug. He is now :conwdescing from surge~W. Among local people attending the annual Capital Lake Fair in Olympia were Ron and Jacquie Lawson, vebo went over for Sallli'- #lay evening events. A street pa- rade and carnival attractions were fe&turcd Saturday. Sunday the Lawsons found a trip to visit Camp Grisdale was in- teresting. Following their' sight- seeing there they drove Mong va- rious logging roads until they $ U.S. Choice & Good Calf BONE-IN CUT RUMP ROAST ............................................ ,b. eluding Mr. Walker and Hurricane Ridge. The visit will also include a trip to Seattle to tile home of an- other daughter, Vivien Webb Han- son, M.D., David Hanson, D.V.M. and their small son and twin daughters. Highlights of the Se- attle trip will be attendance at the Aqua Theater to enjoy "Peer Gynt" and a day at tbe races at Langacres. This is the Locklars' first trip north in three years. A first-time visit to Hood Can- al is being enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bunnell and daughter Sharon who flew from Jefferson, Ind. a week ago and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hambmlgh. Mrs. Bunnell is a niece of the Hambaughs, who are happily showing their visitors the scenic beauties of this unique area. A ttfp to the ocean beaches was planned for the first of this week. COUSINS, DAVID and Dale Tahja, are spending some of their summer vacation with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Starr White. David, the son of Mrs. Wlfite's brother, Andrew Tahja of Calls(eKe, Calif., arrived the first of this week. Dale, who has been spending a week a£ Lilliwaup with his matErnM grandmother, Mrs. Sis Anderson, came to the Vv'hites' home to join the new arriwd. Dale's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Al-nold Tahja of Tacoma. The two teenagers will spend part of their time lealming about building and helping their Uncle $tarr who is constructing a new house, future beach home of Elma and Starr White. Mr. and Mrs. Lee James of Bellevue are delighted with the progress being made on their new A-frame vacation house on Indian Beach. Started shortly before the 4th of July, the new beach tmme is expected to be ready for their oc- cupancy this coming weekend. Mrs. Aplen's brother and his wife from Sacramento, Calif., are house gUEStS at the Bruce Aplen smnmer llome on Indian Beach. Guests for luncheon and an aft- ernoon visit at the Eldon home of the L. K. Webbs and Mrs. Allie Abl were the Claud Ehvoods of Kirkland. Mrs. Elwood was a fos- ~er daughter of Jacob Hauptly of earlier days in Shelton, an uncle of Mrs. Ahl. Mrs. Harry E. Willis of Shelton was expected last Thursday for & belated birthday dinner with her long-time friend, Mrs. Allie Ahl, and tile L. K. Webbs. Mrs. Willis is a teacher in the Mt. View School, Shelton. Mrs. H. C. Wilke and son, 3ack Wilke of Los Angeles, mint and cousin of Mrs. Jack Johnston, are visiting at the Johnston Indian Beach home. They arrived Wed- nesday of last week. U.S. Choice & Good Calf SHORT RIBS ................................................ ,b. U.S. Choice & Good Calf BONELESS STEW MEAT ................................................ ,b. U.S. Ch,oice & Good Calf .................................................................. lb. U.S. Choice & Good Calf PLATE BOILING MEAT .......................................... ,b. at your Friendly Tradewell Grays Harbor. They had dinner at quietly feeding while a. mower the home of Jaequie's grandpar- was buzzing along cutting the tall ents in Hoquiam. grass nearby. A motorist from MR. AND MRS. R. A. Pierre of California had a disturbing expc- '~ s r ~ re antici ~tin " rience the other day when one ran the Eldon ,to e .e ' p~ g . ; ' . , ~ . • . a visit early this week from their lilt() the st(re or .ms ('.[tr as ne sister-in-la~,, Mrs. Robert Pierce, rounded the curve t)y nmian Point and three children. Their house/ south of Lilliwaup. The deer, that '' ' r( fr liv r B C had been crossing the highx~-iy g~lests a ~ om O e , . .,[ . - ~ . .... where they recently nloved from ] with ner nl.wn, ]'an on up tile steep their former tmme in Vancouver. [bank. Tile motorist had a, dented Five blackmouth salmon and I car door. lots of the "bottonl fish" wereI ........................ brought in over the wee.kcnd at ........... Rest While Pazk boathouse b ~owever Drmmnt au acuon, it fishermen fishing from out of the should not be esteemed great m~- resort, i less the result of a, great and good Deer have been frequently seen / motive. --.-La RochefouEauld of late doum near the highway and [ COST flOME LO K$ NEW CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELINO PURCHASE On Reducing Balances No Commission Charges SHELTON Mason Gounly Savings & Loan Association HERE 'TIS . . . TRADEWELL'S FABULOUS U.S. CHOICE or GOOD BLADE CUT ROUND BONE CUT t Bar-S Skinless WIENERS .................................. ¢ Ba,'-S Bologna & Liver (By the Piece) SAUSAGE ............................... ,b. Bar-S Smokie (12 oz. Pkg.) .......................... pkg. 19 Grade A YOUNG 8 to 12 lb. Ave,', .... lb. 43 Crop 12 Ibs. & Up Lb. Tradeweil Coffee l-lb. 2-lb. l-lb. Tin 69¢ Tin 75¢ Tin $1,45 2-lb. Tin $1~39 3-lb. Tin $1.8g ~Je~ 19 ¢ ¢ ¢ Bar-S Sliced .................................... Ib, TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING ¢ !~:i¸:¸:: : ;:::]i]i:.} { !i i: /iiii!! graft's Mild Cheddar Cheese ................... lb. 69¢ Kraft's Monterey Jack Cheese ..... Ill. 69¢ K,-aft's Sharp Long- 85¢ :: : ::i!iiiiii! horn Cheese ........ lb. the series of advertisements introducing the County P.U.D. No. 3, Your Public Servants.) Mrs, Esther Large 14 oz. pkg. Hansen's - 6 per pkg. (Reg. 59¢) APPLE STRUDEL ...... Continental Raspberry Filled - 6 per pkg. DANISH PASTRY Special Special SUNNY JIM * Apple * Grape * Orange SUNNY JIM 40 oz, CRUNCHY Jar CREAMY 46 oz. "1 Illli !i:i Anderson Billing Glerk Be Sure To Redeem Your First Week's Coupon On Free Melmac Place Setting GRADE "AA" Doz, County Fair Ctn. as they come in the door at of the Mason County P.U.D. r Anderson. lived in Shelton since 1930 and for the Mason County P.U.D. 5, 1943. She has one son, Wil- , Shirley. )n zs active in Amaranth and Star. In her spare time music and photography. are in the P.U.D. office derson as she help you... ~resident; T. WEBB, vice president JERRY SAMPLES, manager :~}ii :!:!i~ii~!ii ~. :i~ggt- ,oo,, , o,. 39' i,,!!~ FISHSTICKS pkg. SNOBOY ........................................................................ 6 .oz. Tin SNOBOY 10 o= $1 ,~ OZ. Tin 19¢ :!!~iiiiii STRAWBERRIES4 PkgS. ~..',~"~.,, .'..~.. :,." '~ :.:: ,::'.s~'"$::':':~' ~'+x~2.>, #~, ,-'?., ..,.,'.' ...~., ,', .:'",.~.,$',..,'..,,.". ........ • '..: '~. ,:.::.'.: ,', ~'~4., .,-.,.'.-.,'.,,~, :: ........ < '"'~ ....... ~'"'' : ""'"'" =.::::~ .!. Ib G BBm Sunny Jim (and 20 oz. Wafflc) ................... Btl. Sl el Darigold ............................ No. 1 Tall Tins Jun~bo Asso,rted Colors ..... 180 ct, Rolls ¢ ford .... Stand'by 3 Sievc Cut or F,"¢nch 303 ~Sliced .................... Tins ! Crca c01 6 1 Stylc or" 303 ~ Whole Kernal ..... Tins Standby 3 Sieve .......... ~ .............. 303 Tins Standby ............. 303 Tills | Prices effective' thl'u Sat.,, July 17, 11165. rq,, sah., 1o ,ic~dcrs. l{c~crvc RighL Lo Limit %)tumLily ICQUAI~ OPPOI,;TUNITY EMH~OYER,